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09-14 投稿



indoles 发音

英:[[?n'd??lz]]  美:[[?n'do?lz]]

英:  美:

indoles 中文意思翻译



indoles 短语词组

1、substituted indoles ─── 取代吲哚

indoles 相似词语短语

1、condoles ─── vi.慰问;吊唁;哀悼

2、in holes ─── 漏洞百出;破绽很多

3、anoles ─── n.变色龙,变色蜥,安乐蜥

4、indolent ─── adj.懒惰的;无痛的

5、indole ─── n.吲哚;靛基质

6、pinholes ─── n.[电子]针孔;[纺][冶]小孔(pinhole的复数);梢孔;气孔

7、-noles ─── 零

8、indorses ─── vt.背书(限指收款人自己背书);承认;赞成

9、insoles ─── n.鞋垫;鞋内底

indoles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、aminoguanidine indoles ─── 氨基胍吲哚类

2、Among of them, indoles and pyrazoles are of great importance and they are also hotspots that organic chemists are researching. ─── 吲哚和吡唑是含氮有机杂环化合物的两大类型,它们也是有机化学家研究的热点问题。

3、Phytochemicals, naturally occurring substances, include indoles in cabbage or cauliflower, saponins in peas and beans, and isoflavones in soy milk and tofu. ─── 植物化学物质是一种自然产生的物质,包括甘蓝或菜花中的吲哚素,豌豆和豆类中的皂苷,以及豆奶或豆腐中的异黄酮。

4、Major product lines include various kinds of boronic acids, pyridines , indoles, imidazoles, as well as many other fine chemicals. ─── 公司主要产品包括各种硼酸,吡啶,吲哚,咪唑,和其它精细化工产品和有机化合物。

5、Indane/Indanone and Derivatives;Indoles; ─── 相关类别: 有机中间体;

6、A member of the cabbage family, which Bowden dubs "vegetable royalty," kale contains indoles, a compound found to fight cancer. ─── 一名白菜家族的成员,鲍登杜布斯在“蔬菜版税”中说,甘蓝含有吲哚,一种战胜癌症的复合物。

7、8.Fig 3 Excitation and emission spectra of indoles and its derivative in DMSO. ─── 图3吲哚及其衍生物的DMSO溶液的激发和发射光谱。

8、Melatonin (MLT) is endogenous indoles hormone with high bioactivity synthesized by apophysis cerebri. ─── 褪黑素是由松果体合成和分泌的具有较高生物活性的内源性吲哚类激素。

9、A member of the cabbage family, which Bowden dubs "vegetable royalty," kale contains indoles, a compound found to fight cancer. ─── 一名白菜家族的成员,鲍登杜布斯在“蔬菜版税”中说,甘蓝含有吲哚,一种战胜癌症的复合物。

10、A member of the cabbage family, which Bowden dubs "vegetable royalty, " kale contains indoles, a compound found to fight cancer. ─── 一名白菜家族的成员,鲍登杜布斯在“蔬菜版税”中说,甘蓝含有吲哚,一种战胜癌症的复合物。

11、Chapter 5 steered the concrete programming, concrete curtate three working extent of authoriths of the indoles consumer, designed three working interfaces. ─── 第五章进行了具体的程序设计,具体划分了三类用户的操作权限,设计了了三个操作界面。

12、Keywords beta Thalassemia;Globins;Gene expression;Indoles; ─── 地中海贫血;珠蛋白类;基因表达;吲哚类;

13、Major product lines include various kinds of boronic acids, pyridines, indoles, imidazoles, as well as many other fine chemicals. ─── 公司主要产品包括各种硼酸,吡啶,吲哚,咪唑,和其它精细化工产品和有机化合物.

14、Fig 2 UV-Visible spectra of indoles and their corresponding dedoped polymers in DMSO. ─── 图2吲哚衍生物单体及其聚合物在DMSO中的紫外可见光谱。

15、Fig. 1 Cyclic voltammograms of indoles and its derivatives in the mixed electrolytes of BFEE. ─── 图1吲哚及其衍生物在BFEE及其混合电解质中的循环伏安曲线。

16、indol(e)amine dioxygenase ─── 吲哚胺双加氧酶

17、The invention discloses a preparation method of a benzofuran ketones compound containing indoles substituent groups. ─── 一种含吲哚类取代基的苯并呋喃酮类化合物的制造方法。

18、ability of this consortium to hydroxylate and subsequently degrade substituted indoles was investigated. ─── 本文研究了产甲烷条件下细菌降解吲哚类有机物的能力。

19、Methods Compounded one kind of trisaccharide iron urea indol culture medium and the trisaccharide iron agar has carried on the contrast experiment with the national standard method in voluntarily. ─── 方法自行配制了一种三糖铁尿素靛基质培养基,并与国家标准方法中三糖铁琼脂进行了对比试验。

20、methyl indol ─── 甲基吲哚

21、Non-basic nitrogen-containing series include pyrroles, indoles, carbazoles and benzcarbazoles. ─── 不含碱性氮的化合物包括吡咯、吲哚、咔唑和苯咔唑。

22、The imprimis should realize whether the bride has vs the chemistry material allergy of the indoles that turns Xian of of history. ─── 首先应该了解新娘是否有对化纤之类的化学材料过敏的的历史。

23、This indol test drug has the operation simple, the cure rate is high and utility. ─── 本试验药物具有操作简便、治愈率高、经济实惠。

24、Light green foods such as green grapes, kiwi and honeydew also offer phytochemicals such as lutein and indoles. ─── 青葡萄、奇异果和哈密瓜等浅绿色食物也能提供人体黄体素和引朵等植物化学因子。

25、Following the principle of "natural product-inspired synthesis" , 450 indoles were built on polymer supports. ─── 遵循“天然产物刺激的合成”的原理,450个吲哚类化合物被结合在多聚物载体上。

26、Pass the indol test of the artificial theta replication case and a natural case, the cure rate attains 90% above. ─── 通过人工复制病例和鸡场自然病例的试验,治愈率达到90%以上。

27、Finnish study found that the fermentation process inoled in making sauerkraut produces seeral other cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane. ─── 一项芬兰研究发现,腌菜过程中的发酵能够哦产生一些抗癌成分,包括ITCs、吲哚类及莱菔硫烷。

28、Phytochemicals, naturally occurring substances, include indoles in cabbage or cauliflower, saponins in peas and beans, and isoflavones in soy milk and tofu. ─── 植物化学物质是一种自然产生的物质,包括甘蓝或菜花中的吲哚素,豌豆和豆类中的皂苷,以及豆奶或豆腐中的异黄酮。

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