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oxidization 发音


英:  美:

oxidization 中文意思翻译



oxidization 反义词


oxidization 短语词组

1、oxidization number ─── 氧化数

2、oxidization oxygen ─── 氧化 ─── 氧

3、oxidization oxidation ─── 氧化- ─── 氧化

4、oxidization by ─── 氧化方式

5、oxidization agent ─── 氧化剂

6、friction oxidization ─── 摩擦氧化

7、oxidization ratio ─── 氧化率

oxidization 同义词

oxidate | oxidize

oxidization 相似词语短语

1、acidization ─── n.酸蚀作用;酸化过程

2、deoxidisation ─── 还原;除酸

3、maximization ─── n.[数]极大化,最大化

4、hominization ─── n.人化,人化过程

5、iridization ─── n.虹视

6、fluidization ─── n.流体化;流化作用

7、deoxidization ─── n.还原;去氧

8、oxidation ─── n.[化学]氧化

9、oxidisation ─── 氧化过程;氧化反应

oxidization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This product is an extensive oxidization biocid, and is highly active to bacteria &algae, especially active for bacteria in sludge. ─── 为广谱氧化型杀菌剂,对菌藻均具有极高的活性,尤其对形成粘泥的细菌具有极高的活性。

2、For removing dross through converting dross back to solder from solder pot or wave soldering machine, and greatly lower down the solder oxidization. ─── 可用于锡炉和波峰焊中锡渣的还原,大幅降低锡的损耗。

3、The surface of UHMWPE fiber was treated by plasma,liquid oxidization,crone and UV grafting.The morphology and oxygen content of the fiber surface were characterized by SEM and XPS. ─── 本文用低温等离子、液态氧化、电晕、紫外接枝聚合等方法对UHMWPE纤维进行了表面处理,并用扫描电镜和XPS对纤维的表面形貌和含氧量作了表征。

4、Aluminum alloy can be colorfully decorated by electrolytic etched pattern graining following anodic oxidization and electrolytic coloring. ─── 通过电解刻蚀在铝合金表面形成图纹,然后再阳极氧化、电解着色,可使铝合金具有多彩的装饰性。


6、I. oxid, include magnetic iron ore, red iron ore, brown iron ore, etc. ─── 一、氧化铁:含铁氧化物的矿物有磁铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿、钛铁矿等。

7、Fortified wines could have ranges of flavors such as: dried fruits, nutty, almond, toffee, coffee, caramel, marmalade and oxidization. ─── 加烈酒可有一系列的味道如:乾果、坚果、杏仁、拖肥、咖啡、焦糖、柑桔果酱和氧化。

8、Model and Simulation of Isopropyl Benzene Oxidization in Airlift Reactor ─── 气升式反应器用于异丙苯氧化反应的模型与模拟

9、This product is an extensive oxidization biocid,and is highly active to bacteria &algae,especially active for bacteria in sludge. ─── 为广谱氧化型杀菌剂,对菌藻均具有极高的活性,尤其对形成粘泥的细菌具有极高的活性。

10、The dissolution of ore, oxidization of sulphur, interference of coexisted elements, conditions of elution are groped. ─── 对矿样的溶解、硫的氧化、共存元素的干扰、洗脱条件亦作了研究。

11、The performance and application of potassium ferrate in terms of its oxidization , flocculability and stability are overview ed. ─── 从氧化性、絮凝性、稳定性等方面概述了高铁酸钾的性能与应用。

12、oxidization - reduction equation ─── 氧化--还原反应方程式

13、Pickling solution for acid pickling of stainless steel is a mixture of various acids which possess strong corrosiveness and oxidization. ─── 不锈钢酸洗用酸洗液是多种酸的混合物,腐蚀性强且具有氧化性,腐蚀介质温度较高。

14、Oxidization of iron that forms on the surface of hot steel exposed to air or oxygen. ─── 氧化皮:暴露在空气或氧气中的高温钢铁,在其表面所形成的氧化铁。

15、Preparation of Catalyst for DSD Wastewater Treatment by Catalytic Oxidization Process ─── 催化氧化法处理DSD酸废水的催化剂研制

16、No graphites are found after the hot metal decarbonized by oxidization is cooled. ─── 对铁水进行氧化脱碳处理后进行冷却,没有发现片状石墨析出。

17、The cement ACTS as a catalyst for oxidization of the pollutants. ─── 水泥作为氧化污染物的催化剂。

18、When it is annealed, amount of cokes are put into the furnace which is sealed up to prevent the oxidization of mould. ─── 在进行退火处理时,退火炉内放入一定量的焦炭,并且将炉门四周密封,防止铸钢件表面氧化。

19、GER series can effectively remove colloid, oxid, acid, pitch, particles, impurities, water, gas in the oil.Specially, GER can restore the color of used oil and remove the scent rapidly. ─── 产品说明: NSH GER Gas engine oil recycling System is particularly suitable to recycle internal-combustion engine oil including diesel engine oil, gasoline engine oil and internal-combustion engine oils.

20、The temperature dropping speed and production rhythm were increased,and the surface oxid of plate was decreased after this system was used. ─── 应用汽雾冷却系统后,在保持钢板组织和力学性能不受影响的前提下,提高了钢板的降温速度,加快了生产节奏;经汽雾冷却的钢板,表面氧化层减薄1/2。

21、Application of aerobic organisms contract oxidization technology in sewage treatment ─── 好氧生物接触氧化工艺在污水处理中的应用

22、Cultivation practice after fertilization enhanced the activity of methane oxidization and the methane emission. ─── 施肥后耕作的稻田甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量高于施肥后不耕作的稻田;

23、The performance and application of potassium ferrate in terms of its oxidization ,flocculability and stability are overviewed. ─── 从氧化性、絮凝性、稳定性等方面概述了高铁酸钾的性能与应用。

24、Study on the Oxidization Polymerizing Reaction of Tannic Acid with Polyphenol Oxidase as Catalyst ─── 多酚氧化酶催化单宁的氧化聚合反应研究

25、The organic waste liquids was treated by burning in an incinerator, and the inorganic waste liquid was treated by combined physical-chemical methods like oxidization, neutralization and sedimentation. ─── 其中,有机废液采用高温焚烧的方法进行处理;无机废液根据主要成分的化学性质分别采用中和、氧化等方法进行处理。

26、To the purification by oxidization method,either H 2O 2 quantity is decreased to 1.5%(48 hours) or oxidization time shorted to 12 hours(3.0% H 2O 2) with adds of 0.005% YNB 99 1 separately. ─── 12 0 USP u/ mg以上的粗品在 p H中性下直接使用0 .0 5%的 YNB99- 1即可。

27、Illustrated in detail the whole process and cautions of basic bluing treatment from solution preparation, oxidization to operation procedure. ─── 本文从溶液配制、氧化规范到操作程序,详细介绍了碱性发兰处理的全过程及其注意事项。

28、Keywords fatliquoring agent;oxidization;sulfiting; ─── 加脂剂;氧化;亚硫酸化;

29、The aromatics extraction principles and process outlines,the features of sulfolane and the measures on protection of sulfolane from oxidization and degradation were discussed in this paper. ─── 叙述了芳烃抽提原理及工艺概况、环丁砜溶剂的特点、环丁砜氧化降解给芳烃生产带来的危害,提出了环丁砜的保护措施。

30、Methods: Salicylic acid glucose esters were synthesized from glucose by condensation, oxidization, deprotection and esterification. ─── 方法:由葡萄糖通过缩合、氧化、去保护、酯化反应制备水杨酸葡萄糖酯。

31、The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation,the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite.39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore. ─── 所处理矿石为半氧化铅矿石,矿石中铅以方铅矿和白铅矿形式产出,铅的氧化物主要为白铅矿,分布率达39%。

32、The test indicates that the activity of Pd catalyst for the oxidization of carbon monoxides increased by adding middle rare earth oxides, especially Sm2 O3. ─── 实验表明,中稀土氧化物的添加对这种钯催化剂的一氧化碳氧化性能都有所改善,其中以氧化钐最为突出。

33、When there is pyrite-bearing strata in tunnel construction, oxidization of pyrite will result in formation of acidic environment and bring adverse effect on durability of concrete lining. ─── 当隧道工程施工遇到含黄铁矿的地层时,黄铁矿氧化形成的酸性环境以及其引发的一系列化学反应会对隧道混凝土衬砌的耐久性带来不利的影响。

34、Keywords nano-meter oxid particle;PP-R resin;capability;law; ─── 关键词纳米氧化物粒子;PP-R树脂;性能;规律;

35、Oxidization is what happens when harmful cells destroy cells. ─── 氧化作用是在有害细胞损坏正常细胞的时候发生的。

36、This paper reviews the principle of titania nanotubes fabrication and the influence of the organic electrolytes on the growth of titania nanotubes in anodic oxidization. ─── 本文主要介绍了二氧化钛纳米管的阳极氧化原理以及有机电解液在阳极氧化法中对二氧化钛纳米管生长过程的影响。

37、SCALE : Oxidization of iron that forms on the surface of hot steel exposed to air or oxygen. ─── 氧化皮:暴露在空气或氧气中的高温钢铁,在其表面所形成的氧化铁。


39、Balancing Oxidization--Reduction Equations in Various Ways ─── 分类配平氧化--还原反应方程式

40、Removing the sulfide in the spent alkali lye by homogeneous catalytic oxidization ─── 均相化学催化氧化法处理废碱液中硫化物的研究

41、Keywords CGO;thiophenic sulfur;quantity analysis;oxidization;desufurization; ─── 噻吩硫;定量;氧化;脱硫;

42、Simulation experiment was carried out on composition changes of air and crude oil in low-temperature oxidization (LTO) at reservoir temperature and reservoir pressure. ─── 摘要通过空气与原油在油藏温度和一定压力下低温氧化过程的模拟实验,对反应前后气体与原油的组成进行分析。

43、The results show that andizing temperature and time have a pronounced effect on abrasiveness of oxid film, other factors havn't great effect. ─── 指出了阳极氧化温度、氧化时间显著地影响氧化膜的耐磨性;而合金成分、常温封孔、电流密度、硫酸浓度和铝离子浓度对氧化膜的耐磨性影响不大。

44、Ozone technology was evaluated to replace the SPM process.The advantage is its strong oxidization capability for organics like photoresist.After reacting, there is no problem of chemical wastewater. ─── 因此研究臭氧技术被来取代现有光阻去除剂,其优点是去除后效果与现行的方式相同,而且反应后没有废水与废酸的处理问题。

45、Hydrogenation catalyst, selective hydrogenation catalyst, dehydrogenation catalyst, dehydration catalyst, alkylation catalyst, oxidization catalyst, catalyst for industry exhaust gas, gas purification catalyst, sorbents. ─── 加氢催化剂,选择性加氢催化剂,脱氢催化剂,脱水催化剂,烷基化催化剂,氧化催化剂,工业废气处理催化剂,气体净化催化剂,吸附剂。

46、Development and Application of Catalytic Oxidization Technology for Treating Alkali Waste Containing Sulfur ─── 催化氧化法处理含硫废碱液新技术的开发与应用

47、Keywords hickory hull;sesame oil;rapeseed oil;anti oxidization;synergism; ─── 山核桃外蒲壳;芝麻油;菜籽油;抗氧化性;协同效应;

48、Our Juicer is manufactured from non toxic materials and does not impart any taste or aroma and cannot oxid... ─── 手动榨汁器采用食品级无毒的材料制成,无气味,不会氧化. 可用来榨取任何柔软或者坚实的水果的果汁.

49、Oxidization of each two thiol end groups leads to a disulfide bond (-S-S-), which enables us to slowly crosslink the PS star chains in THF solution to form polymer clusters, then gel. ─── 利用激光光散射研究了四臂聚苯乙烯在亚浓溶液中氧化交联生成大的胶束进而生成宏观化学凝胶的过程。

50、sodium hypochlorite oxidization ─── 次氯酸钠氧化法

51、On the Treatment of the Foul Water Leaking From Rubbish by Catalysis Oxidization ─── 光催化氧化法处理垃圾渗沥水的研究

52、Antimony Doped Tin Oxid(ATO) ─── 掺锑二氧化锡

53、The related performance between D943 oxidization and rotary oxygen shoot was studied by turbineoil,HL hydraulic oil and base oil of every kind of viscosity produced from Daqing crude oil. ─── 对大庆原油生产的透平油、HL液压油及各粘度等级基础油来讨论D943氧化与旋转氧弹法氧化二者之间的相关性。

54、Effect of Zhengzhi Pill on Anti - Oxid and Protecting Endotheli Cell ─── 正脂丸抗氧化、保护血管内皮功能作用的研究

55、The oxidization generally occurs where the connectors join the lead, and it doesn't necessarily show up in test results. ─── 氧化通常发生在连接器和引线的连接点上,可能不会显示在测试结果中。

56、The waste acid in industry is treated by the technology in the essay.Not only may made zero for liquid acid,but also manufacture dyestuff of oxid iron and ammonium sulphate. ─── 本文介绍了一种工业废酸液的处理技术,该技术不但能够使废酸液达到零排放,而且可以利用酸液中含有的离子生产铁系无机颜料和硫酸铵产品。

57、It was known from ESCA that the value of [O]/[C] is increased after oxidization, but the influence is only on the surface. 5 nm beneath the surface, oxidization had no influence to the ratio of [O]/[C]. ─── ESCA的结果表明,经氧化处理后炭纤维表面的[O]/[C]比增大,但氧化影响仅限于表面,而对距表面5nm以下没有影响。

58、Mapping and Application of Standard Free Energy of Oxidization Reaction Versus Temperature ─── 氧化反应标准自由能变与温度关系图的构建原理及其应用

59、by-products in oxidization reaction of durene ─── 均四甲苯氧化副产物

60、APOD1 favored the bioconversion of artemisinic acid to artemisinin in the cell-free extracts of A. annua indirectly but no oxidization with artemisinic acid as the only substrate. ─── Northern杂交分析表明,此基因在青蒿的根、茎和叶中均有表达.加入APOD1至青蒿细胞提取液有利于青蒿酸向青蒿素的生物转化,但APOD1并不能直接以青蒿酸作为氧化底物.

61、This paper introduce the action of phase-transfer catalyst on the preparation of benzaldehvde from benzalcohol oxidization, determine the optimum conditions of the reaction. ─── 介绍了相转移催化剂在苯甲醇氧化制苯甲醛中的作用,确定了反应的条件。

62、The bacteria did not directly oxidate SO32-,and the oxidization of Fe2+ by the bacteria seemed to be the key step of oxidation of SO32-. ─── 当SO32-的初始浓度为2.7 g. L-1、Fe2+的浓度为0.43 g.

63、The effect of the type and quantity of iron ore powders, and the composition and temperature of molten iron on the oxidization of C, Si, Mn, in hot metal are studied. ─── 摘要研究了不同铁矿粉氧化剂以及矿粉加入量、铁水初始成分、铁水温度等因素对铁水碳、硅、锰氧化的影响。

64、The aromatics extraction principles and process outlines, the features of sulfolane and the measures on protection of sulfolane from oxidization and degradation were discussed in this paper. ─── 摘要叙述了芳烃抽提原理及工艺概况、环丁砜溶剂的特点、环丁砜氧化降解给芳烃生产带来的危害,提出了环丁砜的保护措施。


66、Polythiophene, for example, were prepared electrochemically.The effect of the thiophene concentration, oxidization potential, and IL component on the electropolymerization was studied thoroughly. ─── 以聚噻吩为例,我们对噻吩单体浓度,氧化聚合电位,以及离子液体与其它溶剂的混合使用等因素进行了综合考察。

67、Anti-erosion rubber rollers leave not track on the board;quality flood bar and advanced spraying system together assured great btown oxidization. ─── 抗腐蚀软前行辘,克服板面辘痕;优异的水刀、合理的喷淋设计,达到良好的棕化效果。

68、Heat-resisting over 180 degree centigrade, 10 years of long-standing without oxidization, washable, hardy warp and won't be softened, flat surface neither curving nor sprial appeared, easy to operate. ─── 材质耐温180度,10年不氧化,可用任何清洁剂清洗,纱网永不软化永远硬挺,摺景平面无波浪形,纱网推拉轻易自如。

69、A persulphate oxid ation method in acid medium for decomposition and analysis of dissolved total ph osphorus in seawater was proposed. ─── 依此,建立酸性过硫酸盐氧化法分解测定海水中溶解态总磷的方法。

70、Keywords porous anodic alumina membranes;anodic oxidization;nanostructure; ─── 多孔氧化铝模板;阳极氧化法;纳米结构;

71、Fenton oxidization pretreatment ─── Fenton氧化预处理

72、efficient oxidization of SO2 ─── SO2高效氧化

73、The change of oxygen contents in produced gas was measured, and the mechanics of the low-temperature oxidization were investigated. ─── 实验结果表明,在同一温度下,随着注入压差的增大,气体突破时间缩短,突破驱油效率及含氧量降低;

74、The method and skill for balancing a complex oxid - reduction reaction equation are discussed in this paper. ─── 本文介绍复杂氧化还原反应式配平的方法和技巧。

75、Anti-erosion rubber leave not track on the board;quality flood baradvanced spraying system together assured great brown oxidization. ─── 抗腐蚀软胶行辘,克服板面辘痕;优异的水刀、合理的喷淋设计,达到良好的棕化效果。


77、Keywords supported transition-metal porphyrins;alkane;catalytic oxidization; ─── 固载;过渡金属卟啉;烷烃;催化氧化;

78、When Fe3+ and UO22+ coexist in the MMH-HNO3 system, they accelerate the oxidization of MMH significantly. ─── 当Fe3+与UO22+同时存在时,对含HNO3体系MMH的氧化分解起显著加速作用。

79、The newly found material is also 10 percent more efficient than tocopherol in curbing oxidization, he added. ─── 他还提到,这种新发现的物质的抗氧化功效比生育酚高出10%。

80、Beim "nichtgeradekleinen" OXID ist es noch nicht der Fall. ─── Mhmm, ein paar Namen w鋜en sch鰊 - Danke.

81、Waste water photoelectric catalysis of organic matter is a combination of degrading, electricity , chemistry oxidization on integrative treatment organic waste water method and new craft. ─── 有机废水的光电催化降解是集光、电、化学氧化于一体的处理有机废水的新方法、新工艺。

82、Trees produce natural chemicals, called isoprene and terpene, that are thought to protect their leaves from too much heat and sunlight. When the chemicals react with nitrogen oxid. ─── 正常情况下,树木是抵御污染的最佳卫士,但是当外界温度过高时,树木自身的防御机制实际上可能会令污染状况恶化。

83、The uranium deposits 511, 513 and 512 belong to in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium, strictly controlled by interlayer oxidization zones. ─── 其中511、513、512等矿床为可地浸砂岩型铀矿床,受层间氧化带控制非常明显。

84、It was found that the deoxidization ability is deteriorated with the increase of oxidization degree of the element when some elements reach to a certain in the furnace. ─── 分析了炉内某些化学元素达到一定量时,随着该元素的氧化度变化,脱氧能力非但不增加,反而下降。

85、Degradation of the negate azo-dye stuff by photocatalytic oxidization ─── 光催化氧化降解非偶氮染料

86、Accelerating the oxidization bromocresol purple by potassium bromate with nitrite and its application ─── 亚硝酸加速溴酸钾氧化溴甲酚紫测定食品中亚硝酸盐含量

87、Therefore,ozone oxidization processes are suitable for treating the RDX wastewater with high pH value and low concentration of RDX. ─── 可见,对于pH值较高、浓度较低的RDX废水,单独利用O3氧化法处理是可行的。

88、can resist oxidization. ─── 可以防氧化了嘛。

89、The catalyzer R can elevate the oxidization rate of manganese hydroxide, which is influenced by temperature and the particle size of manganese hydroxide. ─── 催化剂R能加速氢氧化锰的氧化,且在催化剂R存在下温度、氢氧化锰颗粒大小等因素对其氧化速度有影响;

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