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09-15 投稿



imprimis 发音

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imprimis 中文意思翻译



imprimis 相似词语短语

1、improbities ─── n.邪恶;不正直,不道德

2、imprecise ─── adj.不精确的;不严密的;不确切的

3、imprisons ─── vt.监禁;关押;使…下狱

4、compromis ─── 妥协

5、imprints ─── [法]痕迹

6、imprintings ─── n.铭记(动物生命早期即起作用的一种学习机能);胚教;v.产生重大影响;铭刻;使铭记;印(imprint的现在分词)

7、improvise ─── vt.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供;vi.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合

8、imprimaturs ─── n.出版许可,认可;赞许

9、emprises ─── n.冒险;壮举;侠士精神

imprimis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The text imprimis lets the people realize the P2P process of shape from the P2P the shape history begin; ─── 本文首先从P2P的发展历史开始,让人们了解P2P的发展历程;

2、The imprimis should realize whether the bride has vs the chemistry material allergy of the indoles that turns Xian of of history. ─── 首先应该了解新娘是否有对化纤之类的化学材料过敏的的历史。

3、The industry insider pays enlist for reporter: Imprimis, don't go those an enter a thumb latch the aroma pressing chafing dish store. ─── 业内人士给记者支招:首先,别去那些一进门就香气逼人的火锅店。

4、The text imprimis lets the people realize the P2P process of shape from the P2P the shape history begin; ─── 本文首先从P2P的发展历史开始,让人们了解P2P的发展历程;

5、The writer thinks the revolution sensus of the electronic commerce mainly has three: Imprimis, it is a monstrous new industry. ─── 笔者认为,电子商务的革命性意义主要有三:第一,它是一个巨大的新产业。

6、imprimis of newly married living quarters should consider completely and steer overall design sur the air space dimension, light, ambient atmosphere. ─── 新婚居室的装饰首先应根据空间大小、光线、周围的环境全面考虑,进行整体设计。

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