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09-11 投稿



indeterminable 发音

英:[??nd??t??rm?n?bl]  美:[?nd??t??m?n?b(?)l]

英:  美:

indeterminable 中文意思翻译



indeterminable 网络释义

indeterminable 反义词


indeterminable 同义词

uncountable | impalpable |unknowable | indefinable | unanswerable | indescribable | undeterminable

indeterminable 词性/词形变化,indeterminable变形

副词: indeterminably |

indeterminable 相似词语短语

1、predeterminable ─── 可提前决定的

2、determinably ─── 确定地

3、indeterminately ─── adv.不确定地

4、indeterminacy ─── 不确定;[数]不确定性

5、determinable ─── adj.可决定的

6、undeterminable ─── adj.未定的,不可测定的

7、interminable ─── adj.冗长的;无止尽的

8、indeterminate ─── adj.不确定的;模糊的;含混的

9、indeterminably ─── adv.无法决定地

indeterminable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods:Applying TP-ELISA,TRUST and colloidal gold test to test 102 positive sera,220 negative sera and 5 indeterminable sera were tested by TPPA,respectively. ─── 方法:分别用TP-ELISA、TRUST、金标法对102份TPPA确证阳性血清,5份TPPA可疑血清,220份TPPA确证阴性血清进行实验,比较3种梅毒初筛方法的敏感度和特异度。结果:TP-ELISA敏感度98.04%,特异度100%;

2、indeterminable losses ─── 不定损失

3、The play opens with three similar figures of “indeterminable”age, Flo, Vi, and Ru, sitting quietly on a narrow bench like seat surrounded by darkness. ─── ” (这部戏剧一开场就是三个穿着相似,年龄未知的女人FLO, VI, 和RU坐在一条窄长椅上面的灰暗场景。

4、The length of your indeterminable life, but you can control its width; ─── 你不能决定生命的长度,但你可以控制它的宽度;

5、It is not capable of comprehension and therefore is endless and limitless, and to that extent infinite and indeterminable, and consequently immobile ─── 它不能被理解,因而无边无际、无始无终,在那种程度上,它是无限而不可决定的,从而是稳定的。

6、According to the insider disclosed that one week ago, Paulson still indeterminable adopted what measure processing the crisis-charged two. ─── 据知情者透露,就在一周前,保尔森仍无法决定采取何种措施处理面临危机的“两房”。

7、The set of possible biomolecules is not infinite, but it is certainly huge, and probably indeterminable . ─── 那些可能存在的生物分子的集合不是无穷尽,但其数量很庞大,甚至难以辨别。

8、I should warn you that wealth, or the pursuit of some indeterminable number of moneys is not on my register. ─── 但是我应该告诉你,财富、或是对金钱的无限追求不在我的列表中。

9、indeterminable relationship ─── 不明确的关系

10、Strains isolated by sodium acetate-antibiotics method were primarily classified as 28 types based on gene combinations,in which 26.2%strains showed indeterminable gene types. ─── 醋酸钠-抗生素方法的可操作浓度为每克土壤稀释20倍,较醋酸钠方法可操作浓度高24倍。

11、The length of your indeterminable life, but you can control its width; ─── 你不能决定生命的长度,但你可以控制它的宽度;

12、indeterminable traces of poison; indeterminable assets. ─── 毒素不明的症状;无法确定的资产

13、Bill of exchange payable on an indeterminable date ─── 汇票付款日期不确定

14、water of indeterminable depth ─── 深不可测的水

15、indeterminable questions. ─── 难以解决的问题

16、statically indeterminable construction ─── 超静定结构

17、The set of possible biomolecules is not infinite, but it is certainly huge, and probably indeterminable. ─── 那些可能存在的生物分子的集合不是无穷尽,但其数量很庞大,甚至难以辨别。

18、I should warn you that wealth, or the pursuit of some indeterminable number of moneys is not on my register. ─── 但是我应该告诉你,财富、或是对金钱的无限追求不在我的列表中。

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