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09-12 投稿



inequable 发音

英:[?n'ekw?b(?)l]  美:[?n'?kw?bl]

英:  美:

inequable 中文意思翻译



inequable 网络释义

adj. 不一样的;不均匀的;不公平的;多变的

inequable 相似词语短语

1、ineducable ─── 不可教育的

2、ineluctable ─── adj.不可避免的;无法逃避的

3、inerrable ─── adj.没有错的;不会错的

4、inexcusable ─── adj.不可原谅的;没法辩解的;不可宽恕的

5、unequable ─── 未调匀的

6、ineffable ─── adj.不可言喻的;不应说出的;难以形容的

7、inequitable ─── adj.不公平的;不公正的

8、inequitably ─── 不公正地;偏私地

9、equable ─── adj.平静的;变动小的

inequable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Each teleplay is one life, So watch tv as if experience once inequable life, And that don, t cost oversize expense. ─── 每部电视剧都是一个人生,所以看电视剧就相当于经历一次不一样的人生,而且不用花费太大的代价。

2、USAGE: Apply toner to the inequable parts of the skin pat softly till fully absorbed. ─── 用法:每日早晚将本品用于肤色不均的部位,再以点扩面,用于整个面部。

3、I resigned because i try to inequable things. ─── 我辞职是因为我想尝试些不一样的东西。

4、The results show that the seismic response of the inequable loess stratum has the obvious magnification effect. ─── 算例结果表明,非均匀黄土地层的地震反应具有明显的放大作用。

5、The stochastic seismic response characteristics of the inequable loess stratum were analyzed by using the mode shape decomposed method. ─── 算例结果表明,非均匀黄土地层的地震反应具有明显的放大作用。

6、Obviously, some fact and behavious which are wonderful and inequable can make us happy. ─── 显而易见,一些奇妙的、不同寻常的行为和事实叙述使我们快乐。

7、Keywords hollow 3 -D crimp;inequable quenching;composite spinning method;heat tube texturing;bulkiness; ─── 关键词中空三维卷曲;不对称冷却;复合法;热管变形;膨松性;

8、The distribution of Chinese ancient doctors is inequable in different dynasties and different regions. ─── 不同的朝代,不同的地域,中国古代医家的分布状况也不尽相同。

9、The results show that the seismic response of the inequable loess stratum has the obvious magnification effect. ─── 算例结果表明,非均匀黄土地层的地震反应具有明显的放大作用。

10、surface of ossification center of femoral head was accidented and inequable in thickness as compared with opposite side. ─── 股骨头骨骺核与对侧对比表面凹凸不平,厚度不均,部分较对侧对比明显变小。

11、Besides,the germination and rot of wheat,uneven stepping of semi-finished starter and inequable semi-finished starter weight,tightness and thickness should be prevented. ─── 应防止小麦生芽霉变,曲坯踩制拌料不匀、松紧不一,曲坯厚薄不等,轻重不一;

12、It is inequable that you go there today or tomorrow. ─── 你今天去还是明天去,这是不一样的.

13、Traditional steaming and distillation in the production of alcohol with amylum as raw materials have disadvantages such as higher consumption of energy and inequable gelatinization quality for amylum. ─── 用淀粉原料生产酒精,传统的蒸煮工艺能源消耗很高,淀粉糊化质量参差不齐;

14、inequable loess stratum ─── 非均匀黄土地层

15、More and more inequable things happened in the daily lives. ─── 越来越较不均匀的事情每日生活地发生。

16、an inequable temper ─── 多变的脾气

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