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09-15 投稿



inapposite 发音

英:[?n??p?z?t]  美:[?n??p?z?t]

英:  美:

inapposite 中文意思翻译



inapposite 网络释义

inapposite 词性/词形变化,inapposite变形

副词: inappositely |名词: inappositeness |

inapposite 相似词语短语

1、in opposition ─── 反对

2、inosite ─── n.纤维糖;肌糖

3、inappositely ─── adv.不适合地;不贴切地

4、opposite ─── adj.相反的;对面的;对立的;n.对立面;反义词;prep.在…的对面;adv.在对面

5、apposite ─── adj.适当的;贴切的

6、inappropriate ─── adj.不适当的;不相称的

7、incomposite ─── 不完整

8、unappointed ─── unappointed

9、inappositeness ─── 不对立

inapposite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most of interior enterprises have the characteristics of low utilization, high complexity, high energy consumption, inapposite matching units configuration with products ,low net cash margin. ─── 大多数国内炼油企业装置利用率低,复杂度高,能耗高,所炼原油、装置结构和产品结构之间不太匹配,净现金利润较低。

2、It was found that the inappropriate selection of materials as well as the inadvisable structure design and the inapposite welding caused the naphthenic acid corrosion at high temperat... ─── 并结合分析结果,提出了控制环烷酸腐蚀主要应选择耐环烷酸腐蚀的材料等措施。

3、But many project"s activities do not fit this condition and it is inapposite for them to use PERT/Gantt chart. ─── 但它们对项目中的作业提出了严格的要求:不能交叠执行且各自独立。

4、Inapposite regulation of business remains far more onerous in poor countries than in rich ones. ─── 贫穷国家对于企业经营的不合理管束仍然远远多于富裕国家。

5、Alternator Trouble Caused by Inapposite Assembly ─── 装配操作不当引起的交流发电机故障

6、Alternator Trouble Caused by Inapposite Assembly ─── 装配操作不当引起的交流发电机故障

7、analyze kinematics of humanoid robot with general method because its DOF is high and it has not a fixed base like industrial robots. ─── 由于拟人机器人自由度数目众多而且不存在一般工业机器人那样的固定基座,使用常规方法对其进行运动学分析并不是很合适。

8、Whilst having a good appreciation of beauty, Rosemary (Xiu yu’s English name) often sees the inapposite aspect when a customer trying on expensive clothes. ─── 可是她很少能力卖出一件衣服。

9、Inapposite regulation of business remains far more onerous in poor countries than in rich ones. ─── 贫穷国家对于企业经营的不合理管束仍然远远多于富裕国家。

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