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incubation 发音

英:[???kju?be??(?)n]  美:[???kju?be??(?)n]

英:  美:

incubation 中文意思翻译



incubation 短语词组

1、incubation period's ─── 潜伏期

2、artificial incubation ─── 人工孵化, ─── 人工孵育

3、incubation method ─── 孵化方法

4、incubation temperature ─── 催青温度

5、incubation zone ─── 潜伏区 [医] ─── 潜伏区

6、incubation mixture ─── 保温混合物

7、incubation of culture ─── [医] 孵育

8、incubation periods ─── 潜伏期

9、incubation effect ─── 孵化效应潜伏作用

10、incubation of crayfish ─── 小龙虾孵化

11、incubation cup ─── 孵化杯

12、incubation periods' ─── 潜伏期‘

13、constant temperature incubation ─── 恒温培养; ─── 恒温孵化

14、incubation period ─── [医] 潜伏期; 孵育期

15、aerobic incubation ─── 通气培养

16、anaerobic incubation ─── 厌氧培养

17、incubation vial ─── 培养瓶

18、incubation chamber ─── 孵化室

19、alkaline incubation ─── [机] 碱性温孵

incubation 词性/词形变化,incubation变形


incubation 常用词组

incubation period ─── 发酵周期;孵育期;保温培养期

incubation time ─── 培养时间;孕育时间;孵化期

incubation 相似词语短语

1、incubations ─── [动]孵化;[病毒][医]潜伏(期)(incubation的复数)

2、intubation ─── n.[临床]插管;插管法

3、inculpation ─── n.连累;归罪;责难

4、accubation ─── 累计

5、incubational ─── adj.孵卵的;潜伏的

6、incurvation ─── n.内曲;弯曲

7、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因

8、inchoation ─── n.发端;肇始;开始

9、inculcation ─── n.谆谆教诲;教授

incubation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The wind drying soil could absorb N2O weakly in the incubation experiments. ─── 6 风干土存在吸收N_2O的现象,但吸收的强度较小,变异性较大。

2、3 to 9 days. ─── 3至9天。

3、Just before use, heat the glucose agar tube in boiling water or flowing steam for 15 min, then cool rapidly to the incubation temperature. ─── 使用前在沸腾的水浴中或蒸气中加热葡萄糖琼脂试管15分钟,然后迅速冷却至培养温度。

4、A person is not infectious during the incubation period which is about 3 to 7 days, but for some, it may be up to 10 days. ─── 在大约3-7天的潜伏期内,病人并不具有传染性,可是有些病人的潜伏期可以长达10天。

5、NBIA Technology Incubation Forum members will continue the discussion online after the conference. ─── 会后,NBIA的会员将继续在网上讨论次议题。

6、According to the above results, feather, tryptone, yeast extract as well as incubation time and temperature were selected for further studies by RSM. ─── 于各种不同温度下保温1小时探讨其热安定性,结果显示该粗酵素液于70??下安定,温度上升至80??时活性约剩下18%。

7、In November 2006, "the 10th Anniversary celebration of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Innovation Service Center" was held in Hi-Tech Incubation Park. ─── 2006年11月,"创新中心10周年庆祝会"在高新孵化园举行.

8、The second day of incubation, Old Tong Bao smeared a garlic with earth and placed it at the foot of the wall inside the shed. ─── “窝种”的第二天,老通宝拿一个大蒜头涂上一些泥,放在蚕房的墙脚边;

9、Incubation of TARs with LPS for 14 h resulted in an increase of NOS activity and a reduction of contractility to PE. ─── LPS孵育胸主动脉环 14h ,导致其对PE的收缩反应明显降低 ,NOS活性明显增高 ;

10、In cold rolled condition there was evidently incubation period, and when the displacement damage was up to 84 dpa the swelling still remained in the transition period. ─── 在冷轧状态下不仅出现了明显的孕育期,而且直到离位损伤量为84dpa时也还处于肿胀过渡期内。

11、For these reasons, the most reliable estimates of the incubation period are based on a study of cases having a single documented exposure to a known case. ─── 因此,对潜伏期最可靠的估计应根据对某个已知病例有记录的接触的研究。

12、After 7 days incubation with glucose,PDX-1 gene expressions were suppressed markedly in various concentrations except for 11.1 mmol/L. ─── 7d时,除浓度11.1mmol/L外,其余浓度PDX-1基因表达均降低;

13、Among them, the oocyte preparation, fixation, membrane permeabilization, fat extraction, and antibody incubation are the key steps. ─── 其中,卵母细胞的准备、固定、透膜、脂类抽提、抗体孵育步骤十分关键。

14、The whole incubation flow of pioneering business is divided into three stages: admission, cultivation and graduation. ─── 初创企业的孵化整个过程分为三个阶段:接纳、培育与毕业。

15、Incubation with FAC, MCF-7 and C127 cells exhibited significant growth inhibition, and the growth inhibition showed a dose- and time-dependent effects. ─── FAG可显著抑制MCF-7及C127细胞增殖,且此抑制作用呈现剂量、时间依赖性;

16、No effects on basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion were found in CNO both after 1 h and 4 h of incubation. ─── CNO作用 1h或 4h均不影响基础胰岛素分泌和GSIS。

17、Meanwhile,theproportions of Phosphorus and calcium of eggshell appeared regularly change during incubation. ─── 同时,各胚龄阶段蛋壳中钙、磷比例也呈规律性变化。

18、The date of onset of the illness may be important in determining the incubation period and the source of infection. ─── 发病的日期对确定潜伏期和传染源可能是很重要的。

19、Finally the mechanism of intuition and incubation effect was illustrated. ─── 创造性问题的解决离不开内隐认知和隐性知识。

20、Measured at 20 days of incubation and 7 days of age. ─── 在孵化第20天和出壳后7日龄时测量。

21、Incubation for 60 minutes guarantees antibody or antigen responding well with the corresponding antigen or antibody. ─── 60分钟的样品温育时间,保证了标本中的抗体或抗原能否与相应的抗原或抗体充分反应。

22、The incubation time for incipient precipitation is often a minute or more. ─── 出现沉淀的孕育时间常常需要一分钟或更多的时间。

23、Many breaks had been repaired during the perfusion incubation time. ─── 在融合前的温育时间里许多断裂已经修复。

24、The endocytosis was efficient and rapid, as 97.5% KB cells cultured with folate-FITC-IO showed FITC uptake after 1 hour of incubation. ─── 在将KB细胞与叶酸- FITC-IO纳米颗粒共培养1小时后,有97.5%的细胞被吞噬,说明细胞的内摄作用迅速且有效。

25、The Center now has four incubation buildings with a total incubation area of 108,000 spuare metes. ─── 创业中心现有4个孵化基地,拥有孵化场地108000平方米,具有完善的配套设施。

26、After 4h incubation of MCF-7 with TMCN, significant changes in the cell morphology were discernible from phase contrast microscopy. ─── 在将MCF-7与TMCN培养4小时后,可通过相差显微镜发现细胞形态学上发生了显著的变化。

27、Every Eimeria species have a special site to incubation in poultry. ─── 但由于球虫抗药性和药物残留等问题日益严重,使得新药开发和应用受到限制。

28、Chinese scholars pay more attention to the incubation space, regarding a TBI as a harbor that can decrease interference like a greenhouse. ─── 国内学者强调TBI的孵化空间,认为TBI是一种减少干扰、具有温室效应的避风港。

29、There was significant difference in the concentration of DNR between MDR 1 positive and MDR 1 negative cases before and after incubation. ─── MDR1阳性者骨髓细胞内柔红霉素浓度与阴性者相差显著。

30、The incubation period refers to the HIV virus from the beginning to the clinical symptoms and signs of AIDS time. ─── 潜伏期指的是从感染艾滋病病毒开始,到出现艾滋病临床症状和体征的时间。

31、The interaction between 1,4-benzoquinone and ct-DNA after incubation was studied by using Ligand-Separation method and the modes of CZE,MEKC. ─── 分别将毛细管区带电泳、胶束电动力色谱与配体分离法结合,对苯醌和小牛胸腺DNA混合温育后的体系进行相互作用研究。

32、Beijing Hua Hai Ji Ye High-Tech Business Incubation Co., Ltd. ─── 北京华海基业科技孵化器有限公司。

33、The incubation period is usually 3 to 14 days. ─── 潜伏期通常为3—14天。

34、Crucial techniques: identify the infectivity, control hospital-acquired infection, investigate and control close contactors, measure the incubation period. ─── 关键技术:判断传染性,控制医院感染,调查并控制密切接触者,测量潜伏期。

35、The incubation period of melanose varied with different citrus varieties from three to five days. ─── 以柑桔幼苗做接种试验,其潜伏期为3-5日,柳橙3日、椪柑4日、桶柑5日。

36、VEE GEE BOD bottles feature a flared mouth to form a water seal to prevent the ingress of air during incubation. ─── VEE的吉生化需氧量瓶具有爆发口蹄疫,形成水封,以防止空气进入孵化期间。

37、The incubation period is usually a few hours to five days after exposure for bacterial diarrhoea and one to two days for viral diarrhoea. ─── 由细菌引起的急性腹泻一般潜伏期为数小时至五天,病毒引起的则约为一至两天。

38、Fermented milk has distinct flavors and aromas, depending on incubation conditions and the microbial inocula used . ─── 发酵乳制品具有与众不同的风味与香气,这主要取决于微生物的培养条件及所使用的接种方法。

39、Incubation with CCCP increased the accumulation of ciprofloxacin up to three-fold in MDR isolate but not in sensitive isolate. ─── 加入能量抑制剂后,多重耐药株菌内的亲水性氟喹诺酮类药物蓄积浓度上升近3倍;

40、Dr Jessica GUO Vice President, Beijing Bio-Industrial Incubation Center Inc. ─── 副总裁,北京生物产业孵化基地有限责任公司。

41、Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on fruit rot development of guava inoculated with Botryodiplodia theobromae after 7 days of incubation. ─── 图三、温度对四种病原所引起的番石榴果腐病病势进展之影响。

42、To demonstrate the stability of the magenta layer when the curve shape stabilizing addendum is added, tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. ─── 为了证明品层的稳定性,加一种对曲线形状有稳定作用的化合物使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。

43、This is done by inoculation and incubation of the nutrient medium. ─── 培养是通过接种和抚育营养培养基进行的。

44、AIDS began to appear after pre-incubation period of AIDS-related symptoms and signs until AIDS developed into a typical period of time. ─── 艾滋病前期潜伏期后开始出现与艾滋病有关的症状和体征,直至发展成典型的艾滋病的一段时间。

45、Relationships between embryo weight and incubation time were exponential regression. ─── 乌骨鸡胚胎的重量与孵化时间的关系呈指数式回归。

46、In Zhongguancun Overseas business park, a good many of the incubation companies to move their manufacturing base to the suburbs. ─── 在中关村海外留学人员创业园,许多被孵化好了的公司把生产基地搬到了郊区。

47、Incubation bottles with ground-glass stoppers are utilized. ─── 使用带毛玻璃塞子的培养瓶。

48、One can achieve artificial incubation by applying this technology. ─── 使用这种技术可以人工孵育小鸡。

49、The eggs produced by the geese in Hepu are sent to a slaughterhouse for industrial incubation. ─── 合浦鹅下的蛋被送往一家屠宰场进行工业孵化。

50、Daily mineralization under aerobic condition was higher than that under submergence, but difference deceased gradually with incubation time. ─── 培育过程中,土壤日均矿化量好气处理高于淹水处理,但两处理之间的差值则随着培养时间延长而不断缩小。

51、Budlet was good Incubation material. ─── 且皮上芽苞组织为最好的接种材料。

52、By changing the incubation condition to 37? water bath, it only needs 24 hrs for the completion of the whole test instead of 72 hrs. ─── 原先的试验需要72小时才能完成,改进后的试验采用37℃温育,只需要24小时即能完成。

53、WHO has also reviewed estimates of the incubation period of SARS, using individual case data. ─── WHO也用个体病例数据修订了对SARS潜伏期的估计。

54、Although grants certainly benefit incubation programs, more reliable sources of funding are necessary to ensure sustainability. ─── 假如承认孵化器项目能带来好处,那么非常多的基金服务是保证持续的。

55、Cell circle stage was measured by flow cytometry assays after incubation of 10 U/ml EP for 72 h. ─── 10U/mlEP与MSCs共培养72h后,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期情况。

56、The content of HOA and HIM changed as curve line in the whole incubation and HON increased slowly. ─── 在整个培养过程中,HOA和HIM含量有明显变化;

57、Tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. ─── 使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。

58、Roundtable: Does Your City Promote or Inhibit Business Incubation? ─── 圆桌会议:你所在城市提升或抑制孵化器?

59、The four stages of creative thought are preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. ─── 创造性思考的四个阶段是准备、沉思、启迪、求证。

60、Topics include legal issues, technology transfer and adding an international component to an incubation program. ─── 主题将包括法律目录,技术转移和在孵化器项目中增加国际组成部分。

61、Hackett S M,D M Dilts.A Systematic Review of Business Incubation Research[J].Journal of Technology Transfer,2004,29(1):55-82. ─── 刘颖杰曹东溟.企业孵化器创新功能分析[J].东北大学学报:社会科学版,2003(5):.

62、Recurrence of AIA may shorten the incubation period. ─── 反复的AIA发作可使潜伏期缩短,病情加重。

63、Children usually have milder effects from the disease than adults. The incubation period is about 3 to 14 days, commonly 7 to 10 days. ─── 儿童受到该疾病的影响比成年人轻微。潜伏期常有3-14天,多为7-10天。

64、The phase transformation temperature of high Cr cast iron is increased and incubation period of bainit transformation is lowered. ─── 同时,稀土元素提高了高铬铸铁的固态相变温度并缩短了贝氏体的孕育期。

65、In this species, either parent may decide to abandon its partner after incubation of the eggs. ─── 在这个物种里,父母中任何一方都可能在孵卵后抛弃伴侣。

66、They also practiced incubation in dream temples. ─── 他们也在梦神庙里练习孕育。

67、The incubation period may last for a few days to several years, but it is usually 3 to 8 weeks. ─── 潜伏期通常是3至8个星期,也可能是几天至一年。

68、Male albatrosses share in the incubation of eggs. ─── 雄性信天翁参与孵卵。

69、In contrast to other large eagle species, in which the female does most or all of the incubation, both Bateleur parents share this task. ─── 与其他大型鹰类一般由雌鸟负责主要的孵卵不同,短尾雕是由双方共同来承担这项任务。

70、The business incubation is a kind of for start a business the ministrant organization. ─── 企业孵化器是一种为创业服务的组织。

71、The shorter the time of incubation with FUAS was, the more markedly GM-CSF enhanced the AML-CFU formation. ─── GM-CSF能减弱FUAS的作用,FUAS作用时间越短,GM-CSF促AML-CFU增加越明显;

72、Monitorthe incubation temperatures at your poultry farm. ─── 在家禽饲养场监视孵化温度。

73、Yield of the crude extracts produced by C. spirale ND35 in PDB reached to the maximum after incubation for 15 d. ─── 发酵时间也影响抗生素的产量,马铃薯葡萄糖液体培养基中发酵15天时,抗生素产量最高。

74、Main varieties: Luxi cattle, Simmental, Xialuo Lai, Lee-Chan, Hai Fute, meat Niudu, incubation of small-tail sheep and cattle, Boer goats. ─── 主要品种有:鲁西黄牛、西门塔尔、夏洛莱、利木赞、海福特、肉牛犊、育成牛及小尾寒羊、波尔山羊等。

75、After incubation on VRBL, count the purplish-red colonies have a diameter of 0.5 Mm or greater and sometimes surrounded by a reddish zone of precipitated bile. ─── 培养后,对典型菌落进行计数。紫红色菌落,直径0.5mm或更大,周围有一个红色胆盐沉淀带。

76、Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps. ─── 在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。

77、At intervals during the incubation period and at its conclusion, examine the media for macroscopic evidence of microbial growth. ─── 在培养期中间的观测点和作结论时,检查该培养基是否有肉眼可见的微生物生长的证据。

78、The effect of operation pressure,hydrogen environment,hydrogen diffusivity,and ambient temperature on incubation period is also analyzed. ─── 另外从理论和数值计算两方面分析了操作压力、氢环境、氢扩散系数以及环境温度对孕育期的影响。

79、Results The living status of DRG cells with GDNF incubation was better than that without GDNF incubation. ─── 在体外培养中神经递质释放量的多少反映神经元的功能状态[4]。

80、These pathological change incubation period is long, the effect appear late, very easy to be neglected. ─── 这些病变潜伏期长、效应出现晚,很容易为人所忽略。

81、However, incubation of the mother penguin is ... oh, at the same time you have to put all the eggs warm, okay you? ─── 企鹅妈妈孵蛋可是很勤苦的哦,你要在同一时间里把所有的蛋都暖起来,行不行呀?

82、But Mr Dilts, a former Chrysler executive, also criticises the car industry's long incubation period for new models, typically 4-5 years. ─── 但是迪尔茨,前克莱斯勒执行,还批评了汽车行业的潜伏期长的新车型,一般4-5年。

83、Guo Bei also said the airport has an incubation period of Foshan, the key is to see which routes open. ─── 郭小碚同时表示佛山机场还属培育期,关键是看开通哪些航线。

84、Founded by U.S. graduated MBA, Beijing Hanluck is a high-tech firm affiliated to Zhong Guan Cun technology incubation park. ─── 公司有留美学生创立,是隶属于中关村科技园区孵化园内的高新技术企业。

85、Bt Cry1Ac protein was extracted from incubation of Bacillus thuringiensis HD-73, with shape of lozenge under electronic microscope. ─── 从苏云金芽孢杆菌HD73中提取BtCry1Ac蛋白,电镜观察BtCry1Ac蛋白为标准的菱形。

86、Under natural conditions, the incubation period in feedlot cattle is uncertain in length. ─── 在自然条件下,肥育舍饲牛的潜伏期,还没有确定。

87、After incubation examine the VRBG dishes for characteristic dark purple colonies which are usually surrounded by a purple halo (precipitate). ─── 培养后检查VRBG平板,特征菌为紫黑色并环绕紫色光环(有沉淀物)。

88、Findings support the original estimate of 10 days as the maximum incubation period. ─── 其中的发现支持原来最长潜伏期为10天的估计。

89、In today's review, WHO has analysed the incubation periods of individuals with well-defined single-point exposures in Singapore, Canada, and Europe. ─── 在今天的修订中,WHO分析了新加坡、拿大和欧洲的严格记录的一次性接触个体的潜伏期。

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