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09-16 投稿



inattentiveness 发音

英:[[??n?'tent?vn?s]]  美:[[??n?'tent?vn?s]]

英:  美:

inattentiveness 中文意思翻译



inattentiveness 反义词


inattentiveness 同义词


inattentiveness 短语词组

1、inattentiveness to the power ─── 对权力的忽视

inattentiveness 词性/词形变化,inattentiveness变形

名词: inattentiveness |副词: inattentively |

inattentiveness 相似词语短语

1、irretentiveness ─── 易怒

2、assentiveness ─── 一致性

3、inactiveness ─── 钝性;不活泼

4、unattractiveness ─── 缺乏吸引力

5、attentiveness ─── n.注意力;专注

6、intensiveness ─── 集中;密集

7、inventiveness ─── n.创造性;发明的才能

8、inattentive ─── adj.疏忽的;怠慢的;不注意的

9、inattentively ─── adv.不注意地;疏忽地

inattentiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her inattentiveness left me feeling less than thrilled about being there. ─── 她的漫不经心让我站在那儿觉得很不爽。

2、Exhibiting or feeling inattentiveness: They absented themselves from the debate. ─── 辩论时他们不在场。

3、and when the gremlins of infidelity or inattentiveness or other forms of cruelty enter the relationship, then the sexual life will suffer as a consequence. ─── 当不忠的幽灵、冷漠或其它形式的残酷进入到关系中,性生活随后也遭受磨难。

4、The thing I got hammered on the most over was my inattentiveness to the written score and analysis of the music. ─── 然后琼对我重复多次的是我缺乏对辅音的注意和对音乐的理解。

5、Anxiety and depression, which I think reflect not a subconscious death wish but simply inattentiveness; ─── 焦虑和抑郁,我认为这并没反映出潜意识里想寻死,只是简单的分心而已;

6、Here, inattentiveness to security leaves one unsecured. ─── 在这里,不注意安全就无保障。

7、She attributed her inattentiveness to the fears for the future which the events of the past two days had prompted. ─── 她把这种心事重重的原因归诸于两天以来发生的事情和对前途的担忧。

8、inattentiveness, carelessness, negligence, inadvertence, inattention ─── 不慎。疏忽。不留心。漫不经心。错误。

9、Your blank expression and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that betray you inattentiveness (45). ─── 空白的表达和在你的眼睛看起来是遥远的线索,背叛你不专注(45)。

10、His teacher castigated him for his inattentiveness in class. ─── 他的老师因他在课堂上不专心听讲而严厉批评了他。

11、Your blank expression, and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that betray you inattentiveness. ─── 你面无表情、眼神恍惚,这些都是你心不在焉的表现。

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