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sciatic 发音

英:[sa???t?k]  美:[sa???t?k]

英:  美:

sciatic 中文意思翻译



sciatic 短语词组

1、sciatic hernia ─── [医] 坐骨大孔疝, 臀疝

2、sciatic scoliosis ─── [医] 坐骨神经痛性脊柱侧凸, 布里索氏脊柱侧凸

3、sciatic foramina ─── [医] 坐骨孔

4、sciatic neuritis ─── [医] 坐骨神经炎

5、easing sciatic pain ─── 减轻坐骨痛

6、sciatic artery ─── [医]坐骨神经伴行动脉

7、sciatica sciatic neuralgia ─── [医] 坐骨神经痛

8、Fajersztajn's crossed sciatic sign ─── [医] 法捷尔斯坦氏征(检对侧坐骨神经痛)

9、greater sciatic notch ─── [医] 坐骨大切迹

10、sciatic tuberodties ─── [医] 坐骨结节

11、sciatic nerve n. ─── 坐骨神经

12、lesser sciatic notch ─── [医] 坐骨小切迹

13、sciatic nerve lesion ─── 坐骨神经病变

14、sciatic neuralgia ─── [医]坐骨神经痛

15、sciatic plexus ─── [医] 骶丛

16、sciatic spine ─── [医] 坐骨棘

sciatic 常用词组

sciatic nerve ─── n. 坐骨神经

sciatic 相似词语短语

1、acmatic ─── Acmatic公司

2、sciatical ─── adj.坐骨的

3、ectatic ─── adj.扩张的;膨胀的

4、aviatic ─── adj.航空的;飞行的

5、sciatica ─── n.[内科]坐骨神经痛

6、Asiatic ─── n.亚洲人;adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的

7、-cratic ─── suff.参加的;统治者的

8、ischiatic ─── 腰臀的;坐骨的

9、acratic ─── 辛辣的

sciatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Typically, sciatic neuropraxia occurs from traumatic impaction or compression due to posterior hip fracture-dislocation. ─── 典型的坐骨神经失用症是由髋关节向后骨折脱位导致创伤性撞击或压迫引起。

2、Conclusion Direct-current stimulation may have intervention effects on spinal cord neuron apoptosis after sciatic nerve transection . ─── 结论直流电刺激对坐骨神经横断引起的脊髓运动神经元凋亡具有防治作用。

3、Effect of Antioxidant Treatment of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats on Endoneurial Blood Flow, Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity, and Vascular Reactivity of Epineurial Arterioles of the Sciatic Nerve. ─── 对链唑霉素诱发糖尿病的小鼠的神经内血流量、神经传导速度及坐骨神经外膜的小动脉的反应能力的影响。

4、Abstract We chose the Sprague Dewley rats as experimental models to ohserve the changes of the denervated extensor digital longus (EDL) muscle after treating with sciatic nerve extract(SE). ─── 将SpragueDawley大鼠为模型,观察失神经后的趾长伸肌应用坐骨神经提取液(sciaticnerveextractSE)后的变化。

5、Three-D reconstruction for morphology of regenerating sciatic nerve in rats ─── 大鼠坐骨神经损伤后再生过程结构形态三维重建研究

6、Injury of Sciatic Nerve Caused by Buttock Injection in Children ─── 儿童臀部注射性坐骨神经损伤

7、Sciatic nerve lesion model was established in rats, and the morphological changes of neuron cells of DRG treated with methycobal were observed by light and electron microscopy. ─── 以大鼠坐骨神经建立周围神经损害动物模型,以背根神经节病理切片(光镜、电镜)中的神经元变化情况为观察指标,考察甲钴胺对坐骨神经损害后神经元的影响。

8、Results:daidzein(DD)can completely inhibit action potential of the isolated sciatic nerve in toads,but less than 1% hydrochloride procaine. ─── 大豆苷元对家兔角膜具有一定的表面麻醉作用,其表面麻醉效果较1%的普鲁卡因更弱。

9、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:The location relation of the sciatic nerve and the acet abulum. ─── 主要观察指标:坐骨神经与髋臼的位置关系。

10、companion artery of sciatic nerve ─── 坐骨神经伴行动脉

11、Conclusion(1) The use of neural tracer BDA permits the directly identification of labeled axonal transport of sciatic nerve without difficult processing . ─── BDA注射点远侧及近侧1cm、2cm无明显的轴突阳性染色纤维。 局部注射10%BDA之坐骨神经远端切断结扎处于注射试剂后6小时即可见阳性标记的神经纤维,其轴突着色明显。

12、Kanaya F, Firrell J C, Breidenbath W C. Sciatic function index, nerve conduction tests, muscle contraction and axon morphometry as indicators of regeneration [J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1996,98(7):1264. ─── 庞清江,罗永湘.神经生长因子对脊髓前角运动神经元核转录功能的影响[J].中华显微外科杂志,1996,19(3):209.

13、Sitting lumbago, have sciatic, be still fracture hyperplasia? ─── 坐着腰痛,是不是有坐骨神经,还是骨折增生?

14、chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI) ─── 坐骨神经慢性压迫模型(CCI)

15、Diagnosis and treatment of sciatic nerve trunk tumor ─── 坐骨神经干肿瘤的诊断和治疗

16、Keywords sciatic nerve transection;astrocyte;microglia;apoptosis;rat; ─── 坐骨神经切断;星形胶质细胞;小胶质细胞;凋亡;大鼠;

17、Effects of the sciatic nerve defect on the regional lymph node morphology ─── 坐骨神经损伤对局部淋巴结形态学影响的研究

18、Keywords Adhesion;Sciatic nerve;Diabetes neuropat hy;Cilostazol; ─── 关键词黏附;坐骨神经;糖尿病神经病变;西洛他唑;

19、Objective To evaluate the effect of human hair keratin (HHK) in peripheral nerve repair and explore the mechanism of sciatic nerve regeneration. ─── 摘要目的观察人发角蛋白(HHK)诱导坐骨神经再生时的形态学变化,以揭示神经再生机制。

20、The sciatica is the main symptom of lumbar protrusion of the intervertebral disc, sciatic it is by sural total nerve and leg nerve is comprised actually. ─── 坐骨神经痛是腰椎间盘突出症的主要症状,坐骨神经实际上是由腓总神经和胫神经组成。

21、Autophagic effect of Schwann cells in the regeneration of rat sciatic nerves ─── 大鼠坐骨神经再生过程中的施万细胞自噬作用

22、The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body, stretching from the end of your spine all the way down to your feet. ─── 坐骨神经是人体内最长的神经,它从脊椎末端一直延伸到足部。

23、The sciatic nerve axotomy model Wall, P.D. ─── 坐骨神经轴索切断模型。

24、Keywords sodium arsenit;sciatic nerve;action potential;rats; ─── 亚砷酸钠;坐骨神经;动作电位;大鼠;

25、Repair of sciatic nerve injury ─── 坐骨神经损伤的手术治疗

26、Sciatic how to get, how should treat again? ─── 坐骨神经是怎么得的,又该怎么治疗?

27、Objective To evaulate the clinical value of high-frequency ultrasonography on observing the acute crush injury of sciatic nerve in rabbits. ─── 摘要目的用高频超声观察兔坐骨神经急性损伤的超声图像表现,评价其临床诊断价值。

28、sciatic nerve block anesthesia ─── 坐骨神经阻滞麻醉

29、Peripheral nere grafts were obtained from rat sciatic nere, either untreated or subjected to mechanical compression for 2 weeks with nonconstrictie tubing. ─── 我们从大鼠的坐骨神经中获得了周围神经节段,它们有的接受了2周的机械浓缩(使用压缩管),而有的则没有。

30、Keywords sciatic nerve;chlormethine hydrochloride;nerve regeneration; ─── 坐骨神经;盐酸氮芥;神经再生;

31、sciatic gastrocnemius preparation ─── 坐骨神经腓肠肌标本

32、Most sciatic neuralgia, for example, is attributable to mechanical compression and stretching of a sensory root of the sciatic nerve from displacement of an intervertebral disc within the spinal canal. ─── 如大多数的坐骨神经痛都是由于脊柱内椎间盘移位而机械性地压迫和拉紧坐骨神经感觉根所致。

33、Objective: To choose the best of tracers and tracing time as study on retrograde tract-tracing in sciatic nerve of dog. ─── 目的:确定狗周围神经逆行示踪试验的最佳示踪剂及示踪时间。

34、The sciatic nerve is actually a cluster of nerves that run from the lower back in the buttock area down the back of the leg. ─── 坐骨神经实际上是从臀部尾脊骨到腿后的一组神经群。

35、The period-adding bifurcation of firing dynamics was observed in the experimental model obtained from the ligated sciatic nerve. ─── 在大鼠坐骨神经结扎模型中 ,记录到放电节律以周期加方式相互转化。

36、Injury of Sciatic Nerve in the Cluneal Region in Children ─── 儿童臀部坐骨神经损伤

37、you were sort of flexing your legs, is it sort of a sciatic nerve? ─── 你经常做屈腿动作,是不是和坐骨神经疼有关?

38、Keywords sciatic nerve scaffold;tissue engineering;rat; ─── 坐骨神经支架;组织工程;大鼠;

39、Methods The left sciatic nerve was transected sutured in an end-to-end fashion correctly and inserted into a silicone tube in 64 SD rats. ─── 方法 将64只SD大鼠左侧坐骨神经切断后直接作端端缝合,缝合段置于硅胶管室内。

40、The expression of NCAM in the optic nerve was significantly different from that of the sciatic nerve in the rats. ─── 大鼠视神经和坐骨神经NCAM表达差异有显著性。

41、But in late stage, mechanical compression becomes the main course of sciatic pain, and remedial epidural dexamethasone therapy has no effect on PWMT. ─── 当椎间盘突出到达一定阶段,压迫因素成为致痛的主因时,硬膜外再给予地塞米松对已经产生的痛阈降低没有明显的缓解作用。

42、Fajersztajn's crossed sciatic sign ─── [医] 法捷尔斯坦氏征(检对侧坐骨神经痛)

43、sciatic nerve - gastrocnemius ─── 坐骨神经-腓肠肌

44、Neuralgia-neuritis of sciatic nerve ─── 坐骨神经痛

45、The Use of a Continuous Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block After Surgery Involving the Foot and Ankle : Does It Improve the Quality of Recovery ? ─── 足和踝手术后持续腿弯部的坐骨神经阻滞的应用:是否提高恢复的质量?。

46、Anatomic Study on Sciatic Nerve of Rat ─── 大鼠坐骨神经的解剖学研究

47、Rats that right sciatic nerve was ligated were used as CCI group . ─── CCI组,右侧坐骨神经松结扎;

48、Conclusion:The most common cause of sciatic nerve injury in cluneal region in children is injection injury. ─── 对断裂伤应积极认真进行端端吻合。

49、Keywords Sacral Plexus;Sciatic Nerve;Magnetic resonance imagin; ─── 关键词骶丛;坐骨神经;磁共振成像;

50、Pathological observation on rats sciatic nerve crush lesion and regeneration ─── 实验性大鼠坐骨神经损伤与再生的病理学观察

51、Results The expression of NCAM in the sciatic nerve was higher than that in the optic nerve. ─── 坐骨神经表达水平高于视神经。

52、Keywords Slit;Robo;sciatic nerve;regeneration; ─── 坐骨神经;再生;

53、After myocardial ischemia models were successfully completed, electrode from a pulse electrical stimulator was anchored in sciatic nerve of hindlimb. ─── 在冠状动脉左室支安装气囊梗阻器,制作可控性心肌缺血模型。

54、Also, don't sit on your wallet, as that can irritate the sciatic nerve. ─── 还有,不要坐在你的钱夹子上,那样会刺激你的坐骨神经。

55、neurorrhaphy of sciatic nerve ─── 坐骨神经缝术

56、Abstract Objective To observe the nerve regeneration by using chitosan nerve growth factor(NGF) nerve guide as tubing chambers to bridge the sciatic nerve defects of rats. ─── 摘要 目的 应用含有神经生长因子(NGF)的壳聚糖神经导引管作为神经再生室桥接大鼠坐骨神经缺损,观察其对神经再生的作用。

57、Keywords Rats;Sciatic nerve/Anatomy; ─── 大鼠;坐骨神经解剖学;

58、Studying the impact of the material PDLLA-CHS-CS to peripheral nerve regeneration, used PDLLA-CHS-CS renovated Wister rat sciatic nerve. ─── 将PDLLA-CHS-CS材料修复成年Wister大鼠的坐骨神经,研究PDLLA-CHS-CS材料对修复周围神经的影响。

59、No overt local or systemic adverse effects were observed from implanting the lidocaine-containing matrix at the rat sciatic nerve. ─── 在植入含利多卡因的基质的鼠坐骨神经没有发现局部或者全身的不良效果。

60、Sciatic lower edge of flesh of shape of clingy when passing ischium large hole pear is worn piece. ─── 坐骨神经在通过坐骨大孔时紧贴梨状肌下缘穿出。

61、Sciatic nere conductive velocity ─── 坐骨神经传导速度

62、The doctor said that it may take half a year for his sciatic nerve to recover. ─── 医生说他坐骨神经挫伤可能要半年才能恢复。

63、Keywords Morphine;Sciatic nerve;Fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase(FRAP); ─── 吗啡;坐骨神经;抗氟化物酸性磷酸酶;

64、C3, C7, and C14 groups:the chronic sciatic nerve constriction (CCI) model was established, the mechanical pain threshold was measured and the samples were obtained on the 3rd, 7th, 14th postoperative day, respectively. ─── C3、C7、C14组分别为慢性坐骨神经紧缩性神经病理性疼痛(CCI)模型术后3、7、14d测痛阈取标本。

65、The expression of MCP-1 in the sciatic nerves in EAN+TWP group was lower than that of EAN +NS group (P < 0.01). TWP relieved the clinical signs of EAN. ─── EAN+TWP组大鼠发病程度较EAN+NS组轻,MCP-1表达的整体趋势较EAN+NS组降低。

66、It can restrain the expressing level CNTF, GDNF from declining in spinal motor neurons of rat injured sciatic nerve so as to protect the corresponding neurons and promote regeneration. 7. ─── 6、头针可以抑制坐骨神经损伤大鼠相应节段脊髓运动神经元GDNF、CNTF表达水平的降低,促进其恢复,从而保护相应神经元,促进神经再生。

67、Don't sit on your wallet, as that can irritate the sciatic nerve. ─── 不要坐在你的皮夹上,因为那样会刺激你的坐骨神经。

68、sciatic nerve with crash injury ─── 坐骨神经crush损伤

69、Repair sciatic nerve gap of the rats with novel artifical nerve guide ─── 借助人工神经修复大鼠坐骨神经缺损的实验研究

70、Investigation into change of MBP following sciatic nerve severed in the rat ─── 大鼠坐骨神经离断后髓鞘碱性蛋白的变化研究

71、Keywords Sciatic nerve injury;Dorsal root ganglion;Sensory neuron;Apoptosis; ─── 坐骨神经损伤;脊神经节;感觉神经元;细胞凋亡;

72、The distance between the CLIC to the greater sciatic notch was about 85.43 mm. ─── CLIC点距坐骨大切迹前支85.43mm。

73、Objective: To observe the protective effect of methycobal on the neuron of damaged sciatic nerve in rats. ─── 摘要目的:观察甲钴胺对坐骨神经损害后背根神经元病理形态改变的影响。

74、Methods 50 SD rats were randomly divided into five groups.Both optic nerve and sciatic nerve were taken from them and determined the expression of NCAM by immunohistochemistry. ─── 方法 50只SD大鼠,按出生后天数分成5组,取部分视神经和坐骨神经,免疫组织化学方法和计算机图像分析技术,测定大鼠视神经和坐骨神经NCAM表达。

75、Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed or otherwise irritated by the piriformis muscle. ─── 什么是'梨状肌综合征-压迫或刺激坐骨神经梨状肌肌肉'?

76、Sciatic Nerve Block in a Child: A Sonographic Approach (Case Report) Andrew T. Gray, Adam B. ─── 儿童坐骨神经阻滞:声纳图方法(病例报告)

77、Sciatic Nerve Palsy After Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Patient Receiving Continuous Lumbar Plexus Block (Case Report) Bruce Ben-David, Rama Joshi, and Jacques E. ─── 全髋关节成形术后持续腰神经丛阻滞发生坐骨神经麻痹(病例报告)

78、Abstract: Objective: To investigate the promoting effect of nerve regeneration factor (NRF) on nerve regeneration after sciatic nerve injury in rats. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨神经再生素(NRF)对大鼠坐骨神经损伤后再生的影响。

79、Sciatic nerve injury and repair ─── 坐骨神经损伤修复

80、On spinal neuron in rats with sciatic nerve injury ─── 复方红芪提取液

81、Methods: To observe and compare the rabbit sciatic nerve-trunk action potential conduction velocity and transmission attenuation time. ─── 方法:观察并比较家兔坐骨神经干动作电位传导速度与传导衰减时间。

82、In chloral hydrate (400 mg/kg, i. p.) anaesthetized rats, stimulation of the sciatic nerve during hemorrhagic hypotension still produced an increase in arterial pressure. ─── 在用水合氯醛麻醉的大鼠中,失血后刺激坐骨神经仍能引起升压反应。

83、Experimental ectopic pacemakers, which generate spontaneous discharges in various rhythms, arc formed at the injured site of the rat's sciatic nerve subjected to chronic injury. ─── 值得注意的是,损伤神经自发放电的节律极为丰富,动作电位序列的时间模式多种多样。


85、Low back pain is a frequent complaint in PM&R OPD.Tumors of the cauda equina play an uncommon but nevertheless important role in the "sciatic syndrome". ─── 摘要“下背痛”在复健科门诊是颇为常见的主诉,肿瘤虽估其中一少部份,但却是最为重要的一部份。

86、Excision of neuroma of sciatic nerve ─── 坐骨神经神经瘤切除术

87、Keywords Sciatic nerve;Compression;Rats;Histomorphology; ─── 关键词坐骨神经;卡压;大鼠;组织形态学;

88、VEGF was expressed in blood capillaries and large-diameter blood vessels, while exogenous NGF promoted VEGF expression in regenerating sciatic nerves, thereby increasing angiogenesis. ─── VEGF在毛细血管和较大管径血管中都能表达,外源性神经生长因子能促进再生坐骨神经中的血管表达VEGF,从而促进血管的生成。

89、Electrical stimulation of sciatic nerve ─── 坐骨神经电刺激

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