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09-16 投稿



stellated 发音

英:[?stele?t?d]  美:[?stel?t?d]

英:  美:

stellated 中文意思翻译



stellated 相似词语短语

1、castellated ─── adj.构造如城的;有城的;v.构造入城(castellate的过去分词)

2、constellated ─── v.使形成星座,使群集(constellate的过去式和过去分词)

3、ocellated ─── 似单眼的,具单眼的,具瞳点的,有斑点的

4、fellated ─── vt.吮吸阴茎;与…口交;vi.口交;舔弄阴茎

5、stellae ─── 海星

6、stellate ─── adj.星形的,似星的;放射线状的

7、stellately ─── 星状的

8、niellated ─── 离经叛道的

9、scutellated ─── 盾牌

stellated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Summary of Research on Stellated Structure and Geognosy Line ─── 星体和地球构造线研究综述

2、Designed for highly abrasive applications, the Type A Double Wall Sleeve Valve outlasts even stellated V-Ball valves and metal seated valves on abrasive slurries. ─── 型双层套管夹管阀专用于具有很高磨损性的流体介质应用场合,当应用在研磨泥浆上时,其使用寿命甚至比星状V形球阀和金属阀座阀门更长更耐用。

3、stellated structure ─── 星状构造

4、Because there is stellated veins in my hand. ─── 因为我的手里有星星纹。

5、Middle-sized or stellated KP was found.Triangle-distributed KP was seen in 13 patients, and diffuse distribution behind the corneal or in the pupil area was in 72. ─── KP呈中等大小或星形,呈三角形分布者13例,角膜后弥漫分布或瞳孔区分布者72例;

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