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09-18 投稿


intussusception 发音


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intussusception 中文意思翻译



intussusception 短语词组

1、ileocecal intussusception ─── [医] 回肠盲肠套迭

2、double-barrelled intussusception ─── [医] 双筒状套迭

3、descending intussusception ─── [医] 下行性套迭

4、intussusception growth ─── 内填生长

5、jejunogastric intussusception ─── [医] 空肠胃套迭

6、ileal intussusception ─── [医] 回肠套迭

7、multiple intussusception ─── [医] 多数性套迭

8、agonic intussusception ─── [医] 濒死肠套迭

9、gastric intussusception ─── [医] 胃套迭

10、chronic intussusception ─── [医] 慢性肠套迭

11、retrograde intussusception ─── [医] 逆行性套迭

12、enteric intussusception ─── [医] 小肠套迭

13、postmortem intussusception ─── [医] 濒死肠套迭

14、colic intussusception ─── [医] 结肠套迭

15、ileocolic intussusception ─── [医] 回肠结肠套迭

16、ascending intussusception ─── [医] 上行性套迭

17、double intussusception ─── [医] 双重套迭

18、progressive intussusception ─── [医] 进行性套迭

intussusception 词性/词形变化,intussusception变形

形容词: intussusceptive |动词第三人称单数: intussuscepts |动词现在分词: intussuscepting |动词过去分词: intussuscepted |动词过去式: intussuscepted |

intussusception 相似词语短语

1、intussusceptions ─── n.[内科]肠套叠;摄取,吸收

2、intussuscepting ─── vt.摄取

3、insusceptive ─── 不怀疑的

4、intussuscept ─── vt.摄取

5、intussuscepted ─── vt.摄取

6、introsusception ─── 内向性

7、intussuscepts ─── vt.摄取

8、intussusceptive ─── 肠套叠

9、interception ─── n.拦截,截住;截断,截取;侦听,窃听

intussusception 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods: The manifestation, type, diagnosis and treatment of 18 adult patients with intussusception were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾分析18例成人肠套叠的临床表现、套叠类型、诊断以及治疗方法。

2、We reviewed past articles reporting intussusception in adults and other similar cases available to increase our understanding. ─── 在影像检查中,确认此种具有相当特异性表徵有助于影像诊断及决定治疗方针。

3、Analysis of Improve the Success Rate of Air Enema Reduction of Infant Intussusception and Decrease Complications ─── 提高小儿肠套叠空气灌肠整复成功率及预防并发症

4、ileocolic intussusception ─── [医] 回肠结肠套迭

5、The first three primary diseases that caused ROOC were intra-mucosal intussusception of the rectum (11 cases,33.33% ),rectocele(10 cases,30.3%),and descent of perineum(5 cases,15.15%). ─── 原发病出现率排在前三位的分别是直肠黏膜脱垂伴套叠11例(33.33%),直肠前突10例(30.3%),会阴下降5例(15.15%)。

6、colic intussusception ─── [医] 结肠套迭

7、It noted that the possibility of an age-dependent risk of intussusception should be taken into account in assessing rotavirus vaccines. ─── GACVS指出,在评估轮状病毒疫苗时,应考虑可能出现的肠套叠年龄相关性风险。

8、Some Problems and Measures of Acute Intestinal Intussusception in Young Children ─── 小儿急性肠套叠治疗中的几个问题及措施

9、The anomaly element combination is Au-Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn, anomaly element intussusception are good and the tertiary density gradient of elements shows well. ─── 在水系沉积物测量异常查证中,发现了吉拉土壤地球化学异常。

10、(5) intestinal obstruction or intussusception; ─── (5)肠梗阻或肠套叠;

11、Method:Children intestinal intussusception reductor is made of self made blood pressure measurer and Foley's wrothrol cathter,acquiring reduction by pushing intussusception out. ─── 方法 :采用自制血压表和foley尿管组成的小儿肠套叠复位器 ,应用气体在肠腔内的压力及气体的推动原理 ,将肠套叠部位推出 ,达到肠套叠复位的目的。

12、Small bowel series revealed obstruction at jejunum and intussusception was highly suspected. ─── 小肠钡剂摄影显示,在空肠处有阻塞之现象,同时并怀疑有肠套叠;

13、intussusception growth ─── 填充生长

14、Betting the intussusception problem could be overcome, two vaccine makers renewed their interest in rotavirus. ─── 有两家疫苗制造厂确信肠套叠的问题可以克服,于是重拾对轮状病毒疫苗的兴趣。

15、multiple intussusception ─── [医] 多数性套迭

16、We describe a man with intestinal lipomatosis in association with repeated episodes of intussusception. ─── 摘要在我们的病例报告中,患者为50岁男性,腹部断层扫瞄显示疑为肠套叠。

17、double intussusception ─── [医] 双重套迭

18、ileocecal intussusception ─── 回肠盲肠套叠

19、At laparotomy, ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp was found. ─── 剖腹探杳发现长段回肠-回肠-结肠型肠套叠,且肠套叠内层中有回肠肿瘤。

20、Small bowel intussusception may require resection. ─── 小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。

21、Sigmoidorectal intussusception ─── 乙状结肠直肠套叠

22、enteric intussusception ─── 小肠套叠

23、The key to treat intussusception is diagnosis and treatment in the early period. ─── 因此,早期诊断、早期治疗是治疗该病的关键。

24、Internal complete rectal prolapse with intussusception of rectosigmoid ─── 完全性直肠内脱垂伴直肠乙状结肠套叠

25、This is intussusception of the small intestine. ─── 图示:小肠肠套叠。

26、Because the clinical manifestation is different from that of acute intussusception, the diagnosis is usually delayed or missed.Ultrasonography is of diagnostic value. ─── 慢性肠套叠的临床表现与一般常见的急性肠疉有所不同,因而很容易延误诊断。

27、Role of color doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis and reduction of intussusception in 52 pediatric patients ─── 彩色多普勒超声诊断及引导复位治疗小儿肠套叠52例

28、Objective To explore a simple non-invasive manipulative treatment of children with intussusception of the experience. ─── 目的探讨单纯手法整复无创治疗小儿肠套叠的体会。

29、Therapy realization of intussusception and hydrostatic reposition with surveillance of ultrasound ─── 彩超诊断小儿肠套叠并超声监视下水压灌肠复位治疗体会

30、Objective:To study the feature of CDFI children's intussusception. ─── 目的:探讨小儿肠套叠的CDFI声像图特征。

31、With the suspicion of submucosal jejunal lipoma inducing jejunojejunal intussusception, the patient underwent segmental jejunal resection through laparoscopic surgery. ─── 在疑似空肠黏膜下脂肪瘤引起肠套叠,病人接受腹腔镜切除手术。

32、It is often caused by the recurrent intussusception complications such as intestinal obstruction and removed segments. ─── 常因反复发作的肠套叠,肠梗阻等并发症而切除肠段。

33、Analysis of the air enema reduction of infant intussusception ─── 婴幼儿肠套叠空气整复未成功的分析及提高成功率的探讨

34、Analysis of improving the success rate of air enema reduction of infant intussusception and decrease complications ─── 提高小儿肠套叠空气灌肠整复成功率及预防并发症的探讨

35、In cases of intussusception, submucosal hemorrhage is thought to serve as a leading edge of the intussusceptum. ─── 在肠套叠的病例中,粘膜下出血被认为是引起套入部边缘侧移的主要原因。

36、Color Ultrasound Diagnosis and Monitoring Hydraulic Pressure Enema Treatment in Children with Acute Intussusception ─── 彩超诊断和监视水压灌肠治疗小儿急性肠套叠的应用

37、Causes of the failure of air enema in the treatment of intussusception in infants ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠整复失败原因分析

38、Study of feasibility of color Doppler flow imaging in detecting air enema applied to infantile intussusception ─── 彩色多普勒检测小儿肠套叠空气整复可行性的研究

39、progressive intussusception ─── [医] 进行性套迭

40、The Remedy for Child Intussusception with Traditional Electric Controlling Enema Taxis Instrument and Compute Remote Controlling Enema Taxis Instrument ─── 传统电控灌肠整复仪与电脑遥控灌肠整复仪对小儿肠套叠的治疗

41、gastric intussusception ─── [医] 胃套迭

42、Most cases of adult intussusception are the result of an underlying medical condition. ─── 大部分成人肠套叠的病例是由基础疾病导致的。

43、Moreover, the vaccinated children showed no more cases of intussusception than did nonvaccinated children. ─── 再者,接种疫苗者的肠套叠病例,并不比未接种疫苗者来得高。

44、At laparotomy, the intussusception was already reduced, but a large cecal tumor was found. ─── 手术中发现肠套叠已经复位,但在盲肠有一个相当大的肿瘤。

45、Methods:Analyzing CDFI of 218 cases of intussusception caused by various reasons. ─── 方法:分析经临床证实的218例各种原因引起的肠套叠CDFI表现。

46、We report a case of neonatal ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp in a female neonate. ─── 我们提报一位26天大女婴因迴肠息肉而导致回肠-回肠-结肠型肠套叠。

47、Reduction of intussusception of large intestine ─── 大肠套叠复位术

48、B-mode ultrasonography-guided saline enema in the treatment of pediatric intussusception: a report of 60 cases ─── B超监视下生理盐水灌肠治疗小儿肠套叠60例

49、As of October 15, 1999, 113 cases of intussusception had been received. ─── 99年10月15日,收到113起肠叠套事件的汇报。

50、The Investigation of Reductive Opportunity and the Summarization of Operation of Air Injection in Children with Intussusception ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠的整复时机探讨与操作体会

51、Intraperitoneal Injection of Lipopolysaccharide Induces Intussusception in Mice ─── 内毒素腹腔内注射诱发小鼠肠套叠的实验研究

52、Adult intussusception ─── 成人肠套叠

53、Conclusion Air enema is an efficient and safe therapeutic tool for intussusception in the pediatric population. ─── 结论气灌肠复位对于小儿肠套叠治疗安全,有效。

54、The Diagnose and Therapy of Acute Infants Intussusception by Air Enema Aid Abdomen Press under X-ray(analysis 158 cases) ─── X线透视下空气灌肠辅以腹外按压诊治小儿急性肠套叠(附158例分析)

55、Study on method of air enema in the reduction of refractory intussusception in children ─── 小儿难复性肠套叠空气灌肠复位的方法探讨

56、Intussusception The incorporation of cellulose molecules into the existing cell wall, giving an increase in wall area. ─── 侵入生长:是生活细胞的细胞壁中纤维素分子组合使得细胞壁增厚的过程。

57、The Clinical analyse of Infantile acute Intussusception and Intercurrent Diarrhea in 45 Patients ─── 小儿腹泻并发肠套叠45例临床分析

58、ascending intussusception ─── [医] 上行性套迭

59、Causes Account for the Failure of Air Enema in the Reduction of Intussusception in Children ─── 小儿肠套叠空气整复失败原因探讨

60、Researchers continued to study the link between vaccination and intussusception. ─── 于是,研究人员继续探究疫苗接种与肠套叠的关系。

61、The X-ray Findings and Experience of Air Enema Reduction in Pediatric Intussusception Analysis of 50 Cases ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠X线诊断与复位50例分析

62、Establish specific imaging signs of different type IO, raise the rate of early correctly diagnosis of severity type ileus such as volvulus,entocele, intussusception. ─── 3.建立不同类型肠梗阻的特异性影像学征象,提高严重肠梗阻类型如肠扭转、肠内疝及肠套叠早期正确诊断率。

63、Conclusion: The curability of accurate air pressure enema reduction was risen.Key words: Intussusception;Air; ─── 如何提高空气灌肠整复率,防治并发症肠穿孔是一个值得探讨的问题。

64、Exploratory laparotomy showed ileo-ileal intussusception with gangrenous change. ─── 手术发现均为廻肠-廻肠型肠套叠合并坏疽。

65、Objective: To investigate the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of adult intussusception. ─── 摘要目的:探讨成人肠套叠的发病机制及诊断和治疗方法。

66、descending intussusception ─── [医] 下行性套迭

67、Reduction of intussusception by laparotomy ─── 剖腹肠套叠复位术

68、If 150 lives could be saved for each complication from intussusception, might the risk be justified? ─── 如果有150条生命得到挽救,却有一人因肠套叠并发症而死,这样的风险是否能让人接受?

69、chronic intussusception ─── 慢性肠套叠

70、Reduction of intussusception of small intestine ─── 小肠套叠复位术

71、Materials and Methods:Over the past 10 years,there were 212 cases of intussusception confirmed by air pressure enema. ─── 材料与方法:搜集10年经气压灌肠证实的肠套叠患儿212例,其中手术患儿术前均摄有腹部平片。

72、Technique of Diagnosis and Therapy of Puppy Intussusception ─── 幼犬肠套叠诊治

73、ileal intussusception ─── [医] 回肠套迭

74、Objective To improve the accuracy rate of intussusception in adult with multi-slice helical CT (MSCT). ─── 摘要目的探讨如何提高多排螺旋CT诊断成人肠套叠的准确率。

75、jejunogastric intussusception ─── [医] 空肠胃套迭

76、double-barrelled intussusception ─── [医] 双筒状套迭

77、With intussusception, volvulus, obstruction without Pi, Pi is being blocked intestine. ─── 患有肠套叠、肠扭转、肠梗阻无屁,是因为屁被肠子堵住。

78、Methods Post-prandial plasma somatostatin concentrations were measured with radioimmu noassay in 41 patients with intussusception, 12 patients with intestinal obstruction and 60 normal controls. ─── 方法采用放射免疫测定法,测定41例原发性肠套叠患儿血浆生长抑素含量值,并与60例正常儿和12例肠梗阻患儿进行比较。

79、Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of children intussusception. ─── 目的:探讨小儿肠套叠的诊断和治疗。

80、Acute intussusception ─── 急性肠套叠

81、Materials and Mtehods:The authors analyzed the X-ray images data of 41 cases with infantile intussusception. ─── 材料与方法:作者分析了经X线诊断和治疗的41例小儿肠套叠患的X线表现。

82、Neonatal intussusception is an uncommon disease. ─── 摘要新生儿肠套叠是一种罕见的疾病。

83、We report the case of a patient with ileocolic intussusception caused by cecal lymphangioma. ─── 我们报告了一个盲肠淋巴管瘤诱发成人肠套叠发生的案例。

84、In cases of intussusception, submucosal hemorrhage is thought to serve as a leading edge of the intussusceptum. ─── 在肠套叠的病例中,粘膜下出血被认为是引起套入部边缘侧移的主要原因。

85、A four-month-old female baby was diagnosed to have an unreduced intussusception after a barium enema. ─── 摘要一位四个月大的女婴被诊断为肠套叠,因观察钡剂复位仅呈部份成功,而接受开腹探查手术。

86、Research into influence factors on pediatric intussusception reduction by air enema ─── 小儿肠套叠空气灌肠复位影响因素探讨

87、A case with intestinal intussusception as the first symptom of anaphylactic purpura complicated with acute pancreatitis ─── 以肠套叠为首发症状的过敏性紫癜合并急性胰腺炎一例

88、Child intussusception ─── 小儿肠套叠

89、Diagnosis and Reduction Infants Intussusception by Air Enema ─── 婴幼儿肠套叠气压灌肠的诊断与整复

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