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09-19 投稿


haggler 发音


英:  美:

haggler 中文意思翻译



haggler 词性/词形变化,haggler变形

动词现在分词: haggling |动词过去式: haggled |动词第三人称单数: haggles |名词: haggler |动词过去分词: haggled |

haggler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then what might your meaning be in calling me "Sir John" these different times,when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield,the haggler? ─── 在呼唤我“爵士”的不同的时代,我坦白地对杰克说造反,(有关的)争论,那怎么可能是您的意思?

2、the haggler knows when to return to check the price of something they already bought. ─── 砍家就知道什么时候去查证他们已购物品的价格。

3、A good haggler knows when to walk away empty-handed. ─── 砍价好手清楚什么时候空手而归。

4、"Now, sir, begging your pardon; then what your mean be in calling me, "SirJohn." when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield, the haggler?" ─── “喂,对不起,先生。您称呼我是‘约翰爵士’是什么意思啊?可我杰克?德贝菲尔不过是一个平平常常的人,一个小贩而已。”

5、good haggler knows when to walk away empty-handed. ─── 砍价好手清楚什么时候空手而归。

6、He was a foot-haggler now, having been obliged to sell his second horse, and he travelled with his basket on his arm. ─── 自从他把他的第二匹马卖了以后,他就是一个步行的小贩了,做买卖时都把篮子挽在自己的胳膊上。

7、By knowing the store policy, the haggler knows when to return to check the price of something they already bought. ─── 弄清减价规律,砍家就知道什么时候去查证他们已购物品的价格。

8、A bold haggler will always ask if something they want is going to be further reduced in the near future. ─── 大胆的砍家通常都会问他们想要的物品在近期内会不会降价。

9、'I don't quite like my children going away from home, ' said the haggler. 'As the head of the family, the rest ought to come to me. ' ─── “我可不太喜欢我的孩子们离开家,”做小买卖的丈夫说,“我作为一个家族的大房,别人应该到我这儿来。”

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