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09-15 投稿



incompletely 发音


英:  美:

incompletely 中文意思翻译



incompletely 网络释义

adv. 不完全地

incompletely 短语词组

1、incompletely defined ─── 定义不完整

2、incompletely managed ─── 未完全管理

3、incompletely deployed packages ─── 未完全部署的包

4、incompletely specified function ─── [计] 不完全确定函数

5、incompletely-specified function ─── [计] 不完全确定函数

6、incompletely-specified sequential machine ─── [计] 不完全确定顺序机

7、incompletely dominant ─── 完全占主导地位

8、incompletely ordered ─── 未完全排序

9、incompletely specified ─── 未完全指定

10、incompletely applied ─── 未完全应用

incompletely 相似词语短语

1、completely ─── adv.完全地,彻底地;完整地

2、incompetent ─── adj.无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的;n.无能力者

3、incompletion ─── n.不完全

4、incompleteness ─── n.不完全

5、incomplete ─── adj.不完全的;[计]不完备的

6、uncompleted ─── adj.未完成的

7、incompactly ─── 松散地

8、incompetently ─── adv.无能力地;不胜任地

9、incompetency ─── n.无能力;不胜任;不适当

incompletely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sequences of rock units are incompletely known. ─── 岩石单元的层序了解得不完全。

2、incompletely dominant ─── 不完全显性

3、incompletely fermented wine ─── 发酵不完全的酒

4、The pathogenesis of SES is incompletely understood.The inflammatory cytokines are generally accepted as an important pathogenic factor of SES. ─── 其发病机制还不十分清楚,众多的研究首先考虑的致病因素是炎性因子。

5、Ovary incompletely (3 or)4-loculed, with 1 pendulous ovule per locule (if 2, then 1 aborting early), (6-)8-ribbed, ornamented, mid-sepaline ribs less distinctly raised than others; ─── 子房不完全(3或)4室,具1下垂胚珠每室(如果2,同则1枚早期败育的),(6-)8肋,装饰,与其它相比较中部肋较少清楚凸起;

6、If you return forms that are incompletely filled in or without relevant certificates, then the NMC will return them to you or the sender. This will delay the assessment process. ─── 如果寄回的表格没有填写完整或缺少相关证明,NMC将退还给你或寄信人,这将会耽误你的评估进程。

7、In the present information technology course teaching of high school, a subject matter existing is a contradiction when "ed eat incompletely " and " eaten ". ─── 在目前的高中信息技术课程教学中,存在的一个主要问题就是“吃不够”和“吃不了”之间的矛盾。

8、This incompletely known taxon is recorded only from the type gathering. ─── 不完全了解的这一分类群只从模式标本的采集被记录的。

9、Ovary superior, 1-loculed, or divided by 3 septa and 3-loculed, or incompletely septate; ─── 子房上位,1室,或者被隔膜分开为3室,或者不完全具隔;

10、Against my account of the courts as exercising such a limited discretionary power to settle cases left incompletely regulated by the law, Dworkin directs three main criticisms. ─── 把这两段话放到一起,如果还有谁认为德沃金在中提出了一些论点来批驳强调审判现象学的法律实证主义,我真不知该说什么好了。

11、lateral series scales A count of scales along the flank when the lateral line is absent or incompletely pored. ─── 侧列鳞片当侧线不存在或者不完全有孔的时候,鳞片沿著侧边的计数。

12、Their view is very interesting, but I incompletely understood. ─── 他们的说法很有意思,但我不完全明白。

13、incompletely specified function ─── 不完全确定函数

14、incompletely linked gene ─── 不完全连锁基因

15、After looking like the body incompletely. ─── 像肢体残缺后。

16、Customized ablation for myopia corrected incompletely by conventional LASIK ─── 个体化切削治疗标准LASIK不能完全矫正的近视

17、Carpels connate or rarely incompletely connate to nearly distinct. ─── 心皮合生或很少不完全合生到近离生。

18、incompletely closed osteon ─── 未满围骨单位

19、English: The printer is incompletely defined. Try to reinstall it. ─── 打印机没有被完整定义。请尝试重新安装它。

20、The finalization section must therefore be able to handle incompletely initialized data, since, if a runtime error occurs, the initialization code might not execute completely. ─── 因此,终结化小节必须能处理不完全的初始化数据,因为如果有运行时错误,初始化代码就有可能没有被全部执行。

21、Ovary incompletely 5-loculed. ─── 子房不完全5室。

22、Some scholars thought that although Yan Fu was the first person for translating and introducing the westward liberalism, he had incompletely apprehended the liberalism with individual as standard. ─── 摘要一些学者认为严复虽然是译介西方自由主义的第一人,但他对西方个体本位的自由主义的理解还不到位。

23、Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported. ─── 局限性:试验方法的特点和质量本质上发生了变化并且经常不能被完全地报道出来。

24、Leaf blade compressed, incompletely septate. ─── 叶片压扁,不完全具隔。

25、Actually, this incompletely right. ─── 其实,这不完全对。

26、the feed/feed additive is either not duly labelled, or inconspicuously or incompletely labelled. ─── 七未依规定标示、标示不明或标示不全者。

27、This rule reports a violation if you have specified a permission request incorrectly, or incompletely. ─── 如果您不正确地指定了权限请求或指定的权限请求不完整,则该规则会报告冲突。

28、But understood own need the partial schoolmates, can actual promote its function incompletely. ─── 也比较愿意花时间去增进其功能。

29、Please inform us in immediately this transmission is incompletely or illegibly or illegibly received. ─── 图文传真如不清晰,请速通知,以便补发。

30、Being in the earliest stages of development; imperfectly or incompletely developed ─── 未充分发展的

31、And the action of the novel depends on there being alpha individuals incompletely conditioned who looked back fondly to the world of Huxley's time. ─── 另外,这本小说的影响还在于使那些没有完全被驯化的最高阶层对赫胥黎时代的那个世界一往情深。

32、Welding joints is the unsubstantial parts for structure, welding quality is called "incompletely determination", the unsubstantial parts is the focus of quality control. ─── 摘要焊接接头是结构的薄弱环节,焊接质量很难控制,薄弱环节是质量控制的重点。

33、How to Fit A Curve on the Occasion of Incomplet Data ─── 数据不完整情况下的曲线拟合问题

34、It was reconfirmed from the result of pedigree analysis that ED1 was dominant over EP and e, while EP was incompletely dominant over e. ─── 家系个体的分析结果进一步验证了ED1对EP、e为完全显性,EP对e为不完全显性。

35、the other half have HF with a normal EF (diastolic HF [DHF]).However, the underlying pathophysiological differences between DHF and SHF patients are incompletely defined. ─── 另一半心衰患者有正常的射血分数(舒张性心衰[DHF]).然而,在DHF和SHF患者间的内在的病理生理学区别是仍不完全清楚。

36、I thought incompletely is all right. ─── 我认为都不完全对。

37、According to the statistics incompletely, there is 95% of the world champions coming from the amateurish youngsters sport school in China. ─── 据不完全统计,在我国已有的世界冠军中有95%来自青少年业余体校。

38、The results showed that six of the thirteen rats in the experimental group were incompletely aborted with smaller placentas, and hyperemia in the placenta and decidua. ─── 实验组13例中有6例为不完全流产,其胎盘比对照组小与蜕膜均有明显淤血现象.

39、incompletely specified ─── 不完全指定的

40、I thought incompletely is all right. ─── 我认为都不完全对。

41、incompletely tercooling ─── 中间不完全冷却

42、Original documents which are inaccurately and incompletely recorded shall be returned for correction or supplementation. ─── 对记载不准确、不完整的原始凭证,予以退回,要求更正、补充。

43、Even though we have found our life partners who didn't match us, we still live lonely and incompletely. ─── 即使找到了填补这缺口的伴侣,但因他/她填补的太过或不及,我们仍旧活地孤单寂寞,不完整。

44、Research on Algorithm of Text Watermarking Based on Understanding Semantic Incompletely ─── 基于不完整语义理解的文本数字水印算法研究

45、Methods Reviewing and analysing the CT and DSA images of 49 patients (52 foci) of liver cancer with lipiodol incompletely accumulated after TACE. ─── 方法回顾分析49例(52枚病灶)肝癌,经TACE术后碘油不完全聚积的CT、DSA影像资料。

46、Correction of Incompletely Orthogonal Three Axial Magnetic Sensor by Conjugated Approximate Gradient Algorithm ─── 基于共轭次梯度法的非理想正交三轴磁传感器的修正

47、incompletely penetrance ─── 不完全外显率

48、I want to ask, there is hemangioma on liver can very serious, want how to just can eliminate an incompletely cured illness. ─── 我想问一下,肝上有血管瘤会不会很严重,要怎么样才能消除病根.

49、"incompletely theorized agreements" ─── “未完全理论化的协议”

50、3.SCRUM acknowledges that the underlying development processes are incompletely defined and uses control mechanisms to improve flexibility. ─── SCRUM承认根本的开发过程不能完全加以定义,需要用控制机制增加可行性。

51、But becausethe culture is different, center the western culture also incompletely same to the anxious view or the manner, but this reflects in the Chinese-English two languages. ─── 但由于文化不同,中西方文化对焦虑的看法或态度也不尽相同,而这又反映在汉英两种语言中。

52、incompletely informed trader ─── 不完全知情人

53、Investigation of the High-temperature Catalytic Destruction of Ni-Cr Alloy Under Incompletely Burning Condition ─── 在不完全燃烧条件下Ni-Cr合金高温催化破坏作用机理的研究

54、This incompletely known species is recorded only from a few collections. It has reputed medicinal value. ─── 这不完全知道的种只由少数采集而被记录。它已经被认为有药用价值。

55、causes of the phenomenon are still incompletely understood. ─── 造成这种现象的原因尚未彻底弄清。

56、METHOD:The osteoepiphyses in the lower and inner side of the left humerus of 53 immature rabbits were incompletely fractured. ─── 方法53只未发育成熟兔左肱骨下端内侧骨骺部形成不完全骨折。

57、When the Constitution was implemented, some rules or regulations were partially or incompletely carried out in practice. ─── 在实施中,某些规定或部分地,或基本地,或完全地得不到贯彻落实。

58、Any of the soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant. ─── 囟门一柔软的膜状口,在胎儿或婴儿的未完全发育好的头颅骨头之间

59、This article analyzes the weld defects such as:blowhole,slag inclusion,incompletely fille d groove,overlap,lack of fusion,undercut ,over-sized leg,also it puts forw ard the solution. ─── 对立角焊中气孔、夹渣、未焊透、焊缝余高凸起、焊波脱节、咬边、焊脚尺寸过大等缺陷产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了有效的解决方法。

60、Replantation of a completely or incompletely amputated lower extremity is less common yet challenging for reconstructive surgeons. ─── 摘要下肢完全或不完全截肢并不常见但对重建医师来说却是一项挑战。

61、It is not difficult to turn this informal description into an incompletely refined routine ─── 将非正式的描述变成一个并不完全精确的程序并不困难

62、An Experimental Study on the Model Preparing among Rabbits with Acute and Incompletely Compressing Paraplegia ─── 建立兔急性压迫型不完全性截瘫模型的实验研究

63、Incompletely or illegibly addressed. ─── 地址不全或难以辨认的。

64、When you incompletely ascend, a part of your consciousness is left behind in the third dimension. ─── 当你不完全提升时,你意识的一部分被留下在第三密度。

65、But she also is incompletely the organization of this brothers feeling enemy. ─── 但她也不完全是这场兄弟情仇的机关。

66、any of various plants of the genus Malvaviscus having brilliant bell-shaped drooping flowers like incompletely opened hibiscus flowers. ─── 任何属于m种的植物,有灿烂的铃铛状的下垂的花,象不完全张开的芙蓉属植物的花。

67、Results: The total rate of failing to report of the hospital is 5.00%, the total intact rate is 61.88%, the hospitals at all levels have the problem of reporting incompletely, the total promptness rate is 94.38%. ─── 医院级别越高漏报率越低,各级医院传染病报告的完整率随医院级别的降低有逐渐减少的趋势,及时率无明显差异,医院的消毒隔离情况在个体诊所存在消毒技术培训不到位。

68、The dominance or recessive relation are shown between allele of the most loci and few of them show allelic equivalence or incompletely dominance. ─── 多数基因座的等位基因呈显隐性关系,少数表现为等显性或不完全显性。

69、This holds true and Hong Hua can be used to vent rashes or measles when they have incompletely gone away. ─── 在皮疹和麻疹未完全治愈时,红花确实能排除皮疹麻疹。

70、stipules deciduous, intrapetiolar, incompletely connate, apex 2-cleft; ─── 托叶脱落,叶柄内,不完全合生,顶2半裂;

71、Most of the patients with XDR TB had been treated, incompletely, for MDR TB, the doctors found. ─── 医生发现,患XDR结核的多数患者已被治愈,但对于治疗MDR还不够。

72、Connect just thunder cloud son to let out the thunder of that moving center soul only, also is incompletely his art. ─── 就连刚才雷云子放出那片动人心魄的雷光,也不完全是他的杰作。

73、incompletely compacted concrete ─── 捣实不足的混凝土

74、8 Please inform us in immediately this transmission is incompletely or illegibly or illegibly received. ─── 9图文传真如不清晰,请速通知,以便补发。

75、Ovary superior or semi-inferior, 1-loculed, with 2-9 parietal placentas, rarely incompletely 2-9(or more)-celled by placentas protruding deeply into locule; ─── 子房上位和半下位,1室,有2-9侧膜胎座,很少不完全的2-9(或更多)室,胎座凸出深入进子房室;

76、Methods:222 cases underwent selective or super-selective angiography and in the cases whose lesion was not shown or shown incompletely oblique position was taken. ─── 方法:222例均先作选择性或超选择性造影,对没有显示病变或显示病变不完全的病例加摄斜位;

77、Any of the soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant . ─── 囟门一柔软的膜状口,在胎儿或婴儿的未完全发育好的头颅骨头之间。

78、About these problems there aredifferent opinions in the world.Treat the traditional Nomadic Civilizations, Mongolia similar to Inner Mongolia adopt respectively incompletely of principle and mode. ─── 对这些问题在世界上是存在不同意见的, 对待传统游牧文化,蒙古和内蒙古分别采取不完全相同的理念和方式。

79、Incompletely information games ─── 不完全信息博弈

80、incompletely information static state model ─── 不完全信息静态博弈模型

81、Although the development process is incompletely defined and dynamic, numerous organizations have developed detailed development methodologies that include current development methods (structured, OO, etc.). ─── 尽管开发过程是未完全定义的和动态的,众多的机构已经制定出详细的开发方法,包括流行的开发方法(结构化的方法,面向对象的方法,等等)。

82、incompletely implemented regulation ─── 不完全执行管制

83、Keywords ectodermal dysplasia;anhidrotic;incompletely type; ─── 外胚叶发育不良;无汗性;不完全型;

84、It is a fast-in/fast-out feeder, relying on a high output of incompletely digested food. ─── 它是一种新陈代谢很快的进食者,这一结论依赖于它们大量的排泄物都是那些没有未完全消化的食物。

85、incompletely condensed silsesquioxane ─── 不完全笼型倍半硅氧烷

86、incompletely specified Boolean function ─── 不完全说明布尔函数非完全指定的布尔函数

87、The calcite popular name has the big calcite and the small calcite two kinds, namely cleaves completely and incompletely two kinds, in big calcite has the transparency is very high, quality excellent is the Iceland spar. ─── 方解石俗称有大方解石及小方解石两种,即解理完全及不完全两种,其中大方解石中有的透明度很高,质量上乘的的即为冰洲石。

88、Keywords thickness of endometria;induced abortion by drugs;incompletely induced abortion by drugs; ─── 子宫内膜厚度;药物流产成功率;药物流产不全率;

89、In practice, system state is always characterized by nonlinear, non Gaussian and incompletely observed. ─── 在实际问题中,系统状态往往还呈现非线性、非高斯、不完全观测的特点。

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