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09-08 投稿



improvisatory 发音

英:[[?mpr?va?'ze?t?r?]]  美:[[?mpr?va?'ze?t?r?]]

英:  美:

improvisatory 中文意思翻译



improvisatory 相似词语短语

1、improvvisatore ─── 即兴创作

2、improvisations ─── n.即兴创作;即席演奏

3、improvisatore ─── n.即兴作曲家;即兴诗人

4、improvisate ─── 即兴的

5、improvisatorial ─── adj.即席的;临时凑合的

6、improvvisatori ─── 即兴创作

7、improvisator ─── n.即席演奏者;即兴诗人

8、improvisators ─── n.即席演奏者;即兴诗人

9、improvisatori ─── vi.(意)即兴

improvisatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With a happy heart, I caught each little time, to make improvisatory accompany for myself and made record for my works for feeling the actual result. ─── 带着愉快的心情,抓住每一点业余时间,我试着为各自己即兴伴奏,并将音乐录制下来,以了解实际的伴奏效果。

2、haaaaa. i said ,this is improvisatori production,no draft,and no more production either. ─── 我说这是即兴的,没有稿子,并且也没有更多的作品。

3、In Omaha Nebraska, Randy Brown's house evolved, by design, as an improvisatory collaboration with the architect's students. ─── 内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,蓝迪布朗家的进化,由设计,作为一个乐队合作与设计师的学生。

4、Six Essentials in Piano Improvisatory Accompaniment ─── 弹好钢琴即兴伴奏的六大要点

5、He is a saxophonist and improviser from the U.S. midwest who currently resides in Beijing, where he performs with Red Hand jazz group, among other jazz and improvisatory outfits. ─── 美国中音萨克斯手,他与夏佳等乐手组建的北京红手爵士乐队,被爵士乐迷称为目前北京最好的爵士乐队,同时他好参与北京许多其他乐队。

6、This posed the obvious question: Which approach works better for her, the improvisatory freedom of Wong or the fixed direction of Zhang? ─── 很明显,这带出了另一个问题:哪种方式对她更得心应手呢,是王家卫即兴表演的自由还是张艺谋已然确定的导演方式?

7、An instrumental work with an improvisatory style and a free form. ─── 随想曲,幻想曲具有即兴风格和自由形式的一个器乐作品

8、My View of Improvisatory Piano Accompaniment ─── 也谈钢琴即兴伴奏

9、Six Essentials in Piano Improvisatory Accompaniment ─── 弹好钢琴即兴伴奏的六大要点

10、We can be really like a piano’s improvisatory accompany, to create some tunefulness music and to share its beautiful and wonderful together. ─── 这样,才能象钢琴的即兴伴奏一样,与主旋律一道,共创和谐之音,分享其美妙。

11、Piano improvisatory accompaniment is not only a subject including composition and performance but also a practical performing art. ─── 钢琴即兴伴奏既是一门融创作与演奏为一体的综合学科,同时又是一门实用性很强的表演艺术。

12、There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. ─── 有丑角戏、即兴表演,有跳芭蕾舞的、有演奏乐曲的,还有美女和醇酒。

13、Piano improvisatory accompaniment is not only a subject including composition and performance but also a practical performing art. ─── 钢琴即兴伴奏既是一门融创作与演奏为一体的综合学科,同时又是一门实用性很强的表演艺术。

14、Pansori is a traditional Corean song art. Since there is no lyrics while performing and the songs , dancing and scenes are free , Pansori is changeable and improvisatory . ─── 清唱是韩国的传统曲艺,因为在表演过程中没有唱本,加之歌曲、舞蹈和演出现场较为随意,所以它具有较强的可变性和即兴性。

15、My View of Improvisatory Piano Accompaniment ─── 也谈钢琴即兴伴奏

16、This piece is much improvisatory in its content. ─── 作者写这首作品时,只是随心而写,比较即兴。

17、improvisatory skill. ─── 即兴诗人创作的技巧

18、Last Sunday, I suddenly realized the “knack” of piano improvisatory accompany, my long term dream has been true. ─── 上星期天,我突然领悟了钢琴即兴伴奏的“诀窍”,实现了自己多年来希望用钢琴为自己伴奏的愿望。

19、the writer talks about six essentials in piano improvisatory accompaniment and offers some advice in terms of practical experience and case analysis. ─── 作者根据自己的实践经验,结合实例分析,对怎样弹好钢琴即兴伴奏中的六点关键性的要素进行了研究与论述。

20、Also, if the improvisatory accompany is too high or too low, the time and power is not suitable, the music will no a tune and less the beauty of strewing and harmonious. ─── 如若左手伴奏音高不当,时间不对,力度不足,又可能使整个音乐不够协调,缺少错落与和谐之美。

21、In this article, the writer talks about six essentials in piano improvisatory accompaniment and offers some advice in terms of practical experience and case analysis. ─── 作者根据自己的实践经验,结合实例分析,对怎样弹好钢琴即兴伴奏中的六点关键性的要素进行了研究与论述。

22、The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure.There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. ─── 只要患者的身上,特别是脸上一出现猩红色斑点就是染上这瘟疫的预兆,这时诸亲好友谁也不敢近身去救护他和慰问他。

23、an instrumental work with an improvisatory style and a free form ─── 具有即兴风格和自由形式的一个器乐作品

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