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hesperidin 发音

英:[[he'sper?d?n]]  美:[[he'sper?d?n]]

英:  美:

hesperidin 中文意思翻译



hesperidin 短语词组

1、phosphorylated hesperidin ─── [医] 磷酰化橙皮甙

2、hesperidin plus ─── 橙皮苷plus

3、chalcone hesperidin ─── [医] 查耳酮橙皮甙

4、hesperidin complex ─── 橙皮苷复合物

5、hesperidin methyl chalcone ─── 橙皮苷甲基查尔酮

hesperidin 相似词语短语

1、hesperidia ─── 橙皮

2、hesperid ─── 弄蝶

3、Hesperidean ─── 周

4、Hesperides ─── n.守护金苹果树的仙女;金苹果园

5、hesperidium ─── n.[园艺]柑果;柠檬果

6、Hesperidian ─── 橙皮

7、Hesperian ─── adj.西方国家的;西方的;n.西方人

8、meperidine ─── n.哌替啶(麻醉镇静剂)

9、hesperids ─── 赫斯佩里兹

hesperidin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results and Conclusion Naringin, hesperidin and catechin sulfate were produced. ─── 结果和结论有柚皮甙、橙皮甙和儿茶素硫酸酯的生成。

2、Subject_Topical_Eng: Shanghai SiniWest Pharmaceutical &Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.; Hesperidin; Berberine Hydrochloride; Synephrine; Chlorogenic Acid; Kaempferol; Isorhamnetin; Ginsenoside Rg1 ─── 上海斯威医药化学技术有限公司;橙皮甙;盐酸小薜碱;人参皂甙;辛弗林;氯原酸;山柰素;异鼠李素

3、A HPLC method for determination of hesperidin in Zhonghua Gushangyu mixture was presented. ─── 建立了中华骨伤愈合剂中橙皮苷含量的 HPLC测定方法。

4、Methods: Applying the technique of TLC to indentify Fructus lych, Emodin, Hesperidin in this prescription; ─── 方法:采用薄层色谱法鉴别枸杞子、大黄素、橙皮苷,高效液相色谱法测定橙皮苷的含量。

5、the content of puerarin,hesperidin,eugenol,honokiol and magnolol could be determined by HPLC. ─── HPLC法可测定出葛根素、橙皮苷、丁香酚、和厚朴酚、厚朴酚的含量。

6、Keywords Zhonghua Gushangyu mixture;hesperidin;HPLC;determination; ─── 中华骨伤愈合剂;橙皮苷;HPLC;测定;

7、Keywords Fructus aurantii immaturus;hesperidin;naringin;synephrine;volatile oil; ─── 枳实;橙皮苷;柚皮苷;辛弗林;挥发油;

8、Methods Hesperidin of Pericarpium citri reticulatae was determined by HPLC. ─── 方法采用高效液相色谱法对方中陈皮进行含量测定。

9、Keywords Capillary electrophoresis;Electrochemical detection;Fructus anrantii Immaturus;Fructus aurantii;Flavonoids;Synephrine;Hesperidin;Naringenin;Naringin; ─── 毛细管电泳;电化学检测;枳实;枳壳;黄酮;辛弗林;橙皮甙;柚皮素;柚皮甙;

10、Studies on Extraction of Hesperidin and Other Active Components from Citrus Peels and Their Antimicrobial Effects ─── 橙皮甙等桔皮活性成分的提取和抑菌作用研究

11、Studies of interaction between hesperidin and bovine serum albumin by fluorescence quenching method ─── 桔皮苷与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的研究

12、Methods The extr action rate of extactum as well hesperidin was choosen as the assessment index i n the WeiDongLi Capsule. ─── 方法以出膏率、橙皮苷的提取率为评价指标,选择水量(倍)、提取时间(小时)、提取次数为考察因素,利用正交实验确定了胃动力胶囊的水提取工艺。

13、The paper describes a revision of assay of hesperidin in Milian Chuanbei Pipa Concentrated Decoction by HPLC. ─── 本文对企业提出的用高效液相色谱法测定橙皮苷含量的方法,进行了修订。

14、phosphorylated hesperidin ─── [医] 磷酰化橙皮甙

15、A new successive process to extract pectin and hesperidin from orange peel is introduced. ─── 介绍了连续法从柑桔皮中提取果胶和橙皮苷的新工艺。

16、A review of the extraction and chemical modification of functional hesperidin ─── 功能性橙皮苷的提取与化学改性研究进展

17、Structure of hesperidin was modified. ─── 对橙皮苷进行了结构修饰。

18、Nutrilite Chewable Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables tablets provide key phytonutrients ? including ellagic acid, hesperidin, lutein and lycopene ? that work together to boost overall health. ─── 每4片纽崔莱果蔬嚼片提供足够每日人体所需的植物营养素,包括柔花酸、橙皮甙、叶黄素及番茄红素,有助人体达至优质的健康水平。


20、Taking the contents of hesperidin as study i ndexes,extraction technology,refining different manufacturing process have been studied by orthogonal test,the optimum preparing craft has been gained. ─── 以橙皮甙为指标,采用正交试验对制剂水提取工艺和醇沉工艺,及其中试产品的稳定性进行了考察,优选出肠泰口服液的最佳生产工艺。

21、Keywords Low density lipoprotein;Oxidized modification;Isorhamnetin;Hesperidin;Antioxidation; ─── 低密度脂蛋白;氧化修饰;异鼠李素;橙皮甙;抗氧化作用;

22、chalcone hesperidin ─── [医] 查耳酮橙皮甙

23、Keywords citrus peels pigments;hesperidin;hesperitin;antimicrobial activity; ─── 桔皮色素;橙皮甙;桔皮素;抑菌活性;

24、Keywords RP-HPLC;Pomelo peel;Naringin;Hesperidin; ─── 反相高效液相色谱;柚皮甙;橙皮甙;柚皮;

25、Hesperidin is abundant in dried tangerine peel (DTP), which can function as an antioxidant. ─── 陈皮富含丰富的橙皮苷,是一种抗氧化剂。

26、The analysis of pyrolysis products of hesperidin, which is extracted from tobacco, byCurie-point pyrolyzer combined with GC/MS, is reported in the paper, with 12components identified. ─── 本文将居里点裂解器与GC/MS联用,对烟草提取物桔皮甙的热解产物进行分析,共检出12个组份。

27、Citrus peels are important raw stuffs for industry and medicine, where are great deals offunctional substance such as carotenoids, essential oil, pectin, hesperidin, limonin andso on. ─── 柑橘果皮中含大量的功能性物质,如类胡萝卜素、香精油、果胶、橙皮苷、柠檬苦素等,这些物质是重要的化工及医药原料。

28、This article reviewed the making method, features, characteristics and applications of hesperidin processed with enzyme. ─── 本文对酶处理橙皮苷的制造方法、性质、特性及其利用进行了论述。

29、Used together, hesperidin and vitamin E can help lower the risk of heart disease. ─── 两者相辅相成,减低患心脏病的风险,使关心心脏健康的你更放心。

30、Determining the Content of Hesperidin in Clinopodium Polycephalum by HPLC ─── HPLC测定断血流中橙皮苷的含量

31、hesperidin chalcone ─── 查尔酮橙皮苷

32、Methods The TLC methods were established for identified of hesperidin,synephrine and caulis perillae,and a RP-HPLC methed was established for the determination of naringin. ─── 方法增加TLC法鉴别橙皮苷、辛弗林、紫苏梗及RP-HPLC法测定柚皮苷含量的阴性干扰试验。

33、Keywords fructus aurantii immaturus,total flavone,Hesperidin,neohesperidin; ─── 枳实;总黄酮;柚皮苷;新橙皮苷;

34、Keywords hesperidin;glycyrrhiza;pigmentary;guinea pig; ─── 橙皮苷;甘草双胺盐;色素沉着;豚鼠;

35、Hesperidin could be responsible for the observed effects. ─── 橘皮苷对可观察的效果是有责任的。

36、Keywords hesperidin;anti-inflammatory action;immunoregulation;adjuvant arthritis; ─── 橙皮苷;抗炎;免疫调节;佐剂性关节炎;

37、Diosmin and Hesperidin are used widely in Europe for decreasing the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins, and also hemorrhoids. ─── 地奥司明和橙皮苷是在欧洲广泛使用,减少静脉曲张和蜘蛛静脉的外观,也痔疮。

38、Keywords Jasminum sambac;oleanolic acid;daucos terol;hesperidin; ─── 关键词茉莉根;齐墩果酸;胡萝卜苷;橙皮苷;

39、sodium hesperidin sulfnoate ─── 橙皮苷磺酸钠

40、Based on the polarographic catalytic wave, a new method for the determination of hesperidin was proposed. ─── 在该波的基础上,建立一种测定布洛芬的新方法。

41、Keywords citrus;flavonoid;hesperidin;hesperetin;monoglucosyhesperetin;hesperidinase;enzymatic hydrolyzing; ─── 柑桔;类黄酮;橙皮苷;橙皮素;橙皮素单糖苷;酶解;

42、Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone ─── 甲基橙皮苷, 甲基芸香糖苷橙皮素[维生素类药]

43、Study on the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of hesperidin and the complexation with copper ─── 橙皮苷及铜配合物的抑菌抗氧化活性研究

44、Keywords Jianwei Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui;HPLC fingerprint;magnolol;honokiol;hesperidin; ─── 减味藿香正气水;HPLC指纹图谱;厚朴酚;和厚朴酚;橙皮苷;

45、Keywords hesperidin;antioxydant;mouldproof agent;cooperative effect;flavone compounds; ─── 橙皮甙;黄酮类化合物;抗氧化剂;防霉剂;协同效应;

46、Content : minimum 1.7 per cent of hesperidin (C 28 H 34 O 15 ), calculated with reference to he dried drug. ─── 本品按干燥品计算,含橙皮苷(C 28 H 34 O 15 )不得少于1.7%。

47、the contents of hesperidin, baicalin, honokiol and magnolol could be determined by HPLC. ─── HPLC法可鉴别苍术特征峰,并测定出橙皮苷、黄芩苷、和厚朴酚、厚朴酚的含量。

48、The peel and membranous parts of these fruits have the highest hesperidin concentrations. ─── 这些水果的果皮和膜部分有橙皮苷的浓度最高。

49、The effect of hesperidin on oxidative erythrocyte ghost induced by hydroxyl free radical ─── 橙皮苷对羟自由基引发红细胞膜损伤的影响

50、Keywords hesperidin;cathodic adsorption voltammetry;carbon paste electrode; ─── 橙皮甙;阴极吸附伏安法;碳糊电极;

51、Methods The content of hesperidin was determined by HPLC. ─── 方法采用高效液相色谱法测定橙皮苷的含量。

52、Chiral Separation of Hesperidin by Capillary Electrophoresis ─── 毛细管电泳法手性拆分橙皮苷对映体

53、Keywords compound Chaihu oral liquid;hesperidin;orthogonal-test;ethanol sedimentation;chitosan; ─── 复方柴胡口服液;橙皮苷;正交试验;乙醇沉淀;壳聚糖;

54、Keywords Jianpi Granule;volatile oil;extracting process;orthogonal experiment;hesperidin; ─── 健脾颗粒;挥发油;提取工艺;正交试验;橙皮苷;

55、Keywords high performance liquid chromatography;Xiaoer Jindan Pian;hesperidin;arctiin;determination content; ─── 关键词高效液相色谱法;小儿金丹片;橙皮苷;牛蒡苷;含量测定;

56、In addition, applications of hesperidin in food, cosmetic and medication industry were prospected. ─── 并对其在保健食品、医药、化妆品等方面的应用前景作了展望。

57、In the final four weeks of the experiment, they drank the same water and took a dummy capsule that had no hesperidin in it. ─── 在实验最后的四周,他们饮用同样的水并且服用不含橘皮苷的仿制胶囊。

58、Methods:Herba Artemisiae Annu-ae, Radix Platycodi, Radix Glycyrrhizae were identified by TLC, and Hesperidin was determined by HPLC. ─── 方法:采用薄层色谱法对百桔止咳颗粒中的青蒿、桔梗、甘草等药味进行了定性鉴别;

59、Keywords navel orange;kumquat;hesperidin;HPLC; ─── 关键词金桔;脐橙;橙皮甙;高效液相色谱;

60、Keywords Citrus reticulate Blanco;hesperidin;stability; ─── 蒰柑;橙皮苷;稳定性;

61、Keywords Microwave-assisted extraction(MAE);Pericarpium citri reticulate;Hesperidin; ─── 微波提取;陈皮;橙皮苷;

62、hesperidin methyl ─── 甲基橙皮苷

63、methyl hesperidin ─── 甲基桔皮苷

64、Keywords fallen fruit of orange;hesperidin;diosmin;methylhesperidin;extract;acetylation; ─── 柑橘落果;橙皮苷;地奥明;甲基橙皮苷;萃取;乙酰化;

65、The content determination of hesperidin has been carried out by reversed-phase HPLC with Cig chemical bonded silica gel as a solid phase, acetonitrile water(19.5:80.5) as a mobile phase and UV detection wavelength at 284nm. ─── 以C_(18)化学键合硅胶为固定相,乙腈-水(19.5:80.5),水中含磷酸(体积比796:0.1)为流动相,在UV检测波长284nm进行测定。

66、Keywords Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao;Hesperidin;Solid phase extraction;High performance liquid chromatography; ─── 关键词蜜炼川贝枇杷膏;橙皮甙;固相萃取;高效液相色谱法;

67、Conclusion The bioavailability of hesperidin and naringin was improved by enzymatic treatment, thus absorbed easily. ─── 结论经过酶处理的橙皮苷和柚皮苷的生物利用率比原黄酮提高,吸收速度也加快。

68、Keywords methylhesperidin;hesperidin;dimethylsulfate;technology;conditions;optimize; ─── 甲基橙皮甙;橙皮甙;硫酸二甲酯;工艺;优化;

69、Keywords hesperidin;sulfonation reaction;structure characterization; ─── 橙皮苷;磺化反应;结构表征;

70、A new method was studied on extracting hesperidin from orange peel. ─── 研究了从桔皮中提取橙皮苷的一种新方法。

71、Such as Vincristine Sulfate, Vinorelbine Bitartrate, NHDC and Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone. ─── 例如硫酸长春新碱、酒石酸长春瑞宪,NHDC。

72、Keywords Milian Chuanbei Pipa Concentrated Decoction;hesperidin;HPLC;Revised Standard.; ─── 关键词蜜炼川贝枇杷膏;橙皮苷;高效液相色谱法;标准修订;

73、Keywords hesperidin;immunoloregulation effect;hemolysin;nonspecific immunity;humoral immunity;cellular immunity; ─── 橙皮苷;免疫调节;溶血素;非特异性免疫;体液免疫;细胞免疫;

74、The quantity of hesperidin was determined by fluotometric TLC. ─── 方法灵敏度高,重现性好。

75、Keywords hesperidin;hydrogen peroxide;polarographic catalytic wave;free radical; ─── 橙皮苷;过氧化氢;极谱催化波;自由基;

76、Keywords reverse-phase HPLC detection;simultaneous detection;citrus aurantium juice;narigin and hesperidin; ─── 反相高效液相色谱;同时测定;酸橙汁;柚皮柑;橙皮柑;

77、Keywords sodium hesperidin sulfnoate;free radical;scavenging; ─── 橙皮苷磺酸钠;自由基;清除;

78、Method: HPLC analysis was performed to detect the contents of hesperidin, naringin and synephrine. ─── 方法:HPLC测定黄酮类成分橙皮苷和柚皮苷含量、生物碱类辛弗林含量,药典法测定挥发油含量。

79、Hesperidin was extracted from giving up Orange peel and tested on the antioxygenic activity and protec tion against moulds. ─── 从废橙皮中提取橙皮甙,用它进行抗氧和防霉试验。

80、METHODS:The pericarpium citri reticulatae and fructus crataegi in this preparation were identified by TLC and hesperidin was determined by HPLC. ─── 方法:采用薄层色谱法对健脾药糕中陈皮、山楂进行定性鉴别;采用高效液相色谱法对健脾药糕中橙皮苷进行含量测定。

81、Keywords hesperidin;glycyrrhiza;extract of glycyrrhizae;pigmentation;Ammonium glycyrrhizinate;Hydroquinone; ─── 橙皮苷;甘草双胺盐;甘草提取物;氢醌;色素沉着;

82、Methods:To study the content determination of Hesperidin in Chi Tong Xiao Yan Ling tablet by HPLC. ─── 方法:采用高效液相色谱法,进行该制剂的有效成分橙皮苷的含量测定研究。

83、Orange juice contains hesperidin, a naringin-like substance. ─── 橙汁中包含着橙皮苷一种类似于柑桔苷的物质。

84、Methods PericarpiumCitri reticulatae, Radix Astragali were identified by TLC, and the content of Hesperidin was determinedby HPLC. ─── 方法采用TLC法对处方中的陈皮、黄芪进行定性鉴别;高效液相色谱法测定橙皮苷的含量。

85、Method:The contents of hesperidin were determined by HPLC and radix Aucklandiae, pericarpium citri reticulatae and radix et rhizoma rhei were identified by TLC in Fufan Chen Xiang Wei Pian. ─── 方法:薄层色谱法鉴别制剂中的木香、陈皮、大黄。采用HPLC测定制剂中橙皮苷的含量。

86、A micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatographic method (MECC ), using sodium benzoate as internal standard, for the determination of naringin and hesperidin in Chinese materia medica of Citrus L. was established. ─── 建立了一种测定芸香科柑橘属药材中柚皮苷及橙皮苷含量的新方法,即以苯甲酸钠为内标物,采用胶束电动毛细管电泳法,可将上述药材中柚皮苷、橙皮苷和内标物较好分离。

87、Keywords Hesperidin;Hengzhi Kechuan Capsules;HPLC; ─── 橙皮苷;恒制咳喘胶囊;HPLC;

88、Hesperidin with Lime + + Europe mint tea drinking the brew, you can eliminate stress and fatigue of thin; ─── 用菩提+橙皮+欧薄荷冲泡的茶饮,可以消除精神紧张疲劳以及瘦身;

89、Mechanism Analysis of the Antioxidant Activities of Hesperidin and Its Derivatives ─── 橙皮苷及其衍生物抗氧化活性的机理分析

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