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09-15 投稿



incinerating 发音

英:[?n?s?n?re?t??]  美:[?n?s?n?re?t??]

英:  美:

incinerating 中文意思翻译



incinerating 词性/词形变化,incinerating变形

动词过去分词: incinerated |名词: incineration |动词现在分词: incinerating |动词过去式: incinerated |动词第三人称单数: incinerates |

incinerating 短语词组

1、incinerating aid ─── 助燃剂

2、incinerating offshore ─── 海上焚烧

3、incinerating microcarrier ─── 焚烧微载体

incinerating 相似词语短语

1、incinerated ─── v.把……烧成灰烬;焚烧,焚毁(incinerate的过去式及过去分词)

2、incinerate ─── vi.把……烧成灰;烧弃;vt.焚化;烧成灰

3、incineration ─── n.焚化;烧成灰

4、acierating ─── vt.化铁为钢

5、intenerating ─── vt.软化;使变软

6、incatenating ─── 连锁

7、itinerating ─── vi.巡回;巡回传教

8、ingenerating ─── adj.天生的;非产生的;固有的

9、incarcerating ─── vt.监禁;下狱;禁闭;adj.监禁的;禁闭的

incinerating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shells started fires that spread quickly, incinerating houses, they said. ─── 他们说,炮弹引起的大火迅速蔓延,烧毁了房屋。

2、incinerating time ─── 灰化时间

3、Keywords FeSt 3 RELau 3 compound photosensitizer;degradable PE plastics;incinerating ability;oxidation degradability without any radiation; ─── 3复合光敏剂;可降解PE塑料;可焚烧;避光氧化降解;

4、Based on the many experimental results, the suitable incinerating temperature and atomizing temperature were chosen, and the final graphite-furnace temperature-rising program was determined. ─── 本文设定了微波消化条件的程序,对微波消解的混合酸进行了选择,解决了最终的消化液其酸度对测定的影响问题,并对石墨炉原子吸收的测定条件进行了研究。

5、refuse incinerating power generation ─── 垃圾焚烧发电

6、With benzoic acid as combustion-supporter, the content testing of boron in plants utilizes oxygen bomb incinerating process. ─── 以苯甲酸为助燃剂,用氧弹燃烧法灰化植物体进行硼元素测定,操作简便、快捷、无污染。

7、Jiang Xuguang, Li Xiangpai, Chi Yong et al.Experimental study of emission of HC1 on incinerating of typical msw components and coal in fluidized bed[J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2004, 24 (8): 210-214. ─── [4]蒋旭光,李香排,池涌,等.流化床中典型垃圾组分与煤混烧时HCl排放和脱除研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2004,24(8):210-214.

8、Keywords circulating burning;emitting to remove gas;no secondary pollution;waste incinerating disposal; ─── 循环燃烧;射流除烟;无二次污染;垃圾焚烧处理;

9、They were incinerating hazardous waste without a licence. ─── 他们没有许可就把危险废弃物烧成灰烬。

10、a furnace for incinerating,especially to dispose of refuse ─── 用于焚化的炉子,尤其是处理垃圾

11、Analysis of Reason for Great Operating Parameter Variation of Direct Motion Incinerator Grate during Incinerating ─── 顺推焚烧炉排在焚烧过程中运行参数变化大的原因分析

12、Conventional cleanup techniques, such as incinerating the soil, are expensive and time-consuming. ─── 诸如燃烧土壤等传统清理技术不但昂贵而且耗时。

13、This paper introduces the urban wastes incinerating , its power generation technology, and the flue gas cleaning technology. ─── 污泥干化焚烧处理工艺主要由干化系统、焚烧系统和烟气净化系统组成。

14、Keywords super fine calcium carbonate;PE master batch;incinerating ability; ─── 超细碳酸钙;PE母料;可焚烧性能;

15、The company is accused of incinerating hazardous waste without the required licence. ─── 这家公司被指控未经有关部门的许可焚烧有害废料。

16、The methods for treatment of toxicant and poisonous substances in solid waste products contain burying, incinerating, high-temperature pyrolysis and solvent washing. ─── 对固体废物有毒有害物质进行处理或处置的方法有掩埋法、焚烧法及高温热解、溶剂洗涤等方法。

17、A concrete plan in the power factory using waste incinerating is developed. ─── 并给出在垃圾焚烧发电厂的具体实施方案。

18、Standard Guide for Incinerating Oil Spill Wastes at Temporary Field Locations ─── 在临时油田现场焚烧漏洒废油的规则

19、The power density of the beam at the receiver would be little greater than what leaks out from a domestic microwave oven so there would be no danger of incinerating entire cities. ─── 这些波的功能密度将会比微波炉释放的稍大一些,当然就不会出现科幻故事里屠城的危险了。

20、Keywords garbage incinerating;waster heat utilization;environmental protection; ─── 垃圾焚烧炉;余热利用;环保;

21、2.Being dissolved by aqua regia, concentrated by active carbon, and re-dissolved after incinerating to remove carbon, the amounts of palladium and gold in the samples can be directly analyzed by AAS. ─── 样品经过王水溶解、活性炭吸附富集、灰化除炭、再溶解等过程,利用原子吸收法,直接测定钯和金的含量。

22、incinerating gas ─── 焚烧烟气

23、Production of PCDDs and PCDFs was a problem when incinerating infectious industrial waste (Marrack, 1988). ─── 生产中的二恶英和呋喃是一个问题时,工业废物焚烧传染病(马拉克, 1988年) 。

24、a furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of refuse). ─── 燃烧尸体的炉子(尤其是处理垃圾)。

25、The incinerator is the important place incinerating the tail gas, where residual S and H2S are completely transformed to SO2, to ensure the tail gas from the plant reach the requirement of atmospheric environment protection. ─── 摘要焚烧炉是尾气热焚烧的重要场所,其主要作用是焚烧尾气中残存的S和H2S并完全转化为SO2,保证装置排放尾气符合大气环保要求。

26、incinerating ability ─── 可焚烧

27、In FAAS (Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) method, it is possible to replace incinerating method with non-complete digestion method for the sample pretreatment of scorpion. ─── 在火焰原子吸收光谱法中,以非完全消化法取代灰化法处理蝎子样品是可行的。

28、At present, the house refuse treatment techniques adopted in our c ou ntry mainly have the incinerating, composting and sanitary burying. ─── 目前我国城市生活垃圾处理工艺主要有焚烧、堆肥、卫生填埋。

29、Experimental study of emission of HCl on incinerating of typical municipal solid waste components ─── 典型垃圾组分焚烧中HCl排放的试验研究

30、With benzoic acid as combustion-supporter,the content testing of boron in plants utilizes oxygen bomb incinerating process. ─── 以苯甲酸为助燃剂,用氧弹燃烧法灰化植物体进行硼元素测定,操作简便、快捷、无污染。

31、Generating Electricity with Domestic Trash Incinerating ─── 城市生活垃圾的焚烧发电处理技术

32、The invention discloses a fluidized bed incinerating device and process suitable for treatment of solid waste with low heating value. ─── 本发明公开了一种适宜于低热值固体废弃物处置的流化床焚烧装置及工艺。

33、Fire and wind raged all around, snapping juniper trees and incinerating the sagebrush. ─── 四周风火肆虐,猛咬着杜松树,把山艾树烧成了灰烬。

34、Waste plastics is a kind of recoverable resources.Collecting,separating,resuscitating,incinerating is introduced.Also discussed is the importance of recovering of utilizing waste plastics. ─── 废旧塑料是一种可以回收利用的资源。本文介绍了有关塑料的收集、分类、再生、热解等一系列问题。指出了废旧塑料循环利用的重要性。

35、Keywords hazardous waste;incinerating gas;waste heat utilization; ─── 危险废物;焚烧烟气;余热利用;

36、In summation, Taiwan's waste management system has gone from burying and incinerating to separating and recycling, which has resulted in a reduction of trash. ─── 所以台湾废弃物处理的方式从掩埋、焚化到分类减量。

37、Keywords Municipal living solid waste;Incinerating treatment;Control strategy; ─── 生活垃圾;焚烧处理;控制策略;

38、Keywords plastic packaging white pollution;incinerating;replacing;disorganizing;retrieving;reproducing.; ─── 塑料包装制品;白色污染;替代;降解;回收再生;

39、Keywords spray drying and absorbing;hazardous waste;incinerating gas;acid stripping; ─── 喷雾干燥吸收;危险废物;焚烧烟气;脱酸;

40、With benzoic acid as combustion-supporter,the content testing of boron in plants utilizes oxygen bomb incinerating process.This method is both simple and fastin operation,and free from pollution. ─── 以苯甲酸为助燃剂,用氧弹燃烧法灰化植物体进行硼元素测定,操作简便、快捷、无污染.


42、Keywords super-fine Calcium Carbonate;PE plastics;degrada bility;incinerating ability; ─── 超细碳酸钙;PE塑料;降解性能;焚烧性能;

43、hazardous waste incinerating ─── 危险废物焚烧

44、So does that really mean composting more and incinerating less? ─── 因此,是否真的意味着堆肥和焚烧多少?


46、It is concluded that generating electricity by incinerating municipal solid waste(MSW) is the most popular way in China especially in the developed areas which has large population but with less land. ─── 通过对垃圾处理方法的全面对比以及对国内外垃圾处理现状和趋势分析,垃圾焚烧发电必将成为中国特别是人多地少的发达地区未来垃圾处理的主要方式。

47、Keywords virtual instrument;control system;power factory by incinerating waste; ─── 虚拟仪器;测控系统;垃圾焚烧发电;

48、This paper introduces the kind and trait of the life garbage incinerating system and the achievement in waster heat utilization and environmental protection. ─── 介绍了中、小型生活垃圾焚烧炉的类型、特点及在余热利用、环保方面取得的成效。

49、Keywords disposable plastic fast food container;life cycle assessment;collecting and recycling;incinerating;landfilling; ─── 一次性塑料餐盒;生命周期评价;回收再生;焚烧;填埋;

50、As a premium source of EFA's, BIG-FISH, works in tandem with sesamin in VAPORIZE to initiate a fat incinerating and health promoting supplement unlike anything ever created! ─── 作为EFA的重要构成部分,BIG-FISH元素可以和芝麻素协同工作,为脂肪的燃烧和身体健康的提升起到前所未有的效果。

51、Keywords porcelain crucible;incinerating temperature;plant sample microelement; ─── 瓷坩埚;灰化温度;植物样;微量元素;

52、The machine is researched according to sawing principle to break the animal body to satisfied the retirements of going on melting, steaming and Incinerating the body. ─── 利用锯切原理研制而成的动物尸体破碎机,能有效地将动物尸体破碎,以满足对其进行化制、蒸煮、焚烧处理的要求。

53、Study of the domestic manufacture methods for reducing construction and operating costs of MSW incinerating and waste-to-energy facilities ─── 降低城市生活垃圾焚烧发电设施建设与运行费用的本土化方法研究

54、and i ' m flying 747s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends ? ─── 我驾驶747,撞向你们的小茅屋烧死你们的朋友?

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