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09-17 投稿


intinction 发音

英:[[?n't??k??n]]  美:[[?n't??k??n]]

英:  美:

intinction 中文意思翻译



intinction 相似词语短语

1、extinction ─── n.灭绝;消失;消灭;废止

2、indistinction ─── n.无差别;不清楚;难辨认;不确定

3、distinctions ─── n.差别;区别;对比(distinction的复数形式)

4、inunction ─── n.涂擦;涂油;软膏

5、distinction ─── n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章

6、intonation ─── n.声调,语调;语音的抑扬

7、intimation ─── n.暗示;告知;讽示

8、intention ─── n.意图;目的;意向;愈合

9、injunction ─── n.[管理]禁令;命令;劝告

intinction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread in communion wine rather tan sharing the chalice. ─── 一些教堂也开始允许“面包蘸酒”,即在圣餐酒中蘸面包,而不再共用圣餐杯。

2、Some churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread incommunion wine rather than sharing the chalice, while others have stopped offering wine altogether, the newspaper said。 ─── 报纸上说,有的教堂已经开始允许用面包蘸圣餐酒,不再共用圣餐杯,而其他一些教堂则完全停止供应集体圣餐酒了。

3、Some churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread in communion wine rather than sharing the chalice, while others have stopped offering wine altogether, the newspaper said. ─── 报纸上说,有的教堂已经开始允许用面包蘸圣餐酒,不再共用圣餐杯,而其他一些教堂则完全停止供应集体圣餐酒了。

4、Communion will be served by intinction, that is, dipping the break into either the red wine or the white grape juice.The ushers will direct you to one of the four stations. ─── 分给几位执事,然后众人排队到执事处领取一小片面包,在红酒或白葡萄汁里蘸一下吃掉。

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