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indoctrination 发音


英:  美:

indoctrination 中文意思翻译



indoctrination 词性/词形变化,indoctrination变形

动词第三人称单数: indoctrinates |动词现在分词: indoctrinating |动词过去式: indoctrinated |名词: indoctrina-tion |动词过去分词: indoctrinated |

indoctrination 短语词组

1、indoctrination education ─── 灌输教育

2、Pilot Indoctrination Programme ─── 试点灌输方案

3、indoctrination of ─── 灌输

4、indoctrination centre ─── [法] 教养所

5、indoctrination through labour ─── [法] 劳动教养

indoctrination 相似词语短语

1、indetermination ─── n.不确定;无法断定

2、inco-ordination ─── n.不协调;不同等;不配合

3、indoctrinator ─── 灌输者;教导者

4、indoctrinate ─── vt.灌输;教导

5、indoctrinating ─── vt.灌输;教导

6、doctrinarian ─── 教条主义者

7、incardination ─── n.入籍;归属

8、indoctrinates ─── vt.灌输;教导

9、indoctrinated ─── v.向(某人)强行灌输(信仰或学说);教导(某人)(indoctrinate的过去式及过去分词)

indoctrination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Every week hundreds of students and teachers are abducted from classrooms for indoctrination. ─── 在尼泊尔,每周都有上百名学生和老师从教室里被劫走,再接受马克思主义的灌输。

2、The intensity of their training and Nazi ideological indoctrination made these men self-confident to the point of arrogance. ─── 他们受到了闪电战胜利的刺激,带领武装党卫队投入到了更加激烈的战斗。

3、The corollary to this is the idea that with appropriate education, indoctrination, social conditioning or what have you, people can be made to behave in almost any way imaginable. ─── 对此进行推论就是,以适当的教育、灌输、社会条件作用以及你所能拥有的条件,便可把人塑造成几乎可按任何可想象到的方式行事。

4、Unfortunately, if science educators follow the NAS’s approach, science education will become science indoctrination. ─── 不幸的是,如果科学教育者跟随NAS的脚步,科学教育就会变成科学教条的教育。

5、5.The mechanics of this indoctrination are familiar to everyone-the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, the Salute to the Flag. ─── 宣誓,唱国歌,向国旗敬礼,人们早对程序化的爱国主义思想教育了熟于心。

6、Calling television as a powerful medium, in both economic and social benefits to find a balance between, play indoctrination and correct two major media guide function. ─── 呼唤电视作为一种强势媒介,应在经济效益和社会效益两者中间找到平衡点,担当起教化和正确引导这两大媒介功能。

7、The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students. ─── 全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。

8、Precisely Understanding the Theory of Indoctrination and Acceptation in the Courses of "Marxism and Ideological Political Education" ─── 正确认识"两课"教学中的灌输论与接受论

9、Key British suspects travel back to Pakistan for training and indoctrination. ─── 英国的重要嫌疑犯旅行回到巴基斯坦进行训练和教育。

10、the crucial distinction between education and indoctrination(A.Bartlett Giamatti)See Synonyms at difference ─── 教育和灌输学说的根本不同之处(A.巴特利特·贾马泰伊)参见

11、But a humanist camp is less about indoctrination than reassurance that it is all right not to be religious; ─── 但是,一个人文夏令营并未灌输什么而是在此告诉人们不相信宗教没什么大不了;

12、“These men had just unloaded from the boat in Antwerp a few hours earlier,” Cooper said, “They had received no previous indoctrination on what they were to do. ─── “这些人几个小时前刚从安特卫普下船,”库珀说,“对于要来干什么,他们根本未受到事先训导。”

13、Still, there has been no letup in the incessant indoctrination that teaches people to blame their problems not on their rulers but on the U.S., Japan and South Korea. ─── 但灌输百姓,让他们相信,他们所遇到的问题是美国、日本和韩国,而不是本国领导人造成的,这从来没有停止过。

14、Aviation Indoctrination Program ─── 航空教育训练纲要

15、indoctrination through labour ─── [法] 劳动教养

16、The System of Indoctrination through Labor: Reform and Consummation ─── 试论劳动教养制度的改革与完善

17、Or maybe it's just the result of a long, slow process of indoctrination. ─── 或者这只是经过长期缓慢的文化灌输之后的结果。

18、in charge of political indoctrination. ─── 负责政治教导

19、Wittgenstein opposes the indoctrination of the religion, criticizing Paul, church and religious rites. ─── 维特根斯坦反对宗教的教导,对保罗、教堂、宗教仪式进行了批判。

20、Indoctrination in Education: From Question, Criticism to Denial--The Great Changing in West of the 20th Century ─── 灌输式教育:从怀疑、批判到否定--20世纪西方教育的最大变化

21、Some defenders of the AAUP's position say indoctrination is not really indoctrination if the student can object to a professor's classroom advocacy without fear of reprisal. ─── 一些维护全美大学教授联合会者立场的人说,如果学生不怕报复能够反对教授的课堂宣传,教条灌输并非真的教条灌输。

22、In this process, people criticized the negative part of indoctrination, at the same time they also utilized it for some right aims. ─── 在这一过程中,人们在批判灌输的消极作用的同时,也利用它为某些目的服务。

23、The most obvious explanation for this is the education system, which can accurately be described as indoctrination. ─── 对这种现象最明显的解释自然是教育制度,更准确地说就是一种灌输。

24、the crucial distinction between education and indoctrination(bA.Bartlett Giamatti)See Synonyms at bdifference ─── 教育和灌输学说的根本不同之处(ba.巴特利特 贾马泰伊)参见

25、Klatooinian youngsters are afforded few rights, and the early years of a Klatooinian's life is marked by hard work, ceaseless indoctrination and minimal freedom. ─── 克拉图因年轻人权利很小,他们在早年都要做苦工,接受无休止的思想灌输,自由被限制到最低程度。

26、Before recruits were marched off to their camps, they should be collected at the district seat for one or two days of political indoctrination. ─── 在新兵出发到军营前,他们将被集中到管理区所在地进行为期一天或两天的政治教育。

27、Subjected to intensive forced indoctrination resulting in the rejection of old beliefs and acceptance of new ones. ─── 受到强有力的教化以抛弃旧有的信仰而接受新的信仰。

28、The final ingredient of SS training was ideological indoctrination to ensure that recruits were fully prepared to be foot soldiers in the coming war for racial supremacy against the untermenschen. ─── 党卫队训练的最后部分是教导理念,以此确保新兵成为步兵后在将来的战斗中和那些劣等民族作战时处于至高无上的地位。

29、indoctrination through labor ─── 劳动教养

30、Fleet Indoctrination Program ─── 舰队教学大纲

31、The humane environment refers to the indoctrination of the brief that god is the most powerful in the old times in China. ─── 古代中国“人文”本义乃是以天道信仰为背景的礼仪教化,其重心所在并非“人”,而是礼仪之“文”。

32、natural indoctrination ─── 自然灌输

33、propaganda and indoctrination ─── 宣传引导

34、Flying Line Indoctrination ─── 熟记飞行路线

35、aeromedical indoctrination ─── 航空医学训练

36、forcible indoctrination into a new set of attitudes and beliefs. ─── 强制性的灌输某种信仰和学说。

37、On the problem of debate between indoctrination and self- education ─── 浅谈对灌输和自我教育的争论问题

38、The theory of indoctrination ─── 灌输论

39、Reconnaissance Indoctrination Program ─── 侦察教练计划

40、Period of adult children do not need the kind of "indoctrination" , but the conditions need to prepare their children to absorb. ─── 儿童时期不需要成人的那种“灌输”,而是需要条件准备,儿童会自己吸收。

41、The relationship between Indoctrination and education is a significant issue in the education research. ─── 摘要灌输与教育的关系问题是教育研究中的重要问题。

42、To counteract or try to counteract the effect of an indoctrination, especially a religious or cult indoctrination. ─── 反思想侵蚀:抵消(或尽力抵消)思想灌输(尤其指宗教或教派的思想灌输)

43、Confucianism and build civil society to bridge the wide social indoctrination. ─── 儒学通往民间社会的桥梁,实现社会的普及教化。

44、moral education without indoctrination ─── 无灌输道德教育

45、Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. ─── 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。

46、forcible indoctrination into a new set of attitudes and beliefs ─── 强制性的灌输某种信仰和学说

47、The theme of spiritual shackles of the previous political and ideological indoctrination and the rebels. ─── 这个主题是对以往政治意识形态说教和精神枷锁的反叛。

48、indoctrination theory ─── 灌输理论

49、The position of former Soviet bloc countries reflects decades of indoctrination in atheism as well as their recent economic troubles. ─── 前苏联国家则反映出数十年来所灌输的无神论,以及近年的经济困境。

50、tens of thousands of people marched in Caracas, the capital, in protest at a new education law that they say will lead to political indoctrination and at recent arrests of opposition activists. ─── 上千人在委内瑞拉的首都加拉加斯游行,他们反对政治教化的新教育法律,要求释放最近被逮捕的反对积极分子。

51、indoctrination centre ─── 教养所

52、They do not see it in its suchness because their indoctrination is crooked and twisted. Discipline must conform to the nature of things in their suchness. ─── 一个人所受的教导既是偏颇与歪曲,自是无法明确地辨别何者为是。是故,传授须与事物之本质相合方可。

53、These activities were not simply an extension of traditional agricultural celebrations for the changing of the seasons, nor were they containable within official indoctrination. ─── 从方志中可以看到至明末清初民间信仰的庙会节庆种类繁多,而且活动更加频繁,空间上分布更加普遍化。

54、So it was with education in mind -- education with a whiff of indoctrination -- that I wanted them to see a woman give birth. ─── 所以这是一种心理教育——点滴教化——我想要她们目睹一个女人生产的景象。

55、When they go abroad, they often come back more nationalistic, suggesting that the problem may not lie just with the “indoctrination” of the Chinese educational system. ─── 当他们出国回来之后,往往变得更爱国,这暗示了爱国未必是中国教育体系“教化”的结果。

56、Like many successful Russian businessmen, Ivan, who is in his 50s, had a scientific training, which meant he was not too exposed to Soviet indoctrination. ─── 伊凡在他50多岁时,像其他许多成功的俄罗斯商人一样,接受过系统性的教育。这意味着他没有接受过多苏联是的教条化的影响。

57、According to the article in the previous classroom teaching, teachers have been a "spoon-fed" "indoctrination style" of classroom teaching. ─── 文章认为在以往的课堂教学中,教师一直在采用“填鸭式”“灌输式”的课堂教学模式。

58、Fifth Air Force Standardization and Indoctrination School ─── 美国第五航空队标准化与训练学校

59、Intensive,forcible indoctrination,usually political or religious,aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs. ─── 洗脑集中的强制的灌输,通常是政治上的或宗教上的,目的在于摧毁一个人的最基本的信仰和态度,以另一套固定信仰取而代之。

60、Exploration on Hearing-Asking System in Indoctrination through Labor ─── 劳动教养聆询制度探讨

61、indoctrination education ─── 灌输教育

62、moral education indoctrination ─── 德育灌输

63、This indoctrination of patriotism is coming a bit too early, I thought. I looked at my daughter and tried to hide my unease. ─── 我自忖道,这爱国主义思想的灌输来得也太早了。我看着女儿,努力掩藏自己的不安。

64、the study of indoctrination ─── 文治

65、Special Air Warfare Indoctrination Course ─── 特种空战教程

66、Scientific knowledge indoctrination is dominant in the education of China, which makes a serious separation between science and humanities. ─── 摘要科学与人文发生严重分离,科学知识的灌输一直是我国教育的主导。

67、The reform of Chinese education rethink the course in the educators in west denies the indoctrination, and accomplishes the real change. ─── 中国教育改革应当从西方教育家否定灌输式教育的历史过程中进行反思,实现真正的转变。

68、The west witnessed progressively religious indoctrination, progressive education moment which was against indoctrination and then regression to indoctrination. ─── 在西方德育实践中经历了宗教式灌输、进步主义教育反对灌输和灌输的再回复;

69、But the biblical narratives cannot meet all of the tests for folklore since they do not circulate in oral tradition, and they are sustained by formal indoctrination. ─── 但是圣经故事不完全符合民俗的所有要素,因为它们并非口头流传,而是记载在正规的教义中。

70、Fleet Indoctrination Site ─── 舰队教练场

71、I think the reason is many years of indoctrination and obedience has led to a propensity to acquiesce to others expectations. ─── 我认为原因是多年的灌输和服从导致了一种倾向,以默许他人的期望。

72、Secondly, base on the full inspection on the meaning of indoctrination, it can be asserted that indoctrination is a metaphor rather than a pedagogy term. ─── 其次,在对“灌输”的语义予以充分考察的基础上,断定“灌输”并非教育学术语,而是一个教育隐喻,并深入解析灌输隐喻的理论品质和缺陷;

73、These standards are combined with work experience and quality standards, and by the Director of the training and indoctrination in person. ─── 这些标准均是结合工作经验及公司的质量标准而定,并由车间主任亲自培训及灌输。

74、Her attitude saddened me, but I did not pick a fight, letting it go instead, It is not reaally possible to expunge the years of indoctrination and bigotry Beijing has fad the people since 1989. ─── 这是不可能抹去这么多年的洗脑以及北京政.府从1989年来的固执。


76、political/religious indoctrination ─── 政治思想/宗教教义的灌输

77、Logistics Indoctrination Course ─── 后勤讲授科目

78、Do not become a victim of indoctrination education. ─── 不要成为灌输教育的牺牲品。

79、"the crucial distinction between education and indoctrination" (A. Bartlett Giamatti) ─── “教育和灌输学说的根本不同之处”(A.巴特利特·贾马泰伊)。

80、Politically he had been thoroughly indoctrinated, but once taken prisoner that indoctrination would tend to crack. ─── 他们曾经接受过十分彻底的政治灌输,但是一旦被俘之后这种教化的效果将不再坚定。

81、Why, because "the people" is brewing "indoctrination" of the soil expert. ─── 为什么,因为“群众”就是酝酿“灌输”行家的土壤。

82、The paper attempt to animadvert on those issues of indoctrination with the framework and standard of Scheffler, which had been used to analyze the educational statements. ─── 论文尝试采用谢弗勒分析教育陈述的框架和标准,对灌输言论进行系统的批判。

83、An Indoctrination of Pyilosophy of Education: Viewpoints from Western Scholars ─── 灌输的教育哲学分析:西方学者的观点及其启示

84、the indoctrination paradigm ─── 转化范式

85、What seems crucial in the debate about it, however, is not whether indoctrination passes this criterion but whether its use is desirable and morally unobjectionable. ─── 然而,关于这一问题的辩论关键不在于,教导是否传递了他的标准,而是教导的进行是否是毫无异议地想要的和道德的。

86、Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs. ─── 洗脑集中的强制的灌输,通常是政治上的或宗教上的,目的在于摧毁一个人的最基本的信仰和态度,以另一套固定信仰取而代之

87、Indoctrination: a necessary way of moral education ─── 灌输:必不可少的道德教育方法

88、"indoctrination theory" ─── “灌输论”

89、In the militia, from which recruits were conscripted, the men had received training and indoctrination for an extended period before the commencement of their active regular service. ─── 民团中,新兵被征募,在他们加入正规军前,这些人员长期接收训练和教化。

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