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09-15 投稿



heterologous 发音

英:[[?het?'r?l?g?s]]  美:[[?het?'r?l?g?s]]

英:  美:

heterologous 中文意思翻译



heterologous 反义词

analogous |homologous | autologous

heterologous 词性/词形变化,heterologous变形

副词: heterologously |

heterologous 短语词组

1、heterologous antigen ─── 异种抗原

2、heterologous boost ─── 异源增压

3、heterologous booster ─── 异源助推器

4、heterologous tissue ─── [医] 异种组织

5、heterologous twins ─── [医] 双卵性双胎

6、heterologous organotherapy ─── [医] 异种器官疗法

7、heterologous serotype ─── [医] 异种血清型

8、heterologous anaphylaxis ─── [医] 异种过敏性

9、heterologous strain ─── [医] 异株

10、heterologous tumor ─── [医] 异种性瘤

11、heterologous stimulus ─── [医] 异种刺激物

12、heterologous sera ─── [医] 异种血清

13、heterologous cells ─── 异源细胞

14、heterologous antiserum ─── 异种抗血清

15、heterologous antibody ─── 异源抗体

16、heterologous preteins ─── [医] 异性蛋白, 异种蛋白

17、heterologous ananaphylaxis ─── [医] 异种抗过敏性

18、heterologous cell system ─── 异源细胞系统

19、heterologous graft ─── [医] 异种移植物

heterologous 同义词

heterologic | heterological

heterologous 相似词语短语

1、heterologously ─── 异源的

2、heterotopous ─── 异型

3、heterogonous ─── adj.异型世代交替的;异型生殖的;异种的(等于heterogonic)

4、heteroecious ─── (细菌等)转主寄生的;异种寄生的;(苔藓)(雌雄)杂生同苞的

5、heterozygous ─── adj.杂合的

6、dendrologous ─── 石斛

7、heteronomous ─── adj.他律的;受外界支配的;不自主的

8、heterosporous ─── 异形孢子的;具异形孢子的

9、heteroclitous ─── adj.不规则变化的(heteroclite的变形)

heterologous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Plant as bioreactor exploited to produce heterologous protein possesses many advantages over other production systems, and exhibits more attraction. ─── 利用植物生物反应器生产外源蛋白具有许多优点,其吸引力与日俱增。

2、heterologous hosts ─── 异源宿主

3、heterologous gene expression ─── 外源基因表达

4、Repair of bone defect with composite graft of heterologous bone matrix gelatin and autologous red bone marrow ─── 异种骨基质明胶复合自体红骨髓治疗骨缺损的实验结果观察

5、heterologous assay ─── 异种分析(法)

6、Heterologous state ─── 异种状态

7、The Kluyveromyces lactis expression system is being used successfully for the production of various heterologous recombinant proteins. ─── 乳酸克鲁维酵母已成功地应用于多种异源蛋白的表达生产之中。

8、heterologous lung oxygenation ─── 异种肺氧合

9、heterologous mixed mesodermal tumor ─── 异源性混合性中胚叶瘤

10、heterologous transposon tapping ─── 异源转座子标签技术

11、Humoral Immune Responce of Pigs to Homologous and Heterologous Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine. 2004 .In: Proc. 18th IPVS Congress Hamburg, Germany, 431. ─── 台湾省畜牧兽医学会暨中华民国兽医学会九十二年度联合学术论文发表会论文摘要、第128页。

12、heterologous hemagglutinin ─── 异种血凝素

13、Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the most important heterologous expression systems. ─── 酿酒酵母系统是最重要的外源基因表达系统之一。

14、heterologous serotype ─── 异(种)血清型

15、Mechanism of Cardiac Sarcolemmal Adenosine Triphosphate-sensitive Potassium Channel Activation by Isoflurane in a Heterologous Expression System. ─── 异氟醚激活异源性表达系统中的心脏胞浆。

16、heterologous probe ─── 异源探针

17、heterologous immunity ─── 异种免疫

18、Pichia pastoris is one of the most used expression systems for the high level expression of heterologous proteins. ─── 巴斯德毕赤酵母是目前应用最广泛的外源蛋白表达系统。

19、CTG encodes 19 Ser residues in Candida rugosa lip1, including the catalytic site.So, the heterologous expression of this gene may result in the inactive production of this protein. ─── lip1中有19个这样的氨基酸,其中包括活性位点的Ser209,所以如果直接将Lip1基因克隆到外源宿主会得到没有活性的蛋白。

20、Heterologous desen-sitization ─── 异源性脱敏

21、Pichia pastoris as an excellent heterologous gene expression system has been widely used in the production of phytase. ─── 近年来,毕赤酵母作为一个极好的外源基因表达系统被广泛应用于植酸酶的生产。

22、Effect of Cultivation Condition on Heterologous Expression of Lignin Peroxidase in Pichia methanolica ─── 培养条件对甲醇毕赤酵母异源表达木质素过氧化物酶的影响

23、The quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC-PCR) system of using 35S promoter heterologous template for the detection of genetically modified maize was developed in this study. ─── 建立了玉米转基因成分中35S启动子非同源模板的竞争定量PCR检测系统。

24、Heterologous expression systems of therapeutic protein ─── 外源蛋白表达系统

25、heterologous interference ─── 异种干扰, 异源干扰

26、heterologous recombinant proteins ─── 异源重组蛋白

27、It has a strong promoter and has been used for expression of heterologous protein such as enzyme in a variety of bacteria. ─── 它包含一个强启动子,能够在多种细菌中表达外源蛋白。

28、heterologous vaccine ─── 异种疫苗

29、heterologous strain ─── [医] 异株

30、The selection and fertile stability of heterologous cytoplasm male-sterile lines in Pak-choi ─── 不结球白菜异源胞质雄性不育系的选育与育性稳定性研究

31、OBJECTIVE: To summarize the progress in nerve tissue engineering scaffolds or heterologous nerve grafts for repair of facial nerve defects. ─── 目的:总结神经组织工程支架或异种神经移植在面神经缺损中的应用进展。

32、heterologous translational system ─── 异源翻译系统

33、heterologous tumor ─── 异型性瘤

34、It has a strong promoter and has been used for expression of heterologous protein such as enzyme in a variety of bacteria. ─── 它包含一个强启动子,能够在多种细菌中表达外源蛋白。

35、In addition, fusion of the heterologous protein with a highly secreted protein of Aspergillus oryzae was an alternative way to prompt the expression of heterologous protein in Aspergillus oryzae. ─── 另外将外源蛋白与米曲霉高分泌蛋白融合表达也是提高异源蛋白产量的有效途径。

36、This interference can be between 2 completely different viruses heterologous interference . ─── 发生在两种完全不同的病毒之间的干扰称为异种干扰。

37、heterologous sperm ─── 异源精子

38、heterologous cardiac valve ─── 异种心脏瓣膜

39、heterologous regulation ─── 异类调节

40、heterologous genes ─── 外源基因


42、heterologous sequence ─── 异源序列

43、Different plant ribosomes display a variable sensitivity to RIPs from different plant species,and the effects of RIPs on autologous or heterologous ribosomes also exist large difference. ─── 不同的核糖体对不同RIPs的敏感性不同,RIPs对自体或异体核糖体的作用也有很大区别。

44、The recombinant filamentous fungal cells may include a heterologous nucleic acid encoding a protein of interest. ─── 所述重组丝状真菌细胞可包括编码目标蛋白的异源核酸。

45、heterologous anaphylaxis ─── [医] 异种过敏性

46、polyketides in heterologous hosts offers many advantages over the use of natural producers. ─── 异源宿主合成聚酮化合物要比使用天然生产菌有很多优点。

47、heterologous antigen ─── 异种抗原

48、Selective heterologous communication among human lung epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and lung cancer PG cells ─── 人肺上皮细胞、成纤维细胞、肺癌细胞间的异源间隙连接通讯

49、heterologous protein ─── 异性蛋白, 异种蛋白

50、heterologous association ─── 异种缔合

51、heterologous tissue ─── [医] 异种组织

52、No paternal inheritance has been found in this study.From the facts aforesai d,the biological effects of heterologous sperm in gynogenesis were discussed. ─── 在此基础上,本文对异源精子在雌核发育中所起的生物学作用进行了初步探讨。

53、heterologous expression ─── 异源性表达

54、Pichia pastoris is one of the most used expression systems for the high level expression of heterologous proteins. ─── 巴斯德毕赤酵母是目前应用最广泛的外源蛋白表达系统。

55、heterologous sera ─── [医] 异种血清

56、heterologous idiotypic antibody ─── 异种个体基因型抗体, 异种个体遗传型抗体

57、Acellular heterologous (porcine)dermal matrix ─── 异种(猪)脱细胞真皮基质

58、Heterologous Expression and Functional Identification of a Chitinase Gene from Wheat ─── 小麦几丁质酶基因的异种表达及其功能鉴定

59、Gene transfection is a technology that heterologous genes transfect eukaryotic cells, this article will summarize the significance, classification, methods and application of transfection. ─── 基因转染技术是将外源基因转染真核细胞的一种技术,本文将对外源基因转染真核细胞的目的意义、转染技术分类、方法及其应用等做一综述。

60、Also, S. pombe has prospective biotechnological application in heterologous gene expression. ─── 在外源基因表达方面同样具有前景。

61、Heterologous data integration ─── 异构数据集成

62、heterologous porcine aortic valve ─── 异种猪主动脉瓣

63、heterologous antiserum ─── 异种抗血清

64、heterologous preteins ─── [医] 异性蛋白, 异种蛋白

65、Live replicating bacteria expressing heterologous antigens are vaccine candidates that are able to induce complex immune responses. ─── 生活复制细菌表达外源抗原的候选疫苗,能够诱导复杂的免疫反应。

66、heterologous organotherapy ─── [医] 异种器官疗法

67、heterologous serum ─── 异种血清


69、heterologous mosaic ─── 异源嵌镶体

70、heterologous organism ─── 异种生物体

71、The detective sensitivity and specificity of homologous assay were compared with(heterologous) assay on MCPA.And the recognition mechanism of antibody was discribed. ─── 以获得的抗2甲4氯抗体及其包被抗原为研究对象,比较了同源和异源分析的灵敏度和特异性,并试图进一步揭示抗体的识别机制。

72、heterologous gene ─── 异源基因

73、Development of a Heterologous Radioimmunoassay for FSH in Bactrian Camel(Camelus bactrianus) ─── 双峰驼促卵泡素放射免疫测定方法的建立

74、Moreover, in the heterologous ELISA, the CC format had a relatively low reproducibility. ─── 在异源分析中,直接竞争包被抗原的ELISA(CC模式)方法重现性较差;

75、heterologous antibody ─── 异种抗体

76、Screening of high expression clone of heterologous gene by using tetracycline resistance genotype ─── 四环素抗性表型筛选外源基因高效表达克隆

77、heterologous protein expression ─── 异源蛋白表达

78、heterologous chimera ─── 异种嵌合体

79、donor insemination, heterologous insemination ─── 供者人工授精, 异配(人工)授精

80、The results provided a valuable insight into searching for genes associated with programmed cell death in plants using heterologous probe with comparative genetic approach. ─── 为通过比较遗传学方法,以异源程序性死亡相关基因为探针寻找不同物种中的同源基因提供了重要线索。

81、heterologous chromosome ─── 异源染色体

82、heterologous twins ─── [医] 双卵性双胎

83、Strategies and Approaches to Expression and Localization of Heterologous Proteins in Escherichia coil ─── 外源蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达定位策略

84、Late recurrence of uterine Mullerian adenosarcoma as heterologous sarcoma:Three recurrences in 8 months increasing in number and grade of sarcomatous components ─── 子宫苗勒管腺肉瘤晚期复发为异种组织肉瘤:8个月内3次复发且肉瘤样成分的数量增加,组织学分级提高

85、The Experimental Study of the Heterologous Bone Matrix Gelatin (pBMG) for Repair of the Radius Segmental Defect of Rabbits ─── 异种(猪)骨基质明胶修复兔桡骨缺损模型的实验研究

86、heterologous regeneration ─── 异组织再生

87、Escherichia coli is one of the most widely used hosts for the production of heterologous proteins and its genetics is far better characterized than those of any other microorganism. ─── 大肠杆菌是表达外源基因最常用的宿主之一。

88、heterologous stimulus ─── 异种刺激

89、heterologous ananaphylaxis ─── [医] 异种抗过敏性

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