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09-18 投稿


intortion 中文意思翻译



intortion 相似词语短语

1、intonation ─── n.声调,语调;语音的抑扬

2、intortions ─── 语调

3、distortion ─── n.变形;[物]失真;扭曲;曲解

4、extortion ─── n.勒索;敲诈;强夺;被勒索的财物

5、contortion ─── n.(脸部或躯体)扭弯,扭歪;扭曲的动作(或姿势);困难,周折

6、insertion ─── n.插入;嵌入;插入物

7、intorsions ─── n.曲折;内旋,内扭转

8、detortion ─── n.反捩转

9、intorsion ─── n.曲折;内旋,内扭转

intortion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、intort horn ─── 向内弯的角

2、Keywords Spine;Intervertebral disc;Intortion;Ultimate strength;Biomechanics; ─── 关键词脊柱;颈椎间盘;扭转载荷;极限强度;生物力学;

3、Intortion loads were applied on so that the effects of 2 postures (neutral trunk, flexed) and 2 loading conditions (dehydrated, hydrated) could be examined. ─── 模拟颈脊柱两种姿势(中立位和屈蓝位)和两种预负荷状态(高度水化和脱水状态),施以扭转载荷,测量颈椎间盘的极限扭转强度。

4、Under the hydrated conditions, specimens had a lower ultimate intortion strength (Pneutral trunk posture than in flexed posture; ─── 脱水状态下,颈脊柱中立位时颈椎间盘极限扭转强度高于屈曲位时(P<0.01)。

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