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hm 发音

英:[m; hm]  美:[m; hm]

英:  美:

hm 中文意思翻译



hm 短语词组

1、g hm ─── 克hm

2、hm. ─── [医] 百米

3、f hm n. ─── 男人帮杂志

4、foll to hm ─── 跟随hm

5、tnt liuwen hm ─── 他们靠生活嗯

6、hm od hm ─── 外径

7、black regiment hm ─── 黑军团hm

8、shipboard hm ─── 船上hm

9、hector bellerin hm hector bellerin hm ─── 公司

10、n hm n ─── 嗯

11、fibre hm ─── 纤维hm

12、fiber hm ─── 光纤hm

13、H.+Hm ─── [医] 复性远视散光

hm 相似词语短语

1、ham ─── n.火腿;业余无线电爱好者;蹩脚演员;vi.表演过火;vt.演得过火;adj.过火的;做作的;n.(Ham)人名;(英、瑞典、塞)哈姆;(老)罕;(柬)汉

2、hmm ─── abbr.隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovModel);HardwareMaintenanceManual;HyundaiMerchantMarine

3、chm ─── abbr.化学加工(ChemicalMachining)

4、Phm ─── abbr.相位计(phasemeter)

5、him ─── pron.他(宾格);n.(Him)人名;(东南亚国家华语)欣;(柬)亨;(中)谦(广东话·威妥玛)

6、Ohm ─── n.欧姆(电阻单位);n.(Ohm)人名;(朝)严;(德、英、西、匈、瑞典)奥姆

7、hem ─── n.边,边缘;摺边;vt.包围;给...缝边;vi.做褶边;n.(Hem)人名;(柬)韩(用于名字第一节),亨;(泰)亨;(尼、印)赫姆

8、hom ─── n.肉珊瑚;圣露;n.(Hom)(美)霍姆(人名)

9、h'm ─── hem或hum的缩写(感叹词)

hm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use your phone, muchacho?Hm? ─── |用下电话,不介意吧?

2、Hm, am I glad to hear that! ─── 嗯,我真高兴听到此。

3、Hm. You said that there are three good reasons, Grace. ─── 嗯,你说有三个充分的理由。

4、Hm. Perhaps you should share you concerns with him. This sounds like an assignment that will need a lot of cooperation. ─── 嗯,也许你应该把这个想法告诉他。这次听起来像是一个需要很多合作的作业。

5、HM - research of strong - efficiency complex micro- ecological agents ─── HM-强效复合微生态制剂的研究

6、Van den Dolder J, Edward F, Paul HM, et al. Bone tissue reconstruction using titanium mesh combined with rat bone marrow stromal cells [J]. Biomaterials, 2003, 24:17451750. ─── 大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞骨向分化及体外诱导实验由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!

7、Abstract: The bioavailability of heavy metals (HM) in soils and sediments could be evaluated by single chemical extraction methods. ─── 中文摘要: 土壤和沉积物中重金属被植物吸收利用可通过单一化学萃取方法评估。

8、Ji HG,Chen YZ,Wang HM,et al.Psychological and behavioral effects of navigation on college students in naval medicine[J].Zhonghua Hanghai Yixue Zazhi(Chin J Naut Med),1999,6(3):185-186. ─── [8]季红光,陈尧忠,王海明,等.海上航行对海医学员心理和神经行为的影响[J].中华航海医学杂志,1999,6(3):185-186.

9、And we can't leave out that the HM stars have reportedly been seen leaving Cody's apartment together. ─── 不幸的是,由于他们一直说他们只是在聊天并没有亲热,留给我们的也只能是猜测。

10、The fe of Agamemnon ho, th the assstance of her lover Aegsthus, murdered hm on hs return from the Trojan ar and as later murdered by her son Orestes. ─── 克吕泰涅斯特拉:阿伽门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下谋杀了从特洛伊战争中返回的阿伽门农,后被自己的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯杀死。

11、Rootleaf, l cook.Why wish you become Jedi? Hm? ─── 叶根,我煮的告诉我你为何要成为绝地武士?

12、Wang HM, Xu RM, Zhu ZX.Pilot studyon pulsate along the pericardium vessel by needling of Neiguan[J].Journal of Beijing TCM College, 1987.10(6) : 46(Chinese). ─── [7]王慧敏,徐瑞民,祝总骧.针刺内关穴引起心包经经脉循经搏动现象的初步研究[J].北京中医学院学报,1987,10(6):46.

13、Hm,he's really grown since I saw him last. ─── 嗯,一阵儿不见,他长高了。

14、begin-middle-end semi-connected HM M ─── 前中后三状态半连接HMM

15、Results: All the 30 HM patients(100%) had typical clinical fealures of spastic paraplegia(SP) but without sensory dysfunction.4 of 30 cases(13.3%)received portacaval shunt(PCS). ─── 4例(13.3%)曾接受门腔静脉分流术;28例(93.3%)血氨轻中度增高,血氨检测正常者2例(6.6%);28例(93.3%)内科治疗无明显效果。

16、Yuo should reason with the child instead of just telling hm to obey. ─── 你应该跟孩子讲道理,而不要让他只是一味地服从。

17、A study on the lumbar vertebrae osteoporosis case treated by tepid magnetic field therapeutic apparatus HM 202 ─── HM-202型温热磁场仪治疗腰椎骨质疏松初探

18、Hm, just something simple. ─── 嗯,就简单一点吧。

19、Hm ...so you are the Yongding River, he thought. ─── 喔,你就是永定河,他想。

20、Hm, am I glad to see you back safe. ─── 哈,见你平安回来我真高兴。

21、Hm , but , don't you think that the red is too bright? ─── 但是,你不觉得红色的太新鲜了吗?

22、The determination of the internal surface area of HM zeolite ─── HM沸石分子筛内表面积的测定

23、His eyes narrowed and his mouth widened slightly with the ghost of a superior "Hm!" ─── 他眼睛眯成一条缝,嘴巴微微咧开,不以为然地轻轻“哼”了一声。

24、Hm, Ive got alot of digging to do indeed. All will be revealed in good time, and when all appears to be lost Kratos, I will be there to help. ─── 嗯,我还有好多活计要做。所有的真相都会在必须的时候大白天下,当所有的希望都不在的时候,我会在这里帮助你,克瑞托斯。

25、Clarkson said in a newspaper column that the data lost by staff at HM Revenue &Customs was useless, and published his own bank details in the article to prove his point. ─── 克拉克森说,在报章专栏指出,数据丢失,由工作人员在陛下的收入与海关是毫无用处的,并出版了他自己银行的详细资料在文章中,以证明他的论点。

26、Hm, maybe you could give him the new Ricky Martins. ─── 嗨。也许你可以给他最新的瑞奇马丁的CD唱片。

27、t too hm a lttle tme to fx that atch. ─── 他很快就把表修理好了。

28、The properties of hydrofined oil as base oil and its receptivity on additives were investigated.The quality of HM anti-wear hydraulic fluids formulated by hydrofined oil was evaluated. ─── 主要对加氢油作为液压油基础油进行了性能考察,并考察了加氢油对添加剂的感受性。对用加氢油调制出HM抗磨液压油,进行质量评定。

29、Hm, hm - hm. something 's wrong with my throat . ─── 哼,哼,我喉咙有些不对。

30、Wang G,Chen B,Wang HM,Wang QL.Exposure and treatment of complicated acetabular fractures by improved iliofemoral approach.Zhonghua Chuangshang Guke Zazhi(Chin J Orthop Trauma),2002,4:181- 184. ─── [4]王钢,陈滨,王华民,汪群力 .改良髂股入路前后显露治疗复杂髋臼骨折 .中华创伤骨科杂志,2002,4: 181- 184.


32、"Hm, hm - hm. Something 's wrong with my throat. " ─── 哼,哼,我喉咙有些不对

33、do u know who fought over that roof? and who cried a lot? hm... ─── 你们知道谁在这个大厦上面有打架吗?谁哭了很多?嗯。。。

34、Wang HM, Fan CY, Jiang PZ, Cai PH, Zeng BF. ─── 关键词:组织工程;

35、HM Queen Elizabeth II: Since last Sunday's dreadful news, we have seen, throughout Britain and around the world, an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death. ─── 伊丽莎白女王:自从上个星期那场可怕的意外之后,我们已经在英国和全世界看到,人们对戴安娜的逝世表达出的极度悲痛。

36、"Hm? Do you have a good excuse?" ─── 厄?难道你还有个好借口吗?

37、Hm, it's food for thought isn't it? What would you do? ─── 恩,这真是耐人寻味,不是么?你会怎么做?

38、There are a lot of ruffians too!Hm!Hm! ─── 你以为这样的男人真的有那么多,多得满街跑的么?

39、"Hm, he 's really growing since I saw him last. " ─── "嗯,一阵儿不见,他长高了"

40、The typical response I would get would be "Hm, hm, interesting." ─── 最典型的反应会是:“哦,嗯,有意思”。

41、During the process of HM bioaccumulation, plants play significant roles as primary productions in many habitats. ─── 在重金属富集过程中,植物作为初级生产者起着重要的作用。

42、except Fila HM, bib should be same for individual or team race! ─── 号码布,队制及个人有冇分别的?会否颜色有不同?

43、Hm, about five years ago, if I remember rightly. ─── 唔,大概是五年以前吧,如果我没记错的话。

44、M:( teasing) Oh well. I guess I won't be able to help you learn English then. Hm, too bad! ─── 你呀,别装模作样,不帮我学英语就算了,以后啊不跟你说话了。

45、"Hm! " he said, clearing his throat and locking the door. ─── “哼!”他说,清了一下喉咙,把门锁上了。

46、Hm! Let's not talk about that man-eat-man society. ─── 唉! 别提那吃人的旧世道了。

47、Alto: Hm, I heard that empty villa nearby had been bought and someone new is moving in... ─── 奥特:恩,我听到附近空置的别墅卖出了,有新人搬了进去。

48、Hm,they sell fish and meat at a discount. ─── 他们减价在卖鱼和肉。

49、Results All 12 HM patients(100%) had typical clinical features of spastic paraparesis but without sensory dysfunction. 4 of 12 cases (33.3%) received porto-systemic shunts. ─── 4例(33.3%)曾接受门腔静脉分流术;10例(83.3%)血氨轻中度增高,血氨检测正常者2例(16.7%);10例(83.3%)内科治疗无明显效果。

50、Production practice of reasonable adjustment of process parameters for HM cyclone ─── 合理改变重介旋流器工艺参数的生产实践

51、However, a pint of strong lager (ABV 5 per cent or above) is at least 2.8 units, HM Revenue &Customs figures reveal. ─── 不过,一品脱的啤酒( 百分之五或以上 ABV ) ,是至少2.8单位,HM收入和消费指数 显示。

52、HM views an economic system as the outcome of pragmatic attempts at solving the pressing problem material scarcity. ─── 历史唯物主义把经济系统看作是由人类解决物质短缺的实践所带来的结果。

53、Customer : Let me try them on . Hm ! They seem to fit fine. How much is it including tax ? ─── 顾客:我先试试。呣,倒还合适,连税一共是多少钱?。

54、Hm, maybe you could give him the new Ricky Martin CD. ─── 嗯,也许你可以送给他瑞奇.马丁新CD。

55、Sun YG, Huang ZH, Feng HM, et al.Development of an experimental model of traumatic shock in rars[J].Med J Chin PLA, 2002,27(12): 1086-7. ─── [1]孙英刚,黄宗海,冯浩淼,等.创伤性休克大鼠模型的建立[J].解放军医学杂志,2002,27(12):1086-7.

56、Hm...7:30 would be good for me. ─── 唔...我会在七时三十分到来。

57、What would any of you be willing to do, hm? ─── 你们中有人愿意去做么,嗯?

58、Charlie even emails Santa Claus, telling hm to pick up Prancer on Christmas Eve. ─── 他相信这头小鹿是属于圣诞老人的,便带牠回家中悉心照顾;

59、The prematures with gestational age

60、Hm , he 's really grow since I see him last . ─── 嗯,一阵儿不见,他长高了。

61、Bill: Hm, maybe you're right. I think I'll have to give it a little more thought. ─── 比尔:嗯,或许你们是对的。我想我得再考虑一下了。

62、Sure, I'll let you know if I need anything. Hm, this mattress is very firm. Jack will probably like it. ─── 一定,如果需要帮忙,我会告诉你的。这块床垫很结实。杰克可能会喜欢它。

63、7Banner MP,Pollack HM,Chatten J,et al.Multilocular renal cysts:radiological-pathologic correlation.AJR, ─── 6葛庆华,宁天枢.单侧多房性肾囊肿.中华泌尿外科杂志,1981,2:82-83.

64、Wang HM, Li P, Wang MT, et al.Biocompatibil ity evaluation of BGC, HA, Ti and cocr by human fetal osteobcast cell cut true methods[J].Chin J biomed engineering, 1996, 15(3): 239-44. ─── [5]王惠明,李梵,王模堂,等.四种骨替代材料的人成骨细胞生物相容性研究[J].中国生物医学工程学报,1996,15(3):239-44.

65、Application performance of a two-product HM cyclone battery ─── 两产品重介质旋流器组的应用

66、Alex: Melman, you know it's all in your head. Hm? ─── 亚历克斯:那完全是你的胡思乱想,嗯?

67、Hm, just got these TCG cards from booster packages! ─── 刚刚从TCG包装里面拆出来的!

68、CS and HM did not affect the intramuscular fat content of both muscles,however,CLA content in IMF of SM was increased by 26.5% with CS supplementation(P

69、The HM store is the place that I often go, not only in France, but in the United States. ─── HM店是我常去的地方,不管在法国,还是在美国都有。

70、The training duration of an HM takes about 16-20 hours depending on individual academic vocational institutions offering the course, while that of an HS takes about six hours. ─── 衞生经理的培训课程约需16至20小时,视乎个别学术职业培训机构所提供的衞生经理培训课程而定。

71、Application of the process with three-product HM cyclone and two-stage slime flotation ─── 三产品重介旋流器-煤泥两段直接浮选工艺的应用

72、Hm, am I glad to see you back safe . ─── 哦,那么这都没问题了。

73、HM Elizabeth II's speech is at 3:00 and then the family, usually, all plays charades or any board game. ─── 伊莉莎白女皇二世会在下午三点发表演说,然后全家人通常会聚集在一起玩玩猜字谜游戏和一些棋盘游戏。

74、He glared at Bll, ready to teach hm a lesson. ─── 他怒视着比尔,准备教训他一顿。

75、Sprayed it on my toothache two days: no more toothache. Hm, I wonder! ─── 喷在我牙痛的地方两天,再也不痛了,太神奇了!

76、Raoul Duke: Hm? Never mind. It's your turn to drive. ─── 嗯?别介意,该你开车了。

77、Everyone has inside of hm a piece of good news. ─── 人人心中都有一条好消息,

78、Hm, maybe I'll go along with him next time! ─── 哦,下次我可能要和他一起去!

79、In order to get soil properties and yield information in field, the total 63 sampling points from a 50 m×50 m sampling grid of 13 3 hm 2 winter wheat field were obtained. ─── 为研究田间空间变异性信息和采样策略 ,对 13.3hm2 冬小麦田以 5 0 m× 5 0 m栅格测得 6 3个数据 ;

80、Successful practice of domestic-made HM cyclones of Model FX in place of imported ones ─── 国产FX重介旋流器取代进口HM重介旋流器的成功实践

81、Oh, that sounds good. Hm, what else do you eat for breakfast that's very good? ─── 哦,听起来不错。唔,你们早餐还吃些什么好吃的呢?

82、Hm...the smell is too strong, I cannot stand it. I'm very sensitive to fragrance. ─── 唔......味道太浓了,我受不了,我对香味是非常敏感的。

83、HM: Well, we do have a riding dog. ─── 哦,我们有骑乘用犬。

84、A historical leap of research on three - product HM cyclone ─── 三产品重介质旋流器研究的历史性跨越

85、13 Wei FS, Li DG, Lu HM, Zhan YT, Wang ZR, Hang X, Xu QF. ─── 14程计林,周欣,李定国,黄新,魏红山,徐芹芳。

86、Nigel: Come on angel, let me introduce you to the press. Sorry Mike no boyfriends allowed. [Posing and mumbling] Baby. . . Hm. Baby. ─── 邓:来吧,天使,我介绍你见见记者。抱歉,迈克,不带男朋友。宝贝……

87、Hm, still at school? ─── 嗯,还在念书吧?

88、Hm... how come he disappeared?And everything s... ─── 各位, 有个好好小消息:我公司 (是上...

89、Zhang HM, Fan XL, Zhou JB, et al. Effects of simulated microgravity on immunoreactivity of conjugatedubiquitin of muscle spindles of soleus in rats [J]. J Gravit Physiol, 2000, 7(2):119120. ─── 吴苏娣,樊小力,唐斌,等.模拟失重对大鼠比目鱼肌肌梭超微结构的影响[J].航天医学与医学工程,2002,15(1):3235.




|Cm=IOmm  1mm大约是毛硬币厚度的1/2  mm是比较小的长度单位,(当然还有更小的)




是为了规范长度而设定的基本单位,能够丈量空间中的距离。其国际单位为米,符号为m,初次之外常用的单位还有毫米、厘米、分米以及千米。 mm也是降雨单位,是指在一定的时间内降落到地面的水层深度,可用毫米表示,通常来讲是小雨、中雨、大雨以及暴雨。

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