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09-16 投稿



hierarchism 中文意思翻译



hierarchism 相似词语短语

1、hierarchist ─── n.等级机制

2、hierarchises ─── 层次结构

3、hierarchic ─── adj.分层的;分级的

4、hierarchise ─── 等级制度

5、hierarchies ─── n.阶层,层级;[数]分层,分类

6、hierarchised ─── 层次结构

7、hierarchising ─── 等级划分

8、hierarchs ─── 等级

9、hierarchize ─── vt.按等级排列;使成等级体系

hierarchism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hierarch recognition ─── 层次识别

2、this paper proposes that, the Tao of philosophic Taoism provides ultimate concern , which is the innate basis for the religious worship for Laozi as its hierarch. ─── 本文就这个问题作了一些初步的探讨。认为道家的“道”给人们提供了终极关怀,这是道教崇奉老子为教主的内在根据;

3、 双语使用场景

4、Keywords Guangzhou city ecosystem healthy;analytic hierarch process;vigor;organizational structure;resiliency service function;crowd health; ─── 广州市;城市生态系统健康;层次分析法;活力;组织结构;恢复力;服务功能;人群健康;

5、hierarch architecture ─── 层次结构

7、We first define the dissimilarity measure between the neighboring regions, and based on this dissimilarity measurement, a fuzzy matrix calculation followed by hierarch... ─── 本文对多种类型的图像进行了实验。

8、Nevertheless, everything can pale by comparison, like the hierarch can discern the rules of the universe, and like Paoding butches the cattle, do this job with skill and ease. ─── 然而长短相形,虚实相乘,便如高僧大德洞悉世法空相,庖丁解牛可见坚骨韧筋之间回旋之处,一家有理想的企业,应该看到的是产品挤逼之下创新和艺术的虚空。

9、fuzzy- analytic hierarch process (FAHP) ─── 模糊层次分析法

10、Algorithm Study on Models of Multiple Objective Risk Decision under Principal and Subordinate Hierarch Decision-making ─── 主从递阶多目标风险决策模型构建及算法研究

11、interval analytic hierarch process ─── 区间层次分析法

12、GW, Sacrifice Loxodon Hierarch: Regenerate each creature you control. ─── 牺牲象族大主教:重生由你操控的所有生物。

13、Councilors from various local cabals serve, making collective decisions as necessary that concern the Awakened as a whole, guided by a Hierarch. ─── 议员们来自于不同的当地结社,对事关全体觉醒者的事务作出一致决定。由议长领导。

14、This model is able to represent hierarchical relationships within a dimension and support unbalanced hierarchy, relaxed hierarch. ─── 该模型展现了维度的层次关系,支持不均衡及非严格的层次结构。

15、Keywords urban search and rescue team, normal search and rescue team, index system,weight, the Analytic Hierarch Process; ─── 城市搜索与救援队;标准救援队;指标体系;权重;层次分析法;

16、Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more frenetic, alienated and depressed than that of any ancient hierarch. ─── 我们的世纪已给予特权层的人类一工业有组织的生活更富裕,更浪费,但也更加狂热,疏离和压抑,比任何古代教主。

17、The Hierarch says that you must pass a trial to be recognized as a member of his group. ─── 长老要求在成为他们所属团体的成员之前,必须要先通过一项的测试。

18、When Loxodon Hierarch comes into play, you gain 4 life. ─── {绿}{白},牺牲象族大主教:重生由你操控的所有生物。

19、Then the dissertation founds the model of integration between urban public transport system and land use, and evaluates the model recur to the method of analytic hierarch process. ─── 在此基础上建立了城市公共交通系统与土地利用的一体化模型,并引入层次分析法对模型进行了评价;

20、Responsibilities:1)Credit Risk Control works: a)Pilot daily risk monitoring works; b)Report any risk anomaly to hierarch...... ... ─── 公司名称:法国东方汇理银行股份有限公司上海分行工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-17

21、A firm's vertical differentiation determines where in its hierarch the decision-making power is concentrated. ─── 一家公司的垂直化差异决定了其等级组织中决策权所集中的地方。

22、To improve the completeness and correctness of this hierarch y, it is obvious that a lot of work should be done in the future. ─── 本文针对从短话到句群的各级单位内部的各种依存关系展开讨论。

23、The hierarch asked one disciple to hire a kiln man. ─── 他们的教主就叫徒弟到市上去雇请一个窑工来造。

24、Introduce according to him, the mode of this website is to pass his media TV, Internet to make one each personal brand, be called " Niu Er " hairdressing hierarch. ─── 据他介绍,该网站的模式是通过自己的媒体电视、互联网打造一个自己的品牌,叫做“牛尔”美容教主。

25、Wang L F,Xu S B.An Introduction to the Analytic Hierarch Process[M].Beijing:Renmin University of China Press,1990,187 -195,226-248. ─── [6]王莲芬,许树柏.层次分析法引论[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1990,187-195,226-248.

26、hierarch [Taoist high priest] ─── 教尊

27、To become Hierarch of the Consilium? ─── 成为评议会统治者?

28、road hierarch ─── 道路等级

29、The bell of Fayin Temple sounds melodious, just like immerging in dreamland, and the hierarch sermons. ─── 法荫寺古刹钟声悠扬,疑处梦境,有道高僧讲经颂法,佛光普照。

30、Analytic Hierarch Process ─── 层次分析法

31、Shi Zhenguan is a hierarch as well as an artist of Buddhism and a litterateur living in the transitional period from Chen Dynasty to Sui Dynasty. ─── 摘要释真观是由陈人隋的高僧,也是当时著名的佛教艺术家、文学家。

32、analytic hierarch process (AHP) ─── 层次分析法(AHP)

33、The hierarch shook hid head and said: "You are so stupid. The donkey can break wares in a second, but it can not make a ware in one hundred years. ─── 教主连连摇头,对徒弟说:“你真是笨人,一点知识也没有。这驴子能在顷刻之间打破窑器,但它却一百年也做不成一个窑器呀!”

34、LIU Yin-dong,TANG Huan-web.The application of analytic hierarch process method to decision making of ship forms[J].Ship Engineering,1996(1):22-25. ─── [6]刘寅东,唐焕文.船型多方案优选决策的层次分析法[J].船舶工程,1996(1):22-25.

35、Hierarch: The leader of the Consilium, usually one of the most powerful and influential mages in a region. ─── 议长:评议会之首。通常是某个地区最强大且最具影响力的法师之一。

36、Competitive Performance of Construction Companies Based on Analytic Hierarch Process ─── 基于层次分析法的建筑企业竞争力评价研究

37、givenness hierarch ─── 共识性

38、Analyse through hierarchical linear models get the result, the overall factors to the individual factors has the result of the regulation, and there is reciprocation between hierarchism. ─── 进一步则是透过阶层线性模式分析得知,总体层因素对个体层因素具有调节效果,两阶层间存在交互作用;

39、GW, Sacrifice Loxodon Hierarch: Regenerate each creatureyou control. ─── 当象族大主教进场时,你获得4点生命。

40、hierarch of function ─── 机能层次

41、Councilor: A member of the Consilium. There are usually no more than five, including the Hierarch. ─── 议员:评议会的成员,包括议长在内,通常不超过5人。

42、principal and subordinate hierarch decision-making ─── 主从递阶决策

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