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09-16 投稿



nostoc 发音

英:[?nɑ?stɑ?k]  美:[?n?st?k]

英:  美:

nostoc 中文意思翻译



nostoc 短语词组

1、nostoc carneum ─── 发菜

2、nostoc commune bmaa ─── 发菜公社bmaa

3、genus Nostoc ─── [网络] Nostoc

4、nostoc sphaeroides ─── 发菜

5、nostoc commune vauch ─── 诺斯托克公社

6、nostoc commune ─── 地木耳

7、nostoc flagelliforme ─── 鞭毛状鼻子

nostoc 相似词语短语

1、nostos ─── 举起

2、estoc ─── 埃斯托克

3、Gnostic ─── n.诺斯替教徒;adj.诺斯替教派的;诺斯替派教徒的

4、Rostock ─── n.罗斯托克(德国城市)

5、Rostov ─── n.罗斯托夫(俄罗斯西南部城市)

6、Vostok ─── n.前苏联东方号载人飞船

7、noso- ─── n.(Noso)人名;(芬)诺索

8、Boston ─── n.波士顿(美国城市)

9、nostoi ─── 提升

nostoc 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nostoc coeruleum ─── n. 深绿念珠藻

2、Nostoc bicalyptratum ─── n. 双冠念珠藻

3、Nostoc shensiense ─── n. 陕西念珠藻

4、Nostoc aureum ─── n. 金色念珠藻

5、Nostoc mamillosum ─── n. 乳头念珠藻

6、Nostoc disciforme ─── n. 盘形念珠藻

7、Nostoc sphaeroides ─── n. 球状念珠藻

8、also can be cut into shreds made dumplings, steamed stuffed bun of filling or starch,肉泥, green onions, ginger and other made "Nostoc pill", fresh scent Waterloo flavor gratifying. ─── 也可切丝做成饺子、包子的馅或加淀粉,肉泥、葱、姜等做成“发菜丸”,鲜滑清香,风味喜人。

9、Nostoc before eating, it is a two-hour soak in warm water to make it loose and rinse with clean water, you can cook. ─── 发菜在食用前,现以温水浸泡两小时,使其松散,在用清水漂洗干净,即可烹调。

10、Nostoc commune extraction ─── 地木耳提取物

11、A health beverage was developed from nostoc and studies were carried out on its processing technology. ─── 以地耳为主要原料研制出地耳保健饮料,对其生产工艺进行了研究。

12、Nostoc comminutum ─── n. 粉末念珠藻

13、Nostoc paludosum ─── n. 沼泽念珠藻

14、The Influence of the Distilled Nostoc Commune on the Sprouting and the Growth of China Pink and Peacock Grass ─── 地木耳提取物对石竹和孔雀草种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响

15、Keywords Nostoc flagelliforme;Exopolysaccharide (EPS);Capsular Polysaccharide (CPS);extraction;purification; ─── 发菜;胞外多糖;荚膜多糖;提取;纯化;

16、Nostoc parmelioides ─── n. 胶团念珠藻

17、Nostoc depressum ─── n. 扁平念珠藻

18、Nostoc macrosporum ─── n. 大孢念珠藻

19、Nostoc microscopicum ─── n. 微型念珠藻

20、Nostoc amphiceps ─── n. 双头念珠藻

21、Nostoc is from Zhangjiakou Bashang and luxury products in Inner Mongolia grassland. ─── 发菜是产自张家口坝上和内蒙古草原的名贵特产。


23、The distribution of Nostoc commune Vanch is widespread in the region of Enan.Its growth is possible in every season of a year. ─── 地木耳在鄂南各地均有分布,一年四季均可发生。

24、Nostoc tibeticum ─── n. 藏念珠藻

25、Nostoc carneum ─── n. 肉色念珠藻

26、Keywords Nostoc flagelliforme;polysaccharide;phenol-sulfuric acid method;anthrone-sulfuric acid method; ─── 发菜;多糖;苯酚-硫酸法;蒽酮-硫酸法;

27、Distribution area of Nostoc flagelliforme ─── 发菜分布区

28、Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flah. ─── 发状念珠藻(Nostoc flagelliforme(Berk. & Curtis)Bornet & Flah.)

29、Nostoc commune vauch polysaccharides (NCVPS) ─── 地木耳多糖

30、Seaweed is a kind of wild species of terrestrial plants, belonging to the Cyanophyta, Nostoc Branch, the algae beads. ─── 发菜是一种野生的陆生藻类植物,属于蓝藻门,念珠藻科,念珠藻类。

31、Nostoc foliaceum ─── n. 叶状念珠藻

32、Nostoc flagelliforme polysaccharides ─── 发菜多糖

33、A correlation research between photosynthetic characteristics and moisture of Nostoc flagelliforme ─── 发菜光合特性与水分关系的研究

34、Nostoc Commune could be used as a kind of plant in monitoring water pollution. ─── 木耳能作为水体污染监测植物。

35、There are ephedra, Kwai straminea, wolfberry, licorice, Nostoc, yellow ginseng, Jue Ma, mushrooms, Motherwort and so on, are sold both within and outside the province. ─── 主要有麻黄、葵艽、枸杞、甘草、发菜、黄参、厥麻、蘑菇、益母草等,远销省内外。

36、Using mathematical computer models, the Sheffield team have mapped the metabolism of a type of bacteria called Nostoc. ─── 使用精确的计算机模型,谢菲尔德团队已经洞悉了一种称为Nostoc的细菌的新陈代谢过程。

37、Nostoc parvulum ─── n. 小念珠藻

38、Native products are onions, apples pear, Wujiang meters, red dates, Nostoc, Spring, such as the Silk Road. ─── 土特产品有圆葱、苹果梨、乌江米、红枣、发菜、丝路春酒等。

39、Nostoc piscinale ─── n. 池生念珠藻

40、Ambient exposing was conducted to bioindicate air pollution around Lanzhou citywith Nostoc commune. ─── 以地木耳为材料,现场监测兰州市大气污染。

41、The growth period, nitrogen fixation, growth condition and other growth characteristics of Nostoc. sp were studied. ─── 研究了念珠藻的生长周期、固氮特性、生长条件等生长特性。

42、Nostoc flagelliforme-aloe powder ─── 发菜芦荟粉

43、Nostoc planctonicum ─── n. 浮游念珠藻

44、Keyword: Nostoc commune Vanch; ─── 人工培养条件;

45、Nostoc flagelliforme cells ─── 发状念珠藻单体细胞

46、Nostoc fixes nitrogen and, in doing so, releases hydrogen that can then potentially be used as fuel. ─── Nosto与氮元素紧密结合,因此会释放出氢元素以作为燃料。

47、Keywords artificial nostoc flagelliforme;production technology;starch;sodium alginate; ─── 仿野生发菜;生产工艺;淀粉;海藻酸钠;

48、Nostoc rivulare ─── n. 溪生念珠藻

49、Research Progress of Nostoc commune vauch ─── 地木耳的研究进展

50、Nostoc commune Vanch ─── 地木耳

51、Forming hormogonium is a main reproductive way of Nostoc flagelliforme by thallus. ─── 形成藻殖段是发菜原植体繁殖的主要方式。

52、Nostoc humifusum ─── n. 土褐色念珠藻

53、Nostoc spongiaeforme var. regulare ─── n. 海绵状念珠藻整齐变种

54、Nostoc calcicola ─── n. 喜钙念珠藻

55、Nostoc entphytum ─── n. 植内念珠藻

56、Nostoc soup can also be used postpartum women in cooking, as the blood use. ─── 妇女产后也可用发菜煮汤做菜,作为补血之用。

57、Keywords Nostoc flagelliforme;Ecologic Feature;Desert Steppe; ─── 发菜;生态特性;荒漠草原;

58、Nostoc flagelliforme ─── n. 发菜

59、Nostoc linckia ─── n. 林氏念珠藻

60、Nostoc sphaericum var. major ─── n. 圆球念珠藻大型变种

61、Nostoc contains a toxic substance affecting the normal functions of nerve cells. ─── 发菜含有毒素,有可能破坏神经细胞。

62、Nostoc punctiforme ─── n. 点形念珠藻

63、In addition, Nostoc cV. has medical effect, can be used to test the quality of air and its effective constituent such as polysaccharides are very useful in many aspects. ─── 另外,地木耳还有一定的药用效果,可以固氮和监测空气质量,地木耳含有的多糖等有效成分也有着巨大的用途。

64、Nostoc punctatum ─── n. 点粒念珠藻

65、Nostoc spongiaeforme ─── n. 海绵状念珠藻

66、"Braised abalone money", "Powell oyster sauce-net", "Sichuan Nostoc flagelliforme abalone soup" are the main raw material for abalone specializes in China, Yu man Chinese and foreign. ─── “红烧金钱鲍”、“蚝油网鲍片”、“川汤发菜鲍鱼”等都是以鲍鱼为主要原料的中国名菜,誉满中外。

67、Nostoc verrucosum ─── n. 裂褶念珠藻

68、Extraction and Physicochemical Properties of Nostoc flagelliform Polysaccharide ─── 发菜多糖的提取及性质研究

69、Nostoc minuntum ─── n. 小型念珠藻

70、Nostoc ellipsosporum ─── n. 椭孢念珠藻

71、Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk & Curtis) Bornet & Flash is a terrestrial cyanobacterium with high economic value, while its cultivation has not been successfully achieved. ─── 发状念珠藻(俗名发菜)是一种高经济价值的陆生蓝藻,但迄今尚未实现其人工栽培。

72、Nostoc glomeratum ─── n. 簇集念珠藻

73、Nostoc kihlmani ─── n. 开氏念珠藻

74、Nostoc gelatinosum ─── n. 胶质念珠藻

75、Extraction and Physicochemical Properties of Nostoc flagelliform Polysaccharide ─── 发菜多糖的提取及性质研究

76、" Nostoc with Chinese "fortune" homonym, so happy holidays and feast on more than cooking the food department, or each other gifts. ─── 发菜因与粤语“发财”谐音,所以在节日和喜庆宴席上多系烹此食,或彼此馈赠。

77、An Analysis of Ecological Characteristics of Nostoc Flagelliform Distribution Area ─── 发菜分布区生态特征分析

78、Nostoc pruniforme ─── n. 梅型念珠藻

79、The experiment proves the nostoc commune of algae can survive among the large canopy. ─── 实验证明藻类植物地木耳可在大棚中生存。

80、Nostoc zetterstedtii ─── n. 采氏念珠藻

81、Nostoc humifusum var. setschwanense ─── n. 土褐色念珠藻四川变种

82、Keywords flagelliform nostoc trade;eco environment of pasture;Inner Mongolia.; ─── 发菜;发菜贸易;草地生态环境;环境成本内部化;内蒙古;

83、Also we have extracted the PC from Nostoc cV. bought from the market, analysed its property and studied its stability. ─── 同时从市售地木耳中提取了藻蓝蛋白,对其性质进行了检测并研究了其稳定性。

84、Effects of Different Medium on the Growth and Photosynthetic Activity of Nostoc flagelliforme ─── 不同培养基对发菜细胞生长和光合活性的影响

85、Nostoc sphaericum ─── n. 圆球念珠藻

86、Nostoc muscorum ─── n. 灰色念珠藻

87、Nostoc cuticulare ─── n. 皮质念珠藻

88、Nostoc punctiforme var. fuscescens ─── n. 点形念珠藻黄褐变种

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应该是no disc,没有碟片,一般是VCD或DVD播放机显示机子里面没碟片,或者放进碟片之后播放机识别不到放进去的碟片。

开机显示no single是什么意思啊?

通常看到这个讯息, 意指, 萤幕已经开启了, 但是没有正确收到电脑传送的影像讯号. 也许, 只有开了萤幕, 还没开电脑? 也许, 电脑的显示方面有问题?

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