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hydrometallurgical 发音

英:[['ha?dr??met?'l?:d??k?l]]  美:[['ha?dro?met?'l?:d??k?l]]

英:  美:

hydrometallurgical 中文意思翻译



hydrometallurgical 相似词语短语

1、hydrometeorological ─── adj.水文气象学的

2、hydrobiological ─── adj.水生生物的,水生生物学的

3、hydrometallurgy ─── n.[冶]湿法冶金术

4、pyrometallurgy ─── n.热冶学;火法冶金学

5、electrometallurgical ─── 电冶金的

6、hydrogeological ─── 水文地质的

7、metallurgical ─── adj.冶金的;冶金学的

8、hydrometrical ─── 水文

9、dramaturgical ─── 编剧法的;戏剧理论的

hydrometallurgical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Collection, analysis and treatment for hydrometallurgi cal original data can be supplemented furthermore. ─── 同时,对水冶厂原始数据的收集、分析和处理作进一步补充。

2、The effect of bacteria in copper hydrometallurgical process is indicated.The developing situation and application prospect in bioleaching of copper minerial in the recent twenty years is reviewed. ─── 指出生物菌在湿法炼铜中的作用,概述了近20年利用生物菌浸取铜矿的发展现状及应用前景。

3、Discussion on the Method of Hydrometallurgical Desulfurizing during Producing Alumina with High Grade Bauxite Containing Sulfur ─── 用高硫型铝土矿生产氧化铝过程中湿法除硫方法讨论

4、rare earth hydrometallurgical residue ─── 稀土湿法冶炼废渣

5、Life cycle assessment of metallic copper produced by the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes ─── 火法和湿法生产电解铜过程的生命周期评价研究

6、hydrometallurgical recycling process ─── 湿法再生

7、A quality of the yellow tungsten oxide produced by Soviet hydrometallurgical plants was often lower than abroad. ─── 但苏联工厂采用湿法冶金生产的黄色氧化钨产品,其质量仍然高于国外同类产品。

8、Keywords ZiJinShan Copper Mine Hydrometallurgical copper refining Leaching Solvent-extraction Electrowinning; ─── 紫金山铜矿;湿法炼铜;浸出;萃取;电积;

9、The authors introduce the utilization of new hydrometallurgical technology and its bright prospect in industry. ─── 本文简要介绍了湿法冶金新技术在工业中的应用情况及广阔前景。

10、Keywords Fluosilicic acid;removal of arsenic;hydrometallurgical extraction; ─── 氟硅酸;除砷;溶剂萃取;

11、On the basis of practice for years in Zhuzhou smelter, this paper describes the behavior of ferrite in a conventional hydrometallurgical process for Zinc productian. ─── 根据株冶多年来的生产实践,着重阐述了常规湿法炼锌中铁酸锌的行为。

12、Development of Hydrometallurgical Processes for Panxi Bastnaesite ─── 攀西稀土矿湿法冶炼技术现状与进展

13、Study on the Behavior of Zinc Ferrite in Conventional Hydrometallurgical Zinc Production Process ─── 常规湿法炼锌中铁酸锌的行为研究

14、The employment of hydrometallurgical method to treat anode mud of lead containing high bismuth and antimony and recover synthetically valuable metals as gold,silver etc was introduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了采用湿法工艺流程处理高铋、锑、铅阳极泥,并对金银等有价金属进行综合回收。

15、Hydrometallurgical process of recovery lead from lead anode slime in recent ten years is reviewed briefly. ─── 对近10多年来铅阳极泥湿法提铅处理工艺作了浅述。

16、hydrometallurgical extraction ─── 水冶提取

17、The recycle methods mainly based on prometallurgical process and hydrometallurgical process.Some suggestion to solve the problem of battery recycle was also put forward. ─── 废旧电池的回收处理工艺主要有基于火法冶金和湿法冶金原理的两种工艺流程,针对我国废旧电池处理过程中存在的问题提出了相关的建议。

18、Based on some zinc smelter, this paper took a systematic and full-scale analysis on F-Cl balance in the hydrometallurgical process for zinc smelting. ─── 摘要文章以某湿法炼锌厂为研究对象,就湿法炼锌工艺的氟氯平衡问题作了较为系统、全面的分析,为优化生产过程控制提供科学依据。

19、Keywords Earthy copper resources;Ore deposits;Hydrometallurgical technology;Yunnan Province; ─── 土状铜矿;矿床;湿法冶金;云南;

20、hydrometallurgical process ─── 湿法冶金

21、Practice of improving liquid-solid separation efficiency after removal of copper and cadmium in zinc hydrometallurgical process ─── 提高湿法炼锌除铜镉后液固分离效率的实践

22、This article has described the impact of Chlorine upon the system of Zinc hydrometallurgical extraction,and also presented Chorine removal by Copper cake purification. ─── 文章论述了湿法炼锌中氯对系统的影响,提出了利用铜渣净化除氯的方法,分析了铜渣净化除氯中各因素对除氯效果的影响。

23、A hydrometallurgical process treating anode slime in BK lead plant was investigated in this paper. ─── 研究了处理BK铅厂阳极泥的湿法冶金过程。

24、Hydrometallurgical removal of sulphur from industral sodium aluminate solution with barium aluminate is studied. ─── 介绍了用铝酸钡从工业铝酸钠溶液中湿法除硫的试验结果。

25、Recent advances and applications in hydrometallurgical analysis of separation technology by levextrel resins are reviewed.25 references are introduced. ─── 综述了萃淋树脂分离技术的发展状况及其在湿法冶金分析中的实际应用情况。引用文献25篇。

26、hydrometallurgical vanadium extraction ─── 湿法提钒

27、It is difficult to extract the valuable metals economically with traditional hydrometallurgical process. ─── 用传统湿法炼锌工艺难以经济利用矿石中的有价金属。

28、Improvement of Determination of Free Sulfuric Acid in Hydrometallurgical Acidic Solution ─── 湿法冶金酸性溶液中游离硫酸测定方法的改进

29、Investigation Progress on Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Zinc From Industrial Wastes ─── 从工业废渣中湿法回收锌的研究进展

30、The paper introduces the recent development of hydrometallurgical technology for Panxi bastnaesite. ─── 本文简要介绍和评述了攀西稀土矿湿法冶炼技术的现状与进展。

31、Analysis is made of the characteristics of W hydrometallurgical operation.Systematic introduction is made of actual application of DCS in W hydrometallurgical operations with reference to the actual performance of the company. ─── 在分析钨湿法冶炼生产特点的基础上,结合郴州钻石钨制品有限责任公司的实际情况,较为系统地介绍了DCS(集散控制系统)在钨湿法冶炼工艺过程中的具体应用。

32、Keywords zinc hydrometallurgical;leaching liquor;oxygen pressure;depuration;neutralization;leaching rate; ─── 湿法炼锌;酸浸液;氧压;净化;中和;浸出率;

33、Keywords Copper Hydrometallurgical Process;Thiobacillus ferrooxidan;Bioleaching;Heap and dump leaching; ─── 湿法炼铜;氧化亚铁硫杆菌;生物菌浸出;堆浸;

34、A quality of the yellow tungsten oxide produced by Soviet hydrometallurgical plants was often lower than abroad. ─── 但苏联工厂采用湿法冶金生产的黄色氧化钨产品,其质量仍然高于国外同类产品。

35、on-line element analysis in hydrometallurgical process is introduced in this paper. ─── 本文简述了湿法冶炼过程中元素在线分析的解决途径。

36、Mechanical activation is one of the most important methods to enhance the hydrometallurgical processes. ─── 机械活化是强化湿法冶金过程的重要手段之一。

37、Experimental Study on Hydrometallurgical Treatment for Tetradymite ─── 辉碲铋矿湿法冶金研究

38、The on-line element analysis in hydrometallurgical process is introduced in this paper. ─── 本文简述了湿法冶炼过程中元素在线分析的解决途径。

39、Firstly,qualified copper concentrate was obtained by flotation,secondly,copper remained in both middlings and tailings was recovered by hydrometallurgical technology. ─── 结果表明,采用先除杂再浮选铜的方法得到一部分合格铜精矿,中矿及尾矿应用湿法冶金方法回收其中的铜,可取得较理想的技术指标。

40、zinc hydrometallurgical ─── 湿法炼锌

41、It turns out that the method can be applied to uranium hydrometallurgical process effectively. ─── 结果表明:该法可有效地应用于铀水冶工艺过程。

42、Based on some zinc smelter,this paper took a systematic and full-scale analysis on F-Cl balance in the hydrometallurgical process for zinc smelting. ─── 文章以某湿法炼锌厂为研究对象,就湿法炼锌工艺的氟氯平衡问题作了较为系统、全面的分析,为优化生产过程控制提供科学依据。

43、The hydrometallurgical process of leaching zinc-containing oxide minerals by titanum white waste acid was investigated. ─── 研究了钛白废酸浸出含锌氧化物料的湿法冶金过程。

44、It is not reasonable in economy to recover nickel from Jinchuan low-grade oxidized nickel ores by present metallurgical or hydrometallurgical process. ─── 对于金川有色金属公司低品位的氧化镍矿,目前的火法和湿法冶金工艺,生产成本高,难以回收利用。

45、hydrometallurgical desulfurizing technique ─── 湿法脱硫工艺

46、The basic principle of ultrasonic intensification and its application prospect in hydrometallurgical processes were concisely reviewed. ─── 简要论述了湿法冶金过程中超声强化的基本原理及其应用前景。

47、This paper put forward a new hydrometallurgical process for extracting gold to solve some problems exiSted in pyrometallurgical prccers. ─── 本文针对火法炼金存在的一些问题,通过实验,提出全湿法提金的新工艺流程。

48、This paper put forward a new hydrometallurgical process for extracting gold to solve some problems exiSted in pyrometallursical prccers. ─── 本文针对火法炼金存在的一些问题,通过实验,提出全湿法提金的新工艺流程。

49、Hilliard,H.E.,Dunning,B.W,J.r.and Markar,H.V,“Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Electronic Scrap Concentrates Precious Metal”,Report Of Investigation. ─── 简绎骥、李怀安、黄玉珍、王鸿博,1994,印刷电路板废边料资源化处理技术研究,第四届工业减废技术与策略研讨会。

50、Hydrometallurgical Pressure Cyanide Leaching Process for Treating Low-Grade Pt-Pd Flotation Concentrates ─── 加压氰化全湿法处理低品位铂钯浮选精矿工艺研究

51、Research on Action of Mercury in Hydrometallurgical Treatment for Waste Dry Battery ─── 废干电池处理过程中汞的行为研究

52、Keywords hydrometallurgical principle;leaching;purification;chemical deposition;chemical additive; ─── 湿法冶金原理;浸出;净化;化学沉积;化学添加剂;

53、hydrometallurgical technology ─── 湿法冶金技术

54、The paper introduces two kinds of zinc hydrometallurgical process, combining domestic production, it recommends the traditional method. ─── 介绍了两种湿法炼锌工艺流程的比较,并结合国内生产实践,推荐优先选用常规法。

55、At present, pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical technologies are widely used for recyciny lead. ─── 与火法相比,湿法具有能耗低,环境效益好等优点。

56、Keywords recovery of lead;waste accumulator;pyrometallurgical technology;hydrometallurgical flow sheets; ─── 关键词铅回收;废蓄电池;火法冶金;湿法冶金;

57、Recent advances and applications in hydrometallurgical analysis of separation technology by levextrel resins are reviewed. ─── 综述了萃淋树脂分离技术的发展状况及其在湿法冶金分析中的实际应用情况。

58、In the hydrometallurgical process of anode slime,usually oxalic acid is used as reducing agent to precipitate gold from chlorination solution owing to its good selectivity and quick reduction. ─── 在阳极泥湿法处理流程中,草酸由于还原选择性好,速度快,而被许多生产厂家用作从氯化分金液中还原金。

59、The characteristics and exploitation status of nickel laterite resources are simply introduced in this article, and the traditional hydrometallurgical processes and development are also described. ─── 文章介绍了世界红土镍矿资源特点、国内外的开发现状,并阐述了其传统湿法生产工艺及进展。

60、A Study on the Recovery of Germanium from the Germanium Fl ue Dust Sulfuric Acid Solutions by Hydrometallurgical Extraction Process ─── 全萃法从锗烟尘浸出液中分离锗的研究

61、Keywords molybdenite;rhenium;hydrometallurgical process;electro-oxidation;outfield intensifying; ─── 辉钼矿;铼;湿法分解;电氧化;外场强化;

62、Some of them are suitable to be used in other hydrometallurgical operat... ─── 有的对其他湿法冶金行业也是适用的。

63、hydrometallurgical powder extraction ─── 水冶制粉

64、Compared with pyrometallurgical technology, hydrometallurgical technology has the advantages of low energy consumption and good environmental benefits.In th... ─── 对环境友好的从废铅蓄电池中湿法回收铅的工艺进行了综述,介绍了各种湿法工艺的原理和流程。

65、The developments and current situation of tantalum-niobium hydrometallurgical extraction are presented. ─── 介绍了钽铌湿法冶金技术的发展概况和现状。

66、microorganism hydrometallurgical concentration ─── 微生物湿法冶金

67、Singe-chip Computer Control System for Hydrometallurgical Extraction ─── 湿法冶金提取中的单片机自动控制系统

68、Keywords Smithsonite;Hydrometallurgical extraction of zinc;Roasting;Electrolysis; ─── 菱锌矿;湿法炼锌;焙烧;电解;

69、Collection, analysis and treatment for hydrometallurgical original data can be supplemented furthermore. ─── 同时,对水冶厂原始数据的收集、分析和处理作进一步补充。

70、Keywords Hydrometallurgical copper extraction;Leaching system;Technological modification; ─── 湿法提铜;萃取系统;技术改造;

71、Keywords sulfide ores;hydrometallurgical processes;cobalt; ─── 硫化矿;湿法冶金;钴;

72、The hydrometallurgical refining of coarse gold powder ─── 粗金粉的湿法精炼

73、YANG Tian-zu, ZHAO Tian-cong.Reclaim Element Sulfur from Hydrometallurgical Slag with Dimethylbenzene[J].Journal of Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,1990, 21(4):171-176. ─── [2]杨天足, 赵天从. 用二甲苯从湿法冶金残渣中提取元素硫[J].中南矿冶学院学报,1990,21(4):171-176.

74、A hydrometallurgical process treating anode slime in BK lead plant was investigated in this paper. ─── 研究了处理BK铅厂阳极泥的湿法冶金过程。

75、It is also used as a precipitant in hydrometallurgical processes and as a sulfidation promoter of rubber. ─── 它还可用作湿法冶金沉淀剂及橡胶硫化促进剂。

76、Keywords single-storechamber;hydrometallurgical smelting of zinc;calcine trans-portation;material-gas;improvement; ─── 单仓泵;湿法炼锌;焙砂输送;料气比;改进;

77、Hydrometallurgical Experimental Resetch on the Argetiferous Cobalt Ore in Jiangxi Province ─── 江西某地钴银矿冶金试验研究

78、The hydrometallurgical process extracting gold, silver, copper and lead from cyaniding gold mud ─── 湿法从氰化金泥中提取金、银、铜、铅工艺试验研究

79、A Good-prospect Hydrometallurgical Process for Molybdenite ─── 具有发展前景的辉钼矿湿法分解工艺

80、Hydrometallurgical copper extraction ─── 温法提铜

81、The development of hydrometallurgical processes of molybdenite are given. ─── 摘要介绍了辉钼矿湿法冶金工艺研究进展。

82、Research on Process of Mercury Removal in Hydrometallurgical Treatment for Waste Dry Battery ─── 废旧干电池湿法处理中除汞工艺研究

83、Experimental Research on Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Zinc from Smithsonite ─── 菱锌矿湿法炼锌试验研究

84、Experimental results show that the hydrometallurgical method proposed in this paper for treatment of zinc ore with high iron content is feasible technologically. ─── 试验结果表明:高铁锌矿的全湿法处理在技术上是可行的。

85、This paper introduced the zinc hydrometallurgical technology,wastes treatment and environmental protection investigation of zinc hydrometallurgical proconstruct project in our country. ─── 介绍了我国湿法炼锌筹建项目的环保审查、炼锌工艺与其产生的污染及对“三废”的治理措施。

86、This paper briefly introduces some measures to waste water treatment of hydrometallurgical mill of Uranium Mine No. 754. ─── 本文扼要介绍了七五四矿水冶厂废水治理中采取的一些措施。

87、The authors introduce the utilization of new hydrometallurgical technology and its bright prospect in industry. ─── 本文简要介绍了湿法冶金新技术在工业中的应用情况及广阔前景。

88、Review of Hydrometallurgical Processes for Recovering Lead from Scrap Lead-acid Batteries ─── 从废铅蓄电池中湿法回收铅的技术进展

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