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09-12 投稿



havener 中文意思翻译



havener 短语词组

1、New Havener ─── 纽黑文(美国康涅狄格州南部港市)

havener 相似词语短语

1、havens ─── 避难所;港口(haven的复数);安置……于港中;庇护;n.(Havens)人名;(英)黑文斯

2、Tavener ─── n.(Tavener)人名;(英)塔夫纳

3、ravener ─── 拉文纳

4、evener ─── n.整平机,平衡器;分纱结

5、haven't ─── (等于havenot)没有

6、Sevener ─── 塞韦内尔

7、havened ─── n.保护区,避难所;港口;v.为……提供避难所;n.(Haven)(美)黑文(人名)

8、leavener ─── 发酵剂

9、havered ─── v.胡说八道,瞎唠叨;犹豫不决;n.傻话;n.(Haver)(美)哈弗(人名)

havener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BIm sorry. I haven t used chopsticks very often. ─── 很抱歉。我不经常用筷子。

2、If you have anything to do,go and do it; if not,for haven's sake,get out of the way. ─── 如果你有什么事要做,就去做;如果没有,请不要碍事。

3、She' s hurt because you haven' t visited her. ─── 她很伤心,因为你没有去看她。

4、My mom's bosom is the safest haven. ─── 妈妈的怀抱,是最安全的避风港。

5、I haven’t yet been able to ideate a solution to my current dilemma. ─── 5.我还没能想到一个方法来解决目前这个进退两难的局面.

6、Once upon a time, in the“ Dominion Of New Haven,” it was illegal to kiss your children on Sunday. ─── 从前,在“纽黑文自治领”星期天亲吻孩子是犯法的。

7、Could Asian shares provide a safe haven for global investors? ─── 亚洲股票能为全球投资者提供安全港吗?

8、Be then released from the bonds of the flesh, and gain the Power of Haven. ─── 从肉体的束缚中解放出来,然后获得来自天堂的力量

9、The library is a haven of peace and quiet. ─── 图书馆是个平和而安静的去处。

10、Later, he played baseball at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. ─── 后来,他在耶鲁大学打棒球。

11、A dear ship stands long in the haven. ─── 一只贵重的船在港口停留很久。

12、Offering an home for the wanderer, a haven for the connoisseur---- Tianjin General Tourist Corporation. ─── 宾至如归,热诚服务天津市旅游公司。

13、I’m sorry to say you haven’t done your duty well e-nough. ─── 很遗憾,你值日没有尽到责任。

14、Neo: You haven answered my question. ─── 你还没回答我的问题。

15、It's (a) haven for hammerhead (and) white tip sharks, as well as (manta rays). ─── 它对槌头双髻鲨、白鳍鲨、蝠鲼来说是个安全的地方。

16、Chocolate Haven is a good shop.Whittaker's and Cadbury are good brands. ─── 会被放在一个小篮子里,再买朵玫瑰............情人节很好的礼物.

17、 双语使用场景

18、I am Haven wang in shenzhen of China, and want to make friends who can teach me english. ─── 在中国深圳,想交一个外国朋友,我可以教他中文,希望他能教我英语!

19、For those who haven’t, many frugal practices are no longer laughable. ─── 对于那些浪费者而言,很多节俭的习惯不再有趣可笑了。

20、He teaches at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. ─── 他现在就职于康涅狄格州纽黑文市的耶鲁大学。

21、And two deer were caught on tape after breaking into a New Haven donut shop. ─── 两只鹿被新天堂面包房的圆环的建筑形状所吸引,后破门而入。

22、Chuck Norris does not eat. Food understands that the only safe haven from Chuck Norris'fists is inside his own body. ─── 不吃东西,食物们自己明白,唯一能幸免于他拳头的地方就是他的胃里。

23、More than a haven for the weary, it is a hope for the brave. ─── 它不仅是疲惫者的安息所,也应是勇者的希望。

24、People haven’t exactly queued up to believe me in the past. ─── 人们以前并不那么相信我。

25、They haven' t instructed us where to go. ─── 他们还未指示我们到何处去.

26、The party was a haven of quiet amid the noise and bustle of the streets outside. ─── 外面街道上熙来攘往,一片喧闹嘈杂之声,那个公园坐落其间,真是安静的世外桃源。

27、Their research project haven' t borne fruit. ─── 他们的研究课题还未取得成果。

28、If you haven’t seen HBR lately, you owe yourself a look. ─── 如果您还没有看过这本杂志,建议您一定要看一看。

29、It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays. ─── 同时也是撞木鲛,吃人鲨和蝠魟鱼的天堂.

30、If I should miss the train -- haven forbid ! -- I'll call you. ─── 如果我赶不上火车--但愿不发生这样的事!--我就打电话给你。

31、You haven' t a ghost of a chance, ie You have no chance. ─── 你毫无机会.

32、I haven"t seen him since yesterday. ─── 从昨天起我没见过他。(介)

34、Just think, we got away from a place fraught with danger to this haven where no harm can come to us . ─── 你想,从兵祸凶险的地方,来到这绝无其事的境界,第一件可乐。

35、His own room seemed a safe and comfortable haven. ─── 他自己的房间看来是一个安全而惬意的避难所。

36、Keep shopping trolleys out of New Haven. ─── 保持购物手推车出新的避难所。

37、In fact, the city of New Haven, Connecticut knows this for a fact. ─── 实际上,康涅狄格州的纽黑文城见证了这一事实。

38、She was studying architecture at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. ─── 她在康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大学学习建筑学。

39、What pulled open conformity of Chinese haven resource thereby is prelusive. ─── 从而拉开了中国港口资源整合的序幕。

40、But the haven claimed religious freedom and won. ─── 但庇护所要求享有宗教自由并且取得了胜利。

41、You haven’t name ,Perhaps you are pestilential pig ! ─── 你没有名字,或许叫瘟猪!

42、I am very glad to have seen you and have haven an enjoyable afternoon. ─── 很高兴能见到你。今天下午过得真愉快。

43、The weather has been gorgeous, and we have haven some splendid bathing. ─── 天气好极了,我们美美地洗了几次海水澡。

44、You haven' t been able to write music for weeks! You must find a Muse to inspire you. ─── 你好几个星期没创作音乐了!你得找点灵感了。

45、They haven' t the gall to steal. ─── 他们没有胆量去偷。

46、IIRC we haven’t had a real national bank since Jackson was president. ─── 如果我记得没错,自从约翰逊成为总统后我们再也没有过国家的中央银行了。

47、Miller, N.E., Dollard, J., 1941,“Social Learning and Imitation”, New Haven, Conn.:Yale University Press. ─── 参:任寿根《模仿的社会心理学解释与模仿经济学》,南京大学“斯密论坛”讲稿。

48、The Beechwood is surrounded by many golf courses, making us a golfer's haven. ─── 全套熟食的苏格兰早餐或简单的欧陆式早餐已经包含在房价内。

49、Lon. L. Fuller. The Morality of Law[M].New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969. ─── 夏勇.人权概念起源:权利的历史哲学[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社.2001.

50、Innkeeper: Our village is a safe haven amidst dangerous woods, marshes ang wasteland. ─── 客栈老板:我们的村子是危险的森林,荒地,沼泽中的一个安全的避难所。

51、It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays. ─── 同时也是撞木鲛,吃人鲨和蝠?鱼的天堂.

52、You have to go back as far as Milford Haven to see a fire on this scale. ─── 你得追溯到米尔福德港大火时,才有如此规模的大火。”

53、Sadly, there haven? t been many notable, let alone historic, matches for this incarnation of the title. ─── 可悲的是,没有天堂?笔被许多引人注目的,更遑论历史,在这届赛事化身的称号.

54、Don't be silly! Victoria Market is a shopping haven in Auckland. ─── 别傻了!维多利亚市场是奥克兰的一个购物天堂。

55、The plan for a new theatre has haven to be shelved because of lack of money. ─── 兴建新剧院的计划因资金短缺只好搁置起来。

56、In New Haven only Willoughby's coffee is really good. ─── 假如满足以下条件,句(5)是真实的:

57、Hmmm.. nice song wor.. tomorrow no nid wrk huh.. haven sleep ah... Hmmm... ─── 好的女孩和高分的女孩是不会在人家家里睡觉的。。。那,我个怎样的女孩??

58、Given work which demands emotional restraint and control, the family provides a haven for the "release" of feelings. ─── 如果说工作要求约束和控制感情的话,家庭则提供了一个“释放”感情的避风港。

59、If I haven’t, just then.How would I misplace the CD? ─── J:我如果没听音乐 刚刚 CD会乱放吗?

60、From fashion to skin care, make-up, cafes and restaurants, this is a shopping haven for shopaholics. ─── 从时装到皮肤护理、化妆品、咖啡厅、餐厅,这里就是购物狂的天堂。

61、Built a citadel in the Haven town and stayed there. ─── 建一个城堡并待在城里。

62、Rumei: Bina, you haven t met our friend Dashan yet. ─── 如梅:比娜,你还没有见到过我们的朋友大山呢。

63、Luckily, there are some easy ways to make your home a cozy haven from stress. ─── 幸运的是,的确有一些简单易行的办法能使你的家成为远离压力的温馨的避风港。

64、The lane is a safe haven for those struggling in the turbulent sea of humans to enjoy a sense of security. ─── 巷,是人海汹汹中的一道避风塘,给人带来安全感;

65、Below is a picture of a secret haven for possibly over 800 kitties. ─── 下面的图片是一个秘密的避难所,可能有超过800只猫。

66、B:I’m sorry. We haven’t any. ─── 很抱歉,我们没有。

67、Your mobile phone is the safe haven, you are the one that will tame and train. ─── 你的行动电话是安全的港口,你是将会驯养而且训练的一个.

68、The persecuted young woman had but to beckon a finger and Soapy would be practically en route for his insular haven. ─── 受人轻薄的年轻女人只需将手一招,就等于已经上路去岛上的安乐窝了。

69、In 2000 this agent offered Al Qaida safe haven in the region. ─── 2000年伊拉克这名情报人员向基地组织提供了在这个地区的庇护。

70、He left two years ago And I haven ever seen him ever since. ─── 他两年前离开了这儿。从此以后我再没有见到他。

71、A free Iraq will deny al-Qaida a safe haven. ─── 一个自由的伊拉克将不会为”基地组织”提供庇护所。

72、Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. ─── 《在伊斯兰教里的女性和性别:一场现代辩论的历史根源》。纽哈芬:耶鲁大学出版社,1992。

73、Can the Kurds offer a tourist haven? ─── 库尔德人能提供一个旅游天堂吗?

74、Neo - You haven""t answered my question. ─── 你还没有回答我的问题。

75、They have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans. ─── 他们把自己的家变成了无家可归的孤儿们的避难所。

76、I am glad to have haven the opportunity to meet you here. ─── 很高兴有机会在此地同您见面。

77、Spammers jumped all over it - no safe haven there. Not so much, now -. Info sites can rank highly. ─── 垃圾都跳过去,它没有避风港。没有那么多,现在。信息网站可以排高度评价。

78、April: Scenarios Civil Society Workshop New Haven, CT, USA (Yale University). ─── 4月:民间社会情景研讨会,美国,康涅狄格州,纽黑文(耶鲁大学)。

79、One man's mystical haven for wealth is another's unproductive barbarous relic . ─── 一个人的神秘的财富庇护所则是另一个人的不毛的荒凉废墟。

80、But marriage should be a haven. ─── 婚姻却应是一个避风港。

81、I haven"t seen him since he left. ─── 从他离开以后我没见过他。(连)

82、Most factions are associated with a specific type of magic; For instance the Haven units are linked with Light magic. ─── 大多数派别都与特定类型的魔术;比如灵单位与光幻。

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