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09-18 投稿


hypophysis 发音

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hypophysis 中文意思翻译



hypophysis 短语词组

1、oxyphilic cells of hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体嗜酸性细胞

2、liquor hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体 ─── [后叶]溶液

3、hypophysis pars nervosa ─── [医] 垂体神经部

4、hypophysis pars distalis ─── [医] 垂体远 ─── [侧]部

5、hypophysis sicca ─── [医] 干垂体后叶

6、pharyngeal hypophysis ─── [医] 咽垂体

7、posterior lobe of hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体后叶

8、hypophysis pars intermedia ─── [医] 垂体中间部

9、hypophysis inhibitor ─── 垂体抑制因子

10、hypophysis cerebri ─── [医] ─── [大脑]垂体

11、hypophysis pregnancy cells ─── [医] 垂体孕细胞

12、hypophysis pars tuberalis ─── [医] 垂体结节部

13、tentorium of hypophysis ─── [医] 鞍膈

hypophysis 词性/词形变化,hypophysis变形


hypophysis 相似词语短语

1、apophysis ─── n.隆起;突起;岩脉的分支

2、hypopiesis ─── n.低血压

3、zygapophysis ─── n.[解剖]椎骨关节突

4、hypothesis ─── n.假设

5、anapophysis ─── 脊椎副突

6、hypophonesis ─── n.音响过弱

7、hypophysial ─── 垂体的

8、hypophyges ─── 凹曲线饰

9、hypophyses ─── n.脑下垂体(hypophysis的变形)

hypophysis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hypophysis pars nervosa ─── [医] 垂体神经部

2、pituitary gland(hypophysis) ─── 垂体

3、posterior lobe hypophysis ─── 垂体后叶激素

4、alpha cells(of pancreas or anterior lobe of hypophysis) ─── α-细胞(胰腺或脑垂体前叶)

5、Effects of Rabbit Hypophysis Cerebri Injection on Immune Function in Mice ─── 兔脑垂体注射液对小鼠免疫功能的影响

6、Excisional biopsy of hypophysis ─── 垂体切除活组织检查

7、The ultramicrostructural changes of hypophysis and pituitary gland after melatonin treatment were also observed under transmission electron microscope(TEM). ─── 并运用电镜观察用药前后大鼠垂体、肾上腺皮质超微结构的变化。

8、These different childbirth means causes hypophysis loss easily, the proportion that makes the child short is higher. ─── 这些异位分娩方式容易导致垂体损伤,使孩子矮小的比例较高。

9、Head issueing grave and hypophysis communication should pass nerve pulse occasionally, carry hormone of its place excretive sometimes. ─── 下丘脑与垂体通讯有时候要通过神经脉冲,有时则通过它所分泌的激素。

10、Schmithuisen-Pynchon hypophysis punch ─── 施-派二氏脑垂体咬切钳

11、hypophysis inhibitor ─── 垂体抑制因子

12、Regulation Effect of YC2 on the Ultrastructural Damage of Hypophysis Adrenocorticotrophic Cells and Relative Hormone Releasing in Yin Asthenia Rats Caused by Glucocorticoids ─── 养阴抗毒胶囊对糖皮质激素致阴虚大鼠ACTH细胞超微结构损伤及相关激素释放的改善作用

13、Objective: Investigate the applied anatomy study on hypophysis of anw-born infant. ─── 目的:对新生儿垂体的形态和毗邻进行解剖观察和测量。

14、Objective: To study the influences of rabbit hypophysis cerebri injection of the immune function in mice and investigate the mechanism of the action of rabbit hypophysis cerebri Injection. ─── 目的:观察兔脑垂体注射液对小鼠免疫功能的影响,并探讨其作用机理。

15、posterior lobe of hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体后叶

16、The diagnose of the hypophysis storm elephant and treat the analysis ─── 垂体危象临床分析

17、It was firstly approved by USA FDA as an agent to treat tumors of gastrointestinal tract endocrine and hypophysis and acromegaly in 1988, then approved byUSA FDA to treat acromegaly in 1998 again. ─── 其于1988 年首次在美国上市,主要用于胃肠道分泌类肿瘤和垂体肿瘤及肢端肥大症的治疗,1998 年美国FDA 再次批准醋酸奥曲肽用于肢端肥大症的治疗。

18、(3) can be divided by the place of the disease for amenorrhoea of sex of amenorrhoea of sex of uterine sex amenorrhoea, ovarian sex amenorrhoea, hypophysis, head issueing grave. ─── (3)按疾病的部位可分为子宫性闭经、卵巢性闭经、垂体性闭经、下丘脑性闭经。

19、Cells(of pancreas or anterior lobe of hypophysis) ─── 细胞(胰腺或脑垂体前叶)

20、hypophysis pars tuberalis ─── [医] 垂体结节部

21、The progestational hormone influence to mammary gland development, want to have the synergism of estrogen not only, and also must have whole hypophysis function system. ─── 孕激素对乳腺发育的影响,不仅要有雌激素的协同作用,而且也必须有完整的垂体功能系统。

22、Which hospital is treated in Shanghai is small adenoma good on the right side of hypophysis? ─── 在上海哪个医院治疗垂体右侧微腺瘤好?

23、Puncture and drainage of hypophysis ─── 垂体穿剌引流

24、hypothalamus hypophysis system ─── 下丘脑垂体系统

25、4, a kind of amenorrhoea with the commonnest amenorrhoea below grave head, because grave head leaves a function maladjusted and influence hypophysis, affect then ovarian and cause amenorrhoea. ─── 四、丘脑下闭经 最常见的一类闭经,由于丘脑下功能失调而影响垂体,进而影响卵巢而引起闭经。

26、3, hypophysis sex amenorrhoea is main pathological changes depends on hypophysis. ─── 三、垂体性闭经 主要病变在于垂体。

27、Incision of hypophysis ─── 垂体切开术

28、cell of hypophysis, oxyphilic ─── 垂体嗜酸性细胞

29、was no effect on the secretion of LH using only MLT to treat hypophysis cells. ─── 用MLT单独处理垂体细胞对LH的分泌几乎没有影响。

30、hypophysis pregnancy cells ─── [医] 垂体孕细胞

31、Do excision , VP contents change a hypophysis? ─── 垂体切除,VP含量变化?

32、Certain scholar believes, the patient androgen with antagonism estrogen and hypophysis excision invalid cure may be effective, the patient that transfers to bone may have better curative effect. ─── 某些学者相信,对抗雌激素和垂体切除治疗无效的患者雄激素可能有效,对骨转移的患者可能具有更好的疗效。

33、It also accelerates LH and FSH secretion in hypophysis. ─── IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。

34、liquor hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体[后叶]溶液


36、Anyhow, grave head - hypophysis - spermary axis is adjustingThe maleHormone level, hold togetherThe maleSexual function, have to the level of major hormone inside body adjust, pilot function. ─── 总之,丘脑-垂体-睾丸轴调节着男性激素水平,维系男性性功能,对体内大部分激素的水平有调节、控制的功能。

37、The cure of hypophysis tumour? ─── 垂体瘤的治疗?

38、This task was using histology method to study the hypophysis of murrah hybrid buffalo of Guangxi,and compare with the GuangXi Bubalus bubalis hypophysis to study what differences have them. ─── 对广西摩杂一代水牛的脑垂体进行组织学研究,并和广西沼泽型水牛的脑垂体进行比较。

39、According to the test that the lab makes to bunny place, before sexual intercourse, its hypophysis was full of vitamin C, and after sexual intercourse, all all using up danger. ─── 根据实验室对兔子所作的实验,性交之前,其脑下垂体充满了维生素C,而性交之后,所有一切消耗殆尽。

40、Mucous sex oedema and hypophysis function drop, adrenal coriaceous function drops reaching sexual gland function to be not worth is clinical appear the most easily anaemic endocrine disease. ─── 粘液性水肿与垂体功能减退、肾上腺皮质功能减退及性腺功能不足是临床最易出现贫血的内分泌疾病。

41、pharyngeal hypophysis ─── 咽垂体

42、tentorium of hypophysis ─── [医] 鞍膈

43、Hypophysis receives the command of head issueing grave to produce a hormone instantly, to the body from hematic current all sorts of organizations are mixed numerous endocrine. ─── 垂体接到下丘脑的命令立即生产出激素,从血液流到身体各种组织和众多的内分泌腺。

44、Keywords Posterior lobe of hypophysis Stalk of hypophysis MRI Diabetes insipidus;central neurohypophysis; ─── 关键词垂体;后叶;垂体柄;磁共振成像;尿崩症;

45、Research State of Hypophysis of Mammalian ─── 哺乳动物脑垂体研究进展

46、Hajek's hypophysis forceps ─── 哈杰克(氏)脑垂体钳

47、Xiao Ying adhesive plaster was effective in inhibiting thyroid enlargement caused hypophysis coefficient, but no influence was found on thymus gland, spleen coefficient, T 3 and T 4 content of blood serum . ─── 消瘿膏能明显抑制由丙基硫氧嘧啶所致的甲状腺肿大,使升高的垂体指数具有趋于正常的趋势,但未见对胸腺、脾指数及血清T3、T4含量的影响。

48、Objective To investigate MRI manifestations of the posterior lobe and stalk of the hypophysis in central diabetes insipidus. ─── 目的通过垂体MRI观察中枢性尿崩症患者垂体后叶及垂体柄的改变。

49、Hypophysis tumour may bring about excessive to breed - the happening that amenorrhoea asks for integratedly. ─── 垂体肿瘤可能导致溢乳 -闭经综合征的发生。

50、Keywords gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor;gene expression;hypophysis;adolescence;Chinese drug for reinforcing Shen; ─── 关键词促性腺激素释放激素受体;基因表达;垂体;青春期;补肾中药;

51、portal veins of hypophysis ─── 垂体门静脉

52、lobe of hypophysis ─── 垂体叶

53、To observe the distribution of SP-IR cells of hypophysis in new-hatching alligator sinensis using immunohistochemical ABC method. ─── 用免疫组织化学方法观察了P物质在初孵扬子鳄脑垂体的分布特点。


55、To observe the distribution of SP-IR cells of hypophysis in new-hatching alligator sinensis using immunohistochemical ABC method. ─── 用免疫组织化学方法观察了P物质在初孵扬子鳄脑垂体的分布特点。

56、The experiment makes clear, in the emasculated bandicoot that excises hypophysis, mammary gland lacks the reaction to progesterone completely. ─── 实验表明,在切除垂体的去势大鼠,乳腺完全缺乏对孕酮的反应。

57、hypophysis sicca ─── [医] 干垂体后叶

58、hypophysis pars intermedia ─── [医] 垂体中间部

59、hypophysis pregnancy cell ─── 垂体孕细胞

60、recessus hypophysis ─── 垂体隐窝

61、hypophysis pars distalis ─── [医] 垂体远[侧]部

62、Contents of pituitary of NE,Ach in each group is different, having discrepancy statistical significance,Contents of hypophysis of NE is the highest in model mouse group; ─── 各组大鼠脑组织中P物质含量不同,造模组大鼠脑组织中P物质含量显著高于空白组和中药组,中药组又高于空白组,各组差异均有统计学意义。

63、If be hypophysis tumour,cause, tumour body bigger when, still can appear eyesight drops, eye shot is short of caustic, have a headache wait for a symptom. ─── 如果是垂体瘤引起,瘤体又较大时,还可出现视力下降、视野缺损、头痛等症状。

64、infundibulum of hypophysis ─── 垂体漏斗

65、Mammary gland is the target organ of endocrine, its physiology function is left grave head - hypophysis - the integrated adjusting control of ovarian axis. ─── 乳腺是内分泌腺的靶器官,其生理功能受到下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴的综合调控。

66、Objective: Investigate the applied anatomy study on hypophysis of anw-born infant. ─── 目的:对新生儿垂体的形态和毗邻进行解剖观察和测量。

67、According to these examinations, can know the volume that whether has hypophysis tumour and tumour system. ─── 根据这些检查,可了解是否有垂体瘤及瘤体的大小。

68、What is the main symptom of hypophysis tumour? ─── 垂体瘤的主要症状是什么?

69、oxyphilic cells of hypophysis ─── [医] 垂体嗜酸性细胞

70、afterwards sends a genderDiabeticBe like hypophysis sex Diabetic, pancreas source sexDiabeticWait to all must use insulin treatment. ─── 继发性糖尿病如垂体性糖尿病、胰源性糖尿病等均须采用胰岛素治疗。

71、For the enormous tumor handled in sellar area, excision is thorough or not, as well as thalamus and hypophysis's protection, pterional approach has advantage. ─── 在鞍区巨大肿瘤操作中,切除彻底与否,下丘脑以及垂体的保护,翼点入路具备优势。

72、Effect of ziyin xiehuo Chinese herbal mixture on growth hormone in hypophysis and expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 gene in metaphysis of adolescent rats ─── 滋阴泻火中药合剂对青春期大鼠垂体生长激素和长骨干骺端胰岛素生长因子1基因表达的调节

73、Hypophysis and the normal function of spermary, instead affects the normal play of sexual function. ─── 垂体和睾丸的正常功能,反倒影响性功能的正常发挥。

74、In modern medicine,it was proposed that the medicine could afford some intervention with the endocrinologic mechanism in hypothalamus,hypophysis and sexual gland axle. ─── 从西医学观点推断,是对丘脑下部、脑垂体、性腺轴的内分泌学机制的干预。

75、Accordance with life science theories,the most important glands in the endocrine system are the cerebral hypophysis(pituitary gland) and adrenal gland. ─── 5、依据生命科学理论,人体内分泌系统中最重要的腺体是脑下垂体和肾上腺。

76、Regulative Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Gene and Protein Expression Levels of Somatostatin and Growth Hormone in Hypothalamus and Hypophysis ─── 中药对大鼠下丘脑生长抑素及垂体生长激素基因表达与蛋白表达的调节作用

77、(6) afterwards sends a genderDiabeticBe like hypophysis sexDiabetic, pancreas source sexDiabeticWait to all must use insulin treatment. ─── (6)继发性糖尿病如垂体性糖尿病、胰源性糖尿病等均须采用胰岛素治疗。

78、anterior lobe of the hypophysis ─── 垂体前叶

79、congenital hypoplasia of hypophysis ─── 垂体先天性发育不全

80、peduncle of hypophysis ─── 垂体脚

81、hypothalamus hypophysis thyroid system ─── 下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺系统

82、And the Xie Su before sex hormone can restrain hypophysis , restrain a cortin secondhand. ─── 而性激素能抑制垂体前叶素,间接抑制肾上腺皮质激素。

83、The model of hypophysis shut off with dexamethasone in rats ─── 大鼠化学性去垂体模型的建立

84、Fine needle aspiration biopsy of hypophysis ─── 垂体细针吸引活组织检查

85、Operative procedure on hypophysis ─── 垂体手术操作

86、Hypophysis tumour may bring about excessive to breed - the happening that amenorrhoea asks for integratedly. ─── 垂体肿瘤可能导致溢乳-闭经综合征的发生。

87、What does hypophysis tumour patient live to need to notice daily? ? ? ─── 垂体瘤患者日常生活都需要注意些什么???

88、hypophysis cerebri ─── [医] [大脑]垂体

89、Incision and exploration of hypophysis ─── 垂体切开探查术


神经外科重症监护病房通常简称为NSICU,英文全称为Neurological Surgical Intensive Care Unit。



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