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09-19 投稿


innovationist 中文意思翻译



innovationist 相似词语短语

1、inflationist ─── n.通货膨胀论者;adj.主张或支持通货膨胀政策的

2、innovations ─── n.创新(innovation的复数);改革

3、inspirationist ─── n.灵感论者

4、isolationist ─── n.孤立主义者;adj.孤立主义的;孤立主义者的

5、innovativeness ─── n.创新性,创新精神

6、innovation ─── n.创新,革新;新方法

7、annexationist ─── 兼并主义者

8、innovational ─── adj.革新的;富有革新精神的

9、convocationist ─── 护航员

innovationist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Barbon Nicholas focused his attention on the characteristics of the entrepreneur as an innovationist. ─── 则强调企业家作为革新者的特征。

2、Sun Sun Glass Engineering was established at 1983. We are the innovationist of residential and commercial glass engineering. ─── 此外我们设有门市销售点,无论零售玻璃块或各式工程,方便客户直接光临选购。

3、The second was the conflict and struggle within the innovationist group. ─── 二是变法派内部的矛盾斗争;

4、the world"s most eminent innovationist begin from himself. ─── 30世界上最杰出的改革家,都是从自己开始做起的。

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