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09-16 投稿



immanency 发音

英:[['?m?n?ns?]]  美:[['?m?n?ns?]]

英:  美:

immanency 中文意思翻译



immanency 相似词语短语

1、immanental ─── 内在的

2、impendency ─── n.迫切;危急

3、permanency ─── n.永久;耐久性;永久的事物

4、imminence ─── n.迫切;急迫,危急;迫近的危险或祸患

5、immanence ─── n.内在;无所不在;固有;含蓄

6、imminency ─── n.迫切;急迫

7、immanent ─── adj.内在的;固有的

8、impermanency ─── n.非永久性

9、immanently ─── 内在地;固有地

immanency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The composing of graphic is a harmonious expression with “besides form” and “immanency method”; ─── 图形的组构是“外在形式”与“内在秩序”的力度的和谐及表达;

2、structure of text, the immanency and the system of perform, li Kai-xian's design has its rationality. ─── 文本结构、内在结构、表演体制看,李开先的这种安排有其合理性。

3、The third part searched Feng Zhfs special experience mode and the immanency cause of his fiction in a metaphor arrangement.The sense and self-identity of Chinese intelligentsia was searched here. ─── 第三部分旨在从隐喻的角度探求冯至特殊的经验模式和其小说之“诗化”的内在缘由,从中透视中国现代知识者自身身份的觉识与认同的问题。

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