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09-16 投稿



inebriates 发音

英:[??ni?br??ts]  美:[??n?bri?e?ts]

英:  美:

inebriates 中文意思翻译




inebriates 词性/词形变化,inebriates变形

动词过去式: inebriated |名词: inebriation |动词过去分词: inebriated |动词第三人称单数: inebriates |动词现在分词: inebriating |

inebriates 相似词语短语

1、inebriate ─── v.灌醉;(使)陶醉;adj.酒醉的;陶醉的;n.醉汉,酒鬼

2、inebriated ─── adj.酒醉的;v.使醉(inebriate的过去分词)

3、imbricates ─── v.(使)成覆瓦状;交叠;adj.覆瓦状叠盖的

4、inebriating ─── v.灌醉;使陶醉(inebriate的现在分词)

5、inebriation ─── n.酒醉;陶醉

6、inebriants ─── n.酒类;致醉剂,酒类饮料;adj.使醉的

7、ebriate ─── 犹太人

8、inebriant ─── n.酒类;致醉剂,酒类饮料;adj.使醉的

9、infuriates ─── vt.激怒;使大怒;adj.狂怒的

inebriates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an asylum for inebriates ─── 酒徒收容所

2、Come and have a cup that cheers but not inebriates tomorrow, will you? ─── 朋友来喝茶,好吗?

3、I as long as think of of time, toss however can the clear feeling till then waits of move, the fan inebriates, happiness. ─── 我只要想起来的时候,扔然可以清晰的感觉到那时候的心动,迷醉,快乐。

4、Remember, these results apply to those willing to be tested. So the true percentage of uncooperative inebriates may be higher. ─── 记住,这一结果还只是调查了那些有意愿参加酒精测试的球迷,因此,真实的比例还应该算上那些不愿意参加测试的人,结果还会更高。

5、14 Fullness of wisdom is fear of the LORD; she inebriates men with her fruits. ─── 智慧在人间,建立了一个永久的基础;在他们的后代中,她必获得信赖。

6、Chrysanthemum of fragrant cover with wild, the 酣 of laurel blossom inebriates 痴痴 to tie up.The Charng-er longs for no man to realize. ─── 菊花的芬芳漫天遍野,桂花的酣醉痴痴缠缠。嫦娥的相思无人理会。

7、Let your feelings change into a bottle of sweet wine , one sip inebriates the whole life. ─── 让自己的感觉变成美酒,尝一口,醉一生。

8、Muriel was dead;Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher were dead.Jones too was dead-he had died in an inebriates' home in another part of the country. ─── 穆丽尔死了,布鲁拜尔、杰西、平彻尔都死了,琼斯也死了,他死在国内其他一个地方的一个酒鬼家里。

9、That inebriates a person of red, already the make past go to of . ─── 那醉人的红,已碾作故去的芳壤。

10、But love inebriates the souls of the sons of Heaven by its delectability. ─── 但是爱却使天堂之子的灵魂因喜悦而陶醉。

11、But love inebriates the souls of the sons of Heaven by its delectability. ─── 但是爱却使天堂之子的灵魂因喜悦而陶醉。

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