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09-15 投稿



impartibility 发音


英:  美:

impartibility 中文意思翻译



impartibility 相似词语短语

1、impassibility ─── n.不觉痛苦;无感情

2、impartiality ─── n.公正,公平;不偏不倚

3、partibility ─── 可分性

4、importability ─── n.可输入

5、implausibility ─── n.难以相信;不像真实

6、impalpability ─── n.不能触觉或感知的状态或性质

7、compactibility ─── n.可压实性;可夯实性;成形性;紧密性

8、compatibility ─── n.[计]兼容性

9、imperviability ─── 可减损性

impartibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To impart reality to;make objective;externalize. ─── 使客观化使具体化;使客观;使客观化,使具体化

2、To impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate. ─── 使体力增加通过增加营养物恢复体力

3、Practical application shows that the above process can impart supermicro Tencel fabric excellent quality. ─── 例举烧毛、精练、丝光、抗皱柔软处理及预缩整理具体工艺参数。

4、But the best way to impart energy to the water molecules depends on the type of tissue. ─── 但是,将能量传送给水分子的最佳途径还在于组织的类型。

5、Do you have a question to ask or tip to impart and are not sure where to post it? ─── 你有问题想问、或是想跟大家分享情报,却不知道该不该写在这?

6、He went two or three times to see Mrs. Montgomery, but Mrs. Montgomery had nothing to impart. ─── 他曾经去蒙哥马利太太家拜访过二、三次,但她也没有什么可以奉告。

7、Anyone who is not able to impart you immediate light or sound is not a real master. ─── 光和音是衡量真师的标准,任何人如果不能马上给你光和音的体验,都不是真师。

8、Her shoes were old, and her necktie was in that crumpled, flattened state which time and much wearing impart. ─── 她的鞋子也是旧的,领带已经又皱又扁。

9、To whom would he impart knowledge? To whom would he convey the message? To those just weaned from milk, those taken from the breast? ─── 他要将智识授给谁呢?向谁解释启示呢?是向方才断乳和刚离母怀的婴儿吗?

10、training pattern and educational fashion are supplements for each other and impartibility. ─── 学习模式与教育方式相辅相成,密不可分。

11、Only the president's strong control was able to impart some sense of seriousness to the meeting. ─── 只是凭总统强大的控制力才使这次会议具有一些严肃认真的味道。

12、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 二、模范教师不但教华文,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

13、Persuaded to impart the secret. ─── 劝说透露秘密

14、Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta. ─── 多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。

15、Varnishes made with Celanese acrylic emulsions impart a high gloss decorative finish while still protecting the wood from damaging marks and spills. ─── 塞拉尼斯的丙烯酸乳液在保护木器免划伤和防渗的同时赋予水性清漆以高光泽装饰效果。

16、A new set of exhibits designed to impart knowledge about electricity and magnetism will be introduced. ─── 展览廊会展出一组介绍电与磁的全新展品。

17、The Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion impart life, forgiveness and power. ─── 圣洗礼和圣餐礼给予我们生命,赦免,和能力。

18、Good: Blending area effectively separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality. ─── 好:混合区域有效地与可能对产品质量有不良影响的区域分隔开。

19、He had a real feeling for literature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency. ─── 他对文字具有真正的爱好,能够痛快淋漓细致入微地把自己的感情表达出来。

20、It is incumbent on us to remember that while chocolate and cocoa impart pleasure, they are rich in fat and calories. ─── 在享受巧克力和可可粉给予的快感时,我们有责任记住,它们富含脂肪和热量。

21、The riches we impart are the only wealth we shall always retain. ─── 与他人分享的财富,是唯一留得住的财富。

22、Simply let the palm of the hand go towards the target and up using the shoulder as the hinge, this will impart topspin. ─── 只要简单地让手掌向目标而去而且以肩作为铰链向上挥出的话,这将冲击出上旋球。

23、They want to set up schools to impart skills and knowledge. ─── 他们打算办学传教授知识技能。

24、To impart reality to; make objective; externalize. ─── 使客观化使具体化;使客观;使客观化,使具体化

25、She resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene. ─── 她决定在当时的场景中加添些家庭气氛。

26、Tourism planning and practical works are impartibility, because tourism to be used as a widespread social phenomenon to appear still limited. ─── 旅游规划的研究与实践是密不可分的,因为旅游作为一种普遍的社会现象出现的历史还是有限的。

27、Those smiles unto the moodiest mind.Their own pure ioy impart. ─── 你的笑容让浓闷的心灵分享纯真的欢乐。

28、Good teachers know that their job is not just to impart knowledge, they understand that teaching is more than just instructing. ─── 好的教师知道他们的职责不单是向学生灌输知识,他们深切体会到教学工作不只是授课。

29、If you were to impart your own knowledge and wisdom to new graduates, what would you tell them? What lessons would you want them to learn? ─── 如果你要将自己的知识和智慧带给新毕业生,你会告诉他们什么?你希望他们学到哪一些教训?

30、To train and impart operators with reparation and maintenance skills. ─── 对操作员进行模具维修技术的培训与传承。

31、He was there by invitation, to impart information and to relay requests. ─── 他应邀坐在那儿,随时准备提供情况和回答咨询。

32、To impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential for motivating them to use their leisure in creative and satisfying ways. ─── 使公众具有积极态度对待休闲,对促使他们以创造性的满意方式利用闲暇时间十分重要。

33、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge,they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 启蒙教师不但教授知识,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

34、Poor: Juicing area not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality. ─── 不好的:果汁生产区没有与其他可能影向产品质量的区域有效隔离。

35、Our Juicer is manufactured from non toxic materials and does not impart any taste or aroma and cannot oxidize. ─── 产品介绍:手动榨汁器采用食品级无毒的材料制成,无气味,不会氧化.

36、The state supports the adoption of broadcast, television, correspondence and other modes of distance education to impart higher education. ─── 国家支持采用广播、电视、函授及其他远程教育方式实施高等教育。

37、The moral and military affairs is impartibility, the moral connect with people's heart that it produces the force as water. ─── 修德与振兵是不可分的,德与百姓的心灵相连,它所产生的力量如同水。

38、The propitiation for our unrighteousnesses and the forgiveness of our sins give Him the ground to impart His life into us. ─── 祂宽恕我们的不义,并赦免我们的罪,就使祂有立场把祂自己的生命分赐到我们里面。

39、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instill moral values in their students. ─── 二、范教师不但教华文,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

40、On some pearl surfaces there is a regular pattern of parallel elongated striations that impart a silky sheen. ─── 在一些珠子的表面存在有序平行拉长的条纹状图案显示出丝状闪光。

41、But it had been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it; till I am solitary, and cannot impart it; till I am known, and do not want it. ─── 可惜为时过晚,我已无动于衷,无从消受;我已孑然一身,无法与人共享;况且我已成名,无需大人关注了。

42、rising-declining of Haifeng Town in Huanghua was impartibility with salt industry. ─── 黄骅市的海丰镇遗址,其兴衰与盐业密不可分。

43、An ingredient added, especially to wine, to impart flavor or strength. ─── 增加剂尤指加到酒中去的一份增味剂

44、Conscientious coaches seek to impart lessons in teamwork, self-sacrifice, competition, gracious winning and losing. ─── 尽责的教练会寻觅办法让孩子们在团队精神、自我牺牲、竞争、平和地对待胜与败诸方面受到教育。

45、I have nothing of interest to impart to you today. ─── 今天我没有有趣的事情告诉你。

46、As a whole, the beam will therefore impart no total angular momentum to a target. ─── 因此,整个说来,这种光束将不传给靶任何总的角动量。

47、As an essential raw material of beer, hop is used in beer brewing to impart bittering, enhance flavor, as well as a preservative. ─── 以红枣为主要原料,研制出一种营养丰富、均衡、有红枣风味、具酒花独特口感的乳酸菌饮料。

48、To impart useful information to(another) in a subtle, discreet way. ─── 事先给某人暗示用隐秘的、谨慎的方式将有用的信息告诉他人

49、The moral and military affairs is impartibility, the moral connect with people’s heart that it produces the force as water. ─── 修德与振兵是不可分的,德与百姓的心灵相连,它所产生的力量如同水。

50、If the moon were half its mass, the tides would be correspondingly smaller and would impart less orbit-expanding energy to the moon. ─── 如果月球的质量只有一半,潮汐就会比较小,把月球轨道向外推的能量也就减小了。

51、University is not only to impart knowledge of the place, but is opting to place. ─── 大学不仅是传授知识的场所,而且是造就人才的地方。

52、Therefore,we should not just impart or infuse moral as if it is pure knowledge during the course of educating. ─── 因此,我们在道德教育中不能把道德作为一种纯粹的知识加以传授和灌输。

53、By this scheme, the force needed to impart a given acceleration is always smaller than Newtonian dynamics requires. ─── 在这个假设之下,造成某一加速度所需的力会比牛顿动力学里造成相同加速度所需的力来得小。

54、Other institutions of higher education impart non-curricula higher education. ─── 其他高等教育机构实施非学历高等教育。

55、TanThe brown color that sun rays impart to the skin. ─── 古铜色光照射后使皮肤具有的褐色。

56、Various rubber compounds and glues are applied on the rackets to impart greater spin or speed. ─── 多种橡胶和胶水的混合物是球拍使用起来非常容易旋转而且很快。

57、It is possible to impart an electric charge to any solid material by rubbing it with any other material. ─── 任何固体材料同任何其他材料相摩擦,都可带电。

58、An excellent instructor should impart to students what society believes to be of value. ─── 一位优秀的教师应该教授学生社会认为有价值的东西。

59、Many " curtilage person " impart secret Ji: Must learn a foreign language. ─── 不少“宅人”传授秘笈:一定要学好外语。

60、It has the characters of security, priority repay , legal establishment, impartibility, subrogation and so on. ─── 优先权具有担保性、优先受偿性、法定性、不可分性、代位性等特征。

61、During his record breaking spree of four years Coe's father was never invited to impart his knowledge on official courses for athletes and coaches. ─── 在其打破世界纪录名声大噪的那四年里,他从未受到邀请为去给运动员和教练员正式上过课,传授训练之道。

62、In the curious custom of this venerable institution, I find myself standing before you expected to impart words of lasting wisdom. ─── “按照这所古老大学的奇怪的传统,我应该是站在这儿,告诉你们那些永恒的智慧。

63、CTE-501 is designed as a paper coating additive to improve the runnability of the coating process, and impart improved quality to the coated paper. ─── CTE-501是纸张涂料的添加剂,用于改进涂敷过程的流动性,并且使涂敷纸张具有更好的质量。

64、Monosodium glutamate impart flavo(u)r to food. ─── 味素使食品有味道。

65、They had come to impart their experience in stock raising. ─── 他们是来传授饲养牲畜的经验的。

66、As for some key parts, local ones arealways compared with impart samplesto ensure they are accordance with BUZ Standard. ─── 一些关键零部件还进行了进口和国产样件的实物比较一以确保与BUZ标准的一致性。

67、So that I can impart my volleyball skills to more people. ─── 可以把排球传授给更多人。

68、The snow impart this charming in winter,yet it were only a lonely and no snowing winter also. ─── 冬的韵味,都是雪给的,一个没有雪的冬天,是寂寞的。

69、Dye wastes may impart colors of wide variety that are readily recognized and traced. ─── 印染废水可以给出各种容易识别和查出的颜色。

70、It is one of parents'most fundamental responsibilities to impart to their children the value of integrity, decency, and respect for others. ─── 作父母的最重要的一项责任就是向其子女传授正直,正派,尊重他人的价值观。

71、Her necktie was in that crumpled, flattered state which time and much wearing impart. ─── 她的领带已破缩不堪,用旧了。

72、What's my excuse if somewhere down the line a child fails at something because I once abrogated my responsibility to impart knowledge? ─── 如果将来某一天,由于我缺了一次课,一个孩子考试不及格,那我又要找什么借口呢?

73、Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear. ─── 29污秽的言语一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。

74、Do not impart your darkest secrets or provide a detailed list of your worst fears. ─── 不要透露你最不想告诉别人的秘密,或将你最害怕的事情列出来。

75、Good teachers conduct classes with great enthusiasm and skills so that they can attract students' attention, and impart knowledge to them. ─── 好老师带着极大的热情和出众的技能授课,因而能够吸引学生们的注意力,并将知识传授给他们。

76、Printing followed by napping can impart warp-knitted bouclette fabric with polyester base yarn and cotton looped yarn good shadow effects. ─── 以涤纶纤维为纱,棉纤维为毛圈纱,采用先印花后拉毛圈的方法,实现了较为明显的朦胧印花效果。

77、Impart spin to a cricket ball. ─── 使板球增加旋转力。

78、Under terms of market economy,work hard to complete easy to is it work to impart knowledge and edu... ─── 在市场经济的条件下,努力完成好教书育人工作,使高等学校创新人才的培养落到实处,是所有教育工作者的神圣职责。

79、Women tend to impart their secrets to their intimate friends. ─── 女人往往喜欢把秘密向她 们的好友吐露.

80、If the Classics were transformed into love letters, what tradition would they impart? ─── 如果四书五经变成恋人絮语,将是什麽样的经典?

81、A good teacher should impart wisdom to his pupils. ─── 好老师就应该把智慧传递 给学生.

82、Therefore, we should not just impart or infuse moral as if it is pure knowledge during the course of educating. ─── 因此,我们在道德教育中不能把道德作为一种纯粹的知识加以传授和灌输。

83、Poor: Blending area not adequately separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality. ─── 差:混合区域未合适地与可能对产品质量有不良影响的区域分隔开。

84、It is not easy to impart knowledge any more than to acquire knowledge. ─── 传授知识与获得知识同样不容易。

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