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09-16 投稿



incrassate 发音

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incrassate 中文意思翻译




incrassate 相似词语短语

1、incrassated ─── adj.[生物]增厚的;肥厚的

2、incrassatives ─── 加厚剂

3、incarnate ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

4、incrassative ─── adj.增厚的(incrassate的变形)

5、incrassating ─── adj.[生物]增厚的;vt.浓缩;使浓厚;vi.变厚

6、incrassation ─── n.增厚;肥厚

7、increate ─── adj.(诗、文)尚未创造的

8、incrassates ─── adj.[生物]增厚的;vt.浓缩;使浓厚;vi.变厚

9、to incrassate ─── 使增厚

incrassate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Studies on Incrassate Technology of the Electroless Tin Plating in Acid Chloide System ─── 酸性氯化物型化学镀锡的增厚工艺研究

2、base broadly to narrowly cuneate, margin incrassate, apex acute to obtuse or rounded-apiculate. ─── 基部宽到狭楔形的,增厚的边缘,先端锐尖到钝或圆形。

3、That's an incrassate cell wall. ─── 那是肥厚的细胞膜。

4、Sepals not incrassate at base, veins not obviously impressed; leaf blade subulate to ovate, margin and apex incrassate, apex not setiform but spinose. ─── 萼片并非增厚的在基部,脉并非明显凹陷;叶片钻形的到卵形,边缘和先端增厚,先端不但是具刺。(3

5、The keratinous form of epidermal cell was varied (even incrassate, tubercular, lamellar, and so on). ─── 叶绿体椭球形、数多、个体大,主要分布于叶肉组织,集中于栅栏组织。

6、2 (1) Leaf blade plane, margin incrassate, setulose. ─── 叶片平面,边缘增厚,。

7、Sepals not incrassate or only slightly so at base. ─── 萼片并非增厚的或只稍如此在基部。

8、while complicated with ascites, the peritoneum would incrassate evenly and the echo will be enhanced. ─── 合并腹水时,可见腹膜均匀性增厚,回声增强。

9、Style gradually globose, incrassate and not beaked at apex; ─── 花柱逐渐的球状,增厚而不具喙的在先端;

10、that of early Yanshan movement epoch was the stress field transferred from compression to extension meanwhile the incrassate crust of orogenic zone turned to extensional collapse; ─── 燕山早期侵入岩形成于由挤压转向拉伸、造山带的增厚陆壳开始发生伸展垮塌的构造环境;

11、Sepals usually (rarely not) incrassate at base, veins usually obvious (rarely not); leaf blade variously shaped, margin and apex not incrassate, or margin scarious, apex spinose when blade aristate. ─── 萼片通常(很少不)的增厚的在基部,脉通常明显(很少不);叶片形状各异,不增厚的边缘和先端,或边缘干膜质,当叶片具芒时先端具刺。(13

12、Study of the Method of Ligation to Incrassate Ductus Cysticus under Laparoscope ─── 腹腔镜下对增粗胆囊管妥善结扎方法的探讨

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