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09-16 投稿



immoderation 发音


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immoderation 中文意思翻译



immoderation 网络释义

n. 过度;无节制

immoderation 同义词

excess | intemperance | prodigality |luxury | license | abandon | extravagance | immoderateness | decadence | debauchery

immoderation 反义词


immoderation 词性/词形变化,immoderation变形

副词: immoderately |名词: immoderateness |

immoderation 相似词语短语

1、in operation ─── 生效;运转着

2、immoderately ─── adv.过度地,无节制地

3、immiseration ─── n.贫困化,贫穷化

4、moderation ─── n.适度;节制;温和;缓和

5、in moderation ─── 适中;有节制

6、immigration ─── n.外来移民;移居

7、immolation ─── n.祭物,供奉牲礼;宰杀,祭品

8、immoderate ─── adj.无节制的,过度的;不适中的

9、immuration ─── n.监禁;束缚

immoderation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、immoderation; incontinence; extravagance; excess ─── 无节制

2、Immoderation young declaration, angular with sharp young outlook. ─── 不甘平庸是年轻的宣言,有角有棱是年轻的风貌。

3、This kind of immoderation is, on the one hand, harmful to the body through lack of exercise; ─── 一方面,这种失衡的作法对身体健康有害,因为缺乏必要的锻炼;

4、On Immoderation of "Creative Education" in Chinese Teaching and Its Rectification ─── 语文教学中"创新教育"的失度及矫治

5、The immoderation of the weariness from overwork and life of the writing makes the his body be hurt by severity. ─── 写作的劳累与生活的无节制使他的身体受到严重损伤。

6、On Immoderation of "Creative Education" in Chinese Teaching and Its Rectification ─── 语文教学中“创新教育”的失度及矫治

7、Immoderation young declaration, angular with sharp young outlook. ─── 平庸是年轻的宣言,有角有棱是年轻的风貌。

8、Conclusions The analysis on common intramuscular complications, can keep immoderation of patients for lower level, and increase the p. . . ─── 结论对常见肌内注射并发症展开分析,对降低患者不适度,提高护士业务水平时很有意义的。

9、1.Theophilos was an important emperor about whom we know all too little;the iconophile sources condemn him thoroughly, while some modern authorities praise him with the same immoderation. ─── 1.塞奥弗鲁斯是拜占廷历史上一位重要的皇帝,可惜我们对他所知甚少,在崇拜圣像者留下的史料中他受到严厉谴责,然而现代的作者们却又同样过分地颂扬他。

10、Conclusions the analysis on common intramuscular complications, can keep immoderation of patients for lower level, and increase the p... ─── 结论对常见肌内注射并发症展开分析,对降低患者不适度,提高护士业务水平时很有意义的。

11、Chen Jie in a bid to each painting showing a variety of information, indicating the nature of immoderation, the complicated composition of his work is daunting. ─── 陈劼力图在每幅作品中呈现出多种信息,显示其不甘平庸的本性,其作品构图的繁复令人望而生畏。

12、This kind of immoderation is, on the one hand, harmful to the body through lack of exercise; ─── 一方面,这种失衡的作法对身体健康有害,因为缺乏必要的锻炼;

13、Those heady days are now over, and we have now entered "the great immoderation. " ─── 这些火热的日子已经过去,我们现在已经进入了“大不甘平庸。”

14、1.Once we fall, however slightly, into immoderation, momentum gathers and we can be lost to whim. ─── 一旦我们失去节制,不管多么轻微,惯性便形成了,我们就有可能在奇想中迷失。

15、aggravation; drunkenness; extremity; immoderation; severity; superfluity; ─── 额外;激烈;加重;喝醉;过度

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