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09-15 投稿



hosting 发音


英:  美:

hosting 中文意思翻译



hosting 同义词

opposition | animosity | hatred | antagonism | anger | aggression | intimidation |enmity | ill will | argumentativeness | offensive | offense | resentment

hosting 词性/词形变化,hosting变形

名词复数: hostilities |

hosting 反义词


hosting 相似词语短语

1、posting ─── v.邮寄;把……放入;张贴(通知等);发布(尤指财经信息或警告);交付(保释金)(post的现在分词);n.任命,派驻;(互联网讨论组的)帖子;任职地点;公告(尤指招聘广告);摔跤攻击术(把对手掷到角柱上)

2、cohosting ─── 同居

3、hosing ─── v.用软管冲洗,浇灌;(非正式)哄骗(hose的现在分词形式)

4、hoasting ─── 嘶哑

5、hoisting ─── n.提升;起重;v.升高;举起(hoist的ing形式)

6、hasting ─── n.黑斯廷(英国东萨塞克斯郡濒临加来海峡的城市)

7、ghosting ─── n.重影;(为切断联系而)突然消失;代笔,代写;vi.为……捉刀代笔;像鬼一样四处游荡(ghost的现在分词);vt.代笔;(平稳不费力地)滑行;鬼魂似地悄悄行进(ghost的现在分词)

8、costing ─── v.价钱为……;(使)丧失,损失;(使)付出努力;估算;(使)做不愉快的事;(使)花许多钱(cost的现在分词);n.成本会计,成本计算;n.(Costing)(美)科斯廷格(人名)

9、hosteling ─── (徒步)旅行;投宿(招待所等);经营(旅店或招待所)(hostel的现在分词形式)

hosting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The host team lost the football game. ─── 主队踢输了足球赛。

2、Who will be the host of the car market next year? ─── 今年车市谁是主角?

3、And if you were a programmer, it was easy to get a hosting account that would let you use it. ─── 如果您是一个程序员,您很容易获得一个主机帐户来使用该语言。

4、Five cities in the world fought bitterly over the glory of hosting the2000 Olympic Games. ─── 世界上有5座城市为申办2000年奥运会展开激烈的角逐。

5、Engage in a host of extracurricular activities. ─── 参加课外活动。

6、Why? Why are you hosting the event? ─── 原因:举办该活动的原因。

7、He said the city had targeted black taxis prior to hosting the Olympic Games in August, but they started to reappear once the Games ended. ─── 他说,在8月北京奥运会之前,北京就开展过清理黑车的行动,但是奥运会结束后,这些黑车又死灰复燃了。

8、A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. ─── 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。

9、Hosting the Asian Games will give the city another chance to grow. ─── 举办亚运会将给这个城市另一个发展的机会。

10、The host team won the game by a nose. ─── 主队以微弱优势赢得比赛。

11、Your host on tonight's show is Max Astor. ─── 今晚表演节目的主持人是马克斯·阿斯特。

12、To be a host one should be humorous and talkative. ─── 作为一个主持人应该幽默且健谈。

13、A whole host of difficulties has / have arisen. ─── 出现了一大堆的困难。

14、Joe wants to be a variety show host. ─── 乔想做综艺节目的主持人。

15、Which country will host the next Olympic Games? ─── 哪个国家将主办下一届奥运会。

16、Then I realized I did fail to be a good host. ─── 于是我意识到我没能成为一个好主人。

17、Another result of these server requirements is that Ruby on Rails hosting tends to be more expensive than for other platforms and languages. ─── 这些伺服器的要求也导致RubyonRailshosting倾向比起其他平台和语言成本更昂贵些。

18、Host: Do you have any other questions, Mr Duncan? ─── 主持人:邓肯先生,你还有其他问题吗?

19、A String containing the host name. ─── 包含主机名的String。

20、Who will play host to the next Olympic Games? ─── 下一届奥运会的东道主是谁?

21、Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests. ─── 主人伊恩把我们介绍给了其他客人。

22、Figure7- dual home bastion host with interior and exterior route. ─── 图7-有内部和外部路由器的双重Bastion主机。

23、Simply arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hosting an event is not an "official act". ─── 仅仅安排一次见面、打一个电话或举办一个活动都不算“官方(受贿)行为”。

24、Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file. ─── 入侵型病毒难以编写,在去除它们时常常会破坏主文件。

25、You should show more civility to your host . ─── 你应该对主人更有礼貌。

26、Where the authority is typically just a host name. ─── 其中authority通常就是主机名。

27、Deployment in this context is to configure a Web service in such a way that it becomes available within a hosting SOAP server. ─── 在这种情形中,部署就是以“使这个Web服务在托管SOAP服务器中可用”的方式配置Web服务。

28、Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games? ─── 哪个国家将是下届奥运会的主办国?

29、The host nation always performs well. ─── 东道国总是表现出色。

30、He saw a host of monkeys climbing up the trees. ─── 他看见一群猴子爬上树去。

31、A server can host only one DFS root. ─── 一台服务器只能主持一个DFS根目录。

32、The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. ─── 主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。

33、The host serve fruits and candy for the visitor. ─── 主人用水果和糖招待客人。

34、To provide the free hosting service. ─── 为我们提供免费的网站存放。

35、An infection thread is formed by the cytoplasm of the host cell. ─── 侵染线是由寄主细胞的细胞质形成的。

36、Host : Now we are opening up to questions. ─── 主人: 现在我们正在提出问题。

37、You are counting without your host. ─── 你是在打如意算盘。

38、The host produced a bottle of "Bamboo-Green". ─── 主人拿出了一瓶"竹叶青"。

39、He acted as host to visitors. ─── 他以主人身份接待来客。

40、The host command is not available on all systems . ─── host命令并非在所有的系统上都是具备的。

41、Next month, Beijing will host the 21st Universiade. ─── 下个月,北京将举办第21届世界大学生运动会。

42、The host hailed the guests at the door. ─── 主人在门口欢迎客人。

43、How long can i use your free hosting? ─── 你的空间,我能够使用多久?

44、How much do hosting packages cost? ─── 主机托管套装值多少钱?

45、The Warden saw that his host had eaten none. ─── 因为水保见到主人并不剥栗子吃。

46、After having insulted his host, he is shown the door. ─── 他侮辱了主人,结果被轰了出去。

47、An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another. ─── 传病媒介把致病微生物从一个宿主传到另一宿主的生物,如蚊子或虱蝇等

48、The host then passed around a box of cigars. ─── 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。

49、Which country is hosting the Games this year? ─── 今年的运动会由哪国主办?

50、her agenda was to pursue her dream of hosting a pop music programme. ─── 她的首要任务是实现自己主持流行音乐节目的梦想。

51、The host refreshed our teacups. ─── 主人又为我们斟茶。

52、Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand. ─── 主人热情地和我们每个人握手。

53、Shared hosting is very common, and very cost effective. ─── 共享虚拟主机非常常见,并且花费很值。

54、God's host: and he called the name of that. ─── 军兵.於是给那地方起名叫玛哈念。

55、Discussions on all aspects of free web hosting. ─── 免费空间、网络资源,相关信息讨论。

56、He was the host for a TV talk show. ─── 他是一名电视脱口秀的主持人。

57、Do you offer dedicated server hosting or VPS? ─── 你们有提供专属主机托管或虚拟专用服务器吗?

58、It's good manners for you to do as the host does. ─── 你按照主人的要求去做是有礼貌的。

59、Let's drink (a toast) to the health of our host! ─── 为我们主人的健康干杯!

60、The host carved me a nice piece from the chicken. ─── 主人切了一块很好的鸡肉给我。

61、Our host placed us at the top of the table. ─── 主人让我们坐在上座。

62、The other host of signal are control signals. ─── 另一组信号是控制信号。

63、A receptacle in which the host is held. ─── 圣匣盛放圣饼的容器

64、The host kept pressing us to eat. ─── 主人一个劲儿催我们吃。

65、The host team was clobbered in last night's game. ─── 东道主队在昨晚的比赛中惨败。

66、To host commercial service domain deployments. ─── 作为商业服务域部署的宿主。

67、Element that can also host the attributes. ─── 元素用来容纳这些属性。

68、China will host an exhibition of international garment machinery. ─── 中国将主办国际服装机械展览会。

69、The host's hospitality left us a very good impression. ─── 主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。

70、Shut down the host application and then restart it. ─── 关闭宿主应用程序,然后重新启动它。

71、The host filled the guest's glasses in turn. ─── 主人以次给来宾斟酒。

72、Inside of the firewall the only permit destination for traffic from the interior or exterior route is the bastion host. ─── 在防火墙内部,对于来自内外部路由器的通信量来说,唯一允许到达的目的地是bastion主机。

73、IMGSpot Free photo hosting service. Unlimited uploading. ─── 免费无限量照片上传。

74、The doctor's observations travel over the service bus into a Web server hosting the portal of the insurance company that covers the patient. ─── 医生的观察通过服务总线传送到托管病人所在保险公司门户网站的Web服务器。

75、The host will accommodate us tonight. ─── 今晚主人将留我们住下。

76、Can you offer me free hosting? ─── 你可以提供免费空间给我吗?

77、Which country is hosting the next world cup? ─── 哪一个国家会主办下一届世界杯足球赛呢?

78、And a host of new leaders rose to claim his mantle. ─── 于是一批新领导人纷纷起来继承他的衣钵。

79、The host filled Mr. White a bumper. ─── 主人给怀特先生斟了一满杯。

80、The host circulated at the party, talking to lots of people. ─── 主人在派对上周旋,与许多人交谈。

81、I looking for a website that can be hosted on my own servers as we are a hosting company as well, and easy to maintain when required. ─── 我在找一个网站,可以在自己的服务器上承载的,因为我们是一家托管公司的欢迎,并在需要时易于维护。

82、His sudden laugh jinxed the host's joke. ─── 他的突然一笑破坏了主人的笑话。

83、Would you please introduce me to the host? ─── 你帮我介绍一下主人好吗?

84、He is the host at the reunion. ─── 他是聚会的主人。

85、The host served a dessert so sweet that it cloyed. ─── 主人端上的甜点太甜以致发腻。

86、Today is the election day of the host city. ─── 今天是主办城市的选出日。

87、Host is the masculine noun for hostess. ─── host是与hostess相对应的阳性名词。

88、Host the name or IP address of the web server. ─── host Web服务器的名称或IP地址。

89、Host Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Dog Show! ─── 先生们,女士们!欢迎来到赛狗会。

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