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09-16 投稿



mediocre 发音

英:[,mi?d?'??k?]  美:[,mid?'ok?]

英:  美:

mediocre 中文意思翻译



mediocre 网络释义

adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的

mediocre 反义词


mediocre 词性/词形变化,mediocre变形


mediocre 短语词组

1、life is mediocre ─── 生活平庸

2、mediocre person ─── 平庸的人庸才;俗子;庸人俗人

3、mediocre performance ─── 表现平平

4、never mediocre ─── 绝不平庸

5、mediocre leader ─── 平庸的领导者

6、mediocre per ─── 普通per

7、mediocre plan ─── 平庸的计划

8、more mediocre ─── 更加平庸

9、mediocre life ─── 平庸的生活

mediocre 同义词

boring | commonplace | halfway | fair | middle-of-the-road | tiresome | so-so | middling | tolerable | second-rate | moderate |average | run-of-the-mill | pedestrian | acceptable | medium | adequate | unexceptional | passable | ordinary

mediocre 相似词语短语

1、mediocracies ─── 平庸

2、mediocracy ─── n.平庸主义;庸人统治

3、mediocrity ─── n.平庸之才;平常

4、medic ─── n.医师;医科学生;苜蓿属植物(等于medick);n.(Medic)人名;(塞)梅迪茨

5、mediae ─── [昆]中型工蚁

6、mediocrities ─── n.平庸之才;平常

7、mediacy ─── n.调解;中间状态;媒介

8、mediocris ─── 平庸的

9、mediate ─── vi.调解;斡旋;居中;vt.调停;传达;adj.间接的;居间的

mediocre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His work rarely rises above the mediocre. ─── 他工作平平,很少有突出的表现。

2、He is mediocre and unambitious and drifts with the tide. ─── 他庸庸碌碌,随波逐流。

3、If the side has the love,That is not in the movie appearance,Under majority situations,It presents paleness and mediocre which is the movie is not willing to display. ─── 如果身边有爱,那绝不是电影中的样子,在大多数情形下,它呈现的是电影不愿表现的苍白和平庸。

4、Big diversified managers with mediocre performance will have to cut fees to hold on to their assets. ─── 大部分中等业绩的各类基金会减少它们的费率以确保总资产。

5、"Good enough" is the best you will ever get from Mediocre Man. ─── “足够好了”,这就是你从一个庸才那能听到的最好的话。

6、But in fact, lacking of living experience leads to the mediocre composition for the students, and unscientific guide fetter the students' thought. ─── 可实际上,中学生生活的缺席导致作文的枯竭和平庸,急功近利的模式化训练偏离了作文教学规律,不科学的作文评价和价值导向变成了束缚学生思想的枷锁。

7、Their offence was weak, their teamwork was mediocre for the whole game. ─── 他们的进攻很弱,整个团队的协作非常一般。

8、I thought the play was only mediocre. ─── 我认为这部戏剧只是平庸之作。

9、After a lackluster 2003 session of mediocre films and low celebrity wattage, this year's Cannes Film Festival atoned in substance and style. ─── 一扫2003年影片乏善可陈、嘉宾星光黯淡的阴霾,今年戛纳电影节以其深刻与独到强势回归。

10、You do not want to end this life mediocre and unambitiously, yearn for reputation, fortune and influence. ─── 你不想庸庸碌碌地了此一生,渴望声名、财富和权力。

11、The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ─── 一般的教师表述;比较好的教师解释;更优秀的教师演示;最伟大的教师启示。

12、There was general agreement that the PC had become a commodity product, its makers mere box-shifters, and that growth prospects were mediocre. ─── 个人电脑已经成为一种日用商品,其制造者仅仅只是廉价产品制造商,整个产业的前景也显得很平淡,对这样的观点存在这普遍的一致赞同。

13、His work rarely rises above the mediocre. ─── 他工作平平,很少有突出的表现。

14、He displayed a mediocre intelligence. ─── 他在学校里智力平庸。

15、At a time when somebody ought to be at their best and they're mediocre, what are they going to do on a bad day out there? ─── 当一个人在应当拿出最好的表现的时候他却表现平平,那么他在不顺利的时候又会怎样呢?

16、If Swift and Peite the Loben season still displayed mediocre, team very possibly after the season had ended does not renew a contract with them. ─── 如果斯威夫特和佩特洛本赛季仍然表现平庸的话,球队很可能在赛季结束后不与他们续约。

17、You are glorifying a rather mediocre building. ─── 你正在美化一栋普普通通的建筑。

18、His performances in the 6 weeks before Titus Bramble took him out were quite good.Granted, his first months in a Chelsea shirt were mediocre. ─── 不过他在受伤前六个星期内的表现非常好,当然,他在车子的第一个月很一般。

19、The mediocre pot will contain the other foreign retail assets, which RBS will attempt to auction. ─── 中等部份包括外国零售业资产,RBS将试图对其拍卖。

20、In fact, you may have the neatest design in the world, yet without great posts your readership will only be mediocre. ─── 即使你的设计超一流,而如果没有好的文章,你的阅读量也上不去。

21、If not, the tendency is waste time or to create a mediocre or unsatisfactory design to the detriment of the sites. ─── 如果不是这样的话,那么网站设计的趋势便是创建了普普通通的网站或者是做了有损网站的设计。

22、And we've seen plenty of examples of great software, the really high notes, in the past few years: stuff that mediocre software developers just could not have developed. ─── +而且我们在过去的几年间,已经看过很多伟大软体的例子,那些真正的高音:平庸的软体开发者就是做不出来的东西。

23、He was tired, however, and throwing off his clothes, tucked himself in his mediocre bed, and was soon fast asleep. ─── 他究竟是疲倦了,就脱下他的衣服,钻进这粗俗的床里,立即睡熟了。

24、She is just a very ordinary singer, her singing techniques and style are very mediocre. ─── 她是个非常平凡的歌手;她的歌唱技巧和风格都非常平庸而已.

25、However, the societies will also be passionate and myopic, as the characteristics of mediocre bourgeois politics. ─── 但也易于冲动,缺乏远见,造成庸俗的中产阶级政治。

26、Otherwise, a little bit more any successes for obtaining are all likely to be accidental, the business enterprise is end and may head for mediocre. ─── 否则,取得的任何一点成功都可能是偶然的,企业最终可能会走向平庸。

27、With so many people to please, the result is often a mediocre morass of compromises. ─── 众口难调,结果常常是平庸的折中主义纠集一处。

28、He is mediocre to the last degree, though as obnoxious and self-satisfied as was his father before him. ─── 他平庸到了极点,却跟他的父亲一样自鸣得意,惹人讨厌。

29、Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic. ─── 任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。

30、I proved a mediocre baseball player in high school but an above-average (American) football player, and as time passed I devoted more and more energy to that endeavor. ─── 在高中时,事实证明我打棒球平平,但橄榄球却在中等之上。随着时间的推移,我把越来越多的精力投入到奋力拼搏的橄榄球运动中。

31、Lots of things. She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn't even feed to her cat! ─── 很多事情。她可以说这是一个平庸的餐厅,做的食物她不会用来喂猫!

32、About medical respect (dermatological department) mediocre person does not flinch! ─── 关于医学方面(皮肤科)庸人勿挠!

33、Great spirits have alway encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ─── 伟大的心灵总是遭遇来自平凡人的强烈反对。

34、He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard. ─── 他当时的处境很可怜,非常虚弱,跟一个平庸的巫师共用一具身体。

35、Subjectively a lens with great contrast but rather mediocre resolution looks more snappy, maybe even sharper than a low-contrast lens with a high resolution. ─── 主观上,一枚对比度大,但是分辨率一般的镜头看上去可能会比一枚高分辨率但是对比度低的镜头更令人舒服。

36、Most universities are disgracefully old-fashioned and introverted, run by self-interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots. ─── 大多数大学声誉不佳、墨守成规、闭关自守,并由那些利己主义的官僚来进行管理,这是其所以平庸的根源。

37、Gullit also claimed: "There's a clique of mediocre players who think if they stick close to him they will stay involved in the team. ─── 古立特还指出:“在纽卡球队中有一小撮普通球员认为只要巴结好希勒,他们就能留在队伍里混日子。

38、"Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones" (La Rochefoucauld). ─── “分别会使平庸的感情削减,却能使深厚的感情增强”(拉·劳土福科)。

39、And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year. ─── 虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。

40、Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together. ─── 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

41、They improved the quality from mediocre to above average. ─── 他们把质量从中等偏下水平提高到了平均水平以上。

42、If his work be merely mediocre, he will be left severely alone-if he achieve a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-waggling. ─── 假如他的工作很平庸,就没有什么人去理会他,如他有了杰作,那就有人喋喋不休地议论他;

43、Here in the states, I am a mediocre bowler. My score hovers between 120 and 140. I'm not what you would consider champion material though I have bowled on several league teams. ─── 在美国,我只是普通的保龄球手.我的分数在120到140之间.虽然我曾参加过几次锦标赛,但我不是那种冠军的料.

44、If the only difference between programmers were productivity, you might think that you could substitute five mediocre programmers for one really good programmer. ─── 如果程式员间的差异是是生产力,你可能想说对于一个真正的好程式员,你能取代五个平庸的程式员。

45、If you're afraid of capsizing, your tacks will be mediocre. ─── 如果您怕翻船,您的大头针将平庸。

46、In the piece a transparent platen, it coiled body was full of shops mediocre start. ─── 在那块透明的台板下,它卷曲的身子被平平整整的铺展开。

47、They weren't afraid to fail, or to produce mediocre in order to arrive at excellence. ─── 他们并不害怕失败,或者说平庸是卓越的必经之路。

48、Any school, college students is similar to the mediocre, mediocre college students do not have the glory. ─── 任何壹个学校,平庸的大学生是相似的,不平庸的大学生各有各的辉煌。

49、Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones (La Rochefoucauld). ─── 分别会使平庸的感情削减,却能使深厚的感情增强(拉 劳土福科)。

50、What you said is all some mediocre incompetent person, is not really a courageous person. ─── 您说的都是些平庸无能之辈,并非真正有胆识的人。

51、He was tired, however, and throwing off his clothes, tucked himself in his mediocre bed, and was soon fast asleep. ─── 他究竟是疲倦了,就脱下他的衣服,钻进这粗俗的床里,立即睡熟了。

52、Last season's averages of 6.9 points and 6.1 rebounds were very mediocre, but he has the trust of his teammates and coaches. ─── 上个赛季场均6.9分,6.1个篮板,只能属于中庸的水准,但是他得到了队友和教练的信任。

53、A most mediocre person can be the object of love which is wild, extravagant, and beautiful as the poison lilies of the swamp. ─── 即使是一个最为普通的人的爱情,也可能会很疯狂,放纵,美的像沼泽地里的野百合。

54、Mediocre people talk about things. ─── 中庸之人谈论事情。

55、Right there, that's the difference between a mediocre company and a great company. ─── 一个普普通通的公司和一个干得很出色的公司的区别就在于此。

56、A mediocre successor and a man not to be feared too greatly. ─── 他不过是一个平平庸庸的继承人而已,一个不足以大惊小怪的人物。

57、Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre,because no one ever dreams of going halfway.< .. ─── 大多数成功人士都是梦想家,同时也是普通人,只是他们敢于梦想敢于成就伟大事业。

58、Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ─── 伟大人物总是遭到平庸者的激烈反对。

59、The most fulfilling thing for me as a manager is to watch someone the system has labeled as just average or mediocre really come into his own. ─── 作为一个经理人员,我最得意的事情是看到被称为中等或平庸才能的人受到赏识。

60、Otherwise, they can steal away your dream in unconscious, make you be gradually dispirited, become mediocre. ─── 否则,他们会在不知不觉中偷走你的梦想,使你渐渐颓废,变得平庸。

61、But today it almost guarantees that exceptional performance goes unrewarded and mediocre work goes unpunished. ─── 但今天它多数情况下能保证的只是出色业绩毫无嘉奖而碌碌无为不受惩罚。

62、Before the two matches, Paraguay Mesa foreign aid have been the first opportunity, but his mediocre performance is likely to lead to replacement back to the seats. ─── 前两场比赛,巴拉圭外援梅萨都获得了首发机会,但他的平庸表现,很可能导致回到替补席的结果。

63、But Mediocre Man is always just "good enough" to remain employed. ─── 但庸才们总是能做的“足够好”,以至于刚好不会被解雇。

64、As a result, two mediocre assistant to share his work, his orders were high, they will not pose a threat to his power. ─── 于是,两个平庸的助手分担了他的工作,他自己则高高在上发号施令,他们不会对自己的权力构成威胁。

65、He is not a mediocre person. ─── 他并非庸人。

66、He is a man of something less than mediocre abilities. ─── 他是个才能略低于一般的人。

67、Since late summer 2006, UMD movies have seen mediocre, but consistent sales in North America and Europe. ─── 从2006年末夏以来,除了北美和欧洲市场的销量比较稳定外,UMD电影整体销量表现平平。

68、Why lead half hundred or have no improvement year, be still mediocre and unambitious, omen had no to stand out? ─── 为什么到了年过半百还是毫无起色,还是庸庸碌碌,毫无出人头地的征兆?

69、Calico Rackham Jack had mediocre accomplishments as a pirate. ─── 卡利科拉克姆杰克平庸的成绩已成为海盗。

70、He says that all the essays are good, but some of them look pretty mediocre to me. ─── 他说这些论文写得都很好,我看有的很一般。

71、His high school grades were mediocre, transferred schools a hundred times. ─── 他中学成绩一般,转了一百多次学。

72、I have a longing which grows stronger as I get older,” confesses the acclaimed American concert pianist Eugene Istomin, “to be mediocre. ─── ” 美国深受欢迎的音乐会钢琴演奏家Eugene Istomin 这样表白自己:“随着年龄的增长我越来越渴望做一个平常人。”

73、Exactly. This is typical of state manufactured propaganda songs under the hood of pop music created by mediocre composers and endored by senior party officials. ─── 严格地说,这是典型的国家宣传歌曲,是那些在此气氛之下的平庸作曲家和党内高官共同大作。

74、Diligence is a very great help even to a mediocre intelligence. ─── 在智力平平的人身上,勤奋也能起到巨大的作用。

75、The holiday shopping rush is on, for retailers try to attract last-minute Christmas shoppers, salvaging what has been so far a mediocre December. ─── 假期购物潮正在进行。零售商们正在努力吸引圣诞节的最后一批顾客,以挽救漫长的,行情低迷的十二月。

76、Calderon's predecessor, Vicente Fox, was the Lech Walesa of Mexico, a democratic hero who turned out to be a mediocre President. ─── 卡尔德隆的前任文森特-福克斯是一位民主英雄,但事实证明他并不是一位出色的总统。

77、If America's mediocre public schools were the culprit, then where did all the entrepreneurial talent come from during this era? ─── 如果美国公立学校的二流教育是罪魁祸首的话,那么在这段时间,所有的商业才智从何而来?

78、He was a mediocre student; his academic records were not excellent, but not bad, either. ─── 他是平凡的学生,成绩不优秀,也不坏。

79、Hollywood films that mature into a business idea and system of commercial production, is worthy of us to learn to learn, but by no means merely monotonous and mediocre "is used. ─── 好莱坞影片那成熟的商业理念与成体系的商业化制作,是值得我们去借鉴去学习的,但那决不仅仅只是单调而平庸的“拿来主义”。

80、A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one. ─── 一个能引发热情的普通念头,比一个无法激发他人的伟大设想更有成效。

81、He speculates that, if other therapies fail, “maybe all you need is a minor or mediocre effect in order to reduce suicides overall. ─── 他认为如果其他治疗方法不起作用,也许患者所需要的只是通过服用这类疗效一般的抗抑郁药物来降低自杀的风险。

82、Her claim to speak for the poor could not mask her mediocre record as chief minister of India's most populous state. ─── 她宣称是穷人的代言人,却无法掩饰她作为印度人口最多邦的首席部长的平庸履历。

83、If one can work in a active and struggling spirit everywhere, he can increase his authority and fortune in the most mediocre career. ─── 倘若能处处以主动、努力的精神来工作,那么即使在最平庸的职业中,也能增加他的权威和财富。

84、His digestion was mediocre, and he had been attacked by a watering in one eye. ─── 他的消化力平常,有一只眼睛常淌泪。

85、A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild, extravagant, and beautiful as the poison lilies of the swamp. ─── 一个最普通的人,也会成为美如沼泽的毒百合的炽烈爱慕对像。

86、Good results combined with mediocre training usually indicate untapped potential. ─── 好的结果结合平庸的训练通常表示潜能并未被开发。

87、Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre. ─── 弗吉尼娅是个完美主义者。她就是无法勉强接受任何平庸的东西。

88、The latest signs suggest the summer slowdown was just a temporary lull in a pretty mediocre recovery. ─── 最新迹象表明,夏季的经济减速只是一场普普通通的经济复苏过程中的一次短暂间歇。

89、The first method is that of a schemer and leads only to mediocre results; the other method is the path of genius and changes the face of the world. ─── 一种是计划者的方法,一味权衡后果;另一种是天才的途径,直接改变世界的面貌。

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