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09-14 投稿



half-bound 发音


英:  美:

half-bound 中文意思翻译



half-bound 相似词语短语

1、half buck ─── 半美元

2、half board ─── 半食宿(提供早餐和一顿主餐的膳宿)

3、half one ─── 每隔一穴让一球

4、half boots ─── 半长统靴

5、half-round ─── adj.半圆的

6、half boards ─── 半食宿(提供早餐和一顿主餐的膳宿)

7、half blood ─── 同父异母或同母异父的关系

8、half boot ─── 半长统靴

9、half-bound ─── 半绑定


August Burns Red - The Seventh TrumpetI can no longer tell the days from the nights. The moon glows an eerie red and I could sw...


One year like any old other year

In a week like any week

Monday lying down

Half Asleep

People doing what people do

Loving, working and getting through

No portraits on the walls

Of Seventh Avenue

Then Tuesday came and went

Like a helicopter overhead

The Letter that she left

Cold Addressed in Red

Tuesday Came and went

One one September when

will she come again

The thing about memories

They're sure and bound to fade

Except for the stolen souls

Left upon her blade

Is Monday coming back

That's what Mondays do

They Turn and Turn around

Afraid to see it through

Tuesday came and went

Like a helicopter overhead

The Letter that she left

Cold Addressed in Red

Tuesday Came and went one

One September

When will she come again

Tuesday Came and went one

One September, When?

Cold and dressed in red

How could I forget

Tuesday Came and went

Like a Helicopter overhead

Will she come again

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