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09-19 投稿


preceptress 发音

英:[[pr?'septr?s]]  美:[[pr?'septr?s]]

英:  美:

preceptress 中文意思翻译



preceptress 相似词语短语

1、preceptories ─── n.圣殿骑士团的地方支部;圣殿骑士地方分团的产业

2、preceptresses ─── n.女教师;女导师;女校长

3、precentrices ─── 进阶

4、precentress ─── 优先

5、prestress ─── v.给……预加应力;给(混凝土构件)装上有预应力的加固丝;n.预应力;预加应力的过程;预先拉伸

6、prepress ─── n.印前;[木]预压机

7、precepts ─── n.戒律;格言;训令(precept的复数形式)

8、precentresses ─── 进阶

9、preceptors ─── n.校长;教师;指导医师

preceptress 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9 see joke: Have a preceptress that is in charge of seriously, often pay total energy to care a student, education is very responsible also, obtain the love and esteem of students so. ─── 9看笑话: 有一位认真负责的女教师,常付出全部精力来关心学生,教学也十分尽责,所以获得学生们的爱戴。

2、9 see joke: Preceptress says angrily to Sa sand: "I want to become 3 days really your mom, certainly of good you good certainly!Certainly of good you good certainly!! ─── 9看笑话: 女教师生气地对萨沙说:“我真想当三天你的妈妈,把你好好管教管教!”

3、Preceptress pulls the central station in Brazil to be written for generation of associate with passenger more epistolary, earn scanty income. ─── 女教师多拉在巴西的中心车站为过往乘客代写书信,赚取一点微薄的收入。

4、Preceptress is then red face, crouch shoulder, in the look of the smile of numerous passenger, ground of be ashamed blushing steps down a car. ─── 于是女教师红著脸,缩著肩,在众乘客的微笑的目光中,羞赧地走下车去。

5、brief this impossible love story accomplished this to be made classically between preceptress of this one family and male host. ─── 简这一家庭女教师和男主人之间本不可能的爱情故事成就了这一经典之作。

6、A day, when this preceptress builds fair car to come home with a few students, still do not forget to show loving care for a student on board, chat with the student ceaselessly. ─── 一天,这女教师和一些学生搭公车回家时,在车上还不忘关怀学生,不断地和学生聊天。

pre sense是什么?

"Pre sense" 是一个英文短语,直译为中文是“预感”。它通常指的是对未来事件或情况的直觉或预知,有时候这种预感可能不是基于逻辑或证据,而是基于直觉、第六感或其他非理性因素。





requisite 是必要的,定局非要不可的;

pre-requisite 的意思就是即将成熟的定局,预备会形成主力条件;

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