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hydromechanics 发音

英:[?ha?dro?m??k?n?ks]  美:[?ha?dr??m??k?n?ks]

英:  美:

hydromechanics 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 流体力学


hydromechanics 短语词组

1、hydromechanics laboratory ─── 流体力学实验室

hydromechanics 词性/词形变化,hydromechanics变形

形容词: hydromechanical |

hydromechanics 相似词语短语

1、biomechanics ─── n.生物力学;生物机械学

2、electromechanics ─── n.[电][机]电机械学;电机机械

3、geomechanics ─── n.地质力学

4、hydromechanical ─── adj.流体力学的

5、body mechanics ─── n.健身操,健美操;[基医]躯体力学

6、hydrocyanic ─── adj.氰酸的;氰氢的

7、hydrocephalic ─── adj.脑积水的

8、aeromechanics ─── n.航空力学;空气力学

9、aeromechanic ─── 航空机械员

hydromechanics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on the continuity equation and the energy equation in hydromechanics,a computing formula about outflow angle of jet flow on the slit-type bucket is proved. ─── 从窄缝挑坎收缩段水流的连续方程和能量方程入手,推导出了水流出射角的计算公式。

2、Based on hydromechanics affinity theory and major control factor of highway tunnel ventilation, the paper had made certain highway tunnel ventilation boundary condition. ─── 根据流动相似性理论和隧道通风主要控制因素,确定隧道通风的边界条件;

3、Keywords pulser;hydromechanics;volume change;ideal oil fill;terrible oil fill; ─── 脉冲发生器;流体力学;体积变化量;理想充油;充油不力;

4、Keywords catalytic distillation;packing structure;hydromechanics;the catalyst life test; ─── 催化精馏;装填方式;流体力学;寿命实验;

5、hydromechanics performance ─── 流体力学性能

6、Finish the studies of balance computation and structure design in hydromechanics; collect and reserve a lot of experimental data and precious designing materials; ─── 完成了水力学中力平衡计算与结构设计的研究,积累和储存了大量实验数据及可贵的设计资料;

7、Buildingup of hydromechanics model on the numerical simulation of the hydromechanical deep drawing ─── 充液拉深数值模拟流体力学模型的建立

8、British Hydromechanics Research Association Bulletin ─── 英国流体力学研究协会会报

9、This paper also discusses these through design and run control parameter transformations and basic theory of hydromechanics. ─── 并从设计、运行控制参数的改进以及流体力学的基础理论等方面进行了论述。

10、Coding Theory Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Foundations of Mathematical Theory of Finance Computer Sciences and Information Processing Biomathematics Mathematical Methods of Hydromechanics Harmonic Analysis and Wavelet Analysis ─── 编码理论统计力学基础金融数学基础计算机科学与信息处理生物数学流体力学的数学基础调和分析与小波分析

11、The theory of electromagnetism may bring about negative effect on hydromechanics, and both influence each other. ─── 同时,电磁学理论对流体力学具有反作用,它们相互影响。

12、Hydromechanics calculation ─── 流体力学计算

13、Abstract: Equation between inter-yam air permeability and parameters of fabric structure was deduced based on Hagen-Poiseuille law of hydromechanics. ─── 摘 要: 利用哈根-伯肃叶定律,推导出机织物的纱线间孔隙透气量与织物结构参数的关系式。

14、Influence of Stirring to Electrodepositing of Diamond-metal Composite Film and Hydromechanics Analysis ─── 搅拌对金刚石-金属复合薄膜电沉积结果的影响及流体力学分析

15、With the comparison among the most three popular calculation methods of the hydromechanics property from ECKORT, ROBBINS, and BILLET, one is chosen and realized by computer simulation. ─── 通过对比选择适当的理论基础和计算方法,通过计算机的模拟,编制通用的填料塔流体力学特性计算模拟程序,并提供一个较为友好的操作界面。

16、Based on the basic principle of hydromechanics,the flow characteristic of drilling fluid on the screen was studied. ─── 利用流体力学的基本原理,对钻井筛筛面上钻井液的流动特点进行了研究;

17、Based on the principle of system science, this paper suggests a new method used for meassurion coordinate in the study of environmental hydromechanics. ─── 本文根据系统思想,提出了一种新的用于环境水力学研究的高效率座标测量方法。

18、applied hydromechanics ─── 应用流体力学

19、We choose the dye of CD-R with pilot process, and research on dye technology with Hydromechanics, Thin Film Optics, Spectral Chemistry. ─── 运用中试过程筛选CD—R染料,并应用流体力学、薄膜光学、光谱化学对染料工艺进行分析。

20、Keywords squeeze out molding;numerical simulation;mouth mold;computation hydromechanics; ─── 挤出成型;数值模拟;口模;计算流体力学;

21、Keywords horizontal well;fluid flow;flow property;hydromechanics;laboratory testing; ─── 水平井;流体流动;流动特性;流体力学;实验;

22、Numerical simulation technique has a wide range of applications in all fields including the domain of hydromechanics as it boasts such advantages as low cost, fast speed and high precision. ─── 摘要数值模拟技术以其成本低、速度快、精度高等优势,活跃于各个领域,在流体力学中也得到了广泛的应用。

23、,consist of digital model and structure design technique,hydromechanics emulated technology,Quick Moulding and digital test... ─── 利用该技术开发的新产品品质、排污功能优良,极具环保性能、造型价值和文化价值,能降低开发成本。

24、Hydromechanics Analyze of a Power Self-support In-pipe Robot ─── 能源自给式管道机器人管道内流体力学分析

25、Analyzing the process in the paper,the hydromechanics model of the hydromechanical deep drawing is built up,and the method on ... ─── 本文通过对筒形件充液拉深工艺的分析,建立了接近实际的充液拉深流体力学模型。


27、It is an innovation of EP mechanism to apply hydromechanics, electrodynamics and electrostatic ingeniously to design and study of Ep. ─── 把流体力学、电动力学和静电学有机综合应用于电收尘器(EP)研究和设计上,是对现在电收尘器机理的一次变革。

28、A model is established to calculate the steam quality distribution along the well bore during steam injection of thermal recovery wells, based on related thermodynamics and hydromechanics principles. ─── 利用热力学、流体力学原理,建立了热采井注汽过程井筒沿程蒸汽干度分布计算模型。

29、The Bernoulli equation in hydromechanics and its application to flowrate testing has been discussed in this paper. ─── 本文论述了流体力学中伯努利方程及其在流量测试中的应用。

30、computational hydromechanics ─── 计算流体力学

31、Based on the theory of hydromechanics, by analysing feeding phenomena during solidification ofcast alloys. a mathematical model describing the feeding phenomena during solidification was established. ─── 通过对铸造合金凝固过程补缩现象的分析,以流体力学理论为依据,建立了描述铸造合金凝固过程中补缩现象的数学模型。

32、The hydromechanics experiment educational reform at the beginning of mentality searches ─── 流体力学实验教学改革思路初探

33、Courses of study include wave mechanics, hydromechanics, coastal geology, sedimentation, and related subjects. ─── 课程包括浪潮动力学、流体力学、海岸线地理学、沉降作用以及其他相关。

34、Finish the formation technologies of the balance computation, analysis ways and balance power structure of hydromechanics; ─── 完成了水力学中力平衡计算、分析方法及平衡力机构的成型技术及工艺;

35、Delft Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory ─── 台尔夫特船舶水动力研究所

36、The effects of intermittent hydromechanics on the differentiation and function of bone marrow stromal derived-osteoblasts in porous calcium phosphate ceramics ─── 间断流体力学对骨髓基质来源的成骨细胞分化及功能的影响

37、Characteristics of environmental hydromechanics and total pollutants dischargeload control for down stream of Yangtze River ─── 长江下游环境水力学特征与排污总量控制

38、Keywords paste-like stickum;pneumatic dryer;spin flash dryer;hydromechanics;tangential velocity distribution; ─── 膏状物料干燥;气流干燥;旋流干燥;流体力学;切向速度分布;

39、Thermodynamics and the hydromechanics boundary condition are given. ─── 给定了合理的热力学及流体力学边界条件。

40、Keywords sediment threshold motion;dynamic analysis of structure;ocean engineering;hydromechanics;finite element method; ─── 泥沙起动;结构动力分析;海洋工程;流体力学;有限元法;

41、electromagnetic hydromechanics ─── 电磁流体力学

42、Keywords fixed bed reactor;inlet distributor;porous medium;computational hydromechanics;numerical simulation; ─── 固定床反应器;入口分布器;多孔介质;计算流体力学;数值模拟;

43、hydromechanics analysis ─── 力学分析

44、Hydromechanics model ─── 水力学模型

45、This article elaborates the characteristics of this equipment on the bases of hydromechanics,crystallization mechanism,specific design parameters and the selection of materials. ─── 文章从流体力学、结晶机理角度要求,到具体工程设计参数和材质选用,论述了该罐的特点。

46、On the based of hydromechanics experiment,the principle of washing clothes is investigated. ─── 以流体力学实验为基础,对洗衣原理进行了分析与研究。

47、Bulletin of British Hydromechanics Research Association ─── 英国流体力学研究会通报

48、Keywords Packing;Conical degree;Spiral;Hydromechanics;Mass transfer; ─── 填料;锥度;螺旋;流体力学;传质;

49、hydromechanics laboratory ─── 流体力学研究室

50、Dam Break Mechanism and Hydromechanics ─── 溃坝机理及溃坝水力学

51、This article used the hydromechanics and the noise theory establishes the traffic flow and traffic noise mathematical model and its solution condition. ─── 本文利用流体力学与噪声理论建立了交通流和交通噪声数学模型及其定解条件。

52、The impact pressure on the surface of product and the flowing velocity were calculated by hydromechanics theory, and the calculation process was programmed by language C. ─── 同时,运用流体力学原理,对冷却管路系统进行了理论计算,得到了喷嘴出口处的水流速度以及作用于钢板表面的冲击压力。此外,利用标准C语言对计算过程编制程式。

53、This paper presents a formula of the pressure of liguid film in the critical state of the unbroken liguid on the principle of hydromechanics,and discusses a design method of spring force. ─── 该文利用流体力学的原理,建立流体膜临界连续状态的液膜压力公式,在此基础上,探讨了弹簧力的设计方法。

54、hydromechanics theory ─── 流体力学理论

55、Hence, its structure design and critical parameters are determined based on the theoretical analysis of thermodynamics and hydromechanics, and the design targets are also realized. ─── 为此,用热力学和流体力学理论分析并解决了水滤式油炸机结构设计及关键参数确定等的实际问题,实现了设计目标。

56、[8]ZHANG Zhu-xin,CHENG Xiao-xin.Discuss of flow characteristics of throttle orifice in project hydromechanics[J].Machine Tool &Hydraulics,1999,6:68-76. ─── 张祝新,程晓新.对工程流体力学中节流孔口流量特性的讨论[J].机床与液压,1999,6:68-76.

57、BHMRA (British Hydromechanics Research Association) ─── 英国流体力学研究协会

58、A brief talk on the application in fire control acceptance of "project hydromechanics" ─── 浅谈"工程流体力学"在消防验收中的应用

59、From the aspect of hydromechanics,solution mining route is established as relevant pipeline network model to further study watering distribution in each watering point. ─── 本文主要从流体力学的角度,把水溶路径建立为相应的管网模型,进一步探求各灌水点灌水量的分配。

60、The hydrostatic pressure in engineering hydraulics and hydromechanics ─── 关于工科水力学教材中静水压强特性问题的讨论

61、Equation between inter-yam air permeability and parameters of fabric structure was deduced based on Hagen-Poiseuille law of hydromechanics . ─── 利用哈根-伯肃叶定律,推导出机织物的纱线间孔隙透气量与织物结构参数的关系式。

62、Keywords coal winning machine;hydromechanics;energy transformation; ─── 关键词采煤机;流体力学;能量转换;

63、Experimental Study of Overland Flow Hydromechanics Under Different Degrees of Roughness ─── 不同糙率坡面水力学特征的试验研究

64、The theory of electromagnetism may bring about negative effect on hydromechanics , and both influence each other. ─── 同时,电磁学理论对流体力学具有反作用,它们相互影响。

65、The study of sea surface drag in hydromechanics ─── 海面阻力系数的流体力学研究

66、Keywords Vibrated three-phase fluidized bed;Flue gas desulphurization;Hydromechanics;Mass transfer;Eulerian model;Numerical simulation;Dimension analysis;Empirical correlation; ─── 振动三相流化床;烟气脱硫;流体力学;传质;欧拉模型;数值模拟;因次分析;准数关联式;

67、Discussion of Floating Valve Tray Design and Hydromechanics Calculation ─── 浮阀塔板的设计及流体力学计算探讨

68、Keywords activated carbon;hydromechanics;pressure drop-flux characteristic; ─── 活性炭;形状;压降;流体力学;特性;

69、According to the hydromechanics and the elasticity theory established axial flow pump's fluid - solid coupling finite element equation. ─── 根据流体力学和弹性力学建立了轴流泵的流-固耦合有限元方程。

70、Discussion of the Similarities and Unification of the Basic Hydromechanics and Electrodynamics ─── 浅析流体力学与电动力学基础的相似性与统一性

71、英文摘要: Based on the basic principle of hydromechanics,the flow characteristic of drilling fluid on the screen was studied. ─── 摘要: 利用流体力学的基本原理,对钻井筛筛面上钻井液的流动特点进行了研究;

72、Keywords combined trapezoid spray tray;cap;hydromechanics;gas velocity distribution; ─── 立体传质塔板;帽罩;流体力学;气速分布;

73、Equation between inter-yarn air permeability and parameters of fabric structure was deduced based on Hagen-Poiseuille law of hydromechanics. ─── 利用哈根伯肃叶定律,推导出机织物的纱线间孔隙透气量与织物结构参数的关系式。

74、In this paper the mechanical behaviour of the fluid at the exit of a slit die has been analysed theoretically based on the basic law of hydromechanics. ─── 本文从流体力学的基本定律出发,从理论上分析了流体在狭缝出口处的力学行为。

75、Keywords Solution mining in cavern;watering amount;hydromechanics;pipeline network;model;preliminary discussion; ─── 硐室水溶;灌水量;流体力学;管网;模型;初探;

76、Keywords hydromechanics;hydromechanical deep drawing;nunerical simulation; ─── 流体力学;充液拉深;数值模拟;

77、This paper also discusses these through design and run control parameter transformations and basic theory of hydromechanics . ─── 并从设计、运行控制参数的改进以及流体力学的基础理论等方面进行了论述。

78、Then discuss the distribution regularity of flow velcocity of piping fluid, especially revision coefficient of flow velcocity distribution according to correlative knowledge in hydromechanics. ─── 然后根据流体力学的有关知识,对管道流体流速分布规律特别是流速分布修正系数进行了讨论。

79、Application of digital image-based heterogeneity characterization in coupled hydromechanics of rock ─── 基于数字图像的岩石非均匀性表征技术在流固耦合分析中的应用

80、Hydromechanics and applied anatomy for the treatment of the cervical spondylosis with the vertebral artery type using rotation manipulation ─── 旋转手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的应用解剖及流体力学研究

81、The mechanism of that the AGS can not be worn out easily is explained in terms of hydromechanics. ─── 从流体力学的角度阐述环缝不易磨损的机理。

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