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09-11 投稿



harbingered 发音


英:  美:

harbingered 中文意思翻译



harbingered 词性/词形变化,harbingered变形

动词过去分词: harbingered |动词过去式: harbingered |动词第三人称单数: harbingers |动词现在分词: harbingering |

harbingered 相似词语短语

1、barbered ─── n.(为男子理发的)理发师;男子理发店;v.为(男子)理发;当理发师;n.(Barber)(美)巴伯(人名)

2、angered ─── 生气

3、anhungered ─── 无齿的

4、harbinger ─── n.先驱;前兆;预告者;vt.预告;充做…的前驱

5、harbingers ─── 预兆

6、fat-fingered ─── n.胖手指(一般指打字输入错误)

7、ahungered ─── 饥饿的

8、malingered ─── v.装病,夸大病情(以逃避职责)

9、harbingering ─── n.先驱;前兆;预告者;vt.预告;充做…的前驱

harbingered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、white flower patrinia harb ─── 败酱草(中药)

3、In this view, General Suleiman, aged 73, would become president in a constitutional coup, which Mr Harb hopes might then prompt a transition to more democratic politics. ─── 根据这种观点,现年73岁的苏莱曼将军会在政变后成为总统。哈布期望政变能够促进埃及向更民主的政治方向转变。

4、The relationship between the urban thermal field and factors of afforestation and construction in Harbing is established by using TM thermal image and ground data. ─── 利用TM热图像资料和地面资料,建立了哈尔滨城市建筑及绿化与城市热辐射场之间的相互关系。

5、Technically speaking, a break of the wedge is often harbingered of near-term weakness. ─── 从技术上讲,向下突破楔形往往是近期走软的前兆。

6、Objective: To establish a method for extracting Common Andrographis Harb. ─── 目的:探讨穿心莲的最佳提取方法。

7、Harbing Engineering University, Beijing Technology and Business University ─── 哈尔滨工程大学,北京工商大学

8、Author Wang Kuntang Wang Wenbin Cao Longhai Shen Xiangrui Zhang Shuqin (Heilongjiang Provice Petrochemistry Research Institute Harbing 150040); ─── 作者王坤堂;王文彬;曹龙海;沈祥瑞;张淑琴;

9、Keywords respiratory tract infection / TCM therapy. Chinese harb steam inhalation;@ Tan Jing Nebulization; ─── 呼吸道感染/中药疗法;中药蒸气吸入;痰净雾化液;

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