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09-18 投稿


inspirator 发音

英:[??nsp??re?t?r]  美:[??nsp??re?t?(r)]

英:  美:

inspirator 中文意思翻译



inspirator 短语词组

1、liquefied petroleum gas inspirator ─── [机] 液化石油气体喷射器

inspirator 相似词语短语

1、inspirators ─── n.激励者;呼吸器;注射器

2、aspirator ─── n.[医]抽吸器,[医]吸引器;吸气器

3、instigator ─── n.煽动者;教唆者

4、conspirator ─── n.阴谋者;反叛者;同谋者

5、inspiratory ─── adj.吸入的;吸气的

6、inspiriter ─── 激励者

7、inspissator ─── n.蒸浓器;浓缩器

8、respirator ─── n.口罩;[医]呼吸器;防毒面具

9、inspiration ─── n.灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计

inspirator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A translator h imself should not only have the knowledge as a scholar,but also have the inspir ation as a writer. ─── 翻译者需具有学者的学识和作家的灵气;

2、May aii nights inspir love always. ─── 漫漫长夜时时刻刻感到爱。

3、Thank for be an inspir teacher. ─── 谢谢您的启发老师.

4、Integral piercing blanking bending forming die for baffle of inspirator ─── 呼吸器挡板冲孔落料压弯一次成形模

5、liquefied petroleum gas inspirator ─── [机] 液化石油气体喷射器

6、Keywords baffle of inspirator;technique;forming die; ─── 呼吸器挡板;工艺;成形模;

7、Each of them is composed of high frequency amplifier, intermediate frequency amplifier and sampling, digital phase uprightness intersector, DDS and the S band signal inspirator for the transmitter. ─── 的每个通道都由高频放大器、中频放大、中频采样、数字正交器组成,另外还有DDS信号产生和频率激励源用来形成雷达发射机所需的S波段脉冲调制激励信号。

8、compressed - air inspirator ─── 压缩空气吸入器

9、Inspir bravery. ─── 互相鼓励。

10、external inspirator ─── 外激励

11、The technique character of the baffle of inspirator was introduced.A feasible process plan was determined and the integral piercing blanking bending forming die was designed. ─── 介绍了呼吸器挡板零件工艺特点,确定了合理的工艺方案,设计1副落料、冲孔、压弯三道工序一次成形的模具。

12、my great honour to attend the speech of the world famous inspirator John Coutis. And the topic is"Never say no to yourself". ─── 我听了世界著名激励大师约翰库缇斯主题为“别对自己说不可能”的演讲。

13、Integral piercing blanking bending forming die for baffle of inspirator ─── 呼吸器挡板冲孔落料压弯一次成形模

14、inspirator reserv volum ─── (abbr.IRV)吸气储备量

15、baffle of inspirator ─── 呼吸器挡板

16、You're a good inspirator, hope you can influence more and more people to change the world to be a better place. ─── 好像你对这个世界有充满的希望,而我好像对整个世界失去了兴趣.

17、Result:Poor management of newborn first breath may induce inspiration of amniotic fluid and even suffocation and inspir... ─── 结果:新生儿第1次呼吸处理不当羊水误吸致新生儿窒息和吸入性肺炎在临床上占的比例较大。

18、The external inspirator is available to drive the resonator to produce traveling wave.Under resonant frequency the distortion of resonator reached a peak. ─── 外激励的驱动方式可以使扁环型谐振管产生有效的行波分量,在谐振频率下,谐振管腔的综合变形量最大。

19、3. The good life is on inspir by love and guid by knowledge. -----Bertrand Russell ─── 美好的生活是一种由爱激励和由知识指导的生活。----罗素

20、inspirator burner ─── 喷射燃烧器

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