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09-19 投稿


initiator 发音

英:[??n??ie?t?r]  美:[??n??ie?t?(r)]

英:  美:

initiator 中文意思翻译



initiator 网络释义

n. 发起人,创始者;教导者;[计] 启动程序;引爆器

initiator 短语词组

1、initiator/terminator ─── [计] 启动-终止程序

2、initiator program ─── [计] 启动程序

3、efficiency of initiator ─── [化] 引发剂效率

4、foreground initiator ─── [计] 前台启动程序

5、cationic initiator ─── [化] 正离子引发剂

6、radical initiator ─── [化] 自由基引发剂

7、initiator procedure ─── [计] 启动程序过程

8、polymerization initiator ─── [化] 引发剂; 聚合引发剂

9、initiator of polymerization ─── [化] 聚合引发剂

10、octafunctional initiator ─── [化] 八功能起始剂

11、chain initiator ─── [化] 链式反应引发剂

12、bifunctional initiator ─── [化] 双官能引发剂

13、service initiator ─── [计] 服务启动程序

14、pentafunctional initiator ─── [化] 五功能起始剂

15、initiator RTS address ─── [计] 启动程序的可靠性传送子程序地址

16、initiator address ─── [计] 启动程序地址

17、alfin initiator ─── [化] 烯醇钠引发剂

18、monofunctional initiator ─── [化] 单功能引发剂

19、redox initiator ─── [化] 氧化还原引发剂

initiator 词性/词形变化,initiator变形


initiator 相似词语短语

1、initiates ─── vt.启动,开始(initiate的第三人称单数)

2、imitator ─── n.模仿者;[自]模拟器

3、initiate ─── vt.开始,创始;发起;使初步了解;n.开始;新加入者,接受初步知识者;adj.新加入的;接受初步知识的

4、initiated ─── v.开始,发起;开创(initiate的过去式)

5、initiatory ─── adj.入会的;最初的;起始的

6、nitrator ─── n.[化工]硝化器

7、initiation ─── n.启蒙,传授;开始;入会

8、initialer ─── 首字母

9、initiators ─── n.发起者(initiator的复数形式);倡议者

initiator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since the addition of the initiator causes a chain reaction to occur, control in the form of cooling must be exerted to control the size of the emulsion droplet. ─── 加入引发剂引起一个链式反应后,可以通过控制冷却形式控制乳液滴的大小。

2、Makes the certificate available to the initiator of a Service Broker dialog conversation. ─── 使证书可用于Service Broker对话会话的发起方。

3、The polymerization characteristics and the suitable mono-functional initiator systems were introduced. ─── 介绍了聚合特点和单官能团引发剂体系。

4、The graft copolymerization of butyl acrylate(BA)onto chloroprene rubber(CR) is carried out in methylbenzene-ethyl acetate solvent by using a new type of efficient initiator. ─── 以一种新型的高效引发剂,在甲苯-乙酸乙酯混合溶剂中进行氯丁橡胶(CR)与丙烯酸丁酯(BA)的接枝共聚反应。

5、During his forty-odd years in office he resorted to all means available to hit out at and disintegrate political parties. He was the initiator of money politics in Japan. ─── 在他从政的 40多年中 ,利用种种手段打击、瓦解政党 ,开日本金钱政治的先河。

6、The content of CPE, RSH and initiator, reaction temperautre, swelling time, conversion all give influnces on the graft degree and the graft efficiency of MCS resins. ─── CPE用量、RSH含量、引发剂浓度、反应温度、溶胀时间及聚合转化率对MCS树脂的接枝率、接枝效率均有影响。

7、The graft copolymerization of acrylic acid (AA) onto low density polyethylene(LDPE) with benzoyle peroxide (BPO) as initiator in anhydrous xylene was studied. ─── 在二甲苯溶液中以过氧化苯甲酰为引发剂研究了丙烯酸在聚乙烯上的接枝共聚。

8、Down-powder was grafted with MAH as monomer and CAN as initiator. ─── 以硝酸铈铵(CAN)为引发剂,在羽绒粉体上接枝马来酸酐(MAH)。

9、The melt grafting of glycidyl methacrylate(GMA) onto ethylene propylene diene monomer(EPDM) using dicumyl peroxide(DCP) as an radical initiator was carried out. ─── 以甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯为接枝单体、过氧化二异丙苯为引发剂对三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)进行熔融接枝。

10、Install the Ubuntu package open-iscsi (High performance, transport independent iSCSI implementation) on each of your initiator machines. ─── 在每台启动器机器上,安装Ubuntu包open-iscsi(高性能的独立于传输方法的iSCSI实现)。

11、The latest advances in initiator, catalyst system and polymerization medium of atom transfer redical polymerization (ATRP) were reviewed. ─── 对原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)的引发体系、催化体系及反应介质进行了全面的综述。

12、Ding Wenjiang was an initiator and one of the modern founders of China's geological cause. ─── 丁文江是我国近代地质事业的开创者和奠基人之一。

13、For Bluetooth, the device that receives a communications request from an initiator. ─── 接收者:蓝牙应用中,接受发起者发出的通讯请求的设备。

14、The influence of amount initiator, reaction temperature, polymer degree of protecting colloid have been discussied. ─── 探讨了引发剂用量、聚合反应温度、保护胶体聚合度等因素对接枝反应的影响。

15、The composite polymer was prepared by first infusion of initiator, 2,2’-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) into the swollen substrate by SCCO2. ─── 在第一段操作中,超临界二氧化碳把自由基起始剂带进高分子薄膜中。

16、Taking DCP as initiator, the reaction rule of different kinds of PE and their blends grafted with MAH in a reactive extruder was studied. ─── 以过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)为引发剂,使用反应挤出机研究了不同种类聚乙烯及其共混物接枝马来酸酐的反应规律。

17、In general, the activity of the halide component of the initiator increases with the number of chlorine or bromine atoms joined to a single carbon atom. ─── 一般说来,引发剂的卤化物组份的活性,是随连在同一碳原子上的氯和溴原子的数目的增多而增长。

18、Being an initiator of Landscape-poem-faction,many ideologies such as Confucianism,Taoism,Buddhism and other factors,were syncretized into Xie Lingyun s ideology. ─── 作为山水诗派的创始人,谢灵运的思想融合了儒、道、佛等多种因素。

19、DnaA, the replication initiator in the bacterium Escherichia coli, is monomeric in solution and oligomerizes upon binding to multiple initiator sites at a replication origin(5). ─── 作为细菌大肠杆菌的复制起始子,在复制起点,它是“融解”过程的一个单体并且当其结合到多个起始子位点时会发生寡聚化。

20、The influence of dosage of monomer, emulsifier, initiator, and molecular weight modifier to the property of glueing agent was researched. ─── 为此,研究单体、乳化剂、发剂和分子量调节剂用量对台板胶性能的影响。

21、He is the initiator of revising this dictionary. ─── 他倡首修订这本字典。

22、The grafting of acrylic acid on to low density polyethylene(LDPE) was studied in solution. Benzoyl peroxide(BPO) and xylene were used as initiator and solvent respectively. ─── 以过氧化苯甲酰(BPO)为引发剂,二甲苯为溶剂,进行了丙烯酸与低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)的溶液接枝聚合。

23、An initiator sends a command request to a target device. ─── 发起者向目标设备发送命令请求。

24、When the temperature is high, can speed up in the printing ink the light initiator to have the dark response, the printing ink colloidization is quicker. ─── 当温度高的时候,就会加快油墨中的光引发剂发生暗反应,油墨胶化更快。

25、It was studied that ABS was grafted by MAH, using DTBP as initiator, and reacted in twin-screw extruder. ─── 以二叔丁基过氧化物(DTBP)为引发剂,在反应型双螺杆挤出机中进行ABS接枝马来酸酐的研究。

26、Response has been made by the initiator of Abstract Library Science to the doubt put forward by the audience. ─── 摘要“抽象图书馆学”提出者就大家的置疑而做了回应。

27、The optimal synthetic conditions obtained was n (DAC): n (AM)=2: 3, V (oil): V (water)=1: 1.2 and redox initiator or high water-soluble initiator. ─── 在单体物质的量比为2:3,油水体积比为1:1.2,引发剂为氧化-还原引发剂或高效水溶性引发剂的条件下,得到了溶解迅速且絮凝效果好的产品。

28、Meanwhile the influence of different S/B and the n-BuLi initiator addition to copolymerization solution viscosity is also investi... ─── 同时考察了不同苯乙烯/丁二烯(S/B)体系、正丁基锂引发剂用量对聚合粘度的影响规律,发现S/B越大,聚合粘度越小,S/B越小,聚合粘度越大;

29、At this point, it is the prerogative of the meeting-in-charge or the initiator to ensure an objective discussion. ─── 这时,负责会议的一方或者会议发起人要行使其权利,确保进行客观的讨论。

30、The use and development trends of initiator in demostic were introduced. The selection of initator and influnce on the quality of resin were discussed. ─── 介绍了目前国内外引发剂的使用及开发方向,并对引发剂的选择及其对树脂质量的影响进行了讨论。

31、After the establishment of a session, the initiator asks to start a channel for the particular profile or set of profiles it wishes to use. ─── 会话建立后,发起者为它希望使用的特殊配置文件或配置文件集请求启动一个通道。

32、Ask a potenti employ to introduc you to your futur co-work either on the initi or secondari interview. ─── 初次面试或再次面试中请雇佣者给你介绍一下未来的同事。

33、In a regular meeting, our initiator said, if someone issued a report in the PLA newspaper, he would get a Three-Class Merit. ─── 在一次例会上,教导员宣布,如果谁能够在解放军报上刊登一篇报道,就给谁一个三等功。

34、The graft copolymerizatio of butyl acrylat(BA)oto chloropree ru- bber(CR) in ethyl acetate was carried out by using di(2-ethyl hexyl)pe- roxy dicarbonate(EHP)as an initiator. ─── 以二-(2-乙基己酯)过氧二碳酸酯(EHP)为引发剂,在乙酸乙酯中进行氯丁橡胶(CR)与丙烯酸丁酯(BA)的接枝共聚反应。

35、The authors found that while more initiator were used in the preparation of the resin, the lower is the yellowing tendency of the modified paint. ─── 其结果是使用引发剂的量越高,最终改性树脂的不饱和程度就越低,配制的白漆泛黄速率也就越小。

36、According to a lot of Chinese, IBM was the first initiator of SOA here. So the company has brought a lot of thought leadership to China traditionally. ─── 很多中国人认为,IBM是"服务导向架构"理念的鼻祖。因此,人们广泛认为,IBM给中国带来了许多能推动改革的新思想。

37、L is the initiator of liquid peroxide cyclohexanone, they are cold polyester resin Curing the initiator. Features: no crystallization of winter produce. ─── 引发剂L是液态过氧化环已酮,它们是聚酯树脂冷固化成型的引发剂。特点:冬天不会有结晶体产生。

38、It has been found that initiator,plasticizer,stabilizer,crosslinking agent and composition of blends influence significantly the crosslinking reaction. ─── 发现引发剂、交联剂、稳定剂和增塑剂等对共混物中的交联反应均有较大的影响。

39、However,using THEIC initiator,the reaction rate for epichlorohydrin is faster than that of propylene oxide and 2-butoxyxirane,respectively. ─── 在THEIC体系,就链引发而言,环氧氯丙烷的大于环氧丙烷、丁基醚环氧乙烷。

40、As the initiator and participator of "rupture", his novel has demonstrated right away self characteristic as "fracture" at the beginning of his creation. ─── 作为“断裂”活动的发起人和参与者,从一开始,他的小说就显示出了自己的特色。

41、During the study of crosslinking modification, copolymerization PP was modified by peroxide initiator and multifunctional assistant crosslinker. ─── 在交联改性的研究中,采用过氧化物引发剂和多官能团助交联剂对共聚pp进行交联改性。

42、If target service is in the mirrored database, the initiator service must have a mirrored route back to the target. ─── 如果目标服务位于镜像数据库中,则发起方服务必须具有返回目标的镜像路由。

43、Focus on the effect of the concentration of DBSA and initiator (APS) on the conductivity and solubility of the doped polyaniline. ─── 探讨DBSA和引发剂用量对掺杂聚苯胺电导率及其溶解性的影响。

44、G.E.Moore has been the initiator of modern western meta-ethics (analytical ethics), his ethical thoughts have two-layer properties. ─── 摘要G.E.摩尔作为现代西方元伦理学(分析伦理学)的开创者,其伦理思想共有两重性。

45、Under ultrasonic polyacrylic acid was synthesized with ammonium persulfate as initiator. ─── 以过硫酸铵为引发剂,在超声波辅助下引发丙烯酸单体聚合。

46、The influence of dosage of monomer,emulsifier,initiator,and molecular weight modifier to the property of glueing agent was researched. ─── 为此,研究单体、乳化剂、引发剂和分子量调节剂用量对台板胶性能的影响。

47、A response is returned to the initiator indicating successful receipt and secure storage of the information. ─── 将已成功接收并全安储存资讯的讯息,回应给起始的发送系统知道。

48、In the process of translational action, the initiator decides the communicative purpose. ─── 在翻译过程中,由翻译行为的发起者决定译文的交际目的。

49、The initiator tallies returned tickets and determines that file is the authentic copy of the document. ─── 发起者根据各选区的非重复选票确定文件的真实性。

50、As a initiator of adaptive immunity, DCs play an important role in inducing the immune responses. ─── 作为机体免疫应答的始动者,DCs在免疫应答的诱导中具有独特的地位。

51、Comedian Zhao Benshan, the project initiator, will team up with his disciples for the inaugural show. ─── 发起人喜剧演员赵本山将带领他的徒弟们出任表演秀。

52、The NaOH/glycerol solution act as a initiator for the random rearra-ngement of the fatty acids among the glycerides of palm oil. ─── 在此方法中,采用氢氧化钠/甘油溶液作为脂肪酸随机重组的引发剂。

53、Aim: Being the initiator of film and television conforming and popularizing concepts. ─── 宗旨:做影视整合推广概念的倡导者。

54、VC-HEMA copolymer and VC-IBVE-HEMA terpolymer was synthesized by emulsion polymerization, using K_2S_2O_8 (KPS) as initiator and sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) as emulsifier. ─── 以十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为乳化剂,过硫酸钾(KPS)为引发剂,进行VC-HEMA、VC-IBVE-HIEMA乳液共聚。

55、A stable emulsion could be prepared by graft copolymerization of starch gelatinized and oxidized with styrene in presence of initiator. ─── 在引发剂引发下,经糊化氧化处理后的淀粉和苯乙烯接枝共聚可制得稳定的乳液。

56、Effects on initiator,reaction temperature,reaction time,monomer content and trackifing resin on adhesive properties are investigated. ─── 探讨了引发剂用量、反应温度、反应时间、增粘树脂对胶液性能的影响。

57、The queue specified for the initiator service receives messages returned by the target service and messages created by Service Broker for this conversation. ─── 为发起方服务指定的队列将接收由目标服务返回的消息,以及Service Broker为此会话创建的消息。

58、A method for impregnating wood as claimed in claim 15, wherein said curing is in the presence of a polymerization initiator. ─── 一种方法为浸渍木材所宣称的那样,在索赔15,其中,固化是在出席会议的一位聚合引发剂。

59、The initiator mainly influences the coagulum content and reaction rate. ─── 引发剂主要影响反应速率和凝胶率;

60、The CREATE CONTRACT statement fails when the contract does not contain at least one message type that is SENT BY ANY or SENT BY INITIATOR. ─── 如果约定未包含至少一个SENT BY ANY或SENT BY INITIATOR消息类型,CREATE CONTRACT语句将失败。

61、They also return a Group-Reply to the request initiator with a certain probability. ─── 他們也把一個組答覆返回給請求開創者用某種可能性。

62、The Luther gold is a main initiator who cancels the racial segregation. ─── 卢瑟金子是一位取消种族隔离的主要创始人。

63、XIAP is a potent suppressor of apoptotic cell death. The BIR domain of XIAP binds directly to certain initiator and effector caspases,thus blocks the mitochondria death pathway. ─── XIAP通过杆状病毒IAP重复序列(BIR)直接与起始以及效应caspases结合,抑制了细胞凋亡的线粒体途径,也可以通过NF-kB途径抑制细胞表面受体介导的凋亡。

64、He is an initiator of Beijing opera reform. ─── 他是京剧改革的倡导者。

65、With Tracy as the initiator, it may not be a problem at all. ─── 当麦迪作为一个策划者的时候,这或许根本就不是个问题。

66、The maleation of ABS by using a single screw extruder and dicumyl peroxide as initiator was studied. ─── 以过氧化二异丙苯为引发剂,采用单螺杆挤出方法实现了ABS树脂接枝马来酸酐。

67、A developing perforator pressure-enhanced with light gas contains three parts,such as initiator,gun body and inflator for filling light gas. ─── 所研制的充轻质气增效射孔器由火工部分、枪身部分和充轻质气部分组成。

68、For dialog security, the initiator of the dialog must trust the target, and must be able to verify the identity of the target. ─── 对于对话安全模式,对话的发起方必须信任目标方,并且必须能够验证目标的身份。

69、High instrisic viscosity copolymer of AM-DMC is sythesised by macromer initiator PAA/(NH4)2S2O8. ─── 利用丙烯酰胺和二甲基二烯丙基氯化胺共聚制得阳离子聚电解质。

70、Some processing condition such as consumption of monomer, initiator, meutralization degree and polymerizing temperature were explored. ─── 对单体用量、发剂用量、和度、应温度等工艺条件进行了优化研究。

71、The Points of Light Foundation, initiator of the program, believes that the memorial will help promote the spirit of volunteerism among visitors who walk along the pathway. ─── 发起这项计画的美国光明基金会相信,这个纪念物将有助于提升走过这条义工之路的游客内心的义工精神。

72、After that, the target sends the status to the initiator. ─── 在这之后,目标将状态发送给启动程序。

73、Receiver For Bluetooth, the device that receives a communications request from an initiator. ─── 接收者:蓝牙应用中,接受发起者发出的通讯请求的设备。

74、For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users' responses. ─── 对于口碑媒体而言,这些营销人员扮演着诱发用户回应的角色。

75、The initiator of the company as well as the board chairman and general manager is Qiu Yu. ─── 莱美药业的创始人便是该公司现在的董事长兼总经理邱宇。

76、For simple scenarios where both the initiator and the target for the conversation exist in the same SQL Server instance, no additional routes are necessary. ─── 对于会话的发起方和目标在同一SQL Server实例中的简单情况而言,无需其他路由。

77、All conversations in a conversation group must have the service specified in the FROM clause as either the initiator or the target of the conversation. ─── 会话组中的所有会话都必须有FROM子句中指定的服务作为会话的发起方或目标。

78、Chinese-foreign cooperative education initiator shall timely and fully contribute educational funds pursuant to the cooperation agreement. ─── 中外合作办学者应当按照合作协议按时、足额投入办学资金。

79、So by two Laoban, be equivalent to initiator, new affiliation company also wants to protect from.. ─── 原来两届的老班底,相当于发起人,新加入的企业也想保护自...

80、When the network needs to control the congestion, the signal will be delivered to the receiver at the fast speed, and was brought to the initiator by the acknowledgement frame. ─── 当网络需要预防拥塞发生时,标记将以最快的速度到达接收端,并且被确认帧带回到发送端。

81、Any device within range that will respond to paging from an initiator device. ─── 在允许范围内的蓝牙设备,可以响应寻呼信息,并且建立连接。

82、"On the night we opened, around 800 people came to see our work," initiator of the museum project, Mathias Koehler told reporters. ─── 博物馆改造工程发起人玛西亚斯?科赫勒在接受记者采访时说:“博物馆开放当晚,约有800人前来参观。”

83、For dialog security, the initiator of the dialog must trust the target, and must be able to verify the identity of the target. ─── 对于对话安全模式,对话的发起方必须信任目标方,并且必须能够验证目标的身份。

84、A series of initiator systems have been selected in order to realize the stable polymerization of acrylates in inverse or bicontinuous microemulsions. ─── 在选择丙烯酸酯反相及双连续相微乳液聚合引发体系的基础上,对透明聚合产物的微观结构进行了分析比较。

85、Nietzsche is not only the initiator of modern western philosophy but the initiator of modern bourgeois individualism. ─── 尼采不仅是现代西方哲学开创者,而且也是现代资产阶级个人主义的开创者。

86、Relative preference assigned to each tunnel when more than one set of tunneling attributes is returned to the tunnel initiator. ─── 当多个隧道传输属性组返回到隧道初始化程序时相对引用赋值给每个隧道。

87、If initiator service is in the mirrored database, the target service must have a mirrored route back to initiator to deliver acknowledgements and replies. ─── 如果发起方服务位于镜像数据库中,则目标服务必须具有返回发起方的镜像路由,以传递确认和应答。

88、For internal projects,the project initiator or sponsor provides the statement of work based on business needs,product,or service requirements. ─── 对于内部项目,项目发起人或赞助人根据经营需要、产品或服务要求提供一份工作说明书。

89、Clarifying: Asking questions to make sure that the listener understands exactly what the initiator of the communication is trying to point out. ─── 提问:厘清问题,不断提出问题,以寻求真正了解对方为目标。

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