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09-16 投稿



hydropathy 发音

英:[ha??drɑ?p?θi]  美:[ha??dr?p?θi]

英:  美:

hydropathy 中文意思翻译



hydropathy 短语词组

1、hydropathy plot ─── [医]亲水性图

2、hydropathy analysis ─── 亲水性分析

hydropathy 词性/词形变化,hydropathy变形

名词: hydropathist |形容词: hydropathic |名词复数: hydropathies |

hydropathy 相似词语短语

1、hydromancy ─── 水卜

2、cytopathy ─── n.细胞病

3、hydropathic ─── n.水疗院;adj.水疗法的

4、hydrometry ─── n.[物]液体比重测定法

5、hydrography ─── n.水文学;[水运]水道测量学

6、hydropathist ─── n.水疗法者

7、hydropath ─── n.水疗法者

8、acropathy ─── n.四肢病

9、homeopathy ─── n.[临床]顺势疗法;同种疗法

hydropathy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、First, a fixed-dimensional feature vector is generated for each protein sequence using the frequency of the hydropathy blocks occurring in the sequence. ─── 首先,利用蛋白质序列中亲水模块的出现频率,每条蛋白质序列被转换为一个特征向量。

2、Simple Bathtub, Shower Cabin, Computerized Steam Room, SAUNA Room, Hydropathy Massage Bed, Whirlpool Bathtub.... Suit or ADS is a small one-man man-shaped... ─── 纺织皮革服装服饰术语:大气式/充气/常压/大气压潜水衣服...

3、Study on Hydropathy Profile Alignment of Transmembrane ProteinBased on Dynamic Programming ─── 基于动态规则的跨膜蛋白疏水图比对研究

4、average hydropathy values ─── 平均水疗值

5、3) A novel hydropathy block based method for protein homology detection was proposed in this thesis. ─── 3)提出了一种基于亲水模块的蛋白质同源检测方法。

6、of or relating to hydropathy or its administration. ─── 属于或关于水疗法或水疗法的运用的。

7、Clinical Study on Treating Serious Hepatitis Combined with Artificial Liver, Intestinal Hydropathy and Intestinal Balneotherapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 人工肝联合肠道水疗中药肠浴治疗重症肝炎的临床研究

8、A novel hydropathy block based method for protein homology detection was proposed in this thesis. ─── 提出了一种基于亲水模块的蛋白质同源检测方法。

9、The amino acids are divided into different hydropathy blocks. ─── 本文根据氨基酸的亲水性强弱将其划分为不同的亲水模块。

10、Study on Hydropathy Profile Alignment of Transmembrane ProteinBased on Dynamic Programming ─── 基于动态规则的跨膜蛋白疏水图比对研究

11、Colon hydropathy ─── 大肠水疗

12、In addition to that, we combine hydropathy with such physiotherapy methods as phototherapy, magnetotherapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture and moxibustion for better result. ─── 为取得理想的效果,在用温泉理疗的同时,还与光疗、磁疗电疗及针灸、按摩等多种理疗方法配合,为宾客去疾消疲。

13、Portable Hot Tub, Jacuzzi, Luxury Massage Bathtub,...Simple Bathtub, Shower Cabin, Computerized Steam Room, SAUNA Room, Hydropathy Massage Bed, Whirlpool Bathtub.... ─── 水疗按摩大浴池+浴缸+淋浴房+桑拿蒸汽房-外贸工作者博客...

14、hydropathy profile ─── 亲水性分布图

15、The hydropathy is an important physicochemical property of the proteins. ─── 亲水性是蛋白质的一种重要的 物理化学性质。

16、The hydropathy is an important physicochemical property of the proteins. ─── 亲水性是蛋白质的一种重要的物理化学性质。

17、Objective: To study the effects of abdominal massage therapy combined with Physical exercise and hydropathy on treating constipation induced by antipsychotic drugs. ─── 目的:观察体育疗法、温水洗足疗法、腹部按摩三者联合治疗抗精神病药所致便秘的效果。

18、hydropathy analysis ─── 嗜水性分析

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