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09-15 投稿



helicine 发音


英:  美:

helicine 中文意思翻译



helicine 短语词组

1、helicine arteries ─── [医] 螺旋动脉

2、helicine artery ─── 螺旋动脉

helicine 相似词语短语

1、helictite ─── [地质]石枝

2、helicon ─── n.赫利孔山;诗的灵感源泉;海利空低音大号(军乐队等中可套在肩上吹奏的大喇叭)

3、helicline ─── n.螺旋状坡路;渐升的弯曲坡道

4、heliclines ─── n.螺旋状坡路;渐升的弯曲坡道

5、helicity ─── n.[物]螺旋性

6、helicase ─── n.解旋酶

7、colicine ─── n.大肠杆菌素

8、helicons ─── n.赫利孔山;诗的灵感源泉;海利空低音大号(军乐队等中可套在肩上吹奏的大喇叭)

9、culicine ─── n.库蚊,库蚊属(等于culex)

helicine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、muscle of helicine notch ─── 耳轮切迹肌

2、Objective To observe pulsative index (PI), resistant index (RI) of placental helicine arteries by colour Doppler, analyses relation between PI, RI and developing of pregnant hypertension. ─── 目的本研究采用彩色多普勒检测孕妇子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉搏动指数(PI),阻力指数(RI),预测妊高征的发生、发展及预后。方法选择无慢性高血压,心、肝、肾合并症正常孕妇184例。

3、Value of Predicting Pregnant Hypertension of Observing PI and RI of Placental Helicine Arteries by Colour Doppler ─── 彩色多普勒检测孕妇子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉PI、RI预测妊高征价值

4、Keywords Colour Doppler;Helicine artery;Pregnant hypertension;PI;RI; ─── 关键词彩色多普勒;螺旋动脉;孕高征;PI;RI;

5、Keywords CDFI Ectopic Pregnancy Uterine Artery Helicine Artery Resistance Index; ─── 彩色多普勒超声;异位妊娠;子宫动脉;螺旋动脉;阻力指数;

6、helicine arteries ─── 螺旋动脉

7、Conclusion It is valuable for the clinics to observe helicine arteries by colour Doppler to predict pregnant hypertention. ─── 结论应用彩色多普勒测定子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉PI、RI来预测孕高征的发生、发展及预后具有临床应用价值。

8、Abstract: Objective To observe pulsative index (PI), resistant index (RI) of placental helicine arteries by colour Doppler, analyses relation between PI, RI and developing of pregnant hypertension. ─── 摘 要: 目的本研究采用彩色多普勒检测孕妇子宫胎盘床螺旋动脉搏动指数(PI),阻力指数(RI),预测妊高征的发生、发展及预后。

9、Keywords transvaginal CDFI;peritrophoblastic blood flow;uterine artery;helicine artery;ectopic pregnancy;resistance index; ─── 阴道CDFI超声;滋养层周围性血流;子宫动脉;螺旋动脉;异位妊娠;阻力指数;

10、incisura antitragus helicine ─── 对耳屏耳轮(间)切迹

11、spiral helicine ─── 螺旋状的

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