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09-14 投稿



incongruence 发音


英:  美:

incongruence 中文意思翻译



incongruence 相似词语短语

1、congruence ─── n.一致;适合;[数]全等

2、incontinence ─── n.[医]失禁;无节制;不能自制

3、in consequence ─── 因此;结果

4、incongruently ─── 不一致

5、incoherence ─── n.不连贯,无条理

6、incongruent ─── adj.不一致的;不协调的;不和谐的;不合适的(名词incongruence,副词incongruently)

7、inconsequence ─── n.不合理;矛盾;不切题

8、congruences ─── n.一致;适合;[数]全等

9、congruency ─── n.一致(等于congruence);适合

incongruence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your mind knows that continuing to work hard is likely to be futile and won't solve the real problem of incongruence. ─── 想要更个方面都要保持平衡可不是件容易的事情。因为你需要不断地转换各个方面。例如:我需要注意加强人际关系了。

2、According the functional linguistists, this phenomenon is an example of metaphor of mood, caused by the incongruence of mood and function. ─── 在系统功能语言学的框架下,语言学家认为这种现象属于语法隐喻中的语气隐喻,是由于言语语气与言语功能之间的不一致而产生。

3、The SSCP electrophoresis lanes of all strains were incongruence, and some strains had several conformation. ─── 各条带之间都显现出一定的差异性,有部分菌株的单链具有多种构象。

4、data incongruence ─── 数据不相合性

5、The resistance often represents a major incongruence or discrepancy in the client or in the relationship between the counselor and client. ─── 阻抗经常意味着求助者本人内心的矛盾或者咨询师和求助者之间有了分歧。

6、A sharp incongruence was perceived between his already grey hair and a seemingly 40-odd age. ─── 他的年纪,看起来不过四十多岁,头发却已经花白。

7、Natalie Whitlock talks about the incongruence of closed security systems, and the open source solution. ─── Natalie Whitlock讨论了封闭式安全性系统的不适宜性和开放源码解决方案。

8、Your mind knows that continuing to work hard is likely to be futile and won't solve the real problem of incongruence . ─── 你心里知道,继续努力是没用的,也不能解决不一致这个真正的问题。

9、Benefiting for Chinese media development as it was, the reform was halted because of its incongruence with mainstream logic guiding Chinese social development at the time. ─── 但是,这场对中国新闻事业发展有巨大裨益的改革探索,却因与当时主导中国社会发展的逻辑不相适应而被迫中断。


11、Incongruence of pulse with four seasons ─── 脉逆四时

12、A long time ago Mila noticed the incongruence of her dreams. ─── 在很久之前,Mila注意到了她梦想的不一致性。

13、compare both worlds to find where there is incongruence or imbalance that might be causing you to perform poorly or, more importantly, to be unhappy and frustrated. ─── 比较两个”世界“,找到那些也许正在引起你表现不好(或更重要的是)引起你不快乐、沮丧的“不一致性”或失衡。

14、Your mind knows that continuing to work hard is likely to be futile and won’t solve the real problem of incongruence. ─── 你心里知道,继续努力是没用的,也不能解决不一致这个真正的问题。

15、One study found that incongruence between implicit and explicit motives decreases wellbeing. ─── 一项研究发现,含蓄与直截了当动机之间的矛盾会降低幸福感。

16、“There is an unhealthy incongruence between the state of economy and the number of companies that are saying their information technology staffs are extremely busy. ─── 美国、西欧、加拿大和日本的企业将因经济衰退而削减高科技预算。

17、SSCP electrophoresis lanes of all strains were incongruence, and some strains had several conformation. ─── 都显现出一定的差异性,有部分菌株的单链具有多种构象。

18、There is no anxiety. Incongruence is not apparent, although the theory suggests it would be substantial indeed. ─── 没有焦虑,自我内部的不和谐并不明显,尽管理论上这些的确都是应该存在的。

19、Natalie Whitlock talks about the incongruence of closed security systems, and the open source solution. ─── NatalieWhitlock讨论了封闭式安全性系统的不适宜性和开放源码解决方案。

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