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09-15 投稿



intermitting 发音


英:  美:

intermitting 中文意思翻译




intermitting 短语词组

1、intermitting spring ─── 间歇弹簧

2、intermitting rating ─── 间歇额定值

intermitting 词性/词形变化,intermitting变形


intermitting 相似词语短语

1、interknitting ─── v.互相联系;使……交缠

2、interdicting ─── n.(法庭)禁令;(天主教)禁罚;v.阻断,封锁;禁止

3、intromitting ─── vt.使进入;插入

4、intermediating ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

5、unintermitting ─── 不干涉

6、intermittent ─── adj.间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性

7、intercutting ─── v.(使)镜头交切

8、intermixing ─── n.混合

9、intermittingly ─── 断断续续地

intermitting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords mobile wastewater;phosphorus removal;intermitting actived sludge process; ─── 汽车废水;除磷;间歇性活性污泥法;

2、“Japanese-style management” germinated during the great industrialization in 1920s and 1930s, formed during the second world war, and developed after an ephemeral intermit. ─── “日本式经营”萌芽于大工业化时期的二三十年代,形成于二战中,在战后经过短暂的中断后得到进一步的完善和发展。

3、and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God. ─── 此时钟声,正是为虔诚的智者而鸣:尽管他们只听得一时钟鸣,然而一旦觉悟,便能与上帝同在。

4、Electrochemical Machining Technique for Intermitting Delivery of Mixed-air with Constant Clearance ─── 定间隙间歇送进-混气电解加工技术

5、This paper goes into details on the designing and calculating of fan-shaped plate intermitting conveyer,and puts forward the solving method of problems in design. ─── 本文详细叙述了扇形板式间隔输料装置的设计与计算,并对设计中遇到的问题提出了解决方法;

6、It can reduce the possibility of communication intermitting because of building swinging and excursion of optical flat. ─── 它可以克服由于建筑物摆动或大气扰动等造成的收发端机间主光线的偏移而产生的通信链路中断。

7、Industrial application of CS- 1 type catalyst for intermit bulk polymerization of liquid propylene ─── CS-1型催化剂在间歇小本体聚丙烯装置上的工业应用

8、intermitting heating ─── 间歇供暖间歇加热

9、Keywords thin layer sonic;depth intermit;depth process calculation;compressional wave travel time; ─── 薄层声波;深度中断;深度推移计算;首波旅行时间;

10、With the development of the world the depend upon the computer technology become up and up,that request the data can be resumed and the course couldn’t intermit,the raid technology settle this problem very well. ─── 随着社会的发展,对计算机系统的要求越来越高,对数据的可恢复性要求越来越高,同时要求进程的不间断即连续性,raid技术很好的解决了这一问题。

11、Doubt seems hepatitis case not diagnose or before eliminating, should intermit works formerly. ─── 疑似肝炎病例未确诊或排除前,应暂时停止原工作。

12、Chen Jinglin ever considered to allow pluvial time intermit gets online, feel inappropriate again. ─── 陈京琳曾考虑让雨辰暂时停止上网,又觉得不妥。

13、The worker interrupts the job to have two kinds of kinds, the first kind, because all sorts of reasons work in the intermit inside period of time, work afresh again later. ─── 职工中断工作有两种类型,第一种,由于各种原因在一段时间内暂时停止工作,之后又重新工作的。

14、This paper goes into details on the designing and calculating of fan-shaped plate intermitting conveyer, and puts forward the solving method of problems in design. ─── 本文详细叙述了扇形板式间隔输料装置的设计与计算,并对设计中遇到的问题提出了解决方法; 为设计者提供了理论依据和设计方法。

15、Alteration, intermit or cease of service ─── 服务变更、中断或终止

16、When the cut is symmetrical, it can be drawn on the intermitting position of the view. ─── 断面图形对称时,也可画在视图的中断处,如图所示。

17、1、Katie Bryce, 15-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermit tent for the past week. ─── 凯蒂布莱斯,15岁女性,痉挛发作,在上周间歇性发作过.

18、intermitting cooling ─── 间歇制冷

19、Exploration on Reasons of Young Apprenticemen Intermitting Training in Modern Apprentice System in England ─── 英国现代学徒制中徒工中断培训原因的探讨

20、This will greatly affect the comfortableness of the human body in room with intermitting heating. ─── 这对间歇性供热房间内人体的热舒适性有较大的影响。

21、Exploration on Reasons of Young Apprenticemen Intermitting Training in Modern Apprentice System in England ─── 英国现代学徒制中徒工中断培训原因的探讨

22、The bell doth toll for him, that thinks it doth;and though it intermit again, yet from that minute, that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God. ─── 钟声为所有觉得这是为他而鸣的人响起,虽然钟声会中断,但就从它触及那人心灵的那一刻起,此人和天主即结合一体。

23、Power Source of AC Primary Side Intermitting Supply by Cycle Control ─── 周波控制交流一次侧间歇供电电源

24、when the cut is symmetrical , it can be drawn on the intermitting position of the view ─── 断面图形对称时,也可画在视图的中断处,如图所示。

25、Power Source of AC Primary Side Intermitting Supply by Cycle Control ─── 周波控制交流一次侧间歇供电电源

26、Among them, iron of You Yiqiu Mo Zhu and development of aluminium alloy cast are very rapid. 1996 as a result of all sorts of reasons, will be intermit, a year when drop. ─── 其中,尤以球墨铸铁和铝合金铸件发展很快。1996年由于各种原因,将是暂时停止,下降的一年。

27、The Realization of Intermit Incept Program in Simulate Memory Oscillograph ─── 模拟记忆示波器中断接收程序的实现

28、Chinese negotiable securities signs up for: Suffer the effect of economic big environment, IPO also intermit. ─── 中国证券报:受经济大环境的影响,IPO也暂时停止。

29、intermit one's efforts ─── 暂停努力

30、Objective To analyze impact of intervention focused on pulmonary TB patients intermitting treatment. ─── 摘要目的对建立的及时发现涂阳肺结核病人中断取药管理措施效果进行评价。

31、Not an intermitting spring! ─── 一个春天也没有变化过!

32、We know, take prophylactic to be able to make continuously menstrual intermit. ─── 我们知道,连续服用避孕药可使月经暂时停止。

33、The Programming of the Intermit Interface in the High Speed Data Collection System ─── 高速数据采集系统中断方式接口程序设计

34、Conclusion The intervention focused on pulmonary TB patients intermitting treatment worked on rising the completion rate, it would make further progress with the help of township/village doctor. ─── 结论应用及时发现涂阳肺结核病人中断取药管理措施提高了病人治疗完成率,乡村医生督导管理病人的作用得到了充分发挥。

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