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09-06 投稿



inapplicability 发音

英:[??n?pl?k??b?l?ti]  美:[??n??pl?k??b?l?t?]

英:  美:

inapplicability 中文意思翻译



inapplicability 同义词

irrelevance |unsuitability

inapplicability 反义词


inapplicability 相似词语短语

1、inexplainability ─── 莫名其妙

2、inapproachability ─── inapproachability

3、inapplicably ─── 不能适用地

4、inexplicability ─── n.无法说明;费解

5、inadvisability ─── n.失策;不能变更

6、inalienability ─── n.不能让与;不能夺取

7、implacability ─── n.不缓和;难以安抚;无情

8、applicability ─── n.适用性;适应性

9、duplicability ─── n.可复制性,可加倍

inapplicability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, some years later it was found inapplicability to water meter industry. ─── 然而,随着时间的推移,人们发现该体系对水表生产企业并不适用。

2、This paper presents a controlling method for the refrigerant feed control using an electronic expansion valve(EEV) in the GEHP system due to the inapplicability of thermodynamic expansion valve(TEV). ─── 鉴于热力膨胀阀对燃气机热泵变容量调节特性的不适应性,本文应用电子膨胀阀对燃气机热泵系统流量调节进行了理论与实验研究。

3、industrial metallic pipeline rather than inapplicability specified in standard, ─── 工业金属管道(除规范规定的不适用范围),

4、METHODS: Based on the real situation in China, reasons for the inapplicability of compulsory license system for medicine patents were analyzed. ─── 方法:结合我国实际情况,分析药品专利强制许可措施不适用的原因。

5、A Probe into Inapplicability of Marxist Class Analysis Theory To Contemporary World ─── 马克思主义阶级分析理论的当代不适用性探讨

6、industrial metallic pipeline rather than inapplicability specified in standard. ─── 工业金属管道(除规范规定的不适用范围)

7、However, some years later, it was found inapplicability to small and medium enterprises. ─── 然而,随着时间的推移,人们发现该体系对中小企业并不适用。

8、The author holds that the special features of Internet as an emerging media result in inapplicability of traditional copyright protection rules to copyright infringements online. ─── 本文作者认为因特网所具有的不同于传统媒体的特征导致了传统的版权保护规则在网络空间并不完全适用。

9、The author holds that the special features of Internet as an emerging media result in inapplicability of traditional copyright protection rules to copyright infringements online. ─── 本文作者认为因特网所具有的不同于传统媒体的特征导致了传统的版权保护规则在网络空间并不完全适用。

10、However, both the outdated technology of decentralized treatment and its inapplicability to black water extremely limit the application of wastewater recycle. ─── 我国的分散处理技术比较陈旧,而且不适用于处理黑水,这极大地局限了水回用的应用。

11、The confirmation of its limitation and inapplicability, we expound that immune response is initiated by “danger signal” instead of “antigen”. ─── 提出并论述了用免疫系统“识别危险信号”替代“识别抗原”,启动免疫应答这一观点的适用性、合理性。

12、The price is inapplicability during Public Holiday, Minmum 2 persons trvaling togerther, Minimum 3 gofers in public holiday,sample course please contact Hotline for more detail. ─── 建议行程,不适于公众假期期间,假 日 打 球 需 3 人 成 行,最 少 2 人 或 以 上 同 行。

13、The results prove that DF could simplify the solve process and its shortcoming of restriction in approximately denotation, frequency unitary 1 and inapplicability in more commonly quadratic system are also shown at the same time. ─── 结果证明:使用描述函数法能够简化该问题的求解,但也暴露出其存在着近似表示,频率归1以及更一般二阶系统不适用等方面的局限和不足。

14、Finally, we think that, perhaps, a new phase of the inapplicability of Pauli's exclusion principle can exist. ─── 最后,我们认为可能存在泡利不相容原理不成立这种新的相。

15、METHODS: Based on the real situation in China, reasons for the inapplicability of compulsory license system for medicine patents were analyzed. ─── 方法:结合我国实际情况,分析药品专利强制许可措施不适用的原因。

16、A Probe into Inapplicability of Marxist Class Analysis Theory To Contemporary World ─── 马克思主义阶级分析理论的当代不适用性探讨

17、This results in large liner consumption.In this paper the abrasion reason of high-manganese steel liner is analyzed.The result indicates inapplicability of manganese steel to making liner. ─── 本文针对高锰钢衬板的损坏原因进行了分析,指出了锰钢材料作为衬板的不适应性,并对低碳低合金钢在管磨机上的试验使用情况作了介绍。

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