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09-13 投稿



interplanetary 发音

英:[??nt?r?pl?n?teri]  美:[??nt??pl?n?tri]

英:  美:

interplanetary 中文意思翻译



interplanetary 网络释义

adj. 太阳系内的;行星间的

interplanetary 短语词组

1、Interplanetary Monitor Satellite ─── 星际监视卫 ─── 星

2、interplanetary dust ─── 行星际尘埃

3、interplanetary space ─── 行星际空间

4、Interplanetary Mission Support Requ ─── 行星际任务支援安魂曲

5、Interplanetary Monitoring Probes ─── 行星际监测探测器

6、Interplanetary Meteoroid Experiment ─── 星际流 ─── 星体实验

7、Interplanetary Ballistic Missile ─── 星际弹道导弹

8、interplanetary gas ─── 行星际气体

9、interplanetary navigation ─── 行星际导航

10、Interplanetary magnetic field ─── 行星际磁场

11、interplanetary medium ─── 行星际介质

12、Interplanetary Transfer Orbits ─── 星际转移轨道

13、Interplanetary Spacecraft Propulsio ─── 星际宇宙飞船普卢西奥

14、Interplanetary Measurement Probe ─── 行星际测量探针

15、interplanetary material ─── 行星间物质

16、Interplanetary Mission Support ─── 行星际任务支援

17、interplanetary law ─── [法] 星际法

18、Interplanetary contamination ─── 星际污染

19、Interplanetary Spacecraft Propulsion System ─── 星际航天器推进系统

interplanetary 常用词组

interplanetary space ─── 行星际空间;太空

interplanetary 相似词语短语

1、interplant ─── v.间种;套种;n.套种

2、interplanetary space ─── [地物]行星际空间;太空

3、integumentary ─── adj.外皮的;包皮的

4、interplanted ─── v.间种;套种;n.套种

5、extraplanetary ─── 行星外的

6、interplants ─── v.间种;套种;n.套种

7、interlunary ─── 一系间

8、interplanetary spaces ─── [地物]行星际空间;太空

9、interplanting ─── v.间作;间种(interplant的现在分词)

interplanetary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Instabilities in the MD Type Spiral Sector Transition Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field ─── MD型行星际磁场螺旋扇形过渡区中的不稳定性

2、The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space ─── 星云的残余气体充斥星际空间。

3、Whatever stage we may regard as the beginning of the ear of interplanetary communication we shall never be able to reach its end. ─── 无论把哪个阶段认为是星际交通时代的开始,我们都将永远达不到它的尽头。

4、A very small fraction of the Sun’s light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth. ─── 只有很小一部分 太阳的光和热由此方向释放出来,并且未被阻挡,穿越星空,来到地球。

5、But he says the United State States should keep its attention focused on interplanetary inter-planetary travel, and revaluate its reevaluate the goal ten 10 years from now. ─── 但是他称美国应该将注意力重点放在太阳系内旅行以及从现在起重新评估10年后的目标。

6、The design and optimization of low-thrust trajectory is the one of significant technologies for interplanetary exploration missions. ─── 小推力转移轨道的设计与优化一直是深空探测轨道设计方面的难点。

7、interplanetary law ─── 星际法

8、interplanetary space including forms of energy and gas and dust ─── 太阳系以内太空中的能量形式以及气体和尘埃

9、interplanetary shock wave and magnetospheric discontinuity ─── 日地间激波和磁流间断

10、interplanetary space including forms of energy and gas and dust. ─── 太阳系以内太空中的能量形式以及气体和尘埃。

11、Therefore, the fluxgate magnetometer is widely used in many areas such as measurement of interplanetary magnetic field, magnetic prospecting, magnetic observation of the earth etc. ─── 所以,磁通门磁力仪在星际磁测、磁法勘探、地磁观测等领域得到了广泛的应用。

12、By definition, interplanetary travel is travel between bodies in a given star system. ─── 星系旅行是指在给定的行星系统内在不同星体间的旅行。

13、Whatever stage we may regard as the beginning of the ear of interplanetary communication we shall never be able to reach its end. ─── 无论把哪个阶段认为是星际交通时代的开始,我们都将永远达不到它的尽头。

14、International Interplanetary Space Travel Research Association; ─── 国际星际航行研究协会;

15、guidance and control of interplanetary flight ─── 星际航行导航和控制

16、Dual-frequency interplanetary scintillation observations of the solar wind ─── 太阳风的双-频行星间闪烁观测

17、EUGENE N.PARKER is the world's leading expert on interplanetary gas and magnetic fields.He is best known for hypothesizing and explaining the solar wind in 1958. ─── 帕克是世界顶尖的太阳系星际气体与磁场专家,最有名的是在1958年提出太阳风假说并解释其生成。

18、When However, this requires a process of study and discussion, but I believe that in the successful interplanetary voyage hegemony 2, Warcraft RTS development will be immediately ". ─── 当然了,这需要一个研究和讨论的过程,不过我相信,在星际争霸2成功启航后,魔兽争霸RTS的开发也会马上登场。

19、"A safer solution may be to build a fleet of interplanetary 'life rafts' that could manoeuvre themselves always out of reach of the Sun but close enough to use its energy," he says. ─── “更安全的做法是打造一支星际‘救生艇’舰队,它们能一直操控自己游弋在太阳所及之外,但又能离太阳足够近以利用它的能量,”他说。

20、Thus, this research could not say much about the effects of interplanetary charged particles, which cannot penetrate Earth's magnetosphere. ─── 因此,对游走于行星之间,但是无法穿透地球磁层的带电粒子所产生的效应,这项研究所透露的讯息不多。

21、In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study of interplanetary scintillation came into operation ─── 1967年,一种新型的打算用于研究行星闪烁的射电望远镜投入了工作。

22、Periodic magnetospheric substorms during fluctuating interplanetary magnetic field Bz ─── 在上下摇动行星间的磁场Bz期间周期性的磁层亚暴

23、interplanetary and interstellar navigation ─── 星际航行

24、Interplanetary Measurement Probes ─── 星际测量探测器

25、Interplanetary shocks unconnected with earthbound coronal mass ejections ─── 接地的冕质量喷射物无关的行星间撞击

26、Its particles are diffuse and may even extend beyond the bulk of the ring material all the way in to Saturn and all the way out to interplanetary space. ─── 它的颗粒分散,甚至可能超出大部分环的所有材料的方式,土星和所有的出路星际空间。

27、Relating near-Earth observations of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection to the conditions at its site of origin in the solar corona ─── 对于日冕发源地条件的行星冕质能喷出的相关近地球观测

28、Interplanetary Meteoroid Experiment ─── 星际流星体试验

29、the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found ─── 在太阳系内太空中火星与木星间的有很多小行星的区域

30、In terms of density, the voyage from interplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air. ─── 以密度来说,从行星际到星系际空间的旅行,比从水进入空气中还激烈。

31、The gegenschein is sunlight back-scattered off small interplanetary dust particles. ─── 对日照是非常小的星际尘埃上的阳光反向散射。

32、Observations of an interplanetary slow shock associated with magnetic cloud boundary layer ─── 与磁云边界层有关行星间慢速撞击的观测

33、solar interplanetary medium ─── 太阳行星标介质

34、A preliminary analysis shows that the east-west asymmetry in the heliospheric equatorial plane is mainly attributed to the spiral structure of the interplanetary magnetic field. ─── 初步分析表明,行星际磁场的螺旋结构是产生日球赤道面内双重激波对结构东西不对称性的主要原因。

35、The interaction between interplanetary shock (IS) and corotating high speed stream (CHSS) was investigated in this paper using a 3-D kinematic method (HAF model). ─── 摘要利用三维运动学模型模拟研究行星际激波与共转高速流(CHSS)的相互作用。

36、Interplanetary intensities of cosmic rays ─── 宇宙线行星际强度

37、an interplanetary journey in a space ship ─── 乘太空船作星际旅行

38、The most sophisticated robotic spacecraft ever built, the Cassini orbiter and the attached Huygens probe, were poised atop the launch vehicle, and seven years of interplanetary voyaging lay ahead. ─── 在发射器顶端,即将展开数年行星际旅行的卡西尼号轨道船和惠更斯号探测器,是人类目前为止所建造最精密的自动太空船。

39、Musk founded SpaceX 10 years ago and interplanetary travel has always been one of his goals for the company. ─── Musk于十年前成立了SpaceX公司,星际旅行一直都是他为该公司设计的目标之一。

40、Downstream structures of interplanetary fast shocks associated with coronal mass ejections ─── 与冠状块喷放物有关的行星间的快速冲击的上游结构

41、Strategic Interplanetary System ─── 战略行星际系统

42、If it does this could be a problem, since we rely on the stability of the aerogel tiles to be able to reconstruct trajectories, and thus distinguish betwen interstellar dust and interplanetary dust. ─── 如果出现这种情况那将是个问题,因为我们依靠凝胶块的稳固性来重建弹道,并由此区分星际尘埃和太阳系内尘埃。

43、They are designing new inertial guidance systems which would guide rockets and interplanetary spaceships by using devices which detect changes in speed and direction and make necessary adjustments automatically. ─── 他们在设计新的惯性制导系统,这种系统可以通过使用能够探测速度和方向变化并做出相应自动调整的装置来引导火箭及系内太空船的行驶。

44、InterPlaNetary Internet ─── IPN网络

45、If you lose something through fleet attack, Interplanetary Missileattack, colony abandonment, etc. you also lose the points that you hadfor that something. ─── 如果你经由舰队、星导攻击或是放弃殖民地而损失些东西,你将失去那些东西所值的分数.

46、Research on the Environment Characters of Atmosphere of Planetary and Interplanetary Space in the Solar System ─── 太阳系行星及行星际大气环境特性研究

47、The cosmic rocket carrying an automatic interplanetary station snot off into cosmic space. ─── 宇宙火箭带着自动星际站飞快冲向宇宙空间。

48、As we have noted above, though, large rocks make fast interplanetary voyages very infrequently. ─── 不过,前面曾经提及,在行星之间快速飞行的大石块相当罕见。

49、This paper presents three-dimensional, global numerical simulations of the dynamic response of the Earth's ionosphere to interplanetary shocks. ─── 摘要本文就地球电离层对行星际激波的动力学响应进行三维全球数值模拟研究。

50、Could those experiments provide insights profound enough to justify the expense of sending people across interplanetary space? ─── 这些实验能提供足够深刻的见解,从而将把人送到星际空间的花费合理化吗?

51、Interplanetary Mission Support Requirements ─── 星际(航天)任务支援要求

52、A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth. ─── 只有很小一部分太阳的光和热由此方向释放出来,并且未被阻挡,穿越星空,来到地球。

53、The manuscripts did not say definitely that interplanetary travel was ever made but did mention, of all things, a planned trip to the Moon, though it is not clear whether this trip was actually carried out. ─── 手稿没有明确说行星间旅行什么时候进行过只是提及计划到月亮旅行所有东西,虽然是否这个旅行实际上完成没有不是清楚的。

54、Is there an earth station, a base for relaying radio signals to and from artifical satellites and interplanetary sapcecraft, in your city? ─── 你们城市有那种地球站吗?就是作为中继向人造卫星和星际飞行器发送的或中继来自这些地方的无线电信号的地面基地?

55、In the 3He- 3He/ 4He figure, all data points of nodules, cobalt crusts and sediments sit in or close to the mixing curve between the micrometeorite interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and the terrigenous sediments. ─── 在3 He- 3 He/4 He 图上,结核、结壳及深海沉积物的He 同位素数据点均沿着宇宙尘与陆壳物质的混合曲线分布。

56、Earth's bow shock and its interaction with interplanetary shocks ─── 地球弓激波及其与行星际激波相互作用

57、The interplanetary (IP) space is a key node of the cause-effect chain for the space weather, as a pivot linking the Sun and the Earth. ─── 作为联接太阳和地球的纽带,行星际空间是空间天气的链锁反应的一个关键环节。

58、In other interplanetary explorations without astronauts, Mariner 10 spacecraft three times passed by Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, revealing its similarity to both the earth and the moon. ─── 其它无人驾驶的星际探险,主要有水手号太空船三次经过最靠近太阳的行星水星,揭示出水星与月球,地球的相同点。

59、An even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid. ─── 有一种更小的星际碎片,是流星体。

60、the prediction method for space weather disturbances in interplanetary space and geospace based on the observations of photosphere and corona. ─── 以太阳光球和日冕观测为基础的有关行星际和地球空间系统扰动的预报方法研究。

61、Even if they survive interplanetary micrometeoroids and fierce magnetospheric plasma, the subtle force exerted by radiation causes their orbits to spiral inward. ─── 即使行星际的微流星体和猛烈的磁层离子体没把它们消灭,辐射的细微影响也会让小粒子迴旋掉下。

62、interplanetary monitoring probe satellite ─── 星际监视探测人造卫星

63、Note: Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed and Interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. ─── 注意:攻击舰队全部被摧毁以及导弹攻击皆不适用过度攻击的规则。

64、Reusable Interplanetary Transport Approach Vehicle ─── 可重复使用的星际间运输运载器/运载火箭

65、interplanetary monitor satellite ─── 星际监视卫星

66、Anchored Interplanetary Monitoring Platform ─── 悬停行星际监控平台

67、satellite for interplanetary probes ─── 星际探测卫星

68、Voyager: Either of two unmanned U.S. interplanetary probes launched in 1977 to gather information about the Sun's outer planets. ─── 旅行者号:美国1977年进行太空探测的两枚不载人星际探测器,其发射目的是观察外行星系。

69、We are investigating the possibility of a commercial venture, where a solar sail would conduct station-keeping at points in interplanetary space that are useful for monitoring in the solar system. ─── 我们研究了一种商业风险的可行性,就是太阳帆能定点保持在太阳系内的某处,这对监测太阳系很有用。

70、Observations of Medium-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in Interplanetary Space ─── 中尺度磁绳结构的行星际观测

71、guide in interplanetary travel. ─── 操作飞船在行星间旅行。

72、As part of the Prometheus Project, the space agency is trying to design nuclear reactors that could power ion-propulsion systems for interplanetary spacecraft. ─── 做为普罗米修司计画的一部份,航太总署正试图设计的核反应器,能提供能量给行星际太空船的离子推进系统。

73、Lunar-Anchored Interplanetary Monitoring Platform ─── 固定在月球上的星际监视平台

74、The facility simulated confinement, stress and fatigue of interplanetary travel - the only thing not simulated was weightlessness. ─── 该设备模拟诸如禁闭,压力和星际旅行带来的疲劳等状态——唯一没有模拟失重状态。

75、After a four year interplanetary cruise, Dawn will orbit two small worlds, first Vesta and then Ceres. ─── 在四年星际旅行之后,黎明号将绕两颗小行星飞行,首先是灶神星然后是谷神星。

76、While he reassures the US that his country is committed to the bilateral alliance, she regales the media with tales of interplanetary travel and, er, solar breakfasts. ─── 当其夫信誓旦旦效忠美日同盟之时,她却用星际旅行的故事和,呃,拿太阳当早餐款待了媒体。

77、Ruled by an interplanetary parliament, the Alliance was a beacon of civilization. ─── 中央行星都组成了联盟,由一个星际的议会所统治,联盟就如同文明的灯塔一样。

78、The solar wind has its own magnetic field, which travels with the outflowing plasma into interplanetary space. ─── 太阳风有它自己的磁场,这个磁场会随著外流的太阳风电浆一起流入星际空间。


80、In the 1950s many people imagined that in the decades to come the new frontier would be beaten back by pioneers bent on interplanetary colonisation. ─── 在50年代,很多人想象,在未来的几十年,新的边疆将被倾心于星际殖民的先锋们打回。

81、Caption:: Interplanetary unmanned spacecrafts are distant and their signals are very weak. Using radio antennae, the Deep Space Network was set up for the interplanetary telecommunications. ─── 在行星际空间航行的无人探测船,距离遥远,讯号微弱。由多台巨型碟型天线组成的深空网络因此建立,以作行星际的电信往来。

82、interplanetary atmosphere ─── 星际大气

83、interplanetary unmanned scientific satellite ─── 星际无人驾驶科学卫星

84、Solar Sails: A Novel Approach To Interplanetary Travel ─── 太阳帆:星际旅行的新探讨

85、an interplanetary flight ─── 在行星间的航行.

86、The Interplanetary Causes of the Anormalous SSC Events ─── 异常SSC事件的行星际原因分析

87、Soon everyone will be dreaming of interplanetary travel again, he predicts. ─── 他预测,很快每个人都会再次梦想星际旅行。

88、the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found. ─── 在太阳系内太空中火星与木星间的有很多小行星的区域。

89、And with rocky meteorites that could serve as vehicles for interplanetary exchange,the idea that life has evolved elsewhere in the universe seems less daunting than it did just a few years ago. ─── 并且有能够作星辰间交流的工具的岩石陨石,生命由宇宙中其它地方进化而来的想法就不会那么令人咋舌了。

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