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09-18 投稿


indemnifies 发音

英:[?n?demn?fa?z]  美:[?n?demn?fa?z]

英:  美:

indemnifies 中文意思翻译



indemnifies 词性/词形变化,indemnifies变形

动词过去分词: indemnified |名词: indemnifier |动词过去式: indemnified |动词现在分词: indemnifying |动词第三人称单数: indemnifies |

indemnifies 相似词语短语

1、indemnify ─── vt.赔偿;保护;使免于受罚

2、damnifies ─── v.损害;损伤

3、indemnitees ─── n.接受赔偿者;接受保障者

4、unindemnified ─── 未说明

5、indemnifier ─── 赔偿人

6、indemnifying ─── 赔偿;保护;使免于受罚(indemnify的现在分词)

7、indignifies ─── 侮辱

8、indemnities ─── n.赔偿(indemnity的复数);保障

9、indemnified ─── v.保证赔偿;补偿(某人);(使)某人免负法律责任(indemnify的过去式及过去分词)

indemnifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It also indemnifies the author from liability for damages that may arise from the use of the software. ─── 它同时保证作者免责由于使用软件带来的赔偿责任。

2、OINC indemnifies those who submit an application within four months after the area was declared affected. ─── 对于受灾地区宣告后四个月内提出申请的人们,OINC将会提供补偿。

3、Institution also indemnifies the rights and benefits of core resource and its owners and such processes define the essence of institutional transition. ─── 同时保障核心资源及其拥有者的权益,这决定了制度变迁的实质。

4、It is a material damage policy and indemnifies the Policyholder for loss of capital as represented by the tangible assets and it has to be the supplementary contract attached to the main policy. ─── 为“因财产损失所造成的利润损失”及二;为“因机械损坏所造成的利润损失”,此两个保障都必须是“财产险”或“机械损坏险”的附加保险单。

5、11.Company indemnifies Representative and shall hold it harmless for any loss, damages, expenses, claims and demands arising from a failure by Company to perform any part of this agreement. ─── 11,公司作为赔偿代理人,保护其免于因遵行合约受阻时而引起的任何损失,赔偿,损耗,申诉和索赔等。

6、Something that indemnifies;a compensation for loss. ─── 保证金,赔偿物:提供保障的事物;

7、This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness. ─── 这个计划为因生病而失去工薪的工人担保。

8、Indemnifies you for expenses incurred as a result of scoring a hole-in-one at any recognized golf course. ─── 于认可高尔夫球场内创下一棒入洞的佳绩时之免费奖赏。

9、Something that indemnifies; a compensation for loss. ─── 保证金,赔偿物提供保障的事物;对损失的补偿

10、4 The contractor indemnifies the Employer against claims, compensation and costs due to the Contractor infringing a patent or copyright. ─── 4承包商应保障雇主免于承担因承包商侵害专利或版权引起的索赔、补偿和费用。

11、Something that indemnifies; a compensation for loss. ─── 保证金,赔偿物提供保障的事物;对损失的补偿。

12、This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness. ─── 这个计划为因生病而失去工薪的工人担保。

13、1 Each party indemnifies the other against claims, proceedings, compensation and costs due to an event which is at his risk. ─── 1任一当事方应保障对方免于承担因属于自身风险的事件而引起的索赔、诉讼、补偿和费用。

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