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09-17 投稿


hazarding 发音

英:[?h?z?d??]  美:[?h?z?rd??]

英:  美:

hazarding 中文意思翻译




hazarding 反义词

safety |security

hazarding 同义词

wager | pretend | jeopardize | deathtrap | propose | dare |risk | run a risk | shot | bet | chance | luck | peril | exposure | threat | possibility | menace | take a chance | endanger | put forward | suggest | danger | take chances | jeopardy | stake | gamble | proffer | endangerment | guess | venture | adventure | fortune

hazarding 词性/词形变化,hazarding变形

动词过去分词: hazarded |动词过去式: hazarded |动词第三人称单数: hazards |动词现在分词: hazarding |

hazarding 相似词语短语

1、adwarding ─── 广告

2、hoarding ─── n.[贸易]囤积;贮藏;临时围墙;v.贮藏(hoard的ing形式)

3、placarding ─── n.危险告示;v.张贴布告;公布;悬挂(placard的ing形式)

4、abording ─── 寄宿

5、awarding ─── n.颁奖(award的现在时,动名词形式);获奖情况

6、bearding ─── n.交合线;嵌接线;[船]船舷填角楔;v.使长胡须,公开反对(beard的现在分词)

7、barding ─── n.坐骑用盔甲;纹章的或铠甲式的马饰;v.在…上覆盖熏肉片;给战马装上铠甲(bard的ing形式);n.(Barding)人名;(德、瑞典)巴尔丁

8、Harding ─── n.哈丁(姓氏);哈丁(美国前总统)

9、boarding ─── n.(做墙的)木板,板材;(学生)寄膳宿,寄宿制;上船,登机,上车;(冰球)背后冲撞犯规;v.用木板遮住;收费为……供膳(board的现在分词)

hazarding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He put his life in hazard to save me. ─── 他为了救我而使生命遭受危险。

2、To guard against this hazard, officials enforced elaborate fire precautions. ─── 为防止这种危险,官员们采取各种细致的防火措施。

3、Rock climbers are hazarding their lives. ─── 岩石上的攀登者在冒生命的危险。

4、The coolant helps to keep down dust and reduce the fire hazard. ─── 冷却剂有功于降尘并减少火情。

5、Smoking is a hazard to health. ─── 吸烟对健康有危害。

6、Runing the hazard is the friend of accidents. ─── 冒险是事故之友!

7、An ex-colleague said: "If you wanted a job doing, Hazard would do it badly. ─── 他的一个前同事说:“如果你想做一件事,‘冒失鬼’总能把它办得最糟。

8、He made up his mind to run the hazard of being arrested. ─── 他下决心冒被捕的危险。

9、Noise is less dangerous than, say being brought up in an orphanage- which really is a mental health hazard. ─── 噪音的危险性,比方说吧,比在孤儿院抚育成长要小一些,而孤儿院才确实是精神健康的危害。

10、Improper Dress Code is a Hazard to You! ─── 不适当的衣着,只会使您受到伤害!

11、What is Hazard? / what is Risk? ─── 什么是危险?/ 什么是风险?

12、"Low hazard Zhongnanhai" series have featu res of fashion and health. ─── “低危害中南海”系列特色是时尚、健康。

13、But risk must be taken because the greatest hazard is life is to risk noting. ─── 但是,我们必须去经历风险,因为生活中最大的危险是不冒着任何危险。

14、As to the author of the book,I will hazard a guess. ─── 关于这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。

15、Beccause the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. ─── 因为生活中最大的危险,就是不冒任何风险.

16、Asymmetry information will cause adverse selection and moral hazard, at last, it will lead invalidation of market. ─── 信息不对称的存在会引起逆向选择和道德风险的问题,最终导致市场失效。

17、Smoking is a serious health hazard . ─── 吸烟严重危及健康.

18、Although confronting hazard, they still adhere to complete the experiment. ─── 尽管有风险,他们还是坚持把实验做完。

19、But landfills still pose a widespread pollution hazard. ─── 但是,垃圾掩埋仍然面临着普遍的污染危害。

20、Workers did not look at the hazard of the task. ─── 工人没有意识到工作的危险性。

21、Some people claim the problem of moral hazard is exaggerated. ─── 一些人声称,道德风险的问题有些言过其实。

22、Ground collapse is a common geological hazard in shallow buried karst area. ─── 地面塌陷是浅埋岩溶区常见的一种地质灾害。

23、He had a life full of hazard. ─── 他一生充满了冒险。

24、An All Risks policy is to cover every sort of hazard. ─── 一份投保一切险的保单保各种风险。

25、Balloon ascents overcome this hazard with ease. ─── 升空的气球能轻而易举地克服这一困难。

26、After easily cut potatoes of black, a regular phenomenon, not a hazard. ─── 土豆切开后容易氧化变黑,属于常现象,不会造成危害。

27、He climbed into the car at the hazard of his life. ─── 他冒着生命危险进了汽车。

28、One of the most formidable enemies hazarding human health is tumour, the incidence of which rises sharply year after year. ─── 肿瘤是人类健康大敌,其发病率也在逐年上升。

29、An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard,doesn't it? ─── 一份综合险保单保所有的险,是吗?

30、With no more definite purpose than to escape the hazard of originating any other kind of action. ─── 他们再也没有什么明确的打算,只想回避一切能引起其他活动的危险。

31、A hazard is the potential for harm. ─── 对损伤而言,危害是潜在的。

32、Any servicing or repairs must be conducted by a qualified service centre to avoid any possible hazard. ─── 为防意外,须由专业技术人员负责维修或服务。

33、The answer he gave at hazard turned out to be correct. ─── 他胡乱做出的答案竟然是对的。

34、Would you like to hazard a guess? ─── 你想猜猜看吗?

35、But both authors wrote books on the subject without hazarding a guess at a usable definition. ─── 但两位作者围绕这一主题写了书,却都不敢冒险给出有用的定义。

36、Excellent staable are from Ac square wave, avoid high frequency hazard. ─── 交流方波自稳弧性能优异,免除高频危害。

37、Counterfeit bearings are cheaper price, have great potential hazard. ─── 假冒轴承价格是便宜,却有极大的潜在危险。

38、Can be congenital heart disease cured? Can you constitute hazard to life? ─── 先天性心脏病能治愈吗?会不会对生命构成危险?

39、He had put his own life in hazard . ─── 他是在拿自己的生命来冒险。

40、Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook. ─── 不要冒败坏你名声的危险去支持那个坏蛋。

41、To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. ─── 为防止发生火灾或触电伤害的危险,请勿让本机受雨淋或受潮。

42、Health hazard: This material has strong stimulation to eyes, skin, and mucosa and has poisonousness to take it. ─── 健康危害:本品对眼睛、皮肤、粘膜有强烈刺激作用,误服可引起中毒。

43、The guard guards the guarantee in the garden regardless of the hazard. ─── 卫兵不顾危险看守着花园里的抵押品。

44、The emergency plan of accident rescuing is a emergency plan for hazard sources. ─── 事故应急救援预案是针对危险源而制定的一项应急反应计划。

45、Multinomial factors should be considered in the stability analysis and hazard prediction of seismic loess slopes. ─── 在地震黄土斜坡稳定性分析和灾害预测中,必须考虑多项影响因子。

46、Potential dehydration is the greatest hazard that a land animal often faces. ─── 原文的意思应该是:可能出现的脱水是陆上动物经常要面临的一个最大危险。

47、"We have monitored in the area and there is no hazard to health," she said. ─── “我们已经监测了这个地区,对健康没有损害。”她说道。

48、But inherent in this approach is considerable moral hazard. ─── 不过此举可能会产生道德风险。

49、But both authors wrote books on the subject without hazarding a guess at a usable definition. ─── 但两位作者都起了这个书名又都不肯冒险给出个有用的定义。

50、The reason and hazard of its overloading are analyzed. ─── 分析了超装的原因及超装的危害,并提出了相应的对策。

51、Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess. ─── 你知道世界上有多少种月季花?你大胆猜一下。

52、Switch on hazard warning lights. ─── 亮起危险警告灯。

53、Eye strain is an occupational hazard if you work in front of a computer. ─── 如果你坐在计算机前工作,眼睛疲劳将是个职业伤害。

54、Nowadays it is clear that a sensible blance between latent hazard and obvious benefit has not always been struck. ─── 如今很清楚,潜在的危害与明显的利益之间有意识的平衡并不常常被想到。

55、Warning labels at the point of hazard? ─── 在产品危险部位标示警告事项?

56、My master glanced towards the passage, and signed me to fetch the men: he had no intention of hazarding a personal encounter. ─── 我的主人向过道望了一眼,暗示我叫人来——他可没有冒险作单打的企图。

57、Rock climbers are hazarding their lives. ─── 岩石上的攀登者在冒生命的危险.

58、Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives. ─── 人用生命去冒险。

59、A land hazard or bunker on a golf course ; a sand trap. ─── 乔治正和一个女孩子恋爱。我昨晚看到他们紧紧靠着坐在一座高尔夫球场的草皮上。

60、Extreme winter cold is the main hazard in this area. ─── 冬季极端低温是本区主要的危险。

61、hazarding human health is tumour, the incidence of which rises sharply year after year. ─── 肿瘤是人类健康大敌,其发病率也在逐年上升。

62、Hazard properties: Non-inflammable, emits poisonous gas by high temperature. ─── 危险特性:本身不能燃烧。受高热分解放出有毒的气体。

63、For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard. ─── 对于职业足球运动员来说,受伤是职业本身带来的危险。

64、Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treament. ─── 优化是程序员的职业病,反馈都是假的.

65、Unlike incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescents can pose a health hazard. ─── 不同于白炽灯泡的是,省电日光灯泡可能危害健康,

66、At present, cults have become a public hazard in the world, said Liu. ─── 在回答中外记者提问时,刘京说,邪教已成为当今世界的公害。

67、Smoking is a serious health hazard. ─── 吸烟严重危及健康。

68、Drinking alcohol is a health hazard. ─── 喝酒对健康有害。

69、Hazard awareness is key to preventing accidents beforehand. ─── 危险意识是预先防止事故的关键。

70、Is the health hazard from cell phones real? ─── 使用手机对健康有害吗?

71、Hazard Time added to Deathmatch. ─── 向死亡模式中加入了冒险时间。

72、F1 drivers are hazarding their lives. ─── F1赛车的司机们在冒生命的危险。

73、An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard, doesn't it? ─── 一份综合险保单保所有的险,是吗?

74、But both authors wrote books on the subject without hazarding a guess at a usable definition. ─── 但两位作者围绕这一主题写了书,却都不敢冒险给出有用的定义。

75、Another means of achieving food safety is through the promotion of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)-based food safety plan. ─── 另一个确保食物安全的方法,是推广以“食物安全重点控制”系统为基础的食物安全计划。

76、But an All Risk policy covers every sort of hazard, doesn't it? ─── 一份综合保险单保所有的险,是不是啊?

77、We also made the hazard zoing. ─── 可得出可靠的灾害危险性分区。

78、His whole fortune was on the hazard. ─── 他的全部家当都岌岌可危了。

79、Surface conditions will always be a hazard in quantitative work. ─── 地表条件在定量测定中也是个困难。

80、It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour. ─── 它引发了道德风险:即这样一个表露无遗的安全网助长了冒险行为的发生。

81、As a teenager, he joined the Army, where he earned his nickname Hazard. ─── 他在十多岁时参军,就在那时得了个外号“冒失鬼”。

82、The Hazard warning line may replace the normal lane line near a hazard. ─── 在接近危险的地方,可能有危险警告代替正常的行车界。

83、As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. ─── 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。

84、The auditor needs to determine that the hazard analysis is being conducted with the necessary rigour. ─── 审核员需确定危害分析是否在严格程序下实施的。

85、Is there a conceivable hazard? ─── 存在可能的危害?

86、But risk must be taken,because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. ─── 但是你必须冒险,因为生命中最大的危险,就是不冒任何险。

87、Secondhand smoke is a big health hazard. ─── 吸二手烟对健康的危害很大。







choking hazard窒息危险hazard[英][?h?z?d][美][?h?z?rd]vt.冒险; 使遭受危险; n.危险; 冒险的事; 机会; 双骰子游戏; 第三人称单数:hazards过去分词:hazarded复数:hazards现在进行时:hazarding过去式:hazarded易混淆单词:Hazard

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