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09-16 投稿



houtou 发音


英:  美:

houtou 中文意思翻译



houtou 相似词语短语

1、housetop ─── n.屋顶

2、mouton ─── n.染色羊皮;n.(Mouton)人名;(英、法)穆顿

3、shoutout ─── 呼啦圈

4、houmous ─── n.鹰嘴豆沙,鹰嘴豆泥

5、Shantou ─── n.汕头(城市名,位于中国广东省东部)

6、Poitou ─── n.普瓦图(法国早期的省)

7、routous ─── 红头发的

8、bouton ─── n.疖;小结(哑铃状脓肿);[解剖]棒头;n.(Bouton)人名;(英、西)布顿;(法)布东

9、shoutouts ─── 喊叫

houtou 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Haishen Houtou Ye;LAK cell;cancer cell-killing activity; ─── 海参猴桃液;基因重组人白细胞介素2;LAK细胞;杀瘤活性;

2、Houtou Noodle with mushroom and wild duck soup ─── 富士山鸭肉蘑菇

3、Conclusion: This method was simple and accurate, and available for the quality control of Compound Houtou Capsule. ─── 结论:本方法简便,准确,可用于复方猴头胶囊的质量控制。

4、CHAOZHOU Yacan Company Ltd.Is located in Houtou Industrial Estate Lianyun Fengxin Chaozhou Guangdong China, established in 1990, and already had a history kf mare than ten years. ─── 广东省潮州市雅灿有限公司位于潮州市凤新莲云后头工业区,公司创建于1990年,至今已有十几年的历史。

5、Its special geographical position and climate condition is suitable for the growing of various kinds of valuable edible fungus, such as Songrong, Houtou mucshrom. ─── 由于特殊的地理位置和气候条件,造就了这里丰富的松茸、猴头蘑等各种珍贵食用菌类。

6、Keywords adenosine;Compound Houtou Capsule;HPLC; ─── 腺苷;复方猴头胶囊;HPLC;

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