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09-19 投稿


illumed 发音


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illumed 中文意思翻译




illumed 词性/词形变化,illumed变形

动词第三人称单数: illumes |动词现在分词: illuming |动词过去分词: illumed |动词过去式: illumed |

illumed 相似词语短语

1、illumined ─── v.照明,点亮;启发(illumine的过去式和过去分词)

2、illumes ─── vt.照明;点亮;启发

3、ill-used ─── 滥用

4、-plumed ─── adj.有羽毛的;羽毛状的;用羽毛装饰的;v.用羽毛装饰;华丽地打扮(plume的过去式和过去分词)

5、-lumed ─── 卢梅德

6、illuded ─── v.(诗/文)欺骗,诓骗;置……于幻觉中

7、unillumed ─── 未润滑

8、reillumed ─── 雷鲁梅德

9、illume ─── vt.照明;点亮;启发

illumed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Crystal, pearl, the adornment of gem, bring a kind of more costly and delicate impression to the person, illumed the popular trend with this one new season. ─── 水晶,珍珠,珠宝的装饰,给人带来一种更加奢华精致的印象,点亮了这一季新的流行趋势。

2、If the success inside 10 minutes invites other user to enter an activity, icon will be illumed, get at the same time " Coke Cola torch is online transfer an activity " QQ cutaneous access. ─── 如果10分钟内成功邀请其他用户参加活动,图标将被点亮,同时获取“可口可乐火炬在线传递活动”QQ皮肤的使用权。

3、Through comparing the experiment results in different illumed condition, the results have proved that the accuracy reached the request of practicality. ─── 通过对其在不同环境照度下的实验测试,证明指针识别的准确率达到了实用化的要求。

4、Although medium industry gets economic situation the impact is not big, but the slight change of a few position such as network editor still illumed the signal lamp of partial market demand. ─── 传媒行业虽然受经济形势影响不大,但网络编辑等一些职位的细微变化还是点亮了部分市场需求的信号灯。

5、Bright red, pink is green, light yellow, weak violet, these color that are popular on popular this year dress, also one by one illumed kitchen originally depressing tonal. ─── 大红、粉绿、鹅黄、淡紫,这些在今年流行服饰上大行其道的颜色,也逐一点亮了厨房原本沉闷的色调。

6、room was poorly illumed by only one candle. ─── 孤单单一只蜡烛把房间照得半明不暗的。

7、If the success inside 10 minutes invites other user to enter an activity, icon will be illumed, get at the same time "Coke Cola torch is online transfer an activity" QQ cutaneous access. ─── 如果10分钟内成功邀请其他用户参加活动,图标将被点亮,同时获取“可口可乐火炬在线传递活动”QQ皮肤的使用权。

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